The Van Riper Genealogy of Montvale and Woodcliff Lake area

The Van Riper Genealogy of Montvale and Woodcliff Lake area,  Bergen County, New Jersey

By Howard I. Durie

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On the 16th of April, 1663, there embarked in Holland on the ship
“De.Bonte Koe” (The Spotted Cow), in command of Captain Jan Bergen, two
passengers from “Rijpen” (Rypen), namely Juriaen Tomassen and Jan
Laurens, bound for New Netherland. Besides these two young individuals,
there were nearly 100 other passengers, men, women and children, from
various, places in Holland and elsewhere, among them ,David DeMaire.
(Demarest),and his. family from Picardy. The ship probably arrived in
America early in June.

The origina debit account of “Emigrants to New Netherland, 1654-
1664″ comprising those passengers who were indebted to the Dutch West
India Company for their fares,was recorded in the New York-Colonial-Manu-
scripts, Vol.14, pages 83 & c., formerly on file in the New York State
Library at Albany, During the taking of a recent intensive inventory of
the Colonial Manuscripts, this record was not found. A list of the
passengers, however, on each voyage during this period (1554-1664), vas
published by the Holland Society of New York in its Yearbook for 1902.

Probably the earliest publication to give a genealogical account of
the Van Riper family, vas “History of the County of Hudson” by Charles H«
Winfield in 1874. This only extended certain branches which remained in
that county. Winfield’s study of the family claimed that Juriaen.
Tornassen originated from “Ripen” an ancient city in North Jutland, Den-
mark, of which he writes;
This mame,with itspresent multitudinous orthography,
Page 2
is derived from che Latin ripa, and was the name of a city on-
the north bank of the river Nibbs, sometimes called Nipsick, or
Gram. North Jutland (so called to distinguish it from South
Jutland or Schleswig), in Denmark, was divided into four dio-
ceses, the most southwesterly of which, lying along the Gerrnan
Ocean, was called Ripen, This diocese was 142 miles in length
and 57 miles in width, and was part of Cimbrica Chersonesus of
the ancients, where dwelt the warlike Cimbri, who, at onetime,
invaded the Roman Empire.

The city of Ripen, in the diocese of Ripen, is situated in
lat. 55degrees 36 minutes Lon 9degrees 10minutes east.Next to Wiborgh it is
the most ancient town in North Jutland. (1) It once had a com-
modious harbor and profitable commerce; but the one long since
filled up and the other sought different channels. Its cathedral
was imposing, built of hewn stone, with a steeple of great height
which served as a landmark for mariners. In the Swedish war of
1645 the city was captured, but recovered by the Danes soon
after. From this port,-in April, 1663, a vessel named “T’Bonte
Koe,” (‘the Spotted Cow), sailed for New Netherland, with eighty-
nine passengers, consisting of men, women and children. Among
the number was Juriaen Tomassen, a young man of the city of
Ripen. About four years after his arrival he married Pryntje
Hermans, May 25, 1667; died Sept. 12, 1695. Some of his descend-
ants took the name Jurianse – now Yereance and Auryansen – while
others, taking the name of the city from which their ancestor
sailed, became Van Ripen.

(1) Fenning’s Geography, ii., 123. In Winfield’s Land
Titles, the name is written Rypen. It is thus laid down on a
map of Denmark in an old geographical work, published in London
during the reign of Queen Anne, the title page of which, of the
copy I have, is destroyed. I am now satisfied, from the origin’
of the word, that the name should be written Ripen, and it is thus
written in the text and on a map in Fenning. Every other way
of writing it is clearly wrong, though sanctioned by generations.
On a modern map of Denmark the city of Ripen is called Ribe, and is
situated four miles from the North Sea on the Ribe, also called Nips,
River, It is the seat of Ribe county, had a population of 7219 in 1950,
and is about 150 miles south of Copenhagen. One of Denmark’s oldest
towns, it was -first mentioned in 862 and became a bishopric in 948. In
the middle Ages, it was a thriving port, and many half-timbered houses
survive dating from the 16th and 17th centuries, including one that was
a school from 1500 to 1856.

When The Holland Society of New York published “Passengers to New
Netherland 1654 to 1664″ in 1902, certain notations were added giving the
English version of the names of ships, as well as explanations covering
certain locality places. In the case of Juriaen Tomassen ” from Rijpen”
was added; Rypend in Friesland? When William Nelson published “History
of Paterson” in 1902, which contained genealogical accounts of sorne of
the early families from the present Passaic County area, including Van
Riper, he stated at page 153

“The Dutch wrote the name Rypen; in modern Dutch, Rijpen,
indicating, the sound of the long i. It may be noted here that
some early members of the family called themselves indifferently
Van Ripen, and Van de Ripe. The latter name would indicate an
original emigration from a small town in North Holland, called
de Rijp, dating from the year 1400, and now having 2,000 in-
habitants,’with four churches, two harbors and a fine canal.”
Winfield did not give his reason or source for the statement that
Juriaen Tomassen came from Ripen in Deninark, except for the existence at
that time of such a place. As Nelson suggested, it is possible that he
was of Dutch origin and from one of the towns called Rypend or de Rijp.
On a modern map of Holland, a village called De Rijp lies southeast of
the City of Alkmaar. In addition, there are villages called Dronrijp and
Rijperkerk. These are in north Holland, east and west of the City of
Leeuwarden. Rijp and rijpen mean “ripe or mature,” the ij combination
representing the y sound, which letter is not in the Dutch alphabet.
Winfield did err, however, in stating that Juriaen sailed from Denmark.
All the Dutch vessels departed from the principal ports of Holland to
which passengs traveled from their former places of residence. He
was also mistaken in Juriaen’ s wife’s name. It was Reyckje, not Pryntie.


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For lack of any established family name the patronymic system of
identification was then in conmon use throughout northern Europe By
this method and the addition of a suffix indicating relationship to one
father, the Van Riper ancestor was known as Juriaen Tomassen, meaning
Juriaen, son of Thomas. This use carried over into America, for the first
generations until the general confusion over similar names made the
adoption of a standard form essential, especially since the patronymic
changed with each generation, Juriaen Tomassen’s children of the next
generation were known as Juriaensen, a name which some adopted permenently.
According to Nelson’s genealogical notes, the descendants of Juriaen
Tomassen were among the last of the Acquackanonk settlers to adopt a
family surname, “but for a century or more rang the changes on Juriaense,
Thornasse, Aeltse, Gerritse, Jansse, Harmsee, etc,”
Juriaen Tomassen was a young man when he came to America, perhaps
still in his teens, and did not marry until four years later. He did not
join the Dutch Church in New York and soon settled across the Hudson
River at Bergen (Jersey City area), where he found employment and becam
acquainted with his future wife’s family.

On May 8, 1667., the banns of his intended marriage were announced in
the Bergen Church and the ceremony took place there on May 25th, His
wife was Reyckje Harnens born in Voorthuysen, Gelderland, Holland, daugh-
ter of Harmen Coerten and Aertje Gerrits. The Coerten family comprising
father, mother, and five children aged 5, 6, 8, 9 and 17 years, embarked
February 12, 1659, on the ship “The Faith” landing in New Amsterdam later
that year.

Reyckje Harmens, wifeeeee of Juriaen Tomassen, joined the Bergen Church
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on November 3, 1667, and he on March 24, 1673. She and her eldest son
were mentioned in the Last Will and Testament of her uncle, Guert Coerten,
dated February 5, 1671 and filed in Liber 3 of East Jersey Deeds, page 146
Coerten had purchased a number of tracts of land at Bergen in 1668 and
1677, some of which passed by inheritance via his Will-to one branch of
the Tomassen (later Van Riper) family, in whose possession it remained
until after 1900.

On March 28, 1679,Juriaen Tomassen was one of a group of 14 settlers
nearly all from Bergen, who purchased from the Indians a large tract of
land called ” Haquequenunck” (Acquackanonk), confirmed by a Patent from the
Governor and Council on March 15, 1684, recorded in East Jersey Deeds,
Liber A, page 165. In these transactions his name is spelled Urian
Tomasson. Although this tract was to have contained 5520 acres, the
bounds actually described an area twice as large. It included, the greater
part of the later City of Paterson, part of the City of Passaic, and all
of the township of Acquackanonk. The first settlement of the land took
place shortly before the confirmatory patent when some of the patentees
established farms of about 100 acres each, fronting on the Passaic River.
The rest of the tract was mutually divided with the last division made in
1714. Although Juriaen Tomassen did not make his horne on his share, it
was subsequently settled by some of his children.

Juriaen Tomassen died at Bergen and was buried September 12, 1695
in the cemetery of the Bergen Church. He left no recorded estate. His
wife died at a unknown date subsequent to February 10, 1703, when she was
a witness at Acquackanonk to the baptism of a grandson, The fact that her
burial is not recorded at Bergen would indicate that she went to live at
Pge 6
Acquackanonk with one of her children and was buried at that place.

The children of Juriaen Tomassen and Reyckje Harmens vere probably
all born at Bergen. Since the church there was supplied by pastors from
New York and Long Island until after 1700, the ceremonies took place
sometimes in New York as well as Bergen, depending on where the pastor
was preaching and where the event was recorded, They were;

1. Thomas baptized June 10, 1668 at New York, Guert Courten
and Annetje Gerrits, sponsors. Married Jannetje Straetmaker.

2. Gerrit baptized September 27, 1670 at New York, Pieter
Hesselszen and Janneken Etsal, sponsors’ Married Beelitje.
Dircks “Van Oogsten”.

3. Aelt baptized December 21, 1672 at New York. Gerrit Gerritszen
and Gysbertie Hermans, sponsors. Married Gerritje Matheuse.

4. Jan baptized June 2, 1675 at New York .Adriaen Post and
Catharina Michiels, sponsors. Married Neeltje Gerbrantse,

5. Christyntie baptized November 24, 1677 at New York. Jan
Harmenszen and Lysbeth Gerrits, sponsors’ Married Pieter

6. Marritie baptized April 28, 1680 at New York. Claes Arentszen
and Annetie Jacobs, sponsors. Married Claes Garbrantse.

7. Harmen baptized October 21, 1682 at New York, died young.
Gerrit Gerritszen and Neeltie Harmens, sponsors,

8. Aeltje baptized April 2, 1684 at Bergen, Johannis Steynmets
and Aeltje Daniels, sponsorsi. Died unmarried in 1746,

9. Herman baptized December 8, 1686 at New York, Gerrit Gerritszen
and Jacomyntie Menist, sponsors. Married Marrytie Fredericks.

10. Guert baptized October 5 , 1691 at Bergen. Helmigh Roelofse
and Jannetje Pieters, his wife, sponsors.

HERMAN (HARMEN), baptized December 8, 1686 at: New York, son of
Juriaen Tomassen and Reyckje Harmens, was known as Harmen Juriaensen
during his lifetime, sometimes found in different spellings, and signed
his Last Will and Testament ”Harmon Juransen” He inherited a share of
his father’s lands in the Acquackanonk Patent and lived on one of the
homestead tracts bordering the Passaic River, which he purchased on May
Page 7
15, 1722, as mentioned in his will, He was a Deacon and Elder in the
Acquackanonk Church between the years 1715 and 1738. In 1732, he was one
of the Executors of the Will of his Father-in-law, Christopher Steenmets
(Steinmets or Stynmetz). On November 17, 1750, he purchased 505 acres
from Hendrick Vanderlinda, in what: is now Montvale, N J., but then
claimed a part of Orange County, N.Y. , north of where his brother-in-law
Thomas Fredericksen Cadmus had acquired 200 acres in 1744, An abstract
of this Deed, still in possession of descendants, reads;


HENDRICK VAN DERLINDE of Hackin- Dated November 17, 1750
sack; Yeoman. (ARIANTIE VA.N
DERLINDE, his wife, signs and Acknowledged January 11, 1752
acknowledges, but her name is before Abraham Haring
not at head)
Consideration 250 Pounds
HARMAN JURIANSIE of Essex County, Unrecorded

Conveys All that Lott and Land Seatuated and Being at
Wessewas meadow and in the County of Orange and in the Province
of New York and Is Limitted Butted and Bounded as followeth

Beginning’ by a Black Oak on the East Side of a Little Run
of water marked on four Sides from thence Runing North Eighteen
Degrees and a half degree East Fifty Chains upon a Chesnut Stake
with Stones aboute it, thence West Fifty five Chains upon
another Chesnut Stake with Stones aboute it, thence South
Eighteen Degrees and a half Degree West Fifty Fifty Chains
upon another Chesnut Stake with Stones aboute it, thence East
Fifty Five Chains upon the first Station, three hundred and
three Acres and a half Acre, and another Lott Joyning to. the
Same, . .
Beginning by a Chesnut Stake with Stones Round it from
thence Running South Eighteen Degrees and a half west Forty
Eight Chains upon another Chesnut Stake with Stones Round it,
from thence East forty five Chains upon another Chestnutt
Stake with Stones Round it, thence North Eighteen Degrees and
a half Degree East, upon another Stake upon the first Lott,
thence West Forty five Chains, upon the first Station According
as it is now Surveyed Two hundred and one Acre and a half Acre
Yielding and paying therefore unto the said Hendrick Van-
derlinde his heirs and Assigns Nine Pence for ye said Lands on
Page 8
Every Seven Twentieth day of November Yearly And on Every Year
from henceforth and forever hereafter in Lieu and in Stead of
all other Rents, Services and Demands Whatsoever to be paid
unto ye said Hendrick Vanderlinde When it is Demanded..
(map also on Page 8)

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Harmen Juriaensen died at an unknown date leaving a Last Will and
Testament made June 17, 1754, proved May 14, 1756, and filed at Trenton
a copy of which reads:

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this Seventeenth day of June in
the year of Our Lord Anno Doroini One thousand Seven Hundred
and fifty four I, Harme Jurryanse of Achquechenonk in the
County of Essex and Eastern Division of New Jersey yeoman(1)
being aged and infirm of Body but of sound and perfect mind
and memory thanks be given to God therefore and calling to
mind the mortallity of my Body and knowing that it is appointed
unto men once to Die do make and Ordain this my last Will and
Testament (that is to Say)

First and principally I Give and recommend my Soul into
the hands of God that gave it hoping through the alone Merits
of Jesus Christ to have Eternal life and my Body I recommend
to the Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian manner at the
discretion of my Executors hereafter named, nothing doubting
but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the Same again
through the mighty Power of God, and as touching such Worldly
Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life
I Give bequeath and dispose of the same in the following manner
and form.

Imprimis my Will is that all my just Debts and Funeral
Expences be well truly and fully paid and discharged.

Item I Give bequeath and Devise unto my dearly beloved
Wife Judith Jurrianse the full and sole use and Improvement
of all my Real and Personal Estate during the time she shall
remain my Widdow for her comfortable Support in this life as
also fifty seven pounds current lawful money of New York to be
paid out of my Personal Estate unto her by my Executors Six
Months after my decease.

Item I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son Jurrie Van
Rype my great Bible over and above his share and proportion
which shall be hereafter in and by this my last Will and Testa-
ment given him.

Item I Will and Devise that all my Lands or Real and
Personal Estate shall be equally Divided share and share alike
among my thirteen Children Jurrie Van Rype, Frederick Van Rype,
Abraham Van Rype, Johannis Van Rype, Christoffel Van Rype,
Marytie Van Rype, Jacob Van Rype, Isaac Van Rype, Sarah Van
Rype, Gerrit Van Rype, Geurt Van Rype, Thomas Van Rype and
Christina Van Rype that is to say First my Two hundred Acres
of land on which I dwell laying in the bounds of Achquechenonk.
Bounded on the North West side of Pessaick (2) River bounded South
by Madlene Vangiese and on the North side by Claes Vreland
No, 4 as by a Deed baring date the fifteenth day of May Anno
Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Twenty two more fully
may appear, together with the remainder of all my Lands in
which I have right and Title in the Patent of Achquechenonk(3)
(1)yeoman-land owner
(2)-Pessaick River-Passaic River
(3)-Achquechenonk-Aquackanonk-city of Passaic & Clifton.
Page 10
as also all my Lands in the County of Orange in the Colony of
New York specified in a Deed there of baring date the twenty
sixth day of November Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred
and fifty now in the occupation of my Son Frederick.

Item I Will and ordain that my Son Frederick shall be
allowed and paid fifty pounds current money of New York for
the Improvement of the Place on which he now dwells to be paid
at the time of the Division of my Estate hereafter to be

Item I Will and Devise that Whereas my Children Jacob,
Sarah, Gerrit, Court, Thomas and Christyna have not had an
Outset as the rest of my Children that they shall have an
Outset equivalent to that which the rest of my Children have

Item I Will and ordain that if any of my Children aforesaid
should die without any Heir then the Portion of the deceased
to be equally Divided among all my Surviving Children or their
Heirs if any before the Division of my Estate aforesaid should
depart this life.

Item if any of my Children or Grandchildren should be
under age at the time of Division aforesaid then my Executors
shall make a just Division and give every one of the underaged
Children or Grandchildren aforesaid their just and due portion.
Item I Will that the Division of my Real and Personal
Estate shall be made after the disease or Remarriage of my Wife
which first -happens.

Item I do hereby nominate Constitute and appoint my above
named Sons Abraham Van Rype and Jacob Van Rype Executors of this
my last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke disanul and make
void all and any other Will or Wills bequest and bequests hereto-
fore by me made Willed and bequeathed and Executor or Executors
by me heretofore in any wise named ratifying allowing and
holding for firm and Valid this and no other to be my last Will
and Testament.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the
day and year above written.
Signed Sealed published pronounced HARMON JURANSEN (L. S.)
and Declared by the said Harme
Jurryanse to be his last Will and
Testament in the Presence of us,
David Marinus
Johannis Wanshaer
Richard Bradberry
Harmen Juriaense married 1st, June 20, 1709 at Bergen, Marrytie
Fredericks born November 11, 1684, baptized at Bergen, daughter of
Frederick Thomase (Cadmus), and Tryntje Hopper, He married 2nd, about
1720/21, Judith Steinmets born. about 1700, daughter of Christopher-Stein
mets and Sarah Van Nest.

Children of Harmen Juriaense and Marrytie Fredericks (Cadmus), his
first wife, were the following:

1. Jurjaen born September 12, 1710, baptized at Acquackanonk,
Jan Jurjaense and Brisilla Homs, sponsors. Died in 1789 in
Somerset County, N. J. survived by 9 children.

2. Frederick born February 22, 1713, baptized at Acquackanonk,
Guert Juraense and Geertruy Fredericks, sponsors. Married
Annetje Van Vorst.

3. Abraham born January 25, 1716, baptized at Acquackanonk.
Thomas Jurjaense and Jannetje Straet, sponsors. Married
Elizabeth Bradberry.

4. Johannes born July 21, 1718, baptized at Acquackanonk.
Thomas Fredericks and Martje Vreeland, sponsors, married
Hester Stynmets.
Children of Harmen Juriaense and Judith Steinmets, his second wife,
were the following:

5. Christopher born September 6, 1722, baptized at Acquackanonk.
Christopher Steinmets and Sarah Van Nest, sponsors. Married
Metje Brouwer.

6. Marietje born September 14, 1724, baptized at Acquackanonk.
Claes Gerbrantse and Martje Juriaense, sponsors.

7. Jacob born February 8, baptized March 10, 1728 at Acquackanonk.
Jacob Thomasse and Neeltje Gerbrantse, sponsors. Married
Fytje Jacobusse.

8. Isaac born September 30, baptized October 12 , 1729 at Acquacka-
nonk. Peter and Elizabeth Steinmets, sponsors. Married
Catrina Van Rype.

9. Sara born June 30, baptized July 10, 1732 at Acquackanonk.
Jacob Van Noorstrandt and Antje Steinmets, sponsors.

10. Gerrit born November 3, baptized December 8, 1734 at Acquacka-
nonk. Johannes and Maritje Steinmets, sponsors. Married
Fytje Van Winkle.

11. Geurt born about 1737, no baptismal record found.

12. Thomas born about 1740, no baptismal record found. Married
Saertje Van Rype.

13. Christina born about 1743, no baptismal record found.

Page 12

FREDERICK VAN RYPE (VAN RIPER), born February 22, 1713, baptized at
Acquackanonk, son of Harmen Juriaensen and Marrytie Fredericks (Cadmus),
his first wife, married December 2, 1742 at Acquackanonk, Annetje Van
Vorst born October 23 (year worn off in family Bible record and no bap-
tismal record found), daughter of Garret Van Vorst and Sarah Walingse Van
Winkle of New Barbadoes Neck. They lived in the Acquackanonk area,
probably on part of his father’s land, where their first two children
were born for whom no baptismal records have been found. Such records
for the Acquackanonk Church are either blank or sparce for certain years,
especially those between. 1737 and 1746.

Prior to August 3, 1750, when his third son was baptized at Paramus,
Frederick and his family had moved north to the jurisdiction of that
church, where they probably resided as tenants on the land his father
was to purchase from Hendrick Vanderlinda later the same year, and on
which Frederick became the first permanent settler. He established his
home near the location of a large spring located to the north and east of
the intersection of present Chestnut Ridge Road and Summit Avenue.

Whether this location was also the site of a former Vanderlinda tenant
house is not recorded, but possible. During the years to follow, and
prior to June 17, 1754, the date of his father’s Will, Frederick made
considerable improvement to the property to the value of fifty pounds
(about $125), for which he was allowed and paid that amount out of the
estate when it was settled. This amount probably included the cost of a
pennanent homestead, initially small in size but substantially built of
sandstone, for his and future generations. This building was to be en-
larged after the Revolutionary War to better accommodate two families.
A century later it was further remodeled and modernized by others.
Page 13
Besides the building of a permanent homestead, Frederick was soon
confronted with the problem of a questionable title to the land. This had
its origin, in the indefinite location of the patent granted by theProvince
of New York to Samuel Bayard on June 17, 1697; later sold by him, probably
intact, to Hendrick Vanderlinda a short time before 1737. Title within
that province was claimed even though the report of the survey made for
Bayard by the Surveyor General of New York stated that four of the parcel
of land covered “are supposed to be in Jersey Government.” The discrep-
ancy was ignored, nevertheless, and the Governor of New York certified
the grant as lying in Orange County. A long controversy followed between
the Proprietors of East New Jersey (who claimed ownership and jurisdiction
under the grant of Berkeley and Carteret), and Hendrick Vanderlinda who
persisted by virtue of his New York title. At the meeting of the Boar
of Proprietors held October 19, 1754 at Perth Amboy, two leases were
executed to John Smyth “to support the actions against those claiming
under Vanderlinda, to wit, Frederick and Rynier Wortendyke, and Frederick
Van Ripen, who Mr. Ogden is ordered to prosecute.” The lease, based on
the proprietors’ claim, gave Smyth the right to sue for possession in be-
half of the Board. Aside from a subsequent report on March 27, 1755, that
a petition of Hendrick Vanderlinda was read, setting forth his desire of
buying of the Proprietors Some lands, he pretends to have in his posses-
sion in Bergen County,” no further reference is made to this suit, nor
that against Frederick Van Riper. Whatever the outcome, the area became
a part of Bergen County, New Jersey, when the long disputed boundary line
was finally settled in 1769. The name of Frederick Van Ryper is found in
the list of freeholders and inhabitants who “submit to the jurisdiction of
New Jersey” in New Barbadoes Precinct between Hackensack and Saddle River.
Page 14
The house site was reached by a lane which ran southerly to present
Summit Avenue, to the west of the Garden State Parkway. This lane late
became part of the first public road surveyed by the township authorities
on April 1, 1775, to be opened for use on May 1, 1777. It was a long
road, having its beginning in what is now Upper Saddle River, and no
doubt took that length of time to complete. Recorded in Book B of Road
Returns, page 76, at Hackensack, the description reads:

Begins at stake at the old road called the Saddle River
Road a little by north of the house and mill of Garrit Hopper
on the east side of said River, thence running on the land of
the Reverend Benjamin Vandelinde south 55 degrees east 44 chains
to the northwest corner of Frederick Van Rypen’s land, thence
east 3 degrees north 42 chains, 20 links on the line between
said Van Rypen and Vandelinden to a stake; thence on said Van
Rypen’s land viz south 6 degrees vest 17 chains to a stake,
thence south 36 degrees vest 8 chains, thence south 3 1/2 degrees
east 10 chains, 50 links, thence south 9 degrees west 8 chains,
20 links near along the east end of Van Rypen’s house to a
stake on Vandelinde’s line, thence vest 2 degrees south on the
line between lands of Van Rypen and Vandelinde to a corner
stake of said Van Rypens, thence on their line south 18 degrees
west 50 chains, 85 links to another corner of said Van Rypen,
thence across said Vandelinde’s land south 20 degrees west 14
chains, 80 links to corner of Frederick Codmas, thence south
26 degrees west 51 chains, 75 links on line between Codmas and
Frederick Krim to an oak, thence south 64 degrees east 12 chains
on line between Codmas and Jerry Jackeback, thence south 27 de-
grees east 5 chains, 40 links on said Jackeback, thence still
on his land 3 chains, 20 links to said Codmas line, thence on
said Codmas land south 58 degrees east 6 chains to line between
Codmas and Jacob Hopper, thence on their line south 72 degrees
east 15 chains to the northeast of an old road formerly laid
out called Werimus Road, To be 4 rods wide, 2 rods on each side.
Beginning at East Saddle River Road, north of the Upper Saddle Rivcer
Reformed Church, the route followed present Weiss Road and Upper Saddle
River Road and continued along the latter part of the way toward its
present “Dead End” by the Garden State Parkway. At its second bend east
of present Chestnut Ridge Road, it ran southerly in three courses, the
Page 15
last one of which passed “near along the ease end of Van Rypen’s house
to present Summit Avenue, then westerly to Chestnut: Ridge Road and south-
erly along that road (as it is at present), and along the Van Rypen farm
line, as far as Glen Road. Except for some minor changes at that point
it continued easterly in the direction of Glen Road to connect with the
north line of Werimus Road, opposite the Cadmus homestead now No. 264
Glen Road. Werimus Road had been laid out northerly to that point in
1742. Later in 1775, and just prior to the start of the war activities
a new township called Harington, after the Haring family, was formed out
of the north part of the old precinct of New Barbadoes.

By the time of the earliest tax ratable list for Harington Township
made in September, 1779, the Van Riper farm was already subdivided among
Frederick and his two married sons. At that time they were taxed as

Herman (Harman) Van Riper, 100 acres improved land at 45 pounds per
100 acres; 4 horses at 25 shillings; 5 horned cattle
at 20 shillings; 7 hogs at 5 shillings. Total assess-
ment 56 pounds, 15 shillings, and amount of rates 31
pounds, 18 shillings, 5 pence, although the actual tax
levied on this amount is not shown.

Frederick Van Riper (Senior), 300 acres improved land; 5 horses,
10 horned cattle and 8 hogs at the same rates. Total
assessment 153 pounds, 5 shillings, and amount of
rates 86 pounds, 4 shillings, 1 pence.

Johannis Van Riper, single man, amount of rates 7 pounds, 10

Garret Van Riper, 100 acres improved land; 3 horses;. 5 horned
cattle and 4 hogs at the same rates. Total assessment
54 pounds, 15 shillings, and amount of rates 30 pounds,
15 shillings, 11 pence.

By 1782, the land was assessed for tax purposes in equal shares of
125 acres each among Frederick and his sons. Garret, Harman and Johannis.
In the list for 1789, the land was separated into improved and unimproved
acreage and taxed by different valuations. At that time Frederick had
Page 16
30 acres improved and 20 acres unimproved. Each son was taxed for 100
acres improved land, with the rest unimproved. After Frederick’s death
in 1793, the land was divided equally among Garret, Johannis and Harman
when each was taxed for 106 acres improved land, and 60 unimproved.
the following years the ratio was 100 acres improved, and 66 acres unim-
proved. Later surveys showed that there was a small -surplus over the
original 505 acres, making each subsequent third approximately 175 acres.

Cornelius Van Riper, the youngest son of Frederick, Senior, never
entered into the land division at Montvale due to the fact that he had
left home prior to 1779, joined the British in New York, and was married
there in 1783.

The Dutch-Bible belonging to Frederick Van Riper, Senior, with it’s
page of records, is now in possession of the Winters family formerly of
Hillsdale, through descent from Frederick, son of Harman. The record page
lists the following:

Frederic Vanryper is geboren den 22 Feby. 171 (right side
Annatie Vanvorst geboren. den 23 Octr. l—‘ of page
Zij zijnce samen getrouw’t den 2 Decem— worn off)
De namen ende ouderdom van haere kin—-
haer eerste soon Hermanus is gebooren
den 23 October Anno 1743
2 de Gerret is geboren den 22 Jun—
3 de Johannes is geboren den 25 July—
4 de Cornelius is geboren de 27 Juny 175-
Frederick Van Reijpe overleden den 27 —-
in het yaar 179-
Annetje, wife of Frederick Van Riper, Senior, and her five sisters
were bequeathed a legacy of 120 pounds by the Last Will and Testament of
their father. Garret Van Vorst of New Barbadoes Neck, made June 13, 1764,
proved June 15, 1785, and filed at Trenton.

The homestead was enlarged, probably after the Revolutionary War,
Page 17

by expanding the width and depth over which a gambrel0 roof was placed.
This style, similar to the house owned by son Garret (lastly Michon), had
a central hallway dividing the main living rooms, in back of which were
the bedrooms. In the 1870′ s, the house was further enlarged, porches
added, and the roof raised to acconmodate rooms on the second floor. It
was damaged by fire in the Fall of 1920 when owned by the Howth family,
and later demolished.

Frederick Van Riper, Senior, died October 17, 1793 according to the
marker on his grave in the cemetery of the Upper Saddle River Reformed
Church, which has the monogram FVR on it. The entry in the family Bible,
however, is October 27th. He left no recorded estate although it is
possible there was an unfiled Last Will and Testament which devised and
confirmed the previous division of the real estate.

The children of Frederick Van Riper, Senior, and Annetje Van Vorst,
his wife, were the following:

1. HARMAN born October 23, 1743 (Bible date), no baptismal
record found. Married Maria Demarest.

2. GARRET born June 22 (Bible date), year circa 1746/47, no
baptismal record found. Married (1) Abigail Hopper, and
(2) Maria (Polly) Terhune Van Buskirk, widow.

3. JOHANNIS born July 25 (Bible date), baptized August 3,
1750 at. Paramus. Married (1) Geertje (Charity) Post,
and (2) Catrina Van Winkle Waldrom, widow.

4. CORNELIUS born June 27, baptized July 13, 1755 at Paramus.
Married Elizabeth Davenport.
(At this point follow the descendants of the four sons of Frederick
Van Riper, Senior, each as a separate account, and extending principally
the lines that carried on the family name.)

Page 18


1. HARMAN VAN RIPER born October 23, 1743, son of Frederick and
Annetje (Van Vorst) Van Riper,married about 1767, Maria Demarest baptizied
March 8, 1747 at Hackensack, daughter of Cornelius Demarest and Maritie
Ackerman, who resided on Werimous Road, south of Woodcliff Avenue, in
Woodcliff Lake. Hannan and Maria made their home on the northerly one-
third of his father’s land at Montvale, but the location of their house
is uncertain. It may have been the later home of son Garret to the east
of present Chestnut Ridge Road, or that occupied by the Crouter descend-
ants to the west. Neither one has survived. Harman died early, in 1811,
leaving a Last Will and Testament dated August 5, 1810, proved March 26,
1811, and recorded in book A, page 341. He is buried in the cemetery of
the Upper Saddle River Reformed Church where a stone bearing his monogram
HVR, but no date, marks his grave. His personal estate totaled $1570.90
including two slaves valued at $175, bonds, notes and cash, besides the
usual farm and household items. His wife was left a living out of the
real estate, plus the sum of 100 pounds. The land was divided equally
between sons Frederick and Garret who were obligated to pay their sister
Mary, 450 pounds in one year. Garret who had married shortly before his
father’s Will was made, received his “outset” consisting of a span of
horses valued at 50 pounds, a cow, 3 sheep, 2 hogs, a plow, tackling,
gears and a sleigh out of the estate. On May 2, 1811, Frederick released
to Garret 89 acres lying to the east of Old Chestnut Ridge Road where
Garret lived, retaining that portion to the west for himself. On August
10/1816, Maria, widow of Harnan, married Michael Ryer, widower of Jane
Wortendyke, She died September 3, 1820 at the age of 74 years and is
Page 19
buried at Upper Saddle River.

Children of Harman and Maria (Demarest) Van Riper:

A. FREDERICK baptized August 28, 1768 at Paramus, married
Maria Vanderbeek.

B. MARIA born November 18, baptized December 25, 1773 at
Paramus, married John G. Hopper.

C. GARRET born March 29, baptized May 6, 1787 at Paramus
married Agnes Banta.

A. FREDERICK VAN RIPER baptized August 28, 1768 at Paramus, son of
Harman and Maria (Demarest) Van Riper, married Maria Vanderbeek baptize
May 19, 1771 at Paramus, daughter or Yury Vanderbeek and Maritje Ackerman
of Hilisdale, They lived in the old Vanderbeek sandstone hornestead which
stood near the site of present No. 300 Werimis Heights Road, Hilisdale.
He died January 25, 1834 and she on March 9, 1861 and are buried at
Paramus. His Will, recorded in book D, page 425, devised the Chestnut
Ridge farm to his heirs equally. This was subsequently owned by the
Crouter descendants until 1905. The Lutkins mill property on Glen Road
in Woodcliff Lake was devised to son Harman who sold it in 1845 to John
A. Ackerman, husband of Sarah Delamarter.


(1) MARIA born June 6, baptised August: 3, 1790 at Paramus; married
Casparus J. Westsrvelt.
a. John born August 30, 1818; married Leah Hopper.

(2) AGNES born October 1, baptized November 24, 1794 at Paramus;
married Cornelius Crouter.

a. Maria born September 8, 1813; married Jacob Tisen.
b. Frederick born December 8» 1816; married Margaret Storms.
c. Peter born February 6, 1819; married Rachel Shuart.
d. Hannah born July 26, 1821; married Andrew J. Shuart.

(3) HARMAN born May 24, baptized June 29, 1800 at Paramus; married
Catharine Delamarter, daughter of Abraham Delamarter and Sarah
Cadmus. After the death of his father, he purchased the
Page 20
former Vanderbeek homestead farm containing about 127 acres
in Hilisdale, from the Westervelt, Crouter and Delamarter heirs,
and resided there until his death. In 1860, the house was re-
built in the process of which the sandstone portion was torn
down and a new frame part erected. The work was done by Albert,
Peter and Jake Zabriskie of Paramus, and took over a year to
complete. The small frame building to the south, used as a
fruit stand in more recent years by the Winters descendants,
was formerly a tenant and slave house on the farm. Catharine
died January 9, 1870, and Harman on August 26, 1874, and they
are buried in Valleau cemetery. His Will, recorded in book L,
page 258, devised all the real estate to son Abraham. Legacies
of $10,000 each were left to daughters Maria and Hannah, and
the residue to the three children equally.

a. Maria born January 28, 1821; married Abraham H. Ackerman.
b. Abraham born February 20, 1825; married Anna Smith. He
died February 19, 1886 and she on November 5, 1887, and
are buried in Valleau cemetery. His Will, recorded in book
P, page 448, devised his real and personal estate to his
two children for life, and then to their children. Son
Daniel received the old farm on the east side of the road,
and daughter Catharine another on the opposite side where
the earliest part of the Winters house was built in 1877.

Catharine Maria married Sandford Bogert.
Daniel Smith married Mary E. Van Emburgh.

(4) HANNAH born February 19, baptized April 18, 1808 at Paramus;
married Isaac Delamarter son of Abraham Delamarter and Sara
Cadmus. She died July 20, 1828 at the age of 20 years.
Sarah born October 18, 1826; married John A. Ackerman.

B. MARIA VAN RIPER born. November 18, 1773, daughter of Harman and
Maria (Demarest) Van Riper; married January 16, 1793 at Schraalenburgh,
John G. Hopper baptised August 16, 1772 at Paramus, son of Garret J.
Hopper and Marytje Zabriskie. He died July 30, 1825 in New York. She
died May 12, 1860 and is buried in Valleau cemetery..

(1) Garret J., born July 2, baptized July 27, 1794 at Paratnus;
married Margaret Kip.

C. GARRET VAN RIPER born March 29, 1787, son of Harman and Maria
(Demarest) Van Riper; married June 27, 1810 at Paramus, Agnes Banta born
January 2, 1791, daughter of Hendrick Banta and Margaret Demarest who
resided on Pascack Road in Woodcliff Lake (the sandstone homestead owned
by the Lutheran Church when it was demolished). Garret and Agnes lived
first on his inherited land at Montvale in a house that stood near the
north end of that part of the old 1775 road vacated in 1833, to the east
of present Chestnut Ridge Road. This farm was sold on April 4, 1833 to
Peter Wortendyke for $3000. They subsequently lived in River Vale. Agnes
died February 16, 1859 and Garret on January 25, 1864, and are buried at


(1) MARIA born November 16, 1811; inarried John P. Post.

(2) MARGARET born July 23, 1813; died November 18, 1872, unmarried

(3) HERMAN(Harman) born December 2, 1815; married August 27, 1839 at
Saddle River, Hannah Wortendyke, She died May 30, 1877 and he
on March 28, 1900, and are buried at: Pascack.
a. Garret: 1840-1840.
b. Alida 1857-1862.

(4) HENRY BANTA born April 23, 1820; married August 20, 1842 at
Saddle River, Eliza Williams. He died October 31, 1893 and
she on May b, l896, and are buried at Pascack.
a. Margaret Ann born 1845; married Abraham B. Bogert.
b. Emma Jane 1849-1849,
c. Herman (Harman) 1850-1900.

(5) ANNA born February 26, 1827; married Peter H. Westervelt.

(6). JEMIMA born August 15, 1829; married John Cummings.

(7) HANNAH PERRY born July 9, 1833; married (1) Albert P. Wester-
velt, and (2) Peter C. Gardenier,

Page 22

2. GARRET VAN RIPER born June 22, 1746/47, second son of Frederick
and Annetje (Van Vorst.) Van Riper; carried 1st, about: 1770, Abigail
Hopper born September 14, 1749, baptized at: Paramus, daughter of Garret:
A. Hopper and Hendrickje Terhune; and 2nd, August 6, 1808 at Parairius,
Maria (Polly) Terhune, widow of Thomas A. Van Buskirk. Garret and his
first wife were members at Paramus in 1799. He and his second wife were
members at Upper Saddle River in 1812. Garret made his home on the
southerly third of his father’s land at Montvale, and built the sandstone
homestead which formerly stood at No. 110 Chestnut Ridge Road. This was
demolished on August 17, 1966 to make way for an A. & P.(supermarket)
shopping center.
Page 23
On May 2, 1805, Garret purchased 13.57 acres from his brother-
Johannis at the westerly boundary of their adjoining farms, for the sum
of $407 by deed recorded in book B-2, page 143. Maria, his second wife
died December 11, 1820 at the age of 68 years and is buried at Upper
Saddle River, He died at an unknown date prior to 1826 without leaving
a recorded estate. By that date the family homestead was owned by his
only son and heir, Frederick G. Van Riper, when the road return for
present Lake Street was laid out. There are no surviving markers for
Garret and his first wife in the Upper Saddle River Church cemetery.

Children, of Garret and Abigail (Hopper) Van Riper:

A. HENDRICKJE baptized April 15, 1772 at Paramus; married
John J. Zabriskie.

3. FREDERICK born March 8, baptized April 7, 1782 at Paramus;
married Mary Van Buskirk.
A. HENDRICKJE VAN RIPER baptized April. 15, 1772 at: Paramus,
daughter of Garret and Abigail (Hopper) Van Riper; married by New Jersey
License dated December 7, 1788, John J. Zabriskie born September 7, bap-
tized September 14, 1766 at Paramus, son of Jacob J. Zabriskie and
Jannetje Brevoort. She died probably at the birth of her child. He
married 2nd, Margrietje Waldron.

(1) Hendrickje born April 20, baptized June 7, 1789
at Paramus. died young
B. FREDERICK VAN RIPER born March 8, 1782, son of Garret and
Abigail (Hopper) Van Riper; married February 16, 1805 at Paramus, Mary
Van Buskirk born July 7, 1789 at Saddle River, daughter of Peter and
Sally Van Buskirk. Frederick inherited, as the only son and surviving
child, his father’s homestead and the southerly third of the family farm.
Page 24
He and his wife were members of the Upper Saddle River Reformed Church
where she joined April111,1840, and he in April 1842, In the latter
year, Frederick had his farm surveyed by Garret Al. Zabriskie and sub-
divided into plots of about 40 acres each, for the purpose of deeding
them to his heirs. These were sold to them for a consideration in the
years to follow, On May 21, 1853, Frederick and his wife conveyed to
the Trustees of School District No. 5, a plot 32 feet by 40 feet at the
northeast corner of the farm, on which a schoolhouse was thereafter
built. In later years and after Frederick’s death, the Chestnut Ridge
Sunday School was built to the south of the schoolhouse, to which the
Van Riper family gave their generous support during the period of its
existence. On August 14, 1861 by deed recorded in book 0-5, page 297,
the homestead and its plot of 45.31 acres, together with another lot of
16 acres, were sold to David Henry Hopper, husband of Sarah Maria Van
Riper, only child of son Andrew Van Riper, deceased, for a consideration
of $3500, A reservation in this deed reads:

Saving and reserving to themselves, the party of the first
part during the period of their natural lives or of either of
them, the right to the use of one-half of the Dwelling House
on said premises and one-half of the Garden and as much of the
fruit growing from year to year on said premises hereby intended
to be conveyed as may be necessary for their family use, and
also the right to plant two bushels of Potatoes on said place
for their use if they think proper to do so.

It is assumed that Frederick and his wife continued to live in the
homestead until he died, although the property was sold by the Hoppers in
1862. Frederick died January 17, 1864 His wife later lived in
Paterson and died on November 14, 1873. They are buried in the Upper
Saddle River Church cemetery. His will was dated May 22, 1860, proved
March 28, 1864 and recorded in book H, page 484, which reads:
Page 25
First, it is my will and I do hereby order that all my just
debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon as convenient after
my decease by my executors hereinafter named.

Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Maria
all my household furniture unto her and to her heirs and assigns

Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my daughter Sally .
the sum of $230.

Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Maria
the sum of $500 unto her, her heirs and assigns forever.

Item, I give, devise .and bequeath unto my son Thomas the
sum of $130 unto him, his heirs and assigns.

Item, it is my will and I do order that the remainder of my
estate be left in the hands of my executors during the lifetime
of my wife Maria and the interest to be paid to her yearly and
after her decease it shall be equally divided among my children
and grandchildren, viz., to my sons Peter, Thomas and grandson
Frederick G. Van Ryper and daughter Sally, wife of Andrew Debaun,
and Sarah Maria my granddaughter, and to their heirs and assigns.

Item, it is my will and I do hereby order that in case the
note against my son Thomas held by Abraham Delamarter shall have
to be paid by me or by my executors I being security on the same,
then the same to be deducted from my son Thomas share above

Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint my son Peter F.
Van Ryper and my son-in-law Andrew Debaun to be executors of
this my last will and testament revoking all former wills and
testaments by me rnade, ratifying and confirming this and no other
fo be my last will and testament.

In Witness Whereof I the said Frederick Van Ryper have here-
unto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of May, 1860.
Albert G. Zabriskie FREDERICK VAN RYPER (Seal)
Sally Ann Zabriskie
The inventory of the personal estate was made by Andrew Debaun, Peter
Van Ryper, Albert G. Zabriskie and Albert Hopper, and totaled $2255.17
including purse and apparel $60, clock, stove, oil cloth, bed and bedding
2 tables, looking glass, carpet, chairs, cupboard and contents, shades
and pictures, 2 bureaus, gun, blankets, crockery, baskets, contents of
kitchen, contents of garret, ax, shovel, rake, 5 hives of bees, poultry,
potatoes, pork, beef and ashes; also notes of Frederick G. Van Ryper $94,
John H. Banta $200, John J. Ryer $150, Thomas Van Ryper $130, Thomas
McMann $35, John J. Jersey $100, Andrew Dcbaun $100, David H. Hopper $100.
Page 26
Peter Van Ryper $100, and mortgage of J. H. Martin $1000.


(1) GARRET born September 16, baptized November 16, 1806 at Paramus;
married September 17, 1825 at Saddle River, Elizabeth Hopper born
April 24, baptized May 20, 1810 at Paramus, daughter of Garret A.
Hopper and Maria Van Orden. By deed dated May 10, 1830, recorded
in book L-3, page 60, Garret: purchased from his father for $250,
the small sandstone house and farm of 3 acres on the east side of
Chestnut Ridge Road, Montvale, formerly owned by John Ryer. This
had been acquired from Ryer about 1805 by unrecorded deed, and
the purchaser was either Garret’s father or grandfather. Later
enlarged and modernised, stood at #21
Chestnut Ridge Road when it was burned June 16, 1969, having been
owned for a number of years by the Szmitkowski family. Garret
made his home here until his death on December 29, 1833 at the
age of 27 years. His wi1l made December 19, 1833 was proved on
January 8, 1834 and recorded in book D, page 414. The inventory
of his personal estate totaled $445.06, including household
goods, farm items, cattle and crops. He devised his estate to
his wife during her widowhood. Thereafter the real estate was
devised to son Frederick who was ordered to pay legacies of $100
each to his two sisters. Elizabeth died October 14, 1841 at the
age of 31 years and is buried at Upper Saddle River with her
husband and children.


a. FREDERICK born .March 10, baptized April 7, 1827 at Saddle
River: married July 23, 1846 at Saddle River, Jemima Acker-
man. On March 6, 1855, his grandfather deeded to him a
Page 27
tract: of 40 acres out of the home farm on the west side of
Chestnut Ridge Road. Both this and his father’s homestead
on the east side were sold to Eugene H. Best on October 1,
1867 for $4000, They then lived elsewhere until purchasing
from Leonard Cronk a house and 3 acres of land on the north
side of Saddle River Road, Woodcliff Lake, by deed dated May
19, 1882 . They were living here when they died, Frederick
in December 1904, and Jemima on September 15, 1905. They are
probably buried in the Saddle River Lutheran Church cemetery
where their funerals were held.


i Elizabeth Maria born January 17, 1848, died July 6,
1856, buried at Upper Saddle River.

ii Rachel Ann born June 1, 1550, died October 31, 1851,
buried at Upper Saddle River.

iii Garret born October 29, 1851, died July 11, 1856,
buried at Upper Saddle River.

iv John Henry born June 30, 1855, died July 14, 1856,
buried at Upper Saddle River.

v. Garret born June 21, 1857, died February 28, 1899 in
Brooklyn, leaving daughters: Anna Elizabeth
(wife of John J. Briggs), and Mary.

vi Mary born April 1861; married Abram Bross and died
March 10, 1879, buried at Upper Saddle River.

b. MARIA born March 16, baptized March 17, 1829 at Saddle River,
died March 28, 1835 at the age of 6 years.

c. SALLY ANN born July 3, 1832, died February 11, 1834.
(2) ANNAATJE (HANNAH) born February 19, baptized April 18, 1808 at
Paramus; died young.

(3) PETER born December 5, 1808, baptized January 22, 1809 at
Paramus; married Elizabeth Haring. (See following)

(4) THOMAS born August 2, baptized September 22, 1811 at Paramus;
married February 14, 1829 at Saddle River, Hannah Tuers born
May 1, baptized May 30, 1813 at Paramus, daughter of Lawrence A.
Tuers and Jannetje Zabriskie. She died April 9, 1862 and is
buried at Westwood. Thomas later lived in Paterson with a-
second wife named Mary, and died in March 1890.


a. PETER born July 17, 1831, baptized at Saddle River.

b. RACHEL JANE born November 3, 1833, baptized at Saddle River.

c. GARRET born February 21, 1836, baptized at Saddle River,
died young.

d. AARON born February 10, 1839, baptized at Saddle River.

e. MARIA ELIZABETH born July 10, 1841; married Aaron Demarest.

f. CHARITY ANN born May 20, 1844; married Edward M. Pindar.

g. ANDREW born about 1847.

h. MARGARET ELLEN born about 1850; married George Thomas.

i. GARRET born about 1854.

Page 27

(5) ANDREW born December 1, 1815, baptized January 14, 1816 at
Saddle River; married March 23, 1839 at Saddle River, Catharine
Pulis born December 9, 1819, baptized January 23,1820 at
Pascack, daughter of Peter P. Pulis and Catrina Holdrum. He
died August 25, 1848 at the age of 32 years, and is buried at
Upper Saddle River. His Will, recorded in book F, page 466, left
his estate to his wife and daughter. Catharine married (2) April
9, 1849, John P. Wortendyke and died September 16, 1887.

a. SARAH MARIA born May 6, baptized October 1842 at Saddle
River; married August 20, 1859, David H. Hopper.

(6) SARAH born June 26, 1818; married April 9, 1836 at Saddle River,
Andrew Debaun born February 13, baptized March 19, 1815 at Saddle
River, son of Jacob Debaun and Catharine Mowerson, She died
July 1, 1884 and is buried at Upper Saddle River.

a. Catharine Margaret born July 7, 1837; married Albert Hopper.

b. Garret born January 31, 1845, baptized at Saddle River.

c. Mary Elizabeth born July 16, 1848, baptized at Saddle River.

d. Jacob Edgar born June 1853, baptized at Saddle River.

(3) PETER VAN RIPER born December 5, 1808, baptized January 22, 1809
at Paramus, son of Frederick and Mary (Van Buskirk) Van Riper; married in
November 1826 at Saddle River, Elizabeth Haring born March 7, baptized
April 26, 1810 at Pararmus, daughter of Isaac P. Haring and Anna Post.
Peter received a deed in 1842 for 40 acres out of his father’s farm to
the south of the homestead, which he sold to Abraham and Tunis Van Riper
on December 30, 1856 for $2000. He and his wife probably lived on the
Haring homestead farm at the northwest corner of Summit Avenue and Spring
Valley Road in Montvale, where Isaac P. Haring died September 24, 1825 at
the age of 36 years. When Anna Post, his widow, married Jacob Stagg on
February 9, 1831, they went to live on the Stagg farm on Chestnut Ridge
Road. This consisted of two tracts of land on the east side of the road,
formerly out of the Cadmus farm and on which stand today the Van Riper
homestead and business buildings. The first tract of 50 acres was pur-
chased June 14, 1791 from Michael Ryer and Abraham Cadmus for 187 pounds,
10 shillings, by deed post-recorded in book 425, page 22. The second
tract of 14 1/2 acres, adjoining on the north, was purchased April 7, 1806
Page 29
from Ryer Ryers for 230 pounds, by deed post-recorded in book 425; page
30. Because of the amount of consideration in this deed, a house built
by Ryers no doubt existed on the land and was the subsequent homestead of
Jacob Stagg, He built a new one on the same site after he made his Will
in 1831, which fact was Mentioned in the testimony of Peter Van Riper in
connection with the later estate suit.

Jacob Stagg was the widower of Jane Ryer who died January 3, 1831,
and they had no children. When Jacob died April 8, 1835, his Will made
March 15, 1831, devised everything to his second wife, Anna Post Haring.
This provoked a suit by Abraham Stagg of New York, a brother, to have the
Will declared invalid. He was unsuccessful due primarily to the testi-
monies of Jacob’s friends and neighbors in his behalf. The fact that
Abraham Stagg was indebted to his brother for $600, was not in his favor.
Other depositions made at that time showed that Jacob had had an opera-
tion on April 2, 1835 for bladder stones of which three were removed.
He “appeared to do well for the first two or three days,” but died on
the 3th. Elizabeth Wortendyke testified on September 8, 1835, that she
“knew him upwards of 30 years; lived the next house. Testator was a
widower about 5 or 6 weeks after his first wife died, about third day
New Year. She was at his house when first wife died and never heard
him say anything about marrying a second wife while his first was dying.
Heard Testator say he did not know what to do as Mrs. Stagg would not
come and live with him unless her children came and they would not come
unless he would make his property over which he said he never would do.
Never heard him find fault with his second wife who has one child, a
daughter who is the wife of Peter Van Riper. His family consisted of
Page 30
himself and wife and a hired girl and boy. Can’t tell who superintended
the building of the new house.”

The Haring homestead was sold on April 16, 1840 to Henry A. Demarest
who later operated a hotel there. This property again returned to the
family when Peter VanRiper purchased it from Aaron H. Westervelt on
December 5, 1861, and later was the residence of grandson, James Demarest
Van Riper, for a number of years.

In the 1860′ s, the present Van Riper homestead at #524 Chestnut
Ridge Road was built on the site of the former Stagg houses.

Besides operating a large produce farm on the Stagg land, Peter Van
Riper became an investor in Paterson real estate on which he held
numerous mortgages at his death, as well as others on local properties.
He and his wife joined the Pascack Reformed Church in May 1843, and were
generous supporters of the Chestnut Ridge Sunday School in 1878 on which
land and building they loaned $750. He died November 22, 1880 leaving
a Will made February 8, 1875, recorded in book N, page 219, which left
everything to his wife. She died May 26, 1884 and they are buried at
Park Ridge, Her Will made December 21, 1880, was recorded in book O,
page 481, and disposed of between 120 and 130 acres of land and a personal
estate of about $52,000. The homestead farm and other tracts were left
to son Frederick , for life and then to his son, Peter Elvin Van Riper.
The former Haring house and farm were left to grandson, James Demarest
Van Riper. Properties in Paterson were left to granddaughters Anna
Elizabeth and Annetta Sophia, together with legacies of $2500 each. “To
Charles Van Riper, colored rnan brought up by my husband and rne and now
living in New Yolk, $ 5oo.” The residuary estate was left to the grand-
Page 31
a. FREDERICK born July 7, baptized August 12, 1832 at Pascack; mar-
ried October 5, 1853 at Saddle River, Charity Ann Demarest born December
11, 1835, baptised February 7, 1836 at Saddle River, daughter of James C.
Demarest and Hannah Eckerson.

Frederick assisted his father on the farm and was also a school
teacher during three winters. He later was in the grocery business in
Paterson for two years and then returned to farming. He served on the
Regimental Staff of the 22nd New Jersey Volunteers for nine months during
the Civil War, as a Commissary-Sergeant. He died September 29, 1902, and
his wife on November 16, 1914. They are buried at Park Ridge. His Will,
recorded in book 33, page 59, devised the former Haring farm to son James
D. for life and then to his children. To son Peter Elvin was devised
15 acres of land purchased from Wortendyke and opposite the homestead;
also the stock and farm implements for which he was to pay $50 to his
brother James. The household goods and residue of the personal estate
vere left to wife Charity Ann.


i. PETER ANDREW born May 27, 1854, baptized at Saddle River,
died December 16, 1856 and is buried at Park Ridge.

ii. JAMES DEMAREST born May 15, 1856, Pascack;
married Amelia Gibson.

iii. ANNA ELIZABETH born February 6, 1865, baptized at Pascack;
carried Philomen O. Dickinson.

iv. ANNETTA SOPHIA baptized July-19, 1868 at Pascack; married
Earle C. Potts,
Page 32
v. PETER ELVIN born October 20, 1874, baptized May 23,1875
at Pascack; married June 30, 1898 at Pascack, Sarah Ackerman born March
20, baptized September 7, 1871 at Pascack, daughter of Garret J. Ackerman
and Harriet A.Ackerman. Sarah was the granddaughter, through her
father, of John A. Ackerman and Sarah Delamarter (See page 20, No, 4 a).

Peter Elvin and Sarah lived on the homestead farm atWood-
cliff Lake during their lifetime. He attended advanced school at the
Pennington Seminary in Pennington, N.J. and later graduated from the
Newark Academy. Westervelt’s History of Bergen County describes his
farming activities in the early 1920’s as consisting of 4 acres of cherry
trees, about 2000 grapevines, about 30 acres of apple orchard and between
16 and 20 acres of peach orchard. Also, about 75,000 tomato plants are
raised a year, as well as 6000 pepper plants and 6000 egg plants. The
farm produce is sold in the markets at New York City, Newark and Paterson

Sarah died in 1939, and Peter in 1944, and they are buried
in Valleau Cemetery (by the Paramus Dutch Reformed Church ,Glen Ave.
and route 17) in Ridgewood.


FREDERICK ELVIN born May 22, 1900; married Katherine Atkins.

HARRIET AMANDA born July 19, 1902; married Frank H. Tice.

GARRET ACKERMAN born August 5, 1905; married Margaret Marshal

Page 33

3. JOHANNIS VAN RIPER born July 25, 1750, son of Frederick and
Annetje (Van Vorst) Van Riper, married 1st, about: 1780, Geertje (Charity)
Post baptized July 3, 1757 at Schraalenburgh, daughter of Adrian Post and
Hendrickje Ackennan; and 2nd, November 10, 1810 at Paramus, Catriina Van
Winkle Waldrorn, widow. She may have been the widow of John Waldrom who
died January 13, 1810 aged 50 years, and is buried at Upper Saddle River.

Johannis inherited the middle third of his father’s land at Montvale,
on which stood the family homestead. This tract contained 173-3/4 acres
according to the mortgage descriptions and the Sheriff’s Deed in 1833.
In the tax list for September 1779, he was still unmarried and taxed as a
“Singleman” without land. The following year he was taxed for cattle and
as a ” Householder” living on part of the farm. Thereafter, he was taxed
for a share of the land, the same as his brothers Harman and Garret.

Johannis and his second wife were members of the Upper Saddle River
Reformed Church in 1812.

On October 22, 1808, Johannis mortgaged his farm to Cornelius Van
Vorst, his cousin, for the sum of $500, recorded in book D, page 107.
This may have been paid in subsequent years, but is not shown cancelled
on the records. Some years later he made another mortgage to Peter Perry
on April 8, 1820 for the sum of $202, recorded in book E, page 396. This
was followed by a third mortgage to John Van Vorst on December 1, 1821
for $1812, recorded in book E, page 520. In order to give the last mort-
gagee priority for his loan, he took over the Perry lien as well. At
that time, Johannis Van Riper was living in New York City.
In 1832, local residents petitioned to have a new road laid out
Page 34
northerly through the Van Riper land to shorten the route to Upper Saddle
River. This extended present Chestnut Ridge Road from its intersection
with Summit Avenue and in the course of Old Chestnut Ridge Road as far as
Upper Saddle River Road. At the same time, that part of the old road
surveyed in 1775, past the old homestead, was vacated from present Summit
Avenue northerly as far as the extension easterly of Upper Saddle River
Road which had been laid out in 1812 to connect with Spring Valley Road.,
The mortgage liens remained unpaid, and when Johannis was unable to
meet his obligations, Sarah Van Vorst, administratrix of the estate of
John Van Vorst, deceased, instituted foreclosure proceedings. At the
Sheriff’s Sale in 1833, Joseph A. Horn made the highest bid and purchased
the farm for $3,426.00.

Johannis Van Riper died December 16, 1836, without leaving a recorde
estate in Bergen County. He may have been buried at Upper Saddle River
but there is no extant marker.

Children of Johannis and Geertje (Post) Van Riper

A. HENDRICKJE born about November 13, 1780; married (1) John J,
Quackenbush, (2) John Bush April 13 1811,He was bap. Dec. 4 ,1784 at Paramus,
son of Dirk Bush and Antje Vanderbeck. He died Feb 2, 1827aged 42y.
Buried at Saddle River Reformeded Church,Upper Saddle River.
(3) Abraham A. Haring.

B. FREDERICK born April 1783; married (1) Mary Baldwin, aad (2)
Hannah Van Buskirk Hopper, widow.

C. CORNELIUS born about 1784; married Antye Van Horn.

D. JOHN born April 19, baptized May 21, 1786 at Paramus; married
Maria Hopper (Mrs. Van Horn).

E. ANTJE born September 13, baptized September 28, 1788 at
Paramus; married Hendrick R. Bush.

F. ADRIAN born July 9, baptized July 27, 1794 at Paramus.

A. HENDRICKJE (HENRIETTA), born about November 13, 1780, daughter
of Johannis. and Geertje (Post) Van Riper, married (1) October 26, 1802 at
Paramus, John J. Quackenbush. She married (2) January 8, 1831 at Saddle
Page 35
River, Abraham A. Paring, widower. In 1840, she received a legacy-of $30
by the Will of John J. Van Riper, her brother. She died April 13, 1846 at
the age of 65 years, and is buried at Upper Saddle River.

(1) Annatje (Hannah Quackenbush) Abora December II, 1802, baptized April II, 1803 at
Paramus, married Andrew N.Hoooer,

(2) Richard Bush May 15, 1812(Bible) . Bap.Jun. 14,1823 Saddle River Reformed
Church.Married Maria Haring.

B. FREDERICK born April 1783, son or Johannis ana Geertje (Post) Van
Riper, married (1) December 8, 1804 at Paramus, Mary Baldwin born about:
September 28, 1786 at Saddle River, daughter of David Baldwin and Rachel
Van Buskirk. Mary was the first cousin of Mary Van Buskirk who married
Frederick G. Van Riper. They lived at one time on his father’s farm at
Montvale, and in 1816 were tenants in a house owned by David J. Ackerman
near East Saddle River Road in Saddle River. Mary died March 28, 1826 at
the age of 39 and is buried in the Van Buskirk cemetery at Saddle River.
Frederick married (2) Hannah Van Buskirk, widow of Henry A. Hopper. She
was the daughter of Maria (Polly) Terhune the second wife of Garret Van
Riper. Frederick died October 1, 1828 at the age of 45 years, and is
buried with his first wife. His second wife married as her third husband,
May 14, 1829 at Saddle River, Abraham Eckerson, She died November 1,
1855 and is buried ac Upper Saddle River. The five Van Riper children
were bequeathed a legacy of $1500 by the Will of David Baldwin, their
grandfather, who died in 1827.


(1) JOHN born March 30, baptized May.5, 1805 at: Paramus; died
March 9, 1832 in New York.

.(2) DAVID BALDWIN born July 17, baptized August 11, 1807 at Paramus;
died In October 1839, funeral held on the 10th at Saddle River
Lutheran Church.

(3) ADRIAN born November 9, baptized December 21, 1809 at Paramus.

Page 36

(4) THOMAS born November 7, baptized November 24, 1811 at Saddle

(5) CHARITY born March 6, baptized April 17, 1814 at Saddle River.

C. CORNELIUS born about 1784, son of Johannis and Geertje (Post) Van
Riper, married December 8,1804 at Paramus, Antje Van Horn born April 12,
1788, daughter of Cornelius Van Horn and Sarah Blauvelt.


(1) JACOB (?) born about November 14, 1804; married December 10,
1825 at Wyckoff, Margaret Post. He died March 1, 1827 at the
age of 22 years, and is buried at Wyckoff. His Will, dated
February 26, 1827, recorded in book C, page 190, left a silver
watch to brother Cornelius, and the rest of the estate to wife

(2) JOHN born May 4, 1808; reported to have married Harriet

(3) CORNELIUS born April 18, 1813.

D. JOHN born April 19, baptized May 21, 1736 at: Paramus,son of
Johannis and Geertje (Post) Van Riper, probably married December 7, 1811
at Paramus, Maria Hopper, widow of Barney C«.Van Horn, born January 7,
1781. Barney was the brother of Antje Van Horn, wife of Cornelius Van
Riper. John was living in Franklin Township when he died May 17, 1840 at
the age of 54 years, and is buried at Upper Saddle River. His Will, date
April 18, 1840, recorded in book E, page 424, left legacies of $30 to
sisters Henrietta and Anna. He also left $100 to Jane Maria Hopper,
daughter of niece Hannah Hopper, when 21 years; and the residue to Hannah.

E. ANTJE born September 13, baptized September 28, 1788 at Paramus,
daughter of Johannis and Geertje (Post) Van Riper; married February 4,
1809 at Paramus, Hendrick R. Bush, baptized April 29, 1789 at Paramus,
son of Dirck Bush and Antje Vanderbeek. He died August 15, 1834 at the
age. of 45 years. She died May 24, 1841 at the age of 51 years, and they
are buried at Upper Saddle River.
Page 37

(1) Dirk born December 25, 1809, baptized February 4, 1810 at
Paramus; died June 14, 1838 at the age of 28 years.

F. ADRIAN born July 9, baptized July 27, 1794 at Paramus, son of
Johannis and Geertje (Post) Van Riper, may have been the one who married
June 10, 1819 at Paramus, Maria Marselus. If so, she probably predeceased
him and there is no record of children. He died April 15, 1840 at

Page 38

4. CORNELIUS VAN RIPER born June 27, baptized July 13, 1755 at
Paramus, youngest son of Frederick and Annetje (Van Vorst) Van Riper, ma-
ried August 14,1783 at New York, Elizabeth Davenport, probably the one
baptized January 22, 1766 at New York, daughter of Johannes Davenport and
Anna Smith. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, Garret Lydecker, Tory
pastor. Cornelius apparently left home prior to 1779 and lived in Britiish
occupied New York City during the Revolutionary War. There is no record
of his service in behalf of the British, although he was awarded a grant
covering 5 acres in the East Meadows, Shelburne County, Nova Scotia, in
1785. Whether he left the country at the time of the Evacuation in
November 1783, is not known. By 1791, however, he was living on a small
rented farm of 4 acres, probably in the Montvale vicinity, and was taxed
as a householder on that amount of land, with I cow, in 1802. He receive
no share of his father’s land at Montvale, although on March 19, 1800, he
and his vife executed a quit-claim deed to his brother Garret for a. small
triangular piece of land containing .23 parts of an acre, evidently for
the purpose of straightening a boundary line between Garret Van Riper and
John Hopper, for a consideration of 4 pounds, 17 shillings and 6 pence.
The deed was recorded in book B-2, page 138. There is no record of the
death of Cornelius, or place of death, and he left no recorded estate in
Bergen County. There may have been other children born during the early
period of marriage, and if so, their names are not certain.

A. FREDERICK, no birth or baptismal record found; married (1) Mary
Cooper who probably died at the birth of her child; and (2) August 19,
Page 40
1814 at Saddle River, Liza Barbara Wever, born about October 29, 1771,
widow of John Peterson of Montvale. They later joined the Middletown
(Pearl River) Baptist Church where they were married over again on July
1, 1818. Frederick died prior to 1850 and he left no recorded estate in
Bergen County. His second wife died September 29, 1857 at the age of 85
years, and is buried at Upper Saddle River.

(1) JOHN COOPER born April 28, baptized October 2, 1814
at Saddle River.

B. HENDRICKJE (HENRIETTA) born October 14, 1791, baptized January
15, 1792 at Tappan.

Child of Hendrickje and John Bush (see page 34 A )
(1) Richard born May 15, baptized June 14, 1812 at
Saddle River.

C. GARRET (?) born about 1795 (?), married April 12, 1817 at Kakiat
Femmetje (Euphemia) Bush, daughter of Dirck Bush and Antje Vanderbeek.
No record of children.

D. JOHN born September 6, baptized October 2, 1800 at Paramus.

E. ANTJE BORN September 14, baptized October 17, 1802 at Pararmus.

F. MARIA born May 29, baptized August 4, 1805 at Paramus, died

G. MARIA born May 2, baptized August 24, I809 at Paramus.

R. SALLY born May 26, baptized December 15, 1811 at Saddle River.

Eccles G. Van Riper

Eccles G. Van Riper was Mayor in Evansville, Indiana in 1870. He is the only Mayor of Evansville that we do not have a picture for in the Mayor Hall of Fame. I am looking for any picture of Eccles G. Van Riper that I can find. A portrait for the local Mayor Hall of Fame could be painted, if there was an actual photo as reference, or if a headshot photo exists, the actual photo could be used. He was born in New York, about 1742, and died September 26, 1914 in New York. He was captured in the U.S. Civil War when buying up cotton fields, sentenced to death, got a reprieve when leadership changed. Wound up in Evansville, IN because the company he worked for, Fatman & Co., had their Midwest Headquarter in Evansville. Eccles married the daughter of the first Mayor of Evansville. Eccles became Mayor when Mayor Walker died in office, as a the city council person in charge of finances, became Mayor for less that three months, until a special election could be held. Eccles was divorced in 1882, and shortly after moved to Moscow, Russia. While in Moscow, he was appointed Consul. He was accused of pretending to enter exhibits in World Fair types of events. He was asked to leave Moscow. It is mentioned that Russia had a photo of him in the Russian Rogue’s Gallery so he could be identified if he tried to come back to Russia. Any idea how to obtain that photo? It appears he spent the remainder of his life in New York.
gkillough [at]

Van Riper Mill, Dowagiac, MI

Van Riper Mill, LaGrange, Dowagiac Co, MI

This is a picture of the Van Riper Mill, LaGrange, Dowagiac Co, MI. The photograph was taken by Lisa Bane in the local Historical Society.

Lisa Bane has managed to trace her line back to Juriaen Tomassen, through her great-grandfather Ackerman Van Riper. Lisa’s line is from her paternal grandmother, Hazel Mae Van Riper. Hazel Mae’s father was Ackerman Van Riper, whose father was Tunis, who’s father was Abram. Ackerman Van Riper was part of the group that moved from Passaic Co, NJ, to LaGrange Township in Dowagiac Co, MI.

Lisa Bane also informed me, that Jacob J. Van Riper (March 8, 1838 – ), a son of Abram Van Riper (mentioned above), was an American lawyer and politician. He served as the Attorney General of the State of Michigan from 1881 to 1885. He later served as a probate judge in Berrien County, Michigan from 1893 to 1901. He also served on the University of Michigan Board of Regents from 1880 to 1886. He has his own Wikipedia page.

Jacob J. Van Riper

Jacob J. Van Riper

Thank you very much, Lisa, for your most valuable contribution!

1910 Van Riper Census, Pennsylvania

Federal Census
Bradford County
Sayre, ward 2
Roll T624-1318
district 29
page 237b, sheet 15, image 30, April 23

Eva M. (nee Van Riper) Rumsey-48-F-W-head-own income-widow-3 children, 3 living-
Bernice L. Rumsey-22-F-W-daughter-teacher, public school-single-
Ira G. Rumsey-19-F-W-daughter-single-
Maud E. Rumsey-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Frank Van Riper-33-M-W-brother-carpenter-single-
James H. Crouch-48-M-W-boarder-laborer, RR shop-married 16yrs.-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-Immigrated 1888
Bradford County
Sayre, ward 3
Roll T624-1318
district 30
page 252a , sheet 10, image 19, April 28
120 Third Street 

Harry Van Riper-38-M-W-head-carpenter-married 13yrs.-
Myrtle Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-3 childen,3 living-
Floyd Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Stella Van Riper-9-F-W-Daughter-at school-
Clare Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-
Bradford County
Sayre, ward 3
Roll T624-1318
district 30
page 253a, sheet 11, image 21, April 30
117 South Street 

Floyd E. Van Riper-25-M-W-head-brakeman,railroad-married 3yrs.-
Lena M. Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Harry A. Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
Charlot R. Van Riper-F-W-10 months-daughter-
Bradford County
Sayre Borough, ward 3
Roll T624-1318
district 30
page 253b, sheet 11, image 22, April 30
401 Shephard Street 

Theodore D. Werts-40-M-W-head-carpenter-married 15yrs.-
Minie L. (nee Van Riper) Werts-38-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-2 children, 0 living-
Edward Van Riper-70-M-W-father in law-carpenter-2nd. marriage 44yrs.-
Robie M. Van Riper-55-F-W-mother in law-1st marriage 44yrs.-
Chester County
New Garden Township
Roll T624-1328
district 39
page 232b, sheet 7, image 14, April 23
Newark Road 

Garrett L. Van Riper-56-M-W-head-florest, greenhouse farm-marreid 19yrs.-
Margaret Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 19yrs.-0 children-
Crawford County
Meadville Ward 2
Roll T624-1333
district 21
page 132b, sheet 6, image 12,
502 North Street 

Cathrine Fix-64-F-W-head-own income-widow-4 children, 3 living-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1862
George Fix-40-M-W-laborer,cement blocks-single-
Catherine (nee Fix) Van Riper-28-F-W-daughter-married 4yrs.-0 children-
Augustus Van Riper-30-M-W-son in law-merchant, iceman-married 4yrs.-
(son of Aaron and Mary E. Van Riper)
Maud Stern-24-F-W-neice-stenographer-single-
Crawford County
Meadville City, Ward 4
Roll T624-1333
district 24
page 178b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
932 Market Street 

Anna Van Riper-70-F-W-head-widow (of Henry-b.N.J..)-9 children, 7 living-
b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Irleand-immigrated 1848
Crawford County
West Mead Township
Meadville City, ward 5
Roll T624-1333
district 25
page 212a, sheet 5, image 9, April 19
115 Lincoln Avenue 

Aaron Van Riper-58-M-W-head-engineer,street railway-married 36yrs.-
Mary Van Riper-56-F-W-wife-married 36yrs., 4 children, 4 living-
Ruth Van Riper-21-F-W-daughter-single-
Cammille (nee Van Riper) Heim-23-F-W-daughter-married 3yr.-
Crawford County
Meadville City, ward 5
Roll T624-1333
district 25
page 211a, sheet 4, image 7, April 17
327 Lincoln Avenue 

James Mc Kenna-72-M-W-head-own income-married 42yrs.-
Mary Mc Kenna-72-F-W-wife-married 42yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Maggie (Margaret) Mc Kenna-38-F-W-daughter-labeller, distillery-single
Sarah Mc Kenna-36-F-W-daughter-labeller, distillery-single-
Theresa (nee Mc Kenna) Van Riper-40-F-W-daughter-dressmaker,at home-married 18yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Anita Van Riper-16-F-W-granddaughter-stenographer, steroscope works-single-
Pauline Van Riper-9-F-W-granddaughter-at school-
Leona (nee Mc Kenna) Boyle-32-F-W-daughter-developing, stereopitician viewer-married 4yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Marie Boyle-3-F-W-granddaughter-
Dauphin County
Harrisburg, ward 5
Roll T624-1336
district 67
page 203a, sheet 2, image 3, April 16
302 Cumberland Street 

Charles F. Zell-24-M-W-head-barber shop-married 3 yrs.-
Mary Zell-23-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Dorthy F. Zell-2-F-W-daughter-
Ben A. Van Riper-28-M-W-boarder-moulder, machine shop-married less the 1yr.-
Mertie Van Riper-25-F-W-sister in law-married less the 1yr.-0 children-
Erie County
Erie, ward 3
Roll T624-1342
district 87
page 57a, sheet 11, image 21, April 27
East Eigth Street 

block 800
Sister M. Victoria Van Riper-28-F-W-subject-teacher,academy-single-
Fayette County
Luzerne Township-north and West
Roll T624-1244
district 44
page 240a, sheet 6, image 11, April 26 

Emma (nee ??-1st.Van Riper) 2nd. Holt-42-F-W-head-farmer-
widow (of ?? and William Holt)-12 children, 11 living-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
William Holt-12-M-W-son-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Mary Holt-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Ernest Holt-8-M-W-son-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Lutelles Holt-7-M-W-son-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Robina Holt-5-F-W-daughter-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Robert Holt-4-M-W-son-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Erma Holt-2-F-W-daughter-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
John Holt-21-M-W-stepson-farme laborer-single-
Harry Holt-18-M-W-stepson-laborer,odd jobs-single-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Myrtle Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-servant,privite family-single-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Alive Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-servant,privite family-single-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Fayette County
German Township (sub division 2)-ward 2
Roll T624-1345
district 34
page 122a, sheet 34, image 67, May 12
30 Palmer Street 

Brice Van Riper-21-M-W-head-printer-married 2yrs.-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Rachael (nee Maust) Van Riper-19-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-1 child-1 living-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Brice E.(Edward) Van Riper-11months-M-W-son-
b.June 1,1909-b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
-(Brice E.died July 18, 1982, Alameda,California)-
-(in the US Marines 1930, Prince William County,Virginia)
Fayette County
RedstoneTownship, precinct No.1
Roll T624-1346
district 64
page 124b, sheet 7, image 15, April 21 

John F. Smith-67-M-W-head-truck farm-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1866
Adelia Smith-27-F-W-daughter-single-house keeper-
Charles Smith-1-M-W-grandson-
Fred (Vansyier)Van Riper-24-M-W-grandson-truck farm-single-
Adelia Calvin-6-F-W-granddaugter-
Robina Baker-1-F-W-granddaughter-
Fayette County
Washington township
Roll T624-1347
district 89
page 75a, sheet 7, image 12, April 23 

John W. Van Riper-42-M-W-head-coal miner-married 20yrs.-
(1900 says b.N.J..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.Pa..)
Charlotte Van Riper-43-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.-8 children, 6 living-
Arthur Van Riper-17-M-W-son-coal miner-
William Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
Myrtle Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mildred Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Roy Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Milton, ward 3
Roll T624-
district 74
page 257a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15 

50 Poplar St. 

Daniel Johnson-64-M-W-head-carpenter-2nd marriage, 23yrs.-
Amy Johnson-47-F-W-wife-1st marriage, 23 yrs.-7 children, 7 living-
Parson Johnson-14-M-W-son-at school-
Mabel Johnson-12-F-W-son-at school-
Earl Johnson-9-M-W-son-at school-
Harold Johnson-6-M-W-son-at school-
Lila Vanriper-20-M-W-son-at school-
Clinton County
Roll T624-1332
district 23
page 117b, sheet 4, image 8, April 18
1306 Erie Avenue 

Margaret Allen-47-F-W-head-own income-widow-3 children, 3 living-
Stella L. Allen-15-F-W-daughter-single-
Viola J. Klaiber-18-F-W-daughter-married 1yr.-1 child, 1 living-
Sebastian Klaiber-22-M-W-son in law-brakeman, railroad yard-married 1yr.-
Francis A. Klaiber-6 months-M-W-grandson-
George E. Van Riper-26-M-W-son-tank repairman, railroad shop-married 2yrs.-
Delaware County
Chester, ward 10
Roll T624-1339
district 124
page 227a, sheet 6, image 11,
West 9th Street 

Charles P. Van Riper-56-head-truck,famer-2nd. marriage 20yrs.-
(son of Harmon J. b.N.J..and Catharine b.Mi..)
Anna E. Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-1st marriage 20yrs.-7 children, 6 living-
Harry F. Van Riper-19-M-W-son-moulder, steel mill-single-
Ethel L. Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Edith M. Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school–
Mary E. Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Frank R. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-
Bessie D. Van Riper 2 daughter-
Albert Shockley-21-M-W-lodger-crane-married 2yrs.-
Gertrude Shockley-18-F-W-lodger-steel mill-married 2yrs.
Lilian G Shockley-1-F-W-lodger-
Erie County
Girard Township
Town of Girard
Roll T624-1343
district 111
page 165a, sheet 1, image 1, April 15
Hall Avenue 

Francis M Bowen-71-M-W-head-carpenter, house-2nd marriage 40yrs.-
Salina M. Bowen-65-F-W-wife-1st marriage 40yrs.-6 children, 6 living-
Lorinda L. Bowen-24-F-W-daughter-printer, printing office-single-
Lydia L. Badger-30-F-W-daughter-married 1yr.-0 children-
John H. Badger-31-M-W-son in law-wood worker,novelty works-married 1yr.-
Michael J. Van Riper-61-M-W-boarder-widow-inspector, Rake and Hoe Co.-
Philadelphia County
Philadelphia, ward 42
Roll T624-1411
district 1061
page 128b, sheet 10, image 20, April 21

Chas C. Van Riper-45-M-W-head-real estate-married 18yrs.-
Ella B. Van Riper-40-F-W-wife-married 18yrs-0 children-
Mary A. Bakei (looks like Baker)-86-F-W-mother in law-own imcome-widow-2 children, 2 living-
Dorcas W. Cobb (1900 says Colt)-92-F-W-aunt-own income-single-
Washington County
West Brownsville
Roll T624-1427
district 253
page 268a, sheet 10, image 19, May 3
Middle Street 


Jasper O. Van Riper-43-M-W-head-miner, coal mine-married 19yrs.-
Ellen (nee-Ferguson) Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married-19yrs.-8 children, 8 living-
Margaret Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-operator, telephone-single-
Sarah Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-at school-
Ellen Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter–at school-
Hugh Van Riper-13-M-W-son–at school-
Lucy Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter–at school-
Jennie Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter–at school-
Orland Van Riper-7-M-W-son- -at school-
Iva Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Hugh Ferguson-73-M-W-father in law-widow-
Sept. 8, 2009


Van Riper 1910 Census, Pennsylvania

Federal Census
Bradford County
Sayre, ward 2
Roll T624-1318
district 29
page 237b, sheet 15, image 30, April 23

Eva M. (nee Van Riper) Rumsey-48-F-W-head-own income-widow-3 children, 3 living-
Bernice L. Rumsey-22-F-W-daughter-teacher, public school-single-
Ira G. Rumsey-19-F-W-daughter-single-
Maud E. Rumsey-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Frank Van Riper-33-M-W-brother-carpenter-single-
James H. Crouch-48-M-W-boarder-laborer, RR shop-married 16yrs.-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-Immigrated 1888
Bradford County
Sayre, ward 3
Roll T624-1318
district 30
page 252a , sheet 10, image 19, April 28
120 Third Street 

Harry Van Riper-38-M-W-head-carpenter-married 13yrs.-
Myrtle Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-3 childen,3 living-
Floyd Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Stella Van Riper-9-F-W-Daughter-at school-
Clare Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-
Bradford County
Sayre, ward 3
Roll T624-1318
district 30
page 253a, sheet 11, image 21, April 30
117 South Street 

Floyd E. Van Riper-25-M-W-head-brakeman,railroad-married 3yrs.-
Lena M. Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Harry A. Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
Charlot R. Van Riper-F-W-10 months-daughter-
Bradford County
Sayre Borough, ward 3
Roll T624-1318
district 30
page 253b, sheet 11, image 22, April 30
401 Shephard Street 

Theodore D. Werts-40-M-W-head-carpenter-married 15yrs.-
Minie L. (nee Van Riper) Werts-38-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-2 children, 0 ilving-
Edward Van Riper-70-M-W-father in law-carpenter-2nd. marriage 44yrs.-
Robie M. Van Riper-55-F-W-mother in law-1st marriage 44yrs.-
Chester County
New Garden Township
Roll T624-1328
district 39
page 232b, sheet 7, image 14, April 23
Newark Road 

Garrett L. Van Riper-56-M-W-head-florest, greenhouse farm-marreid 19yrs.-
Margaret Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 19yrs.-0 children-
Crawford County
Meadville Ward 2
Roll T624-1333
district 21
page 132b, sheet 6, image 12,
502 North Street 

Cathrine Fix-64-F-W-head-own income-widow-4 children, 3 living-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1862
George Fix-40-M-W-laborer,cement blocks-single-
Catherine (nee Fix) Van Riper-28-F-W-daughter-married 4yrs.-0 children-
Augustus Van Riper-30-M-W-son in law-merchant, iceman-married 4yrs.-
(son of Aaron and Mary E. Van Riper)
Maud Stern-24-F-W-neice-stenographer-single-
Crawford County
Meadville City, Ward 4
Roll T624-1333
district 24
page 178b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
932 Market Street 

Anna Van Riper-70-F-W-head-widow (of Henry-b.N.J..)-9 children, 7 living-
b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Irleand-immigrated 1848
Crawford County
West Mead Township
Meadville City, ward 5
Roll T624-1333
district 25
page 212a, sheet 5, image 9, April 19
115 Lincoln Avenue 

Aaron Van Riper-58-M-W-head-engineer,street railway-married 36yrs.-
Mary Van Riper-56-F-W-wife-married 36yrs., 4 children, 4 living-
Ruth Van Riper-21-F-W-daughter-single-
Cammille (nee Van Riper) Heim-23-F-W-daughter-married 3yr.-
Crawford County
Meadville City, ward 5
Roll T624-1333
district 25
page 211a, sheet 4, image 7, April 17
327 Lincoln Avenue 

James Mc Kenna-72-M-W-head-own income-married 42yrs.-
Mary Mc Kenna-72-F-W-wife-married 42yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Maggie (Margaret) Mc Kenna-38-F-W-daughter-labeller, distillery-single
Sarah Mc Kenna-36-F-W-daughter-labeller, distillery-single-
Theresa (nee Mc Kenna) Van Riper-40-F-W-daughter-dressmaker,at home-married 18yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Anita Van Riper-16-F-W-granddaughter-stenographer, steroscope works-single-
Pauline Van Riper-9-F-W-granddaughter-at school-
Leona (nee Mc Kenna) Boyle-32-F-W-daughter-developing, stereopitician viewer-married 4yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Marie Boyle-3-F-W-granddaughter-
Dauphin County
Harrisburg, ward 5
Roll T624-1336
district 67
page 203a, sheet 2, image 3, April 16
302 Cumberland Street 

Charles F. Zell-24-M-W-head-barber shop-married 3 yrs.-
Mary Zell-23-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Dorthy F. Zell-2-F-W-daughter-
Ben A. Van Riper-28-M-W-boarder-moulder, machine shop-married less the 1yr.-
Mertie Van Riper-25-F-W-sister in law-married less the 1yr.-0 children-
Erie County
Erie, ward 3
Roll T624-1342
district 87
page 57a, sheet 11, image 21, April 27
East Eigth Street 

block 800
Sister M. Victoria Van Riper-28-F-W-subject-teacher,academy-single-
Fayette County
Luzerne Township-north and West
Roll T624-1244
district 44
page 240a, sheet 6, image 11, April 26 

Emma (nee ??-1st.Van Riper) 2nd. Holt-42-F-W-head-farmer-
widow (of ?? and William Holt)-12 children, 11 living-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
William Holt-12-M-W-son-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Mary Holt-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Ernest Holt-8-M-W-son-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Lutelles Holt-7-M-W-son-at school-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Robina Holt-5-F-W-daughter-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Robert Holt-4-M-W-son-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
Erma Holt-2-F-W-daughter-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.P.A.
John Holt-21-M-W-stepson-farme laborer-single-
Harry Holt-18-M-W-stepson-laborer,odd jobs-single-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Myrtle Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-servant,privite family-single-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Alive Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-servant,privite family-single-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Fayette County
German Township (sub division 2)-ward 2
Roll T624-1345
district 34
page 122a, sheet 34, image 67, May 12
30 Palmer Street 

Brice Van Riper-21-M-W-head-printer-married 2yrs.-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Rachael (nee Maust) Van Riper-19-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-1 child-1 living-
b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
Brice E.(Edward) Van Riper-11months-M-W-son-
b.June 1,1909-b. Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.P.A.
-(Brice E.died July 18, 1982, Alameda,California)-
-(in the US Marines 1930, Prince William County,Virginia)
Fayette County
RedstoneTownship, precinct No.1
Roll T624-1346
district 64
page 124b, sheet 7, image 15, April 21 

John F. Smith-67-M-W-head-truck farm-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1866
Adelia Smith-27-F-W-daughter-single-house keeper-
Charles Smith-1-M-W-grandson-
Fred (Vansyier)Van Riper-24-M-W-grandson-truck farm-single-
Adelia Calvin-6-F-W-granddaugter-
Robina Baker-1-F-W-granddaughter-
Fayette County
Washington township
Roll T624-1347
district 89
page 75a, sheet 7, image 12, April 23 

John W. Van Riper-42-M-W-head-coal miner-married 20yrs.-
(1900 says b.N.J..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.Pa..)
Charlotte Van Riper-43-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.-8 children, 6 living-
Arthur Van Riper-17-M-W-son-coal miner-
William Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
Myrtle Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mildred Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Roy Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Milton, ward 3
Roll T624-
district 74
page , sheet , image
50 Poplar St. 

Daniel Johnson-64-M-W-head-carpenter-2nd marriage, 23yrs.-
Amy Johnson-47-F-W-wife-1st marriage, 23 yrs.-7 children, 7 living-
Parson Johnson-14-M-W-son-at school-
Mabel Johnson-12-F-W-son-at school-
Earl Johnson-9-M-W-son-at school-
Harold Johnson-6-M-W-son-at school-
Lila Vanriper-20-M-W-son-at school-
Clinton County
Roll T624-1332
district 23
page 117b, sheet 4, image 8, April 18
1306 Erie Avenue 

Margaret Allen-47-F-W-head-own income-widow-3 children, 3 living-
Stella L. Allen-15-F-W-daughter-single-
Viola J. Klaiber-18-F-W-daughter-married 1yr.-1 child, 1 living-
Sebastian Klaiber-22-M-W-son in law-brakeman, railroad yard-married 1yr.-
Francis A. Klaiber-6 months-M-W-grandson-
George E. Van Riper-26-M-W-son-tank repairman, railroad shop-married 2yrs.-
Delaware County
Chester, ward 10
Roll T624-1339
district 124
page 227a, sheet 6, image 11,
West 9th Street 

Charles P. Van Riper-56-head-truck,famer-2nd. marriage 20yrs.-
(son of Harmon J. b.N.J..and Catharine b.Mi..)
Anna E. Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-1st marriage 20yrs.-7 children, 6 living-
Harry F. Van Riper-19-M-W-son-moulder, steel mill-single-
Ethel L. Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Edith M. Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school–
Mary E. Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Frank R. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-
Bessie D. Van Riper 2 daughter-
Albert Shockley-21-M-W-lodger-crane-married 2yrs.-
Gertrude Shockley-18-F-W-lodger-steel mill-married 2yrs.
Lilian G Shockley-1-F-W-lodger-
Erie County
Girard Township
Town of Girard
Roll T624-1343
district 111
page 165a, sheet 1, image 1, April 15
Hall Avenue 

Francis M Bowen-71-M-W-head-carpenter, house-2nd marriage 40yrs.-
Salina M. Bowen-65-F-W-wife-1st marriage 40yrs.-6 children, 6 living-
Lorinda L. Bowen-24-F-W-daughter-printer, printing office-single-
Lydia L. Badger-30-F-W-daughter-married 1yr.-0 children-
John H. Badger-31-M-W-son in law-wood worker,novelty works-married 1yr.-
Michael J. Van Riper-61-M-W-boarder-widow-inspector, Rake and Hoe Co.-
Philadelphia County
Philadelphia, ward 42
Roll T624-1411
district 1061
page 128b, sheet 10, image 20, April 21

Chas C. Van Riper-45-M-W-head-real estate-married 18yrs.-
Ella B. Van Riper-40-F-W-wife-married 18yrs-0 children-
Mary A. Bakei (looks like Baker)-86-F-W-mother in law-own imcome-widow-2 children, 2 living-
Dorcas W. Cobb (1900 says Colt)-92-F-W-aunt-own income-single-
Washington County
West Brownsville
Roll T624-1427
district 253
page 268a, sheet 10, image 19, May 3
Middle Street 


Jasper O. Van Riper-43-M-W-head-miner, coal mine-married 19yrs.-
Ellen (nee-Ferguson) Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married-19yrs.-8 children, 8 living-
Margaret Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-operator, telephone-single-
Sarah Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-at school-
Ellen Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter–at school-
Hugh Van Riper-13-M-W-son–at school-
Lucy Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter–at school-
Jennie Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter–at school-
Orland Van Riper-7-M-W-son- -at school-
Iva Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Hugh Ferguson-73-M-W-father in law-widow-
May 19, 2009


Van Riper 1910 census, New York State, Wayne, Westchester, and Yates Counties

Federal Census

Wayne, Westchester, and Yates Counties 

New York State
Wayne County
Galen Township
Clyde Village
Roll 624-1094
district 130
page 111b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
78 Columbia Street 

Ira P. Buckley-39-M-W-head-bus driver-married 16yrs.-
Ella M Buckley-49-F-W-wife-married 16yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Fred Buckley-24-M-W-son-extract maker, extract factiory-single-
Lee H. Buckley-14-M-W-son-at school-
Esther R. Buckley-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Frank Van Riper-45-M-W-hired man, odd jobs-
New York State
Westchester County
Rye Township
Port Chester Village
Roll 624-1092
district 121
page 185b, sheet 9, image 18, April 25
344 Locust Avenue 

Peter Van Riper-33-M-W-head-engineer-married 10yrs.-
Elizabeth E. Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Evelyn A. Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
George S. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-
New York State
Westchester County
New Rochelle, ward 3
Roll 624-1091
district 90
page 201a, sheet 6, image 11, April 15
95 Elk Avenue 

Spencer R. Travis-54-M-W-head-salesman, dry goods-married 34yrs.-
Emma A. (nee Van Riper) Travis-53-F-W-wife-married 34yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Mary C. Van Riper-78-F-W-mother in law-widow, 2 child, 2 living-
Jessie Travis-89-M-W-father-2 children-widow-
New York State
Yates County
Italy Town
Roll 624-1075
district 174
page 146b, sheet 1, image 2, n/a 

Edgar J. Van Riper-55-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 30yrs.-
Jennie Van Riper-54-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-1 child, 1 living-


April 9, 2009


1910 Van Riper Census-Suffolk, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties-New York State

Federal Census
Suffolk, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties
New York
Suffolk County
Village of Amityville
Roll 624-1081
district 142
page 86b, sheet 9, image 18, April 23
Bunswick Home 

William Van Riper-29yrs.-M-W-single-
New York
Suffolk County
Islip Township
Roll 624-1082
district 1371
page 64a, sheet 14, image 23, April 22 

Sophia J. Warden-55-F-W-head-dressmaker-widow-
Batella Gorman-21-F-W-boarder-teacher-single-
Serene Van Riper-29-F-W-boarder-teacher-single-
New York
Tioga County
Barton Township
Waverly Village
Roll 624-1084
district 140
page 4a, sheet 4, image 6, April 19
28 Ithaca Street 

Nelson H. Lyons-63-M-W-head-farmer-married 33yrs.-
Amelia (nee Richards) Lyons-53-F-W-wife-married 33yrs-
Mary Richards-86-F-W-mother in law-widow-(of John)-
Edna Van Riper-13-F-W-neice-at school-
New York
Tioga County
Nichols Township
Roll 624-1084
district 153
page 152b, sheet 9, image 17, April 26 

Josephine Steward-57-F-W-head-widow-
William Van Riper-43-M-W-brother in law-farmer, rented farm-6 children, 4 living-
(wife of William is/was Alelea (nee Steward) Van Riper)
Mary Van Riper-16-F-W-neice-at school-
Rose Van Riper-15-F-W-neice-at school-
Nellie Van Riper-9-F-W-neice-at school-
Stacy Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
Bert Ball-23-M-W-servant-single-
New York
Tioga County
Owego Township
Roll 624-1084
district 155
page 175b, sheet 9, image 18, May 4 

Fred H. Van Riper-52-M-W-head-farmer-married 31yrs.-
Myra L. Van Riper-53-F-W-wife-married 31ys.-2 children, 2 living-
Charles Van Riper-28-M-W-son-odd jobs-single-
New York
Tioga County
Owego Township
Roll 624-1084
district 155
page 176a, sheet 10, image 19, May 4 

Maurice Van Riper-83-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-widow (of Mary Ann)-
New York
Tioga County
Spencer Township
Roll 624-1084
district 163
page 263a, sheet 13, image 13, May 4 

Charles M. Van Riper-46-M-W-head-farmer-married 17yrs.-
Bertha S.(nee Forsythe) Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-4 children,4 living-
Cleon H. Van Riper-15-M-W-son-farmer-at school-
Pearl I. Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Ruby Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Helen Van Riper-3-F-W-daughter-
Mary A. Forsythe-72-F-W-mother in law-widow (of Henry)-
New York
Tompkins County
Town of Danby
Roll 624-1083
district 169
page 241a, sheet 2, image 3, April 18 

Rollin S. Van Riper-25-M-W-head-farmer, general farming-married less the 1yr.-
Mila Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married less the 1yr.-
New York
Tompkins County
Newfield Town
Roll 624-1083
district 193
page 274b, sheet 3, image 6, April 20 


Horace A. Van Riper-65-M-W-head-farmer, truck farm-2nd marriage-2yrs.-
Ina E. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-
Ralph C. Van Riper-25-M-W-son-salesman, commercial-single-
April 3, 2009


1910 Van Riper Census-Richmond, Rockland and Steuben Counties



Federal Census 

New York State 

Richmond, Rockland and Steuben Counties
New York
Richmond County
Richmond, ward 2
Roll 624-1073
district 1316
page 47b, sheet 6, image 12,
85 Hammond Street 

William Van Riper-46-M-W-head-builder, contractor-single-
James Van Riper-42-M-W-brother-mason, contractor-married 4yrs.-
Edith Van Riper-42-F-W-sister in law-married 4yrs-1 child, 1 living-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1876
Isabella Van Riper-3-F-W-niece-
Isabella (nee Van Riper) Plaming-37-F-W-sister-widow-(married 14yrs.)-2 children, 2 living-
Elena Plaming-18-F-W-niece-dressmaker-
Wilbert Plaming-16-M-W-nephew-bookkeeper, grocery-
Mary Smith-65-F-W-aunt-clerk, office-single-
Lydia Jones-47-F-W-sister-widow-widow-0 children-
William Blaned-49-M-W-lodger-engineer, construction-single-
Jane Van Riper-75-F-W-mother-widow-7children, 7 living-
New York State
Rockland County
Roll 624-953
district 118
page 215a, sheet 26, image 40, May21
Airmont to Nyack Turnpike 

George H. Wanemaker-32-M-W-head-worker, farm-2nd marriage 11yrs.-
Mamie Wanemaker-29-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
George Wanemaker-5-M-W-at school-
Walter Van Riper-14-M-W-boarder-
Bertha Sears-7-F-W-boarder-
New York State
Rockland County
Town of Ramapo
Roll 624-953
page 295b, sheet 9, image 17, May
Saddle River Road 

Hannah J. White-36-F-B-head-laundress-single-
Frank White-25-M-B-brother-laborer-single-
Ida White-21-F-B-sister-single-
Eliza Van Riper-75-F-B-aunt-widow-
New York
Steuben County
Cohocton Township
Cohocton Village
Roll 624-1080
district 110
page 57a, sheet 4, image 7, April 18 

Mary Ella Van Riper-62-F-W-head-own income-widow-6 children, 5 living-
New York
Steuben County
Cohocton Township
Roll 624-1080
district 111
page , sheet 3, image 6, April 19
Naples Street 

Jas. E. Van Riper-61-M-W-head-mason, buildings-married 40yrs.-
Francina M. Van Riper-59-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Jerry Van Riper-36-M-W-son-mason, buildings-married 16yrs.-
Fanny Van Riper-15-F-W-grand daughter-at school-
New York
Steuben County
Wayland Township
Wayland Village
Roll 624-1080
district 162
page 238b, sheet 3, image 6, April 18
East Naples Street 

Charles Van Riper-33-M-W-head-barber, own shop-married 13yrs.-
Marguerette Van Riper-36-F-W-married 13yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Harold Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Emma Van Riper-10-F-W-at school-
New York
Steuben County
Wayland Township
Wayland Village
Roll T624-1080
distrct 162
Page 239a, sheet 4 ,image 7, April 18
Naples Street 


Henry Van Riper-40-M-W-head-barber, own shop-married 16yrs-
Lizzie Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 16yrs-2 children, 2 living-
Lloyd Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Howard Van Rifer-11-M-W-son-at school-
April 2, 2009


1910 Van Riper Census, Seneca County, New York State

Federal Census

SENECA County 

New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 23a, sheet 1, image 1, April 10
Fayette Street 

Theodore Van Riper-56-M-W-head-plumber, own shop-widow (of Emma)-
Florence L. Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-stenographer, clerks office-
Hazel C. Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-house keeper-at home-single-
Lesbanch A. Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-stenographer, telephone-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo Village, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 25a, sheet 3, image 5, April 18
Washington Street 

Catharine J. Van Riper-83-F-W-head-widow (of Peter G.)-2 children, 2 living-
b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland -immigrated 1832(1900 says 1842)
James E. William-62-M-W-son in law-carpenter, house and barn-2nd marriage-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1857
Evalena T. S. (nee Van Riper) William-61-F-W-daughter-2nd marriage 29yrs.-3 Children, 2 living-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo Village, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 27a, sheet 5, image 9, April 20
River Street 

Charles B. Van Riper-36-M-W-head-laboer, coal yard-married 9yrs.-
Amma M. Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-married 9yrs-0 children-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 31a, sheet 9, image 5, April 27
Belles Road 

Elmer G. Van Riper-30-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 3yrs-
Minnie (Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 3yrs-1 child,1 living-
Bertha A. Van Riper-1 month-F-W-daughter-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Roll 624-1081
district 69
page 35a, sheet 1, image 1, April 16
Burroughs Road 

Wm. Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer-married 9yrs.-
Grace Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-married 9yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Beatrice Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Junius, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 71
page 60a, sheet 9, image 17, May 6 

Homer Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer-married 1yr.-
Bertha Van Riper-19-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
New York
Seneca County
Seneca Falls, ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 82
page 194a, sheet 18, image 33, April 28
Mount Road 

Walter D. Updyke-41-M-W-head-farmer, home-married 20yrs.-
Harriet Updyke-43-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.,0 children-
Edith M. Updyke-15-F-W-adopted daughter-at school-
Richard Van Riper-14-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Seneca Falls, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 83
page 289a, sheet 14, image 27, May 2
Canal Road 

Herbert Watte-33-M-W-head-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Mabel (nee Van Riper) Watte-26-F-W-wife-married widow 6yrs-0 children-
Sarah Van Riper-73-F-W-mother in law-widow (of Richard)-
Jiles Hubbard-18-M-W-servant-farm hand-single-6 children, 3 living-
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 86
page 239a, sheet 5, image 9, April 25
Branch of Black Brook Road 

Grove Van Riper-38-M-W-head-farmer-single-
John Van Riper-27-M-W-brother-farmer-single-
Burnelia Van Riper-63-F-W-mother-widow(of Seth)-5 children, 5 living-
New York
Seneca County
Varick Township
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 246a, sheet 2, image 3,
Rendaia Street 

Jay H. Van Riper-38-M-W-head-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Pearl M. Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Linley S. Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Ovan J. Vanriper-8 months-M-W-son-
(VanRiper, Linley S, b.1905, d.1967 Mount Pleasant Cemetery-Seneca)
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 253b-254a, sheet 9-10, image 19, May 2
Reservation Road 

Edgar (1900 says Edward) Van Riper Jr.-66-M-W-head-own income-married 40yrs.-
Frances (nee Sweezy) Van Riper-64-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-4 children-4 living-
Bert B. Van Riper-36-M-W-son-general farm-single-
Ernest N. Van Riper-27-M-W-son-general farm-single-
New York
Seneca County
Verick Township
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 254b, sheet 10, image 20, May 4

Peter H. Van Riper-79-M-W-head-farmer-2nd marriage 17yrs-
Fannie L. Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-1 child-0 living-
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 256a, sheet 12, image 23, May 11 

Leroy E. Van Riper-34-M-W-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Satie V. Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Ida F. Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Grace E. Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-
Barton L. Van riper-3-M-W-son-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 276b, sheet 4, image 8, April 20
Virginia Street 

Orsa P. Van Riper-40-M-W-head-painter and paper hanger,house-married 14yrs.-
Charlotte Van Riper-37-F-W-F-W-wife-married 14yrs-4 children, 4 living-
Raymond S. Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Stanley Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Donald Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Willis Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Ernie Rheingold-18-M-W-boarder-salesman, notion store-single-
b.Austria-Fa.b.Austria-Mo.b.Austria-immigrated 1901
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 251b, sheet 9, image 18, April 27
Elizabeth Street 

John G. Van Riper-49-M-W-head-laborer-married 31yrs-
Mary E. Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married-7 children, 7 living-
Mary J. Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-single-woolen mill-
Silvers Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Village Township
Waterloo Village
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 282b, sheet 10, image 20, April 28
Elisha Street 

Julia Van Riper-71-F-W-head-own income-widow-5 children, 4 living-
(widow of Stephen Vreeland Van Riper -son of Peter Van Riper and Maria Vreeland)
Lottie Van Riper-39-F-W-daughter-single-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 291a, sheet 3, image 5, April 21
195 Elisha Street 

Silvers Van Riper-50-M-W-head-hostler, private family-2nd marriage 13yrs.-
Emma J. Van Riper-50-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 13yrs.-1 child- 0 living-
Lester Marshall-14-M-W-nephew-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 239b, sheet 5, image 10, April 23
Swift Street 

John B. Van Riper-65-M-W-head-contractor, mason work-married 38yrs.-
Margaret M. Van Riper-69-F-W-wife-married married 38yrs.-9 children, 7 living-
Nancy M. Van Riper-34-F-W-daughter-woolen mill-single-
John Van Riper Jr.-25-M-W-son-mason, stone-single-
Albert G. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-apprentis, stone mason-single-
Elizabeth E Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-spooler, woolen mill-single-
Elize G. Van Riper-67-F-W-sister-winder, woolen mill-single-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 300b, sheet 12, image 24,
Main Street 


Mary M.Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-widow (of william)-8 children, 7 living-
( 1900 says b. N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland)
Katharine Vanriper- 20 daughter-sales lady, store-single-
b.1879 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Elizabeth Van Riper-23-daughter-sales lady, store-single-
Thomas Van Riper-21-son-machine-single-
Warren Van Riper-19- son-salesman,clothing store-at school-single-
b. N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mar.28, 2009


Van Riper- 1910 census ,Queens County, New York State

Federal Census
Queens County 

New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens, ward 1
Roll 624-1063
district 1145
page 7, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
48 Vernon Avneue 

77-149 (two family house)
Eliza A. Van Riper-40-F-B-head-laundress, privite family-2nd marrage,12yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
b.North Carolina-Fa.b.North Carolina-Mo.b.North Carolina
Cathy Van Riper-11-F-M-adopted daughter-single-
New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens, ward 1
Roll 624-1063
district 1149
page 87b, sheet 7, image 14, April 20
22 Ely Avenue 

John Van Riper-73-M-W-head-plasterer,own shop-married 40yrs.-
Sarah F. Van Riper-72-F-W-wife-married 49yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Elwood R. Van Riper-37-M-W-son-plasterer,own shop-single-
Newland J. Van Riper-35-M-W-son-plasterer,own shop-single-
New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens City, ward 3
Roll 624-1065
district 1282
page 135b, sheet 6, image 12, May 26
1st Street 

Albert M. Van Riper-39-M-W-head-builder, carpenter-married 16yrs.-
Isabella Van Riper-38-F-W-wife-married 16yrs.-6 children, 5 living-
Austin M. Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-
George S. Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Douglas Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Isabella Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Albert A. Van Riper-1 month-M-W-son-
New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens
Roll 624-1068
district 1240
page 8a-8b, sheet 6, image 11-12, April 21
1017 Jamaica Avenue 

105-141 (three family house)
John Van Riper-40-M-W-head-clerk, telephone co..-married 4yr.-
Bertha H. Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 4yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Milton Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Walter H. Van Riper-1-M-W-son-




Mt Hebron Cemetery


Cards include Interment # but no date as to when. 

Address -does not say if that is where the person last lived or that is where person died. 

Does not mentioned if married-widow or single. 

Does not tell where born. 

No grave numbers


Martin is the Lot Owner. No maiden name for Caroline. 

Buried : 






ist row-( stones right to left from Cemetery road) 

Mount Hebron Cemetery 

Section F Lot 1 

1-Martin Van Riper-37y6m5d-no town giving-Mar. 31, 1853-no internment # 

2-Caroline Van Riper-76y-6m0d-Brooklyn,N.Y..-Aug. 13,1886-no internment #-paralysis 

3-Marietta Van Riper-68y-New York City-Sept. 26, 1908-#1562-Hemorrhage 

4-Anna H. Van Riper-64y5m1d-New York City-Feb.12, 1912-#1905 

5-Charles Van Riper-(listed but no information) 

6-Anna Van Riper-1y1m25d-New York-Oct.28,1881-no internment # 

7-Ellen Van Riper-0y2m20d-Oct.26, 1877-no internment # 

8-Matilda Van Riper-2y5m0d-Oct.23, 1875-no internment # 

back row (stones right to left Cemetery road) 

9-Josiah Van Riper-70y-3m-20d-Utica N.Y.-May 27, 1916-Dysentery–#2366-Yock and Smith 

10-Augusta B. Van Riper-32y0m0d-New York City-May 25, 1884-no internment #- Brights Disease 

11-Martin E. Van Riper-33y-8m0d-New York City-Dec.9,1909-#1675 

12-Harriett Abbot -85y-Paramus,N.J.-Aug.9,1964-#10718-Gen Arteriosclerosis-Earl I. Vorhees-rough box 

Base of marker for Augusta and Martin ordered removed and set flush by Mrs. Langstrol,daughter of Harriett (nee Abbott )Van Riper 

George Van Riper 


Fair Lawn, NJ


Van Riper 1910 Census, New York County, New York State


New York State 

New York County 


New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 30
Roll 624-996
district 1403
page 111b, sheet 17, image 34, April 30
420 East 135 Street 

William O’Gorman-44-M-W-head-publisher, music corp.-married 13yrs.-
Addie O’Gorman-37-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Julia E. O’Gorman-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Gertrude A. O’Gorman-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lavinia Van Riper-45-F-W-cousin-clerk, drug store-single-
New York State
New York County
New York City
Bronx Assembly District
Roll 624-996
district 1411
page 1b, sheet 1, image 2, April 16
367 Walton Avenue 

Charles Van Riper-67-head-own income-2nd marriage 19yrs.-
Laura F. Van Riper-65-wife 2nd marriage 19yrs.-0 children-
(1900 Shows Laura married to John Van Riper-2 children living)
Ann L. Ireland-62-F-W-servant-house keeper-single-
New York
New York County
Bronx Assembly, district 32
Roll 624-997
district 775
page 79b, sheet 10, image 20, April 27
523 Fenton Avenue 

William R. Van Riper-48-M-W-head-carpenter, stage-married 24yrs,-
Ella Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 24yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Jennie Van Riper-21-F-W-daughter-single-
William H. Van Riper-16-M-W-son-at school-
New York
New York County
Bronx Assembly, district 32
Roll 624-998
district 1464
page 113b, sheet 9, image 18, April 29

Josiah P. Van Riper-63-M-W-head-married 41yrs.-clerk, hardware store-
Annie H. Van Riper-62-F-W-wife-married 41yrs.-7 children-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1849
Herbert S. Coxin-13-M-W-grandson-at school-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 32
New York City
Roll 624-998
district 1468
page 151a, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
16 Westchester Square 

Frank P. Van Riper-31-M-W-head-proprietor, hardware store-married 8 yrs.-
Annabella D. Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 8yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Edith D. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Louise H. Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Emily Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Charles Van Riper-4months-son-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly district 34 

district 1581
745 East 179th Street 

Jacob S.Van Ripper-77-M-W-head-retired-married 48 yrs.-
b.June 1832 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah E. Van Ripper-70-F-W-wife-married 48yrs.-7 children, 2 living-
b.Feb.1838 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Nova Scotia
Albert Hunter-33-M-W-son in law-bricklayer,building-married 4yrs.-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1881
Edna (nee Van Ripper) Hunter-32-F-W-daughter-married 4yrs.-0 children-
b. Sept.1874 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.Y..
Florence Kerstetter-25-F-W-granddaughter-stenographer, wholesale hardware-
b.April 1885 N.Y.-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Wm. H. Fisher-57-??????(67)M-W-boarder-mauf. medicine-widow-
b.May 1842 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.Holland
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 34
Roll 624-1002
district 1581
page 102a, sheet 5, image 9, April 16
745 East 179th Street 

Charles Van Ripper-37-head-proprietor,hardware store-married 15yrs.-
Maude O. (nee Denan) Van Ripper-35-F-W-wife- married 15yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
Florence I. Van Ripper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Robert Denan-80-M-W-father in law-widow-
b.Canada-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.Canada-immigrated 1847
Martha De Boer-35-F-W-boarder-single-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 35
Roll 624-1002
district 1588
page 83b, sheet 10, image 20, April 23
110 East 159th Street 

114-708 (apartment house)
William R. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-electrical foreman, subway-widow-
Elizabeth Van Riper-60-F-W-mother-widow-
New York State
New York County
Bourogh of New York
Roll 624-1002
Bronx Assembly District 35
district 1596
page 84a, sheet 11, image 21, April 23
479 East 16th Street 

32-232 (6 family building)
Eccles G. Van Riper-68-M-W-own income-2nd marriage 15yrs-
Mary Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-1st marriage 15yrs.-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 9
Roll 624-1006
district 166
page 83b, sheet 10, image 20, April 26
636 Washington street 

Sylvester Van Riper-35-M-W-head-steam fitter-married 4yrs.-
Elizabeth Van Riper-25-F-W-married 4yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Edward Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Evelyn Van Riper-3months-daughter-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 9
Roll 624-1006
district 155
page 22a, sheet 2, image 3, April
193 West 10th Street 

Charles Van Riper-21-M-W-head-bookkeeper, steamship co.-single-
Julia Van Riper-49-F-W-mother-widow-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1022
district 542
page 194a, sheet 17, image 33, 

Grace D. Van Riper-55-F-W-head-widow (of Cornelius H.)-4 children-4 living-
Eugene S. Van Riper-35-M-W-son-clerk, realestate- married-1 child, 0 living-
Grace B. Van Riper-26-F-W-daughter-church singer-single-
Madeleine L. Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-single-
David R. Scott-42-M-W-lodger-single-poduce, merchant-
b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-immigated 1879
New York State
New York County
Roll 624-1022
district 553
page 36a, sheet 8, image 15, April 20
114 101st Street 

Mary Van Riper-32-F-W-head-nurse, privet family-widow-3 children, 2 living-
William Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
New York State
Manhattan, ward 12
New York County
Roll 624-1023
district 1731
page 100a, sheet 6, image 11, April 24
207 111th Street 

Daniel Van Riper-54-M-W-head-artist-married 10yrs.-
Lizzie Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-0 children-
Helen Campbell-45-F-W-servant-single-
New York State
Manhattan, ward 12
New York County
Roll 624-1022
district 547
page 225b, sheet 9, image 18, April 21
125 West 128th Street 

George Van Ripper-43-M-W-head-driver,bakery wagon-married 13yrs-
Lillie Van Ripper-30-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-7 children, 3 living-
Edna Van Ripper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Carsie Van Ripper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Sarah Van Ripper-1-F-W-daughter-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1023
district 588
page 56a, sheet 12, image 23, April
150 West 93rd Street 

Louis I. Van Riper-54-M-W-head-agent, real estate-married 25yrs.-
Anna G. Van Riper-47-F-W-wife-married 25yrs.-1 child, 0 living-
Louise Walter-25-F-W-servant-single-
Frances Hebreing-27-F-W-servant-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1026
district 696
page 172b, sheet 11, image 22, April 15
3609 Broadway 

-282 (apartment building)
Nettie Johnson-45-F-W-head-single-2nd marriage-0 children-
May Van Riper-20-F-W-niece-clerk, insurance
Anna Van Riper-16-F-W-niece-clerk, insurance
New York State
New York County
Roll 624-1023
district 597
page 188a, sheet 9, image 17, April 28
58 West 98th Street 

William Kelly-47-M-W-head-motorman, street car-married 10yrs.-
Louise Kelly-41-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 10yrs.-2 children-2 living-
Wilamenhea Kelly-17-F-W-daughter-saleslady, department store-single-
Margaret Kelly-5-F-W-daughter-single-
Rose Van Riper-26-F-W-sister in law-cloak model, cloak store-single-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12,
Roll 624-1025
district 659
page 51b, sheet 2, image 4, April 12
489 West 14th Street 

Clara Van Riper-70-F-W-head-own income-single-
Sue Van Riper-61-F-W-sister-own income-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1025
district 660
page 67b, sheet 5, image 10, April 19
770 St. Nicholas Avenue 

Albert Van Riper-44-M-W-head-clerk, grocery store-single-
Louise Van Riper-70-F-W-mother-widow-1 child, 1 living-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1025
district 668
page 236a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
West 163 Street 

453-33 (18 family building)
Frederick A. Van Riper-24-M-W-head-chauffer, taxi cab-married 3yrs.-
Marjorie Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Frederick A. Van Riper,Jr.-M-W-10months-son-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1026
district 692
page 27b, sheet 20, image 40, May 11
525 West 153rd Street 

Milton (Matilda) (nee Lydecker)Van Riper-72-M-(F)-W-head-widow-
(widow of Jacob G. Van Riper, his 2nd. marriage, his first was Ann Ackerman)
b.Mar.26,1838 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-N.Y..-d.Mar. 28, 1921
Sally (Jane) B.(Boland) Van Riper-35-F-W-daughter-teacher,public school-single-
b.July 1874 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..-d.Dec 18, 1941 unmarried
Ludwig (Lydecker) Van Riper-32-M-W-son-lawyer,general practice-single-
b.Nov.1877 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..-died Aug 20, 1958
(all buried in Valleau Cemetery, Ridgewood, N.J..
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1027
district 724
page 145a, sheet 14, image 27, April 15
537 West 121st. Street 

Charlotte Johnson-32-F-W-widow-0 children-
Polly Van Riper-27-lodger-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1028
district 742
page 212a, sheet 14, image 25, April 22
Hotel Banta
216 West 94th Street 

Benjamin E. C. Van Riper-40-M-W-guest-widow-fiscal agent, flax fiber machine-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 18
Roll 624-1036
district 972
page 176a, sheet 7, image 13,
244-46 First Street 

Max Wiel-39-M-W-head-moving pictures-single-
Nancy Van Riper-28-F-W-servant-single-
Matilda Weil-69-F-W-mother-widow-
New York
New York County
Manhattan Borough, ward 18
Roll 624-1037
district 987
page 17a, sheet 8, image 15, April 20
131 East 26th. Street 

Louise Mastmann-33-F-W-head-head-rooming house-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1892
Otto E. Mastmann-14-M-W-son-at school-
Walter A. Mastmann-12-M-W-son-at school-
Herbert G. .B Mastmann-9-M-W-son-at school-
Charlotte A. Voorhees-26-F-W-lodger-sewing, home-single-
Gertrude A. Connors-26-F-W-lodger-waitress restaurant-married 3yrs.-3 children, 0 living-
Charles H. Van Riper-17-M-W-lodger-plumber, shop-single-
John G. Wolpert-35-M-W-lodger-waiter, restaurant-single-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1891
William E. Smith-22-M-W-lodger-chaffeur, public-married 2yrs.-
Eleanor C. Smith-19-F-W-lodger-2yrs.-0 children-
Meyer L. John-26-M-W-lodger-lawyer-single-
Nathan Drey-45-M-W-lodger-salesman-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 22
Roll 624-1045
district 1304
page 288a, sheet 10, image 19, April 21
14 West 74th Street 

Catherine Lichtenstein-76-F-W-head-own income-widow-
Howard Lichtenstein-32-M-W-son-merchant producer-single-
William Leash-54-M-W-son in law-salesman, dry goods-1st married 25 yrs.-
Frances S. Leash-49-F-W-daughter-2nd marriage 25yrs.-
Catharine Van Riper-6-F-W-granddaughter
Jennie D. King-51-F-W-Companion-single-
Annie J. Lyonott-30-F-W-servant-laundress-single-
Margaret Flannery-29-F-W-servant-cook-single-
Annie Connolly-22-F-W-servant-waitress-single-
Mary E. Hyath-40-F-W-servant-nurse-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 22
Roll 624-1045
district 1304
page 293a, sheet 15, image 29, April 25
157 West 173 Street 

Lillie M. Van Riper-42-F-W-head-divorced-4 children, 3 living-
Charles E. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-chauffeur, automobile-single-
Dewitt B. Harris-42-M-W-salesman, realestate-1st marriage 7yrs.-
Charlott M. Harris-33-F-W-designer, millinery-2nd marriage, 7yrs.-0 children-
Cornelia M. Shea -22-F-W-musician, music store-single-
Virginia M. McDonald-28F-W-single-
Kathryne E. Jeffcott-24-F-W-saleswomen, millinery-single-
Siena G. Anderson-23-F-W-single-
William McCarthy-M-W-49-importer, embroderies-single-
John H. McCarthy-38-M-W-buyer, dry goods-single
John G. Abrens-25-M-W-pharmacist, drug store-single-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.North Carolina
Etta Simond-33-M-W-clamsters,fancy foods-single-
Katherine McCahon-39-F-W-saleswomen,dry goods-single-
New York
New York County
New York City
Roll 624-1046
district 1305
page 13b, sheet 12, image 24, April 22
175 West 72nd Street 

96-27 (26 family building)
Fannie V. Van Riper-50-F-W-head-own income-divorced-
Kenneth Van Riper-23-M-W-son-single-
Nora Barrett-30-F-W-servant-single-
Margaret Murraig-37-F-W-servant, cook-single-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 30
Roll 624-996
district 1403
page 111b, sheet 17, image 34, April 30
420 East 135 Street 

William O’Gorman-44-M-W-head-publisher, music corp.-married 13yrs.-
Addie O’Gorman-37-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Julia E. O’Gorman-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Gertrude A. O’Gorman-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lavinia Van Riper-45-F-W-cousin-clerk, drug store-single-
New York State
New York County
New York City
Bronx Assembly District
Roll 624-996
district 1411
page 1b, sheet 1, image 2, April 16
367 Walton Avenue 

Charles Van Riper-67-head-own income-2nd marriage 19yrs.-
Laura F. Van Riper-65-wife 2nd marriage 19yrs.-0 children-
(1900 Shows Laura married to John Van Riper-2 children living)
Ann L. Ireland-62-F-W-servant-house keeper-single-
New York
New York County
Bronx Assembly, district 32
Roll 624-997
district 775
page 79b, sheet 10, image 20, April 27
523 Fenton Avenue 

William R. Van Riper-48-M-W-head-carpenter, stage-married 24yrs,-
Ella Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 24yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Jennie Van Riper-21-F-W-daughter-single-
William H. Van Riper-16-M-W-son-at school-
New York
New York County
Bronx Assembly, district 32
Roll 624-998
district 1464
page 113b, sheet 9, image 18, April 29

Josiah P. Van Riper-63-M-W-head-married 41yrs.-clerk, hardware store-
Annie H. Van Riper-62-F-W-wife-married 41yrs.-7 children-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1849
Herbert S. Coxin-13-M-W-grandson-at school-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 32
New York City
Roll 624-998
district 1468
page 151a, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
16 Westchester Square 

Frank P. Van Riper-31-M-W-head-proprietor, hardware store-married 8 yrs.-
Annabella D. Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 8yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Edith D. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Louise H. Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Emily Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Charles Van Riper-4months-son-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly district 34 

district 1581
745 East 179th Street 

Jacob S.Van Ripper-77-M-W-head-retired-married 48 yrs.-
b.June 1832 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah E. Van Ripper-70-F-W-wife-married 48yrs.-7 children, 2 living-
b.Feb.1838 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Nova Scotia
Albert Hunter-33-M-W-son in law-bricklayer,building-married 4yrs.-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1881
Edna (nee Van Ripper) Hunter-32-F-W-daughter-married 4yrs.-0 children-
b. Sept.1874 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.Y..
Florence Kerstetter-25-F-W-granddaughter-stenographer, wholesale hardware-
b.April 1885 N.Y.-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Wm. H. Fisher-57-??????(67)M-W-boarder-mauf. medicine-widow-
b.May 1842 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.Holland
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 34
Roll 624-1002
district 1581
page 102a, sheet 5, image 9, April 16
745 East 179th Street 

Charles Van Ripper-37-head-proprietor,hardware store-married 15yrs.-
Maude O. (nee Denan) Van Ripper-35-F-W-wife- married 15yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
Florence I. Van Ripper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Robert Denan-80-M-W-father in law-widow-
b.Canada-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.Canada-immigrated 1847
Martha De Boer-35-F-W-boarder-single-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 35
Roll 624-1002
district 1588
page 83b, sheet 10, image 20, April 23
110 East 159th Street 

114-708 (apartment house)
William R. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-electrical foreman, subway-widow-
Elizabeth Van Riper-60-F-W-mother-widow-
New York State
New York County
Bourogh of New York
Roll 624-1002
Bronx Assembly District 35
district 1596
page 84a, sheet 11, image 21, April 23
479 East 16th Street 

32-232 (6 family building)
Eccles G. Van Riper-68-M-W-own income-2nd marriage 15yrs-
Mary Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-1st marriage 15yrs.-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 9
Roll 624-1006
district 166
page 83b, sheet 10, image 20, April 26
636 Washington street 

Sylvester Van Riper-35-M-W-head-steam fitter-married 4yrs.-
Elizabeth Van Riper-25-F-W-married 4yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Edward Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Evelyn Van Riper-3months-daughter-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 9
Roll 624-1006
district 155
page 22a, sheet 2, image 3, April
193 West 10th Street 

Charles Van Riper-21-M-W-head-bookkeeper, steamship co.-single-
Julia Van Riper-49-F-W-mother-widow-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1022
district 542
page 194a, sheet 17, image 33, 

Grace D. Van Riper-55-F-W-head-widow (of Cornelius H.)-4 children-4 living-
Eugene S. Van Riper-35-M-W-son-clerk, realestate- married-1 child, 0 living-
Grace B. Van Riper-26-F-W-daughter-church singer-single-
Madeleine L. Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-single-
David R. Scott-42-M-W-lodger-single-poduce, merchant-
b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-immigated 1879
New York State
New York County
Roll 624-1022
district 553
page 36a, sheet 8, image 15, April 20
114 101st Street 

Mary Van Riper-32-F-W-head-nurse, privet family-widow-3 children, 2 living-
William Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
New York State
Manhattan, ward 12
New York County
Roll 624-1023
district 1731
page 100a, sheet 6, image 11, April 24
207 111th Street 

Daniel Van Riper-54-M-W-head-artist-married 10yrs.-
Lizzie Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-0 children-
Helen Campbell-45-F-W-servant-single-
New York State
Manhattan, ward 12
New York County
Roll 624-1022
district 547
page 225b, sheet 9, image 18, April 21
125 West 128th Street 

George Van Ripper-43-M-W-head-driver,bakery wagon-married 13yrs-
Lillie Van Ripper-30-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-7 children, 3 living-
Edna Van Ripper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Carsie Van Ripper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Sarah Van Ripper-1-F-W-daughter-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1023
district 588
page 56a, sheet 12, image 23, April
150 West 93rd Street 

Louis I. Van Riper-54-M-W-head-agent, real estate-married 25yrs.-
Anna G. Van Riper-47-F-W-wife-married 25yrs.-1 child, 0 living-
Louise Walter-25-F-W-servant-single-
Frances Hebreing-27-F-W-servant-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1026
district 696
page 172b, sheet 11, image 22, April 15
3609 Broadway 

-282 (apartment building)
Nettie Johnson-45-F-W-head-single-2nd marriage-0 children-
May Van Riper-20-F-W-niece-clerk, insurance
Anna Van Riper-16-F-W-niece-clerk, insurance
New York State
New York County
Roll 624-1023
district 597
page 188a, sheet 9, image 17, April 28
58 West 98th Street 

William Kelly-47-M-W-head-motorman, street car-married 10yrs.-
Louise Kelly-41-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 10yrs.-2 children-2 living-
Wilamenhea Kelly-17-F-W-daughter-saleslady, department store-single-
Margaret Kelly-5-F-W-daughter-single-
Rose Van Riper-26-F-W-sister in law-cloak model, cloak store-single-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12,
Roll 624-1025
district 659
page 51b, sheet 2, image 4, April 12
489 West 14th Street 

Clara Van Riper-70-F-W-head-own income-single-
Sue Van Riper-61-F-W-sister-own income-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1025
district 660
page 67b, sheet 5, image 10, April 19
770 St. Nicholas Avenue 

Albert Van Riper-44-M-W-head-clerk, grocery store-single-
Louise Van Riper-70-F-W-mother-widow-1 child, 1 living-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1025
district 668
page 236a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
West 163 Street 

453-33 (18 family building)
Frederick A. Van Riper-24-M-W-head-chauffer, taxi cab-married 3yrs.-
Marjorie Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Frederick A. Van Riper,Jr.-M-W-10months-son-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1026
district 692
page 27b, sheet 20, image 40, May 11
525 West 153rd Street 

Milton (Matilda) (nee Lydecker)Van Riper-72-M-(F)-W-head-widow-
(widow of Jacob G. Van Riper, his 2nd. marriage, his first was Ann Ackerman)
b.Mar.26,1838 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-N.Y..-d.Mar. 28, 1921
Sally (Jane) B.(Boland) Van Riper-35-F-W-daughter-teacher,public school-single-
b.July 1874 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..-d.Dec 18, 1941 unmarried
Ludwig (Lydecker) Van Riper-32-M-W-son-lawyer,general practice-single-
b.Nov.1877 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..-died Aug 20, 1958
(all buried in Valleau Cemetery, Ridgewood, N.J..
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1027
district 724
page 145a, sheet 14, image 27, April 15
537 West 121st. Street 

Charlotte Johnson-32-F-W-widow-0 children-
Polly Van Riper-27-lodger-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1028
district 742
page 212a, sheet 14, image 25, April 22
Hotel Banta
216 West 94th Street 

Benjamin E. C. Van Riper-40-M-W-guest-widow-fiscal agent, flax fiber machine-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 18
Roll 624-1036
district 972
page 176a, sheet 7, image 13,
244-46 First Street 

Max Wiel-39-M-W-head-moving pictures-single-
Nancy Van Riper-28-F-W-servant-single-
Matilda Weil-69-F-W-mother-widow-
New York
New York County
Manhattan Borough, ward 18
Roll 624-1037
district 987
page 17a, sheet 8, image 15, April 20
131 East 26th. Street 

Louise Mastmann-33-F-W-head-head-rooming house-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1892
Otto E. Mastmann-14-M-W-son-at school-
Walter A. Mastmann-12-M-W-son-at school-
Herbert G. .B Mastmann-9-M-W-son-at school-
Charlotte A. Voorhees-26-F-W-lodger-sewing, home-single-
Gertrude A. Connors-26-F-W-lodger-waitress restaurant-married 3yrs.-3 children, 0 living-
Charles H. Van Riper-17-M-W-lodger-plumber, shop-single-
John G. Wolpert-35-M-W-lodger-waiter, restaurant-single-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1891
William E. Smith-22-M-W-lodger-chaffeur, public-married 2yrs.-
Eleanor C. Smith-19-F-W-lodger-2yrs.-0 children-
Meyer L. John-26-M-W-lodger-lawyer-single-
Nathan Drey-45-M-W-lodger-salesman-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 22
Roll 624-1045
district 1304
page 288a, sheet 10, image 19, April 21
14 West 74th Street 

Catherine Lichtenstein-76-F-W-head-own income-widow-
Howard Lichtenstein-32-M-W-son-merchant producer-single-
William Leash-54-M-W-son in law-salesman, dry goods-1st married 25 yrs.-
Frances S. Leash-49-F-W-daughter-2nd marriage 25yrs.-
Catharine Van Riper-6-F-W-granddaughter
Jennie D. King-51-F-W-Companion-single-
Annie J. Lyonott-30-F-W-servant-laundress-single-
Margaret Flannery-29-F-W-servant-cook-single-
Annie Connolly-22-F-W-servant-waitress-single-
Mary E. Hyath-40-F-W-servant-nurse-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 22
Roll 624-1045
district 1304
page 293a, sheet 15, image 29, April 25
157 West 173 Street 

Lillie M. Van Riper-42-F-W-head-divorced-4 children, 3 living-
Charles E. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-chauffeur, automobile-single-
Dewitt B. Harris-42-M-W-salesman, realestate-1st marriage 7yrs.-
Charlott M. Harris-33-F-W-designer, millinery-2nd marriage, 7yrs.-0 children-
Cornelia M. Shea -22-F-W-musician, music store-single-
Virginia M. McDonald-28F-W-single-
Kathryne E. Jeffcott-24-F-W-saleswomen, millinery-single-
Siena G. Anderson-23-F-W-single-
William McCarthy-M-W-49-importer, embroderies-single-
John H. McCarthy-38-M-W-buyer, dry goods-single
John G. Abrens-25-M-W-pharmacist, drug store-single-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.North Carolina
Etta Simond-33-M-W-clamsters,fancy foods-single-
Katherine McCahon-39-F-W-saleswomen,dry goods-single-
New York
New York County
New York City
Roll 624-1046
district 1305
page 13b, sheet 12, image 24, April 22
175 West 72nd Street 

96-27 (26 family building)
Fannie V. Van Riper-50-F-W-head-own income-divorced-
Kenneth Van Riper-23-M-W-son-single-
Nora Barrett-30-F-W-servant-single-
Margaret Murraig-37-F-W-servant, cook-single-


Dec. 22, 2008


Van Riper 1910 New York State census, Broome, Onondaga, Ontario, and Orange Counties.

New York State
Federal Census

New York State
Broome County
Binghamton, ward 11
Roll 624-925
district 29
page 122a, sheet 14, image 27, April 30
383 Chemango Street 

Ella A. Kutz-48-F-W-head-boarding house,private-widow-3 children, 3 living-
Ema L Kutz-19-F-W-daughter-stenographer,machine co.-single-
Mildred E. Kutz-15-F-W-daughter-single-
Marjorie Kutz-8-F-W-daughter-single-
Aggie Wager-27-F-W-boarder-mission worker, relief dept.,city mission-single-
Edward Van Riper-27-M-W-boarder-trainman, railway-single-
and others not related
New York State
Erie County
Buffalo, ward 3
Roll 624-941
district 15
page 6a, sheet 6, image 11, April 19
142 South Division Street 

Benjamin J. Van Riper-64-M-W-head-house carpenter-married 29yrs.-
Mary F. Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
(and 5 boarders not reated)
New York State
Erie County
Buffalo, ward 23
Roll 624-948
district 217
page 2a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
40 Cottage Street 

Thos. J. Van Riper, Jr.-29-M-W-head-fireman, railroad-married 6yrs.-
Hattie L. Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married-married 6yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
George B. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-
Howard W Van Riper-3-son-
Jeremiah Van Riper-63-father-widow-married 30yrs.-
New York
Onondaga County
Syracuse City, ward 17
Roll 624-1057
district 179
page 38a, sheet 8, image 15, April 21
1101 Madison Street 

Clinton Van Riper-40-M-W-head-bookkeeper, department store-married 15yrs.-
Esther M.(Maryetta) (nee Grant) Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Arlen (Artenia) D. Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Carlton H. Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Ferdinand Grant-59-M-W-father in law-widow-moulder, mfg. co.-
New York
Onondaga County
Roll 624-1057
district 191
page 201a, sheet 9, image 17,

Minie Van Riper-40-F-W-head-operator, main office-widow (of Lawrence b.Aug. 1861 N.J..)
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..(as listed in 1900)
Lawrence (James) Van Riper-21-M-W-son-clerk, store-single-
Marguerite Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Ninetta Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Onondaga County
Syracuse, ward 18
Roll 624-1057
district 183
page 84a, sheet 11, image 21,
313 Jackson Street 

George Van Riper-61-M-W-head-widow (of Nila b. Dec. 1858 N.Y..)-
Nettie Van Riper-33-F-W-daughter-single-
George Van Riper-16-M-W-son-printer-single-
Alfred Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Fred Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Ontario County
Geneva City, ward 3
Roll 624-1058
district 92
page 249b, sheet 6, image 12, April 21
11 Godelle Terrace 

Clayton P. Van Riper-33-M-W-head-cashier, meat co.-1st marriage, 9yrs-
Flora C. Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-2nd marriage, 9yrs-1 child, 1 living-
P. Irene Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Ontario County
Manchester Township
Clifton Springs Village
Roll 624-1058
district 104
page 84a, sheet 12, image 23, April 22
Main Street Sanitarium 

Jennie Van Riper-21-F-W-bell girl, annex-single-
New York
Ontario County
Seneca Township
Roll 624-1058
district 116
page 219a, sheet 10, image 19, May 14 

John H. Van Riper-62-M-W-head-own income-married 36yrs.-
Mary E. Van Riper-56-F-W-wife-married 36yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
New York
Orange County
Gosen Town
Roll 624-1059
district 15
page 8, sheet 201a, image 15, May 5
Pine Island Road 

Cornelius Van Riper-70-M-W-head-farm laborer-married 42yrs.-
Mary Van Riper-70-F-W-wife-married 42yrs.-(1900 says 8 children-6 living)
Jane Bird-72-F-W-sister in law-single-
New York
Orange County
Town of Montgomery
Walden Village
Roll 624-1059
page 241a, sheet 4, image 7, April 18 

Alfred Stephenson-41-M-W-head-knife works-
Carrie Stephenson-40-F-W-wife-married 22yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Edgard Stephenson-21-M-W-son-finisher, knife works-single-
Floyd Stephenson-18-M-W-son-single-
Frank Pitts-22-M-W-M-W-boarder-knife works-single-
Lizzie Van Riper-79-F-W-aunt-single-
New York
Orange County
Town of Montgomery
Walden Village
Roll 624-1059
district 40
page 248a, sheet 11, image 22, April 13
Valley Avenue 

Harry MacCauley-21-M-W-head-cler, grocery-married 22yrs.-
Josephine (nee Van Riper) MacCauley-20-wife-married 22yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Harry L. MacCauley-3-M-W-son-
Edna M. MacCauley-9 months-F-W-daughter-
Annie Van Riper-38-F-W-mother in law-married 22yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Thomas Van Riper-43-M-W-father in law-married 22yrs.-
New York
Orange County
Roll 624-1061
district 84
page 3a, sheet 3, image 4,
Island Plank Road 

Edward W. Van Riper-48-M-W-head-landlord, hotel-married 18yrs.-
Clara Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 18yrs.-5 children, 3 living-
Bert W. Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-
Roy Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
Claude W. Van Riper-2-M-W-
James Donahue-42-M-W-boarder-laborer, odd jobs-


Dec.19, 2008


1910 Van Riper Census, New York State

Federal Census
New York State
Broome County
Binghamton, ward 11
Roll 624-925
district 29
page 122a, sheet 14, image 27, April 30
383 Chemango Street 

Ella A. Kutz-48-F-W-head-boarding house,private-widow-3 children, 3 living-
Ema L Kutz-19-F-W-daughter-stenographer,machine co.-single-
Mildred E. Kutz-15-F-W-daughter-single-
Marjorie Kutz-8-F-W-daughter-single-
Aggie Wager-27-F-W-boarder-mission worker, relief dept.,city mission-single-
Edward Van Riper-27-M-W-boarder-trainman, railway-single-
and others not related
New York State
Erie County
Buffalo, ward 3
Roll 624-941
district 15
page 6a, sheet 6, image 11, April 19
142 South Division Street 

Benjamin J. Van Riper-64-M-W-head-house carpenter-married 29yrs.-
Mary F. Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
(and 5 boarders not reated)
New York State
Erie County
Buffalo, ward 23
Roll 624-948
district 217
page 2a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
40 Cottage Street 

Thos. J. Van Riper, Jr.-29-M-W-head-fireman, railroad-married 6yrs.-
Hattie L. Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married-married 6yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
George B. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-
Howard W Van Riper-3-son-
Jeremiah Van Riper-63-father in law-married 30yrs.-
New York State
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn-ward 4
New York City
Roll 624-1244
district 40
page 291a, sheet 8, image 15, April 23 

James Van Riper-40-M-W-head-salesman-married 20yrs-
Anna Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.-0 children-
Walker R. Davidson-20-M-W-n/a-single-
Alexander Gatherthson-21-M-W-laborer-single-
Robert Hoane-21-M-W-laborer-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 7
New York City
Roll 624-957
district 106
page 182a, sheet 2, image 3, April
323 Franklin Avenue 

21-34 (three family house)
Cornelius M. Van Riper-50-M-W-head-carperter,factory-married 26yrs.-
Agnes Van Riper-49-F-W-wife-married 26yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Ethel A. Van Riper-23-F-W-daughter-bookkeeper,corset factory-
Emma M. Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mary E. Carroll-29-F-W-boarder-watress, department store-married 9yrs.,0 children-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 11
New York City
Roll 624-959
district 237
page 287a, sheet 11, image 21, April 21
646 Fulton Street 

152-202 (three family house)
Eleanor A. Van Riper-39-F-W-Head-seamstress,workingout-single-
Bertha N. Van Riper-35-F-W-sister-seamstress,workingout-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 9
New York City
Roll 624-960
district 189
page 146a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
726 Sackett Street 

John C. Oewaes-41-M-W-head-porter-2nd.mariage 6yrs.-
Anna Oewaes-40-F-W-wife- 2nd.marriage 6yrs.-4 children, 2 living-
Frank Van Riper-20-M-W-stepson-chauffer, automobile-single-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Newark N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Bernard Van Riper-21-M-W-stepson-at school-single-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Newark N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 12
New York City
Roll 624-963
district 239
page 10, sheet 10a, image 19, April
158 Ackerman Avenue 

Hannah McEwan-67-F-W-head-widow-
Francis McEwan-38-F-W-daughter-clerk, stationary store-widow-1 child, 1 living-
Gilbert McEwan-27-M-W-son-single-
Lorra McEwan-32-F-W-daughter-clerk, stationary store-single-
Bella McEwan-29-F-W-daughter-single-
George McEwan-23-M-W-son-clerk, stationary office-single-
Russell Van Riper-9-M-W-grandson-at school-
New York
Kings County, ward 12
Roll 624-963
district 245
page 101a-101b, sheet 8, image 15-16,
221 Brunt Sreet 

73-144 (Seven family building)
Julia Knight-49-F-W-head-widow-2 children, 0 living-
Joseph Knight-17-M-W-step son-moulder, iron factory-
Agnes Knight-16-F-W-step daughter-painting, bottle factory-
Eleanor Knight-13-F-W-step daughter-at school-
Mary Van Ryper-5-F-W-niece-at school-
Elizabeth Van Ryper-9-F-W-niece-at school-
George Knight-15-M-W-nephew-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 22
New York City
Roll 624-970
district 528
page 78a, sheet 8, image 15, April 30
262 Tenth Street 

66-137 (two family house)
John Van Riper-54-M-W-head-painter,house-
(1900 says b.Sept.1856 N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ireland )
Millicent Van Riper-44-F-W-wife-married 27yrs.-7 children, 4 living-
Otto E. Van Riper-23-M-W-son-helper,plumbing shop-single-
Viola Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-assorter,telegraph office-
William Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
Otto Van Riper-49-M-W-brother-deck hand,ferry boat-
(1900 says b.Sept.1856 N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ireland )
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 22
New York City
Roll 624-970
district 532
page 127b, sheet 5, image 15, April 22
214 Sixth Avenue 

41-103 (seven family building)
Edward J. Van Reyper-50-M-W-head-florist, wholesale-married 24yrs.-
Annie C. Van Reyper-45-F-W-wife-married 24yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
Florence E. Van Reyper-20-F-W-daughter-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 22
New York City
Roll 624-971
district 559
page 300a, sheet 16, image 31, April 22
557 Tenth Street 

John M. Canzona-39-M-W-head-salesman, gun co..-married 10yrs.
Sadie Canzona-38-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.- 3 children, 3 living-
Chauncey Canzona-12-M-W-son-at school-
Arnna M Canzona-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mildred Canzona-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
William H Canzona-64-M-W-father-paper co.-
William Van Riper-28-M-W-lodger-n/a,store-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-972
district 601
page 80b, sheet 5, image 10, April 19
10 Arlington Street 

Harry C. Van Riper-51-M-W-head-cashier,insurance-married 26yrs.-
Jessie M. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 26yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Mildred Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-single-
Alice J. Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lucy A. Thomas-29-M-B-servant,private family-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-907
district 606
page 166a, sheet 5, image 9, April 18
297 Hancock Street 

Helen E. Van Riper-70-F-W-head-widow (of Richard)-9 children, 5 living-
Jennie L. Van Riper-30-F-W-daughter-single-
Richard V. Van Riper-3-M-W-son-weigh master,warehouse-single-
Clarence Todd-28-M-W-lodger-office manager,life insurance-single-
Charles P. Houston-37-M-W-lodger-office manager, real estate-married 12yrs-
Julia W. Houston-36-F-W-lodger-married 12yrs.-1 child, living-
Marrie S. Houston-10-F-W-lodger-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-907
district 607
page 186b, sheet 6, image 12, April 26
377 Jefferson Street 

Edward Van Riper-43-M-W-head-comm.traveller,buttons-married 14yrs.-
Lillian A. Van Riper-37-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Edna D. Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Maggie M Owens-20-F-W-servant,private family-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England- immigrated 1908
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-972
district 610
page 251b, sheet 16, image 32,
283 Hancock Street 

Charles W. Van Riper-45-M-W-head-auditor,drygoods-married 10yrs.-
Annie A. Van Riper-45-F-W-wife-married10yrs.0 children-
Annie I. Allan-79-F-W-mother in law-widow-6 children, 5 living-
b.Scotland-Fa.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-imigrated 1855
Alice M. Allan-47-F-W-sister in law-bookkeeper, jewelry-single-
Mary Newman-56-F-W-boarder-teacher, public school- single-
Frank H. Newman-22-M-W-boarder-ajuster, fire insurance-single-
Florence Newman-18-F-W-boarder-single-
Marie Papenhausen-18-F-W-servant-housework-single-
b.Germay-Fa.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-imigrated 1909
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 24
New York City
Roll 624-602
district 621
page 7b, sheet 7, image 14, April 22
957 Bergen Street 

94-176 (two family house)
George Van Riper-65-M-W-head-own income-married 40yrs-
Margaret Van Riper-62-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-973
district 692
page 26b-27a, sheet 3-4, image 9-10, April 28
185 Parchen Avenue 

Richard F. Van Riper-50-M-W-head-retail merchant, teas and coffee-married 30yrs.-
Martha E. Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-7 children, 3 living-
Richard W. Van Riper-23-M-W-son-salesman, real estate-single-
Harold G. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-974
district 706
page 26a, sheet 27, image 53, April 29
308 Bambridge Avenue 

Susannah Van Riper-81-F-W-head-widow (of Bernard)-2 children, 1 living-
Josephine Terhune-59-F-W-daughter-widow-stenographer-
Frederick C. Stopenhager-54-M-W-boarder-married 20yrs.-
Frank Johnson-25-M-W-boarder-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-974
district 708
page 45b, sheet 2, image 4, April 18
135 Sumpter Street 

John Hencke-32-M-W-head-plumber, working out-married yrs.n/a –
b.New York-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany
Elizabeth Hencke-28-F-W-wife-married yrs.n/a-children n/a
b.New York-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany
Anna Hencke-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Minnie Hencke-5-F-W-daughter-
William Hencke-2-M-W-son-
Maria L. Van Riper-64-baorder-own income-widow-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-974
district 710
page 85b, sheet 7, image 14, April 20
1042 Herkimer Street 

Mary Van Riper-76-F-W-head-own income-widow 51yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
b.Ireland-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.Ireland-immigrated 1847-
Mary L. (nee Van Riper) Brown-55-F-W-daughter-own income-widow-
Carrie Hale-46-F-W-roomer-dress maker-single-
Charles Stemper-24-boarder-letter carrier, p.o. city-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 26
New York City
Roll 624-976
district 752
page 235b, sheet 5, image 8, April 16-18
2587 Arlington Avenue 

Theodore Van Riper-39-M-W-head-moving pictures business-married 14yrs.-
Sophie Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Viola Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Sophie Van Riper-10F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 26
New York City
Roll 624-979
district 980
page 227a, sheet 4, image 7, April
508 Chestnut Street 

Henry Van Riper-46-M-W-head-printer, printing-married 25yrs.-
Rose Van Riper-45-F-W-wife-married 25yrs.-5 chilren, 5 living-
Lilian Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-at school-single-
Martha Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-book binder-single-
Mabel M. Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-single-
James A. Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Henry C. Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 27
New York City
Roll 624-979
district 823
page 261a, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
1129 Lafayette Avenue 

67-157 (three family house)
Emma Van Riper-70-head-widow-sewing, at home-3 children,3 living-
George W. Van Riper-43-M-W-son-bookkeeper, storage house-single-

New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 27
New York City
Roll 624-979
district 823
page 261a, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
1133 Lafayette Avenue 

James Van Riper-49-M-W-lodger-photographer, gallery-married 15yrs.-
(and others in boarding house not related)
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 28
New York City
Roll 624-982
district 916
page 232b, sheet 6, image 12, April 18
73 Granite Street 

Lucius Van Riper-54-M-W-head-bookkeeper-married 27yrs.-
Emma L. Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married 27yrs.-5 children, 2 living-
Aleine W. Van Riper-24-F-W-daughter-clerk life insurance-single-
Ray I. Van Riper-17-M-W-son-clerk life insurance-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 29
New York City
Roll 624-982
district 922
page 66a, sheet 13, image 25, April 23
101 East 2nd. Street 

William G. Van Riper-33-M-W-head-clerk, milinary-married 2yrs.-
Frances Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-0 children-
Annie A. Van Riper-52-F-W-mother-dressmaker, at home-widow-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 29
New York City
Roll 624-982
district 939
page 291a, sheet 17, image 33,
New York Home for Aged and infirm,Division of Brooklyn 

Jane Van Riper-52-F-W-inmate-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 29
New York City
Roll 624-983
district 1019
page 27b, sheet 3, image 6, April 16-18
170 Hinckley 

Walter F. Clayton-45-M-W-head-broker, real estate-married 20yrs.-
Geneva ( nee Van Riper) Clayton-40-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Ethel G. Clayton-19-F-W-daughter-stenographer, real estate office-single-
Walter F. Clayton Jr.-16-M-W-son-at school-
Frances O. Van Riper-67-F-W-mother in law-widow-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward31
New York City
Roll 624-984
district 1031
page 85a, sheet 11, image 21,
119 Van Sickler Street 

Derrick Van Sickler-56-M-W-head-painter, paint shop-married 37yrs.-
Mary Van Sickler-53-F-W-wife-married 37yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Ira Van Sickler-35-F-W-son-clerk, exress,office-single-
Rebbeca Van Sickler-81-F-W-mother-widow-5 children, 3 living-
William Van Riper-43-M-W-boarder-carpenter, shop-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 31
New York City
Roll 624-984
district 1050
page 305a, sheet 15, image 29, April 23
2415 Cropsey Avenue 

Thomas Van Riper-64-M-W-head-carpenter, building-married 23yrs.-
Sarah Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married-married 23yrs.-0 children-
Ellen Van Riper-30-F-W-sister-finisher, curtains-married 10yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Harold Van Riper-9-M-W-nephew-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 31
New York City
Roll 624-985
district 1102
page 71b, sheet 2, image 4,
173 Senator Street 

n/a Keegan-43-M-W-head-salesman, 22yrs.-
Catherine Keegan-24-F-W-wife-married 22yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
n/a Keegan-20-M-W-daughter-
Joseph J Keegan Jr.-19-M-W-son-coal yard-
Thomas Keegan-5-M-W-son-at school-
Alfred Van Riper-30-M-W-boarder-watchman, building-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 31
New York City
Roll 624-984
district 1047
page 241b, sheet 2, image 4, April 16 

Maurice Kahn-56-M-W-head-meat cutter-married 26yrs.-
b.France-Fa.b.France-Mo.b.France-immigrated 1873
Emma Kahn-55-F-W-wife-married 26yrs.-0 children-
Eliza Bear-59-F-W-servant-widow-private family-
b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-immigrated 1894
Joseph Van Riper-50-M-W-helper,about house-married 15yrs.-
New York
Livingston County
Avon Township
Villiage of Avon
Roll 624-986
page 6a, sheet 6, image 11, April 19
East Main Street 

David F. Van Riper-35-M-W-head-master mechainic, Railroad-married 15yrs.-
Leora B. Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Gladys L. Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Maurice D. Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Raymond Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
John E. .Hedgeman-25-M-W-M-bother in law-clerk, R.R. shop office-
New York
Monroe County
Rochester City, ward 19
Roll 624-990
district 229
page 277b, sheet 1, image 2, April 23
4 Floyd Street 

George D. Hayton-59-M-W-head-mason, building-married 32yrs.-
Jennie C. Hayton-54-F-W-wife-married 32yrs., 0 children-
Emma L. Van Riper-25-F-W-boarder-stenographer-single-
New York
Monroe County
Rochester City, ward 11
Roll 624-991
district 111
page 59b, sheet 9, image 18, April 16
St. Mary’s Orphan Asylum
Sister’s of St. Joseph’s
West Avenue 

Leonard Van Riper-9-M-W-boarder-at school-
New York
Monroe County
Rochester City, ward 11
Roll 624-991
district 113
page 76, sheet 3, image 5, April 16
St. Patricks Orphan Asyylum 

Margaret Van Riper-7-F-W-boarder-at school-
New York
Monroe County
Brighton Township
Roll 624-988
district 2
page 48a-b, sheet 17-18, image 35-36, May 20
North Hillside Avenue 

Garrett D. Van Reypen-52-M-W-head-retail dealer, furniture-married 30yrs.-
Laura S.(nee Voorhees) Van Reypen-49-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-9 children, 5 living-
Ralph V. Van Reypen-20-M-W-son-retail salesman, hardware-single-
Ester M. Van Reypen-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Arthur J. L. Van Reypen-9-M-W-son-at school-
Arthur J. L. Voorhees-76-M-W-father in law-Sec. and bookkeeper, furniture-
New York
Monroe County
Rochester City, ward 6
Roll 624-990
district 75
page 73b, sheet 3, image 6,
25 Lipton Park 

Edward Ashley-38-M-W-head-mechanical engineer,machine shop-marrried 5yrs.-
Blanche B. Ashley-32-F-W-wife-married 5yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Mary E. Ashley-78-F-W-mother-own income-widow-3 children, 2 living-
E. Gordon Ashley-4-M-W-son-
Marion B. Ashley-2-F-W-daughter-
Eva H. Baron-70-F-W-boarder-own income-widow-2 children,2 living-
Marcella N Miller-74-F-W-boarder-own income-
Fred J. Van Riper-34-M-W-lodger-mechanic,machine works-married 4yrs.-
Inez A. Van Riper-24-F-W-servant-private family-married 4yrs.-0 children-
New York
Nassau County
City of Hempstead, ward 4
Roll 624-994
district 1106
page 65b, sheet 23, image 46,
152 Ocean Avenue 

George T. Van Riper-55-M-W-head-mason, contractor-2nd marriage-
Louise (nee Carpenter) J. C. Van Riper-46-married 13yrs.
(married Oct.7,1896)
Grace T. Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Anna Carpenter-75-F-W-mother in law-widow-
Albert Gardiner-32-M-B-servant-gradener-married-
Ella Gardiner-28-F-B-servant-married 2 months
New York
Nassau County
Town of Hempstead, ward 4
Roll 624-994
district 1106
page 67b, sheet 24, image 50, May 11
12 Long Beah Avenue 

Edwin H. Vanriper-42-M-W-head-mason, house-married 15yrs.-
Mary E. Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Williard F. Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Helen L.Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Nassau County
town of Hempstead , ward 4
Roll 624-994
district 1106
page 68b, sheet 26, image 52, May 11
22 Miller Avenue 

Clarence M. Van Riper-30-M-W-head-manager,brick worker-married 10yrs.-
Lillian W. Van Riper-31-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-5 children, 5 living-
Evaline M. Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lillian B. Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Ethel L. Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Francis C. Van Riper-3-F-W-son-
Blanche S. Van Riper-1yr.6months-F-W-daughter-
New York
Nassau County
Hempstead, ward 4
Freeport Village
Roll 624-994
district 1106
page 74a, sheet 32, image 63, May 19 

Harry E. Van Riper-37-M-W-married-
Mame F. Van Riper-41-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 18yrs.-
Ruth B. Van Riper-14-F-W-adopted daughter-at school-
New York
Nassau County
Hempstead, ward 8
Freeport Village
Roll 624-994
district 1110
page 162b, sheet 22, image 40, May 7
Smith Street 

Milford Van Riper-22-M-W-head-foreman, brick factory-married 2 yrs.
Mabel Van Riper-22-F-W-wife-married 2yr.-
Esther Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-
New York
Nassau County
Hempstead Township, ward 5
Freeport Village
Roll 624-994
district 1107
page 78b, sheet 4, image 8, April 19
19 Randall Avenue 

Isaac Van Riper-78-M-W-head-mason, retired-married 57yrs.-
Debrah Van Riper-79-F-W-wife-married 57yrs.-10 children, 7 living-
Irene L. Van Riper-37-F-W-daughter-single-
New York
Nassau County
City of Hempstead, ward 15
Roll 624-994
district 1117
page 282b, sheet 4, image 8, April 17
Denton Avenue 

Fredric Van Riper-30-M-W-head-silver smith-married 6 yrs.-
Nillie Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
Robert M. Van Riper-1 month-M-W-son-
New York
Nassau County
Hempstead ,ward 17
Roll 624-995
district 1119
page 95b, sheet 18, image 36, May 7
Kale Place 

John Van Riper-31M-W-head-carpenter, buildings-married 11yrs.-
Lurena Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.-6 children, 5 living-
Mary H. Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
William E. Van Riper-9-M-W-son- at school-
Althea Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-
John E. Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
George A. Van Riper-5 months-M-W-son-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 30
Roll 624-
district 1403
page 111b, sheet 17, image 34, April 30
420 East 135 Street 

William O’Gorman-44-M-W-head-publisher, music corp.-married 13yrs.-
Addie O’Gorman-37-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Julia E. O’Gorman-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Gertrude A. O’Gorman-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lavinia Van Riper-45-F-W-cousin-clerk, drug store-
New York State
New York County
New York City
Bronx Assembly District
Roll 624-996
district 1411
page 1b, sheet 1, image 2, April 16
367 Walton Avenue 

Charles Van Riper-67-head-own income-2nd marriage 19yrs.-
Laura F. Van Riper-65-wife 2nd marriage 19yrs.-0 children-
(1900 Shows Laura married to John Van Riper-2 children living)
Ann L. Ireland-62-F-W-servant-house keeper-single-
New York
New York County
Bronx Assembly, district 32
Roll 624-997
district 775
page 79b, sheet 10, image 20, April 27
523 Fenton Avenue 

William R. Van Riper-48-M-W-head-carpenter, stage-married 24yrs,-
Ella Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 24yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Jennie Van Riper-21-F-W-daughter-single-
William H. Van Riper-16-M-W-at school-
New York
New York County
Bronx Assembly, district 32
Roll 624-998
district 1464
page 113b, sheet 9, image 18, April 29

Josiah P. Van Riper-63-M-W-head-married 41yrs.-clerk, hardware store-
Annie H. Van Riper-62-F-W-wife-married 41yrs.-7 children-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1849
Herbert S. Coxin-13-M-W-grandson-at school-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 32
New York City
Roll 624-998
district 1468
page 151a, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
16 Westchester Square 

Frank P. Van Riper-31-M-W-head-proprietor, hardware store-married 8 yrs.-
Annabella D. Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 8yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Edith D. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Louise H. Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Emily Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Charles Van Riper-4months-son-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly district 34
district 1581
745 East 179th Street 

Jacob S.Van Ripper-77-M-W-head-retired-married 48 yrs.-
b.June 1832 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah E. Van Ripper-70-F-W-wife-married 48yrs.-7 children, 2 living-
b.Feb.1838 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Nova Scotia
Albert Hunter-33-M-W-son in law-bricklayer,building-married 4yrs.-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1881
Edna (nee Van Ripper) Hunter-32-F-W-daughter-married 4yrs.-0 children-
b. Sept.1874 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.Y..
Florence Kerstetter-25-F-W-granddaughter-stenographer, wholesale hardware-
b.April 1885 N.Y.-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Wm. H. Fisher-57-??????(67)M-W-boarder-mauf. medicine-widow-
b.May 1842 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.Holland
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 34
Roll 624-1002
district 1581
page 102a, sheet 5, image 9, April 16
745 East 179th Street 

Charles Van Ripper-37-head-proprietor,hardware store-married 15yrs.-
Maude O. (nee Denan) Van Ripper-35-F-W-wife- married 15yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
Florence I. Van Ripper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Robert Denan-80-M-W-father in law-widow-
b.Canada-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.Canada-immigrated 1847
Martha De Boer-35-F-W-boarder-single-
New York State
New York County
Bronx Assembly District 35
Roll 624-1002
district 1588
page 83b, sheet 10, image 20, April 23
110 East 159th Street 

114-708 (apartment house)
William R. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-electrical foreman, subway-widow-
Elizabeth Van Riper-60-F-W-mother-widow-
New York State
New York County
Bourogh of New York
Roll 624-1002
Bronx Assembly District 35
district 1596
page 84a, sheet 11, image 21, April 23
479 East 16th Street 

32-232 (6 family building)
Eccles G. Van Riper-68-M-W-own income-2nd marriage 15yrs-
Mary Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-1st marriage 15yrs.-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 9
Roll 624-1006
district 166
page 83b, sheet 10, image 20, April 26
636 Washington street 

Sylvester Van Riper-35-M-W-head-steam fitter-married 4yrs.-
Elizabeth Van Riper-25-F-W-married 4yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Edward Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Evelyn Van Riper-3months-daughter-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 9
Roll 624-1006
district 155
page 22a, sheet 2, image 3, April
193 West 10th Street 

Charles Van Riper-21-M-W-head-bookkeeper, steamship co.-single-
Julia Van Riper-49-F-W-mother-widow-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1022
district 542
page 194a, sheet 17, image 33, 

Grace D. Van Riper-55-F-W-head-widow (of Cornelius H.)-4 children-4 living-
Eugene S. Van Riper-35-M-W-son-clerk, realestate- married-1 child, 0 living-
Grace B. Van Riper-26-F-W-daughter-church singer-single-
Madeleine L. Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-single-
David R. Scott-42-M-W-lodger-single-poduce, merchant-
b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-immigated 1879
New York State
New York County
Roll 624-
page 36a, sheet , image,
114 101st Street 

Mary Van Riper-32-F-W-head-nurse, privet family-widow-3 children, 2 living-
William Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
New York State
Manhattan, ward 12
New York County
Roll 624-1023
district 1731
page 100a, sheet 6, image 11, April 24
207 111th Street 

Daniel Van Riper-54-M-W-head-artist-married 10yrs.-
Lizzie Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-0 children-
Helen Campbell-45-F-W-servant-single-
New York State
Manhattan, ward 12
New York County
Roll 624-1022
district 547
page 225b, sheet 9, image 18, April 21
125 West 128th Street 

George Van Ripper-43-M-W-head-driver,bakery wagon-married 13yrs-
Lillie Van Ripper-30-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-7 children, 3 living-
Edna Van Ripper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Carsie Van Ripper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Sarah Van Ripper-1-F-W-daughter-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1023
district 588
page 56a, sheet 12, image 23, April
150 West 93rd Street 

Louis I. Van Riper-54-M-W-head-agent, real estate-married 25yrs.-
Anna G. Van Riper-47-F-W-wife-married 25yrs.-1 child, 0 living-
Louise Walter-25-F-W-servant-single-
Frances Hebreing-27-F-W-servant-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1026
district 696
page 172b, sheet 11, image 22, April 15
3609 Broadway 

-282 (apartment building)
Nettie Johnson-45-F-W-head-single-2nd marriage-0 children-
May Van Riper-20-F-W-niece-clerk, insurance
Anna Van Riper-16-F-W-niece-clerk, insurance
New York State
New York County
Roll 624-1023
district 597
page 188a, sheet 9, image 17, April 28
58 West 98th Street 

William Kelly-47-M-W-head-motorman, street car-married 10yrs.-
Louise Kelly-41-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 10yrs.-2 children-2 living-
Wilamenhea Kelly-17-F-W-daughter-saleslady, department store-single-
Margaret Kelly-5-F-W-daughter-single-
Rose Van Riper-26-F-W-sister in law-cloak model, cloak store-single-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12,
Roll 624-1025
district 659
page 51b, sheet 2, image 4, April 12
489 West 14th Street 

Clara Van Riper-70-F-W-head-own income-single-
Sue Van Riper-61-F-W-sister-own income-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1025
district 660
page 67b, sheet 5, image 10, April 19
770 St. Nicholas Avenue 

Albert Van Riper-44-M-W-head-clerk, grocery store-single-
Louise Van Riper-70-F-W-mother-widow-1 child, 1 living-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1025
district 668
page 236a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
West 163 Street 

453-33 (18 family building)
Frederick A. Van Riper-24-M-W-head-chauffer, taxi cab-married 3yrs.-
Marjorie Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Frederick A. Van Riper,Jr.-M-W-10months-son-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1026
district 692
page 27b, sheet 20, image 40, May 11
525 West 153rd Street 

Milton (Matilda) (nee Lydecker)Van Riper-72-M-(F)-W-head-widow-
(widow of Jacob G. Van Riper, his 2nd. marriage, his first was Ann Ackerman)
b.Mar.26,1838 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-N.Y..-d.Mar. 28, 1921
Sally (Jane) B.(Boland) Van Riper-35-F-W-daughter-teacher,public school-single-
b.July 1874 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..-d.Dec 18, 1941 unmarried
Ludwig (Lydecker) Van Riper-32-M-W-son-lawyer,general practice-single-
b.Nov.1877 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..-died Aug 20, 1958
(all buried in Valleau Cemetery, Ridgewood, N.J..
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1027
district 724
page 145a, sheet 14, image 27, April 15
537 West 121st. Street 

Charlotte Johnson-32-F-W-widow-0 children-
Polly Van Riper-27-lodger-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 12
Roll 624-1028
district 742
page 212a, sheet 14, image 25, April 22
Hotel Banta
216 West 94th Street 

Benjamin E. C. Van Riper-40-M-W-guest-widow-fiscal agent, flax fiber machine-
New York State
New York County
Manhattan, ward 18
Roll 624-1036
district 972
page 176a, sheet 7, image 13,
244-46 First Street 

Max Wiel-39-M-W-head-moving pictures-single-
Nancy Van Riper-28-F-W-servant-single-
Matilda Weil-69-F-W-mother-widow-
New York
New York County
Manhattan Borough, ward 18
Roll 624-1037
district 987
page 17a, sheet 8, image 15, April 20
131 East 26th. Street 

Louise Mastmann-33-F-W-head-head-rooming house-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1892
Otto E. Mastmann-14-M-W-son-at school-
Walter A. Mastmann-12-M-W-son-at school-
Herbert G. .B Mastmann-9-M-W-at school-
Charlotte A. Voorhees-26-F-W-lodger-sewing, home-single-
Gertrude A. Connors-26-F-W-lodger-waitress restaurant-married 3yrs.-3 children, 0 living-
Charles H. Van Riper-17-M-W-lodger-plumber, shop-single-
John G. Wolpert-35-M-W-lodger-waiter, restaurant-single-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1891
William E. Smith-22-M-W-lodger-chaffeur, public-married 2yrs.-
Eleanor C. Smith-19-F-W-lodger-2yrs.-0 children-
Meyer L. John-26-M-W-lodger-lawyer-single-
Nathan Drey-45-M-W-lodger-salesman-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 22
Roll 624-1045
district 1304
page 288a, sheet 10, image 19, April 21
14 West 74th Street 

Catherine Lichtenstein-76-F-W-head-own income-widow-
Howard Lichtenstein-32-M-W-son-merchant producer-single-
William Leash-54-M-W-son in law-salesman, dry goods-1st married 25 yrs.-
Frances S. Leash-49-F-W-daughter-2nd marriage 25yrs.-
Catharine Van Riper-6-F-W-granddaughter
Jennie D. King-51-F-W-Companion-single-
Annie J. Lyonott-30-F-W-servant-laundress-single-
Margaret Flannery-29-F-W-servant-cook-single-
Annie Connolly-22-F-W-servant-waitress-single-
Mary E. Hyath-40-F-W-servant-nurse-single-
New York
New York County
Manhattan, ward 22
Roll 624-1045
district 1304
page 293a, sheet 15, image 29, April 25
157 West 173 Street 

Lillie M. Van Riper 42 -head-divorced-4 children, 3 living-
Charles E. Van Riper 18 -chauffeur, automobile-single-
Dewitt B. Harris 42 -salesman, realestate-1st marriage 7yrs.-
Charlott M. Harris 33 -designer, millinery-2nd marriage, 7yrs.-0 children-
Cornelia M. Shea 22 -musician, music store-single-
Virginia M. McDonald 28 -single-
Kathryne E. Jeffcott 24 -salesman, millinery-single-
Siena G. Anderson 23 single-
William McCarthy 49 -importer, embroderies-single-
John H. McCarthy 38 -buyer, dry goods-single
John G. Abrens 25 pharmacist, drug store-single-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.North Carolina
Etta Simond 33 -clamsters,fancy foods-single-
Katherine McCahon 39 -saleswomen,dry goods-single-
New York
New York County
New York City
Roll 624-1046
district 1305
page 13b, sheet 12, image 24, April 22
175 West 72nd Street 

96-27 (26 family building)
Fannie V. Van Riper-50-F-W-head-own income-divorced-
Kenneth Van Riper-23-M-W-son-single-
Nora Barrett-30-F-W-servant-single-
Margaret Murraig-37-F-W-servant, cook-single-
New York
Onondaga County
Syracuse City, ward 17
Roll 624-1057
district 179
page 38a, sheet 8, image 15, April 21
1101 Madison Street 

Clinton Van Riper-40-M-W-head-bookkeeper, department store-married 15yrs.-
Esther M.(Maryetta) (nee Grant) Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Arlen (Artenia) D. Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Carlton H. Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Ferdinand Grant-59-M-W-father in law-widow-moulder, mfg. co.-
New York
Onondaga County
Roll 624-1057
district 191
page 201a, sheet 9, image 17,

Minie Van Riper-40-F-W-head-operator, main office-widow (of Lawrence b.Aug. 1861 N.J..)
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..(as listed in 1900)
Lawrence (James) Van Riper-21-M-W-son-clerk, store-single-
Marguerite Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Ninetta Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Onondaga County
Syracuse, ward 18
Roll 624-1057
district 183
page 84a, sheet 11, image 21,
313 Jackson Street 

George Van Riper-61-M-W-head-widow (of Nila b. Dec. 1858 N.Y..)-
Nettie Van Riper-33-F-W-daughter-single-
George Van Riper-16-M-W-son-printer-single-
Alfred Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Fred Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Ontario County
Geneva City, ward 3
Roll 624-1058
district 92
page 249b, sheet 6, image 12, April 21
11 Godelle Terrace 

Clayton P. Van Riper-33-M-W-head-cashier, meat co.-1st marriage, 9yrs-
Flora C. Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-2nd marriage, 9yrs-1 child, 1 living-
P. Irene Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Ontario County
Manchester Township
Clifton Springs Village
Roll 624-1058
district 104
page 84a, sheet 12, image 23, April 22
Main Street Sanitarium 

Jennie Van Riper-21-F-W-bell girl, annex-single-
New York
Ontario County
Seneca Township
Roll 624-1058
district 116
page 219a, sheet 10, image 19, May 14 

John H. Van Riper-62-M-W-head-own income-married 36yrs.-
Mary E. Van Riper-56-F-W-wife-married 36yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
New York
Orange County
Gosen Town
Roll 624-1059
district 15
page 8, sheet 201a, image 15, May 5
Pine Island Road 

Cornelius Van Riper-70-M-W-head-farm laborer-married 42yrs.-
Mary Van Riper-70-F-W-wife-married 42yrs.-(1900 says 8 children-6 living)
Jane Bird-72-F-W-sister in law-single-
New York
Orange County
Town of Montgomery
Walden Village
Roll 624-1059
page 241a, sheet 4, image 7, April 18 

Alfred Stephenson-41-M-W-head-knife works-
Carrie Stephenson-40-F-W-wife-married 22yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Edgard Stephenson-21-M-W-son-finisher, knife works-single-
Floyd Stephenson-18-M-W-son-single-
Frank Pitts-22-M-W-M-W-boarder-knife works-single-
Lizzie Van Riper-79-F-W-aunt-single-
New York
Orange County
Town of Montgomery
Walden Village
Roll 624-1059
district 40
page 248a, sheet 11, image 22, April 13
Valley Avenue 

Harry MacCauley-21-M-W-head-cler, grocery-married 22yrs.-
Josephine (nee Van Riper) MacCauley-20-wife-married 22yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Harry L. MacCauley-3-M-W-son-
Edna M. MacCauley-9 months-F-W-daughter-
Annie Van Riper-38-F-W-mother in law-married 22yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Thomas Van Riper-43-M-W-father in law-married 22yrs.-
New York
Orange County
Roll 624-1061
district 84
page 3a, sheet 3, image 4,
Island Plank Road 

Edward W. Van Riper-48-M-W-head-landlord, hotel-married 18yrs.-
Clara Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 18yrs.-5 children, 3 living-
Bert W. Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-
Roy Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
Claude W. Van Riper-2-M-W-
James Donahue-42-M-W-boarder-laborer, odd jobs-
New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens, ward 1
Roll 624-1063
district 1145
page 7, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
48 Vernon Avneue 

77-149 (two family house)
Eliza A. Van Riper-40-F-B-head-laundress, privite family-2nd marrage,12yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
b.North Carolina-Fa.b.North Carolina-Mo.b.North Carolina
Cathy Van Riper-11-F-M-adopted daughter-single-
New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens, ward 1
Roll 624-1063
district 1149
page 87b, sheet 7, image 14, April 20
22 Ely Avenue 

John Van Riper-73-M-W-head-plasterer,own shop-married 40yrs.-
Sarah F. Van Riper-72-F-W-wife-married 49yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Elwood R. Van Riper-37-M-W-son-plasterer,own shop-single-
Newland J. Van Riper-35-M-W-son-plasterer,own shop-single-
New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens City, ward 3
Roll 624-1065
district 1282
page 135b, sheet 6, image 12, May 26
1st Street 

Albert M. Van Riper-39-M-W-head-builder, carpenter-married 16yrs.-
Isabella Van Riper-38-F-W-wife-married 16yrs.-6 children, 5 living-
Austin M. Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-
George S. Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Douglas Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Isabella Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Albert A. Van Riper-1 month-M-W-son-
New York
Queens County
Borough of Queens
Roll 624-1068
district 1240
page 8a-8b, sheet 6, image 11-12, April 21
1017 Jamaica Avenue 

105-141 (three family house)
John Van Riper-40-M-W-head-clerk, telephone co..-married 4yr.-
Bertha H. Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 4yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Milton Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Walter H. Van Riper-1-M-W-son-
New York
Richmond County
Richmond, ward 2
Roll 624-1073
district 1316
page 47b, sheet 6, image 12,
85 Hammond Street 

William Van Riper-46-M-W-head-builder, contractor-single-
James Van Riper-42-M-W-brother-mason, contractor-married 4yrs.-
Edith Van Riper-42-F-W-sister in law-married 4yrs-1 child, 1 living-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1876
Isabella Van Riper-3-F-W-niece-
Isabella (nee Van Riper) Plaming-37-F-W-sister-widow-(married 14yrs.)-2 children, 2 living-
Elena Plaming-18-F-W-niece-dressmaker-
Wilbert Plaming-16-M-W-nephew-bookkeeper, grocery-
Mary Smith-65-F-W-aunt- -clerk, office-
Lydia Jones-47-F-W-sister-widow-widow-0 children-
William Blaned-49-M-W-lodger-engineer, construction-single-
Jane Van Riper-75-F-W-mother-widow-7children, 7 living-
New York State
Rockland County
Roll 624-953
district 118
page 215a, sheet 26, image 40, May21
Airmont to Nyack Turnpike 

Geoorge H. Wanemaker-32-M-W-head-worker, farm-2nd marriage 11yrs.-
Mamie Wanemaker-29-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
George Wanemaker-5-M-W-at school-
Walter Van Riper-14-M-W-boarder-
Bertha Sears-7-F-W-boarder-
New York State
Rockland County
Town of Ramapo
Roll 624-953
page 295b, sheet 9, image 17, May
Saddle River Road 

Hannah J. White-36-F-B-head-laundress-single-
Frank White-25-M-B-brother-laborer-single-
Ida White-21-F-B-sister-single-
Eliza Van Riper-75-F-B-aunt-widow-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 23a, sheet 1, image 1, April 10
Fayette Street 

Theodore Van Riper-56-M-W-head-plumber, own shop-widow (of Emma)-
Florence L. Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-stenographer, clerks office-
Hazel C. Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-house keeper-at home-single-
Lesbanch A. Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-stenographer, telephone-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo Village, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 25a, sheet 3, image 5, April 18
Washington Street 

Catharine J. Van Riper-83-F-W-head-widow (of Peter G.)-2 children, 2 living-
b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland -immigrated 1832(1900 says 1842)
James E. William-62-M-W-son in law-carpenter, house and barn-2nd marriage-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1857
Evalena T. S. (nee Van Riper) William-61-F-W-daughter-2nd marriage 29yrs.-3 Children, 2 living-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo Village, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 27a, sheet 5, image 9, April 20
River Street 

Charles B. Van Riper-36-M-W-head-laboer, coal yard-married 9yrs.-
Amma M. Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-married 9yrs-0 children-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 31a, sheet 9, image 5, April 27
Belles Road 

Elmer G. Van Riper-30-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 3yrs-
Minnie (Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 3yrs-1 child,1 living-
Bertha A. Van Riper-1 month-F-W-daughter-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Roll 624-1081
district 69
page 35a, sheet 1, image 1, April 16
Burroughs Road 

Wm. Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer-married 9yrs.-
Grace Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-married 9yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Beatrice Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Junius, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 71
page 60a, sheet 9, image 17, May 6 

Homer Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer-married 1yr.-
Bertha Van Riper-19-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
New York
Seneca County
Seneca Falls, ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 82
page 194a, sheet 18, image 33, April 28
Mount Road 

Walter D. Updyke-41-M-W-head-farmer, home-married 20yrs.-
Harriet Updyke-43-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.,0 children-
Edith M. Updyke-15-F-W-adopted daughter-at school-
Richard Van Riper-14-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Seneca Falls, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 83
page 289a, sheet 14, image 27, May 2
Canal Road 

Herbert Watte-33-M-W-head-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Mabel (nee Van Riper) Watte-26-F-W-wife-married widow 6yrs-0 children-
Sarah Van Riper-73-F-W-mother in law-widow (of Richard)-
Jiles Hubbard-18-M-W-servant-farm hand-single-6 children, 3 living-
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 86
page 239a, sheet 5, image 9, April 25
Branch of Black Brook Road 

Grove Van Riper-38-M-W-head-farmer-single-
John Van Riper-27-M-W-brother-farmer-single-
Burnelia Van Riper-63-F-W-mother-widow(of Seth)-5 children, 5 living-
New York
Seneca County
Varick Township
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 246a, sheet 2, image 3,
Rendaia Street 

Jay H. Van Riper-38-M-W-head-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Pearl M. Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Linley S. Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Ovan J. Vanriper-8 months-M-W-son-
(VanRiper, Linley S, b.1905, d.1967 Mount Pleasant Cemetery-Seneca)
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 253b-254a, sheet 9-10, image 19, May 2
Reservation Road 

Edgar (1900 says Edward) Van Riper Jr.-66-M-W-head-own income-married 40yrs.-
Frances (nee Sweezy) Van Riper-64-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-4 children-4 living-
Bert B. Van Riper-36-M-W-son-general farm-single-
Ernest N. Van Riper-27-M-W-son-general farm-single-
New York
Seneca County
Verick Township
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 254b, sheet 10, image 20, May 4

Peter H. Van Riper-79-M-W-head-farmer-2nd marriage 17yrs-
Fannie L. Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-1 child-0 living-
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 256a, sheet 12, image 23, May 11 

Leroy E. Van Riper-34-M-W-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Satie V. Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Ida F. Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Grace E. Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-
Barton L. Van riper-3-M-W-son-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 276b, sheet 4, image 8, April 20
Virginia Street 

Orsa P. Van Riper-40-M-W-head-painter and paper hanger,house-married 14yrs.-
Charlotte Van Riper-37-F-W-F-W-wife-married 14yrs-4 children, 4 living-
Raymond S. Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Stanley Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Donald Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Willis Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Ernie Rheingold-18-M-W-boarder-salesman, notion store-single-
b.Austria-Fa.b.Austria-Mo.b.Austria-immigrated 1901
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 251b, sheet 9, image 18, April 27
Elizabeth Street 

John G. Van Riper-49-M-W-head-laborer-married 31yrs-
Mary E. Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married-7 children, 7 living-
Mary J. Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-single-woolen mill-
Silvers Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Village Township
Waterloo Village
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 282b, sheet 10, image 20, April 28
Elisha Street 

Julia Van Riper-71-F-W-head-own income-widow-5 children, 4 living-
(widow of Stephen Vreeland Van Riper -son of Peter Van Riper and Maria Vreeland)
Lottie Van Riper-39-F-W-daughter-single-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 291a, sheet 3, image 5, April 21
195 Elisha Street 

Silvers Van Riper-50-M-W-head-hostler, private family-2nd marriage 13yrs.-
Emma J. Van Riper-50-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 13yrs.-1 child- 0 living-
Lester Marshall-14-M-W-nephew-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 239b, sheet 5, image 10, April 23
Swift Street 

John B. Van Riper-65-M-W-head-contractor, mason work-married 38yrs.-
Margaret M. Van Riper-69-F-W-wife-married married 38yrs.-9 children, 7 living-
Nancy M. Van Riper-34-F-W-daughter-woolen mill-single-
John Van Riper Jr.-25-M-W-son-mason, stone-single-
Albert G. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-apprentis, stone mason-single-
Elizabeth E Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-spooler, woolen mill-single-
Elize G. Van Riper-67-F-W-sister-winder, woolen mill-single-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 300b, sheet 12, image 24,
Main Street 

Mary M.Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-widow (of william)-8 children, 7 living-
( 1900 says b. N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland)
Katharine Vanriper- 20 daughter-sales lady, store-single-
b.1879 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Elizabeth Van Riper-23-daughter-sales lady, store-single-
Thomas Van Riper-21-son-machine-single-
Warren Van Riper-19- son-salesman,clothing store-at school-single-
b. N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
New York
Steuben County
Cohocton Township
Cohocton Village
Roll 624-1080
district 110
page 57a, sheet 4, image 7, April 18 

Mary Ella Van Riper-62-F-W-head-own income-widow-6 children, 5 living-
New York
Steuben County
Cohocton Township
Roll 624-1080
district 111
page , sheet 3, image 6, April 19
Naples Street 

Jas. E. Van Riper-61-M-W-head-mason, buildings-married 40yrs.-
Francina M. Van Riper-59-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Jerry Van Riper-36-M-W-son-mason, buildings-married 16yrs.-
Fanny Van Riper-15-F-W-grand daughter-at school-
New York
Steuben County
Wayland Township
Wayland Village
Roll 624-1080
district 162
page 238b, sheet 3, image 6, April 18
East Naples Street 

Charles Van Riper-33-M-W-head-barber, own shop-married 13yrs.-
Marguerette Van Riper-36-F-W-married 13yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Harold Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Emma Van Riper-10-F-W-at school-
New York
Steuben County
Wayland Township
Wayland Village
Roll T624-1080
distrct 162
Page 239a, sheet 4 ,image 7, April 18
Naples Street 

Henry Van Riper-40-M-W-head-barber, own shop-married 16yrs-
Lizzie Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 16yrs-2 children, 2 living-
Lloyd Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Howard Van Rifer-11-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Suffolk County
Village of Amityville
Roll 624-1081
district 142
page 86b, sheet 9, image 18, April 23
Bunswick Home 

William Van Riper-29yrs.-M-W-single-
New York
Suffolk County
Islip Township
Roll 624-1082
district 1371
page 64a, sheet 14, image 23, April 22 

Sophia J. Warden-55-F-W-head-dressmaker-widow-
Batella Gorman-21-F-W-boarder-teacher-single-
Serene Van Riper-29-F-W-boarder-teacher-single-
New York
Tioga County
Barton Township
Waverly Village
Roll 624-1084
district 140
page 4a, sheet 4, image 6, April 19
28 Ithaca Street 

Nelson H. Lyons-63-M-W-head-farmer-married 33yrs.-
Amelia (nee Richards) Lyons-53-F-W-wife-married 33yrs-
Mary Richards-86-F-W-mother in law-widow-(of John)-
Edna Van Riper-13-F-W-neice-at school-
New York
Tioga County
Nichols Township
Roll 624-1084
district 153
page 152b, sheet 9, image 17, April 26 

Josephine Steward-57-F-W-head-widow-
William Van Riper-43-M-W-brother in law-farmer, rented farm-6 children, 4 living-
(wife of William is/was Alelea (nee Steward) Van Riper)
Mary Van Riper-16-F-W-neice-at school-
Rose Van Riper-15-F-W-neice-at school-
Nellie Van Riper-9-F-W-neice-at school-
Stacy Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
Bert Ball-23-M-W-servant-single-
New York
Tioga County
Owego Township
Roll 624-1084
district 155
page 175b, sheet 9, image 18, May 4 

Fred H. Van Riper-52-M-W-head-farmer-married 31yrs.-
Myra L. Van Riper-53-F-W-wife-married 31ys.-2 children, 2 living-
Charles Van Riper-28-M-W-son-odd jobs-single-
New York
Tioga County
Owego Township
Roll 624-1084
district 155
page 176a, sheet 10, image 19, May 4 

Maurice Van Riper-83-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-widow (of Mary Ann)-
New York
Tioga County
Spencer Township
Roll 624-1084
district 163
page 263a, sheet 13, image 13, May 4 

Charles M. Van Riper-46-M-W-head-farmer-married 17yrs.-
Bertha S.(nee Forsythe) Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-4 children,4 living-
Cleon H. Van Riper-15-M-W-son-farmer-at school-
Pearl I. Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Ruby Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Helen Van Riper-3-F-W-daughter-
Mary A. Forsythe-72-F-W-mother in law-widow (of Henry)-
New York
Tompkins County
Town of Danby
Roll 624-1083
district 169
page 241a, sheet 2, image 3, April 18 

Rollin S. Van Riper-25-M-W-head-farmer, general farming-married less the 1yr.-
Mila Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married less the 1yr.-
New York
Tompkins County
Newfield Town
Roll 624-1083
district 193
page 274b, sheet 3, image 6, April 20 

Horace A. Van Riper-65-M-W-head-farmer, truck farm-2nd marriage-2yrs.-
Ina E. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-
Ralph C. Van Riper-25-M-W-son-salesman, commercial-single-
New York
Wayne County
Galen Township
Clyde Village
Roll 624-1094
district 130
page 111b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
78 Columbia Street 

Ira P. Buckley-39-M-W-head-bus driver-married 16yrs.-
Ella M Buckley-49-F-W-wife-married 16yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Fred Buckley-24-M-W-son-extract maker, extract factiory-single-
Lee H. Buckley-14-M-W-son-at school-
Esther R. Buckley-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Frank Van Riper-45-M-W-hired man, odd jobs-
New York State
Westchester County
Rye Township
Port Chester Village
Roll 624-1092
district 121
page 185b, sheet 9, image 18, April 25
344 Locust Avenue 

Peter Van Riper-33-M-W-head-engineer-married 10yrs.-
Elizabeth E. Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Evelyn A. Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
George S. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-
New York State
Westchester County
New Rochelle, ward 3
Roll 624-1091
district 90
page 201a, sheet 6, image 11, April 15
95 Elk Avenue 

Spencer R. Travis-54-M-W-head-salesman, dry goods-married 34yrs.-
Emma A. (nee Van Riper) Travis-53-F-W-wife-married 34yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Mary C. Van Riper-78-F-W-mother in law-widow, 2 child, 2 living-
Jessie Travis-89-M-W-father-2 children-widow-
New York
Yates County
Italy Town
Roll 624-1075
district 174
page 146b, sheet 1, image 2, n/a 


Edgar J. Van Riper-55-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 30yrs.-
Jennie Van Riper-54-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-1 child, 1 living-


1910 Van Riper Census, New York State, Seneca County

Van Riper
Federal Census
Seneca County
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 23a, sheet 1, image 1, April 10
Fayette Street 

Theodore Van Riper-56-M-W-head-plumber, own shop-widow (of Emma)-
Florence L. Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-stenographer, clerks office-
Hazel C. Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-house keeper-at home-single-
Lesbanch A. Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-stenographer, telephone-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo Village, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 25a, sheet 3, image 5, April 18
Washington Street 

Catharine J. Van Riper-83-F-W-head-widow (of Peter G.)-2 children, 2 living-
b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland -immigrated 1832(1900 says 1842)
James E. William-62-M-W-son in law-carpenter, house and barn-2nd marriage-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1857
Evalena T. S. (Van Riper) William-61-F-W-daughter-2nd marriage 29yrs.-3 Children, 2 living-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Waterloo Village, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 27a, sheet 5, image 9, April 20
River Street 

Charles B. Van Riper-36-M-W-head-laboer, coal yard-married 9yrs.-
Amma M. Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-married 9yrs-0 children-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Roll 624-1081
district 68
page 31a, sheet 9, image 5, April 27
Belles Road 

Elmer G. Van Riper-30-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 3yrs-
Minnie (Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 3yrs-1 child,1 living-
Bertha A. Van Riper-1 month-F-W-daughter-
New York
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Roll 624-1081
district 69
page 35a, sheet 1, image 1, April 16
Burroughs Road 

Wm. Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer-married 9yrs.-
Grace Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-married 9yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Beatrice Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Junius, ward 1
Roll 624-1081
district 71
page 60a, sheet 9, image 17, May 6 

Homer Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer-married 1yr.-
Bertha Van Riper-19-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
New York
Seneca County
Seneca Falls, ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 82
page 194a, sheet 18, image 33, April 28
Mount Road 

Walter D. Updyke-41-M-W-head-farmer, home-married 20yrs.-
Harriet Updyke-43-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.,0 children-
Edith M. Updyke-15-F-W-adopted daughter-at school-
Richard Van Riper-14-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Seneca Falls, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 83
page 289a, sheet 14, image 27, May 2
Canal Road 

Herbert Watte-33-M-W-head-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Mabel (Van Riper) Watte-26-F-W-wife-married widow 6yrs-0 children-
Sarah Van Riper-73-F-W-mother in law-widow (of Richard)-
Jiles Hubbard-18-M-W-servant-farm hand-single-6 children, 3 living-
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 86
page 239a, sheet 5, image 9, April 25
Branch of Black Brook Road 

Grove Van Riper-38-M-W-head-farmer-single-
John Van Riper-27-M-W-brother-farmer-single-
Burnelia Van Riper-63-F-W-mother-widow(of Seth)-5 children, 5 living-
New York
Seneca County
Varick Township
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 246a, sheet 2, image 3,
Rendaia Street 

Jay H. Van Riper-38-M-W-head-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Pearl M. Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Linley S. Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Ovan J. Vanriper-8 months-M-W-son-
(VanRiper, Linley S, b.1905, d.1967 Mount Pleasant Cemetery-Seneca)
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 253b-254a, sheet 9-10, image 19, May 2
Reservation Road 

Edgar (1900 says Edward) Van Riper Jr.-66-M-W-head-own income-married 40yrs.-
Frances (Sweezy) Van Riper-64-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-4 children-4 living-
Bert B. Van Riper-36-M-W-son-general farm-single-
Ernest N. Van Riper-27-M-W-son-general farm-single-
New York
Seneca County
Verick Township
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 254b, sheet 10, image 20, May 4

Peter H. Van Riper-79-M-W-head-farmer-2nd marriage 17yrs-
Fannie L. Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-1 child-0 living-
New York
Seneca County
Roll 624-1081
district 87
page 256a, sheet 12, image 23, May 11 

Leroy E. Van Riper-34-M-W-farmer-married 6yrs.-
Satie V. Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Ida F. Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Grace E. Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-
Barton L. Van riper-3-M-W-son-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 276b, sheet 4, image 8, April 20
Virginia Street 

Orsa P. Van Riper-40-M-W-head-painter and paper hanger,house-married 14yrs.-
Charlotte Van Riper-37-F-W-F-W-wife-married 14yrs-4 children, 4 living-
Raymond S. Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Stanley Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Donald Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Willis Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Ernie Rheingold-18-M-W-boarder-salesman, notion store-single-
b.Austria-Fa.b.Austria-Mo.b.Austria-immigrated 1901
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 2
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 251b, sheet 9, image 18, April 27
Elizabeth Street 

John G. Van Riper-49-M-W-head-laborer-married 31yrs-
Mary E. Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married-7 children, 7 living-
Mary J. Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-single-woolen mill-
Silvers Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Village Township
Waterloo Village
Roll 624-1081
district 89
page 282b, sheet 10, image 20, April 28
Elisha Street 

Julia Van Riper-71-F-W-head-own income-widow-5 children, 4 living-
(widow of Stephen Vreeland Van Riper -son of Peter Van Riper and Maria Vreeland)
Lottie Van Riper-39-F-W-daughter-single-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 291a, sheet 3, image 5, April 21
195 Elisha Street 

Silvers Van Riper-50-M-W-head-hostler, private family-2nd marriage 13yrs.-
Emma J. Van Riper-50-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 13yrs.-1 child- 0 living-
Lester Marshall-14-M-W-nephew-at school-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 239b, sheet 5, image 10, April 23
Swift Street 

John B. Van Riper-65-M-W-head-contractor, mason work-married 38yrs.-
Margaret M. Van Riper-69-F-W-wife-married married 38yrs.-9 children, 7 living-
Nancy M. Van Riper-34-F-W-daughter-woolen mill-single-
John Van Riper Jr.-25-M-W-son-mason, stone-single-
Albert G. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-apprentis, stone mason-single-
Elizabeth E Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-spooler, woolen mill-single-
Elize G. Van Riper-67-F-W-sister-winder, woolen mill-single-
New York
Seneca County
Waterloo Township
Waterloo Village, ward 3
Roll 624-1081
district 90
page 300b, sheet 12, image 24,
Main Street 


Mary M.Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-widow (of william)-8 children, 7 living-
( 1900 says b. N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland)
Katharine Vanriper- 20 daughter-sales lady, store-single-
b.1879 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Elizabeth Van Riper-23-daughter-sales lady, store-single-
Thomas Van Riper-21-son-machine-single-
Warren Van Riper-19- son-salesman,clothing store-at school-single-
b. N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Aug. 21, 2008


Van Riper 1910 census, Kings County, New York State

New York State
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn-ward 4
New York City
Roll 624-1244
district 40
page 291a, sheet 8, image 15, April 23 

James Van Riper-40-M-W-head-salesman-married 20yrs-
Anna Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.-0 children-
Walker R. Davidson-20-M-W-n/a-single-
Alexander Gatherthson-21-M-W-laborer-single-
Robert Hoane-21-M-W-laborer-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn
New York City
Roll 624-957
district 106
page 182a, sheet 2, image 3, April
323 Franklin Avenue 

21-34 (three family house)
Cornelius M. Van Riper-50-M-W-head-carperter,factory-married 26yrs.-
Agnes Van Riper-49-F-W-wife-married 26yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Ethel A. Van Riper-23-F-W-daughter-bookkeeper,corset factory-
Emma M. Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mary E. Carroll-29-F-W-boarder-watress, department store-married 9yrs.,0 children-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 11
New York City
Roll 624-959
district 237
page 287a, sheet 11, image 21, April 21
646 Fulton Street 

152-202 (three family house)
Eleanor A. Van Riper-39-F-W-Head-seamstress,workingout-single-
Bertha N. Van Riper-35-F-W-sister-seamstress,workingout-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 9
New York City
Roll 624-960
district 189
page 146a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
726 Sackett Street 

John C. Oewaes-41-M-W-head-porter-2nd.mariage 6yrs.-
Anna Oewaes-40-F-W-wife- 2nd.marriage 6yrs.-4 children, 2 living-
Frank Van Riper-20-M-W-stepson-chauffer, automobile-single-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Newark N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Bernard Van Riper-21-M-W-stepson-at school-single-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Newark N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 12
New York City
Roll 624-963
district 239
page 10, sheet 10a, image 19, April
158 Ackerman Avenue 

Hannah McEwan-67-F-W-head-widow-
Francis McEwan-38-F-W-daughter-clerk, stationary store-widow-1 child, 1 living-
Gilbert McEwan-27-M-W-son-single-
Lorra McEwan-32-F-W-daughter-clerk, stationary store-single-
Bella McEwan-29-F-W-daughter-single-
George McEwan-23-M-W-son-clerk, stationary office-single-
Russell Van Riper-9-M-W-grandson-at school-
New York
Kings County, ward 12
Roll 624-963
district 245
page 101a-101b, sheet 8, image 15-16,
221 Brunt Sreet 

73-144 (Seven family building)
Julia Knight-49-F-W-head-widow-2 children, 0 living-
Joseph Knight-17-M-W-step son-moulder, iron factory-
Agnes Knight-16-F-W-step daughter-painting, bottle factory-
Eleanor Knight-13-F-W-step daughter-at school-
Mary Van Ryper-5-F-W-niece-at school-
Elizabeth Van Ryper-9-F-W-niece-at school-
George Knight-15-M-W-nephew-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 22
New York City
Roll 624-970
district 528
page 78a, sheet 8, image 15, April 30
262 Tenth Street 

66-137 (two family house)
John Van Riper-54-M-W-head-painter,house-
(1900 says b.Sept.1856 N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ireland )
Millicent Van Riper-44-F-W-wife-married 27yrs.-7 children, 4 living-
Otto E. Van Riper-23-M-W-son-helper,plumbing shop-single-
Viola Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-assorter,telegraph office-
William Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
Otto Van Riper-49-M-W-brother-deck hand,ferry boat-
(1900 says b.Sept.1856 N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ireland )
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 22
New York City
Roll 624-970
district 532
page 127b, sheet 5, image 15, April 22
214 Sixth Avenue 

41-103 (seven family building)
Edward J. Van Reyper-50-M-W-head-florist, wholesale-married 24yrs.-
Annie C. Van Reyper-45-F-W-wife-married 24yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
Florence E. Van Reyper-20-F-W-daughter-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 22
New York City
Roll 624-971
district 559
page 300a, sheet 16, image 31, April 22
557 Tenth Street 

John M. Canzona-39-M-W-head-salesman, gun co..-married 10yrs.
Sadie Canzona-38-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.- 3 children, 3 living-
Chauncey Canzona-12-M-W-son-at school-
Arnna M Canzona-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mildred Canzona-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
William H Canzona-64-M-W-father-paper co.-
William Van Riper-28-M-W-lodger-n/a,store-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-972
district 601
page 80b, sheet 5, image 10, April 19
10 Arlington Street 

Harry C. Van Riper-51-M-W-head-cashier,insurance-married 26yrs.-
Jessie M. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 26yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Mildred Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-single-
Alice J. Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lucy A. Thomas-29-M-B-servant,private family-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-907
district 606
page 166a, sheet 5, image 9, April 18
297 Hancock Street 

Helen E. Van Riper-70-F-W-head-widow (of Richard)-9 children, 5 living-
Jennie L. Van Riper-30-F-W-daughter-single-
Richard V. Van Riper-3-M-W-son-weigh master,warehouse-single-
Clarence Todd-28-M-W-lodger-office manager,life insurance-single-
Charles P. Houston-37-M-W-lodger-office manager, real estate-married 12yrs-
Julia W. Houston-36-F-W-lodger-married 12yrs.-1 child, living-
Marrie S. Houston-10-F-W-lodger-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-907
district 607
page 186b, sheet 6, image 12, April 26
377 Jefferson Street 

Edward Van Riper-43-M-W-head-comm.traveller,buttons-married 14yrs.-
Lillian A. Van Riper-37-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Edna D. Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Maggie M Owens-20-F-W-servant,private family-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England- immigrated 1908
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 23
New York City
Roll 624-972
district 610
page 251b, sheet 16, image 32,
283 Hancock Street 

Charles W. Van Riper-45-M-W-head-auditor,drygoods-married 10yrs.-
Annie A. Van Riper-45-F-W-wife-married10yrs.0 children-
Annie I. Allan-79-F-W-mother in law-widow-6 children, 5 living-
b.Scotland-Fa.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-imigrated 1855
Alice M. Allan-47-F-W-sister in law-bookkeeper, jewelry-single-
Mary Newman-56-F-W-boarder-teacher, public school- single-
Frank H. Newman-22-M-W-boarder-ajuster, fire insurance-single-
Florence Newman-18-F-W-boarder-single-
Marie Papenhausen-18-F-W-servant-housework-single-
b.Germay-Fa.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-imigrated 1909
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 24
New York City
Roll 624-602
district 621
page 7b, sheet 7, image 14, April 22
957 Bergen Street 

94-176 (two family house)
George Van Riper-65-M-W-head-own income-married 40yrs-
Margaret Van Riper-62-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-973
district 692
page 26b-27a, sheet 3-4, image 9-10, April 28
185 Parchen Avenue 

Richard F. Van Riper-50-M-W-head-retail merchant, teas and coffee-married 30yrs.-
Martha E. Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-7 children, 3 living-
Richard W. Van Riper-23-M-W-son-salesman, real estate-single-
Harold G. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-974
district 706
page 26a, sheet 27, image 53, April 29
308 Bambridge Avenue 

Susannah Van Riper-81-F-W-head-widow (of Bernard)-2 children, 1 living-
Josephine Terhune-59-F-W-daughter-widow-stenographer-
Frederick C. Stopenhager-54-M-W-boarder-married 20yrs.-
Frank Johnson-25-M-W-boarder-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-974
district 708
page 45b, sheet 2, image 4, April 18
135 Sumpter Street 

John Hencke-32-M-W-head-plumber, working out-married yrs.n/a –
Elizabeth Hencke-28-F-W-wife-married yrs.n/a-children n/a
Anna Hencke-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Minnie Hencke-5-F-W-daughter-
William Hencke-2-M-W-son-
Maria L. Van Riper-64-baorder-own income-widow-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 25
New York City
Roll 624-974
district 710
page 85b, sheet 7, image 14, April 20
1042 Herkimer Street 

Mary Van Riper-76-F-W-head-own income-widow 51yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
b.Ireland-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.Ireland-immigrated 1847-
Mary L. (Van Riper) Brown-55-F-W-daughter-own income-widow-
Carrie Hale-46-F-W-roomer-dress maker-single-
Charles Stemper-24-boarder-letter carrier, p.o. city-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 26
New York City
Roll 624-976
district 752
page 235b, sheet 5, image 8, April 16-18
2587 Arlington Avenue 

Theodore Van Riper-39-M-W-head-moving pictures business-married 14yrs.-
Sophie Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Viola Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Sophie Van Riper-10F-W-daughter-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn,ward 26
New York City
Roll 624-979
district 980
page 227a, sheet 4, image 7, April
508 Chestnut Street 

Henry Van Riper-46-M-W-head-printer, printing-married 25yrs.-
Rose Van Riper-45-F-W-wife-married 25yrs.-5 chilren, 5 living-
Lilian Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-at school-single-
Martha Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-book binder-single-
Mabel M. Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-single-
James A. Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Henry C. Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 27
New York City
Roll 624-979
district 823
page 261a, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
1129 Lafayette Avenue 

67-157 (three family house)
Emma Van Riper-70-head-widow-sewing, at home-3 children,3 living-
George W. Van Riper-43-M-W-son-bookkeeper, storage house-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 27
New York City
Roll 624-979
district 823
page 261a, sheet 7, image 13, April 20
1133 Lafayette Avenue 

James Van Riper-49-M-W-lodger-photographer, gallery-married 15yrs.-
(and others in boarding house not related)
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 28
New York City
Roll 624-982
district 916
page 232b, sheet 6, image 12, April 18
73 Granite Street 

Lucius Van Riper-54-M-W-head-bookkeeper-married 27yrs.-
Emma L. Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married 27yrs.-5 children, 2 living-
Aleine W. Van Riper-24-F-W-daughter-clerk life insurance-single-
Ray I. Van Riper-17-M-W-son-clerk life insurance-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 29
New York City
Roll 624-982
district 922
page 66a, sheet 13, image 25, April 23
101 East 2nd. Street 

William G. Van Riper-33-M-W-head-clerk, milinary-married 2yrs.-
Frances Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-0 children-
Annie A. Van Riper-52-F-W-mother-dressmaker, at home-widow-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 29
New York City
Roll 624-982
district 939
page 291a, sheet 17, image 33,
New York Home for Aged and infirm,Division of Brooklyn 

Jane Van Riper-52-F-W-inmate-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 29
New York City
Roll 624-983
district 1019
page 27b, sheet 3, image 6, April 16-18
170 Hinckley 

Walter F. Clayton-45-M-W-head-broker, real estate-married 20yrs.-
Geneva Clayton-40-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Ethel G. Clayton-19-F-W-daughter-stenographer, real estate office-
Walter F. Clayton Jr.-16-M-W-son-
Frances O. Van Riper-67-F-W-mother in law-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward31
New York City
Roll 624-984
district 1031
page 85a, sheet 11, image 21,
119 Van Sickler Street 

Derrick Van Sickler-56-M-W-head-painter, paint shop-married 37yrs.-
Mary Van Sickler-53-F-W-wife-married 37yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Ira Van Sickler-35-F-W-son-clerk, exress,office-single-
Rebbeca Van Sickler-81-F-W-mother-widow-5 children, 3 living-
William Van Riper-43-M-W-boarder-carpenter, shop-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 31
New York City
Roll 624-984
district 1050
page 305a, sheet 15, image 29, April 23
2415 Cropsey Avenue 

Thomas Van Riper-64-M-W-head-carpenter, building-married 23yrs.-
Sarah Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married-married 23yrs.-0 children-
Ellen Van Riper-30-F-W-sister-finisher, curtains-married 10yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Harold Van Riper-9-M-W-nephew-at school-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 31
New York City
Roll 624-985
district 1102
page 71b, sheet 2, image 4,
173 Senator Street 

n/a Keegan-43-M-W-head-salesman, 22yrs.-
Catherine Keegan-24-F-W-wife-married 22yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
n/a Keegan-20-M-W-daughter-
Joseph J Keegan Jr.-19-M-W-son-coal yard-
Thomas Keegan-5-M-W-son-at school-
Alfred Van Riper-30-M-W-boarder-watchman, building-single-
New York
Kings County
Borough of Brooklyn, ward 31
New York City
Roll 624-984
district 1047
page 241b, sheet 2, image 4, April 16 

Maurice Kahn-56-M-W-head-meat cutter-married 26yrs.-
b.France-Fa.b.France-Mo.b.France-immigrated 1873
Emma Kahn-55-F-W-wife-married 26yrs.-0 children-
Eliza Bear-59-F-W-servant-widow-private family-
b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-immigrated 1894
Joseph Van Riper-50-M-W-helper,about house-married 15yrs.-


June 30, 2008


1910 Van Riper Census, Ohio

Van Riper
Federal Census
Allen County
Attawa Township
Lima City,ward 4
Roll 624-1151
district 35
page 204a, sheet 9, image 17, April 22
710 St. Johns Avenue 

William Van Riper-36-M-W-head-carriiage maker-married 14yrs.-
Marie Van Riper-32-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Erma Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Raymond Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
Ruth Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Helen Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-
Cuyahoga County
Cleveland, ward 10
Roll 624-1169
district 170
page 288b, sheet 1, image 2,
1817 Saint Clair Street 

Abbey (Abigal) Van Riper-47-F-W- head-keeps lodging house-divorced-1o children, 3 living-
Minneola Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter-factory-single-
Hattie Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Henry B. Duman 61-M-boarder-salesman, department store-
Virgel Yant-45-M-W-boarder-house painter-
Delaware County
Delaware, ward 1
Precinct B
Roll 624-1177
district 34
page 87b, sheet 9, image 18, April 21
Childrens Home
473 Main Street 

Harry Van Riper-15-M-W-at school-
William Van Riper-13-M-W-at school-
Hardin County
Jackson Township
Patterson Village
Roll 624-1187
district 105
page 111a, sheet 2, image 3, April 16 

Albert F. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-teamster, stone quarry-married 12yrs.-
Ethel Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-married 12yrs.-0 children-
Roy Holeman-22-M-W-boarder-laborer, stone quarry-single-
Mahoning County
Youngstown Township
Youngstown City, ward 1
Roll 624-1211
district 103
page 111b, sheet 3, image 6, April 20
219 North Phelps Street 

Auguste Rommenoinkel-31-F-W-head-hair dresser-
b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany-immigrated 1912-
Josephine Van Riper-28-F-W-roomer-divorced-demonstrator-
Anne McKee-29-F-W-roomer-milnery, Dept. Store-single-
Pickaway County
Circleville Township
Circleville Villiage, ward 1
Roll 624-1223
district 141
page 38a, sheet 6, image 11, April 18
154 West Main Street 

Esther A. Van Riper-64-F-W-head-Physican-widow-3 children,2 living
Pickaway County
Circleville Township
Circleville, ward 4
Roll 624-1223
district 146
page 90b, sheet 6, image 12, April 20
432 Mill Street 

M. (Myron) E. Van Riper-41-M-W-head-printer, printing office-2nd marriage 3yrs
Florence Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Esther H. Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-
Martha Wilson-70-F-W-mother in law-married 52yrs.-
Pickaway County
Scioto Township
Roll 624-1223
district 161
page 288b, sheet 15, image 24, April 27
State Institution for the Feeble Minded 

Frank Van Riper-(22)-M-W-Imbecile-
Shelby County
Clinton Township
Sidney, ward 2
Roll 624-1230
district 130
page 32a, sheet 2, image 3, April 25
1013 Miami Street 

William L. Van Riper-62-M-W-head-agent, Express Co.-married 28yrs.-
Margret Van Riper-57-F-W-wife-married 28yrs.-
James L. Van Riper-25-son-secretary, Mfg. Co.-single
Nellie S. Van Riper-22-F-W-saleslady,dry goods store-single-
Warren County
Union Township
South Labonon Village
Roll 624-1239
district 157
page 221b, sheet 4, image 8, April 19 

Victor Van Riper-33-M-W-head-Merchant, Own Store-married 11yrs.-
Ruby Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 11yrs-4 children, 4 living
Doris Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mabel Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Hayner Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-
Charles Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
Warren County
Turtlecreek Township
Labonon Village
Roll 624-1239
district 156
page 204a, sheet 2, image 3, April 16
16 High Street 

41-46 (two family huse)
Elizabeth Van Riper-58-F-W-widow-3 children, 2 living-
Fulton County
Gorham Township
Roll 624-1184
district 11
page 176b, sheet 7, image 14, 

George W. Bauchman-39-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-married 14yrs-
Cynthia M. Bauchman-39-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-3 children-3 living-
Barnal J. Bauchman-16-M-W-son-at school-
Lena L. Bauchman-14-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lettie V. Bauchman-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Zelda M. Van Riper-16-F-W-niece-at school-
Hardin County
Kenton City, ward 4
Roll 624-1187
district 98
page 47a, sheet 4b, image 7,
428 Detroit Street 

132-132 (two family house)
Ella Van Riper-37-F-W-head-washer women-widow-
Thelma Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Hardin County
Kenton, ward 3
Precinct D
Roll 624-1187
district 97
page 54b, sheet 12, image 2, April 26 

James G. Van Riper-29-M-W-head-poultry business-Married 9yrs
Clora Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 9yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Joseph Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Richard Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Pearl Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-
Hardin County
Kenton, ward 3
precinct D
Roll 624-1187
district 97
page 51a, sheet 11, image 5, April 21
859 Hobler Street 

Ellen Van Riper-71-F.W.head-widow-16 children, 7 living-
Charles C. Van Riper-45-M-W-son-salesman,U.S. News C.-divorced-
Hardin County
Kenton, ward 3
precinct D
Roll 624-1187
district 97
page 54a, sheet 11, image 4, April 21
897 Hobler Street 

Bertha Van Riper-42-F-W-head-married- 9 children, 6 living-
Montgomery County
Dayton Township
Dayton City, ward 6,
Precinct C
Roll 624-1217
district 85
page 179b, sheet 2, image 4, April 16
405 William Street 

William H. Van Riper-58-M-W-head-tin smith-
Izora Van Riper-49-F-W-wife-
Chayton Van Riper-26-M-W-son-clerk, Post office-
Carrie Van Riper-24-F-W-daughter-stenographer, Mfg. Co.-
Christian Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
Cuyahoga County
Cleveland Township
Cleveland, ward 10
Roll 624-1169
district 166
page 248a, sheet 9, image 17, April 27


137-226 (two family house)
Alma Julian-32-F-W-head-keeper,boarding house-widow-1 child-1 living-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1891
Millicent Julian-16-F-W-daughter-single-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1899
Garrett Van Reiper-33-M-W-boarder-printer, shop-single-
John Hert-35-M-W-boader-conductor, railroad-married 20yrs.-
June 15, 2008


1910 Van Riper census, Massachusetts

Federal Census
Hampshire County
Northampton, ward 4
Roll T624-593
district 704
page 146a, sheet 10, image 19, May 12
Northampton State Hospital 

Susan Van Riper-59-F-W-Inmate-married 18yrs.-4 children, 0 living-
Hampshire County
South Hadley Township
Roll T624-594
district 716
page 103a, sheet 20, image 39, April 15
6 Elm Street 

Thomas Van Riper-62-M-W-head-bookbinder-2nd.marriage 31yrs-
Susan Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-stenographer, office-single-
Mary E. Butler-54-F-W-servant-house keeper,private family-married 35yrs.-1 child-0 living-
Middlesex County
Malden, ward 5
Roll T624-601
district 900
page 33a, sheet 15, image 28, may 28
17 Franklin Street 

Benjamin F. Van Riper-33-M-W-head-married 10yrs.-commercial, fancy goods-
Agnes Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 10 yrs.-2 children-2 living-
b.England-Fa.b.England-M.b.England-imigrated 1884
Mabel E. Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Jessie A. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Margaret McMillan-30-F-W-lodger-single-
b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-imigrated 1910
Middlesex County
Melrose City, ward 6
Roll T624-602
district 947
page 135b, sheet 7, image 14, may 20
82 Foster Street 

Isabella Van Riper-46-F-W-head-saleswomen, dry goods-married 26yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Mabel A. Van Riper-24-F-W-daughter-teacher, public school-
Charles E Van Riper-18-M-W-son-at school-
William B. Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Charles O. Wheeler-57-M-W-lodger-slalesman, shoe store-married 30yrs.-
Worcester County
Uxbridge Town
Roll T624-630
district 776
page 124b, sheet 20, image 40, May 3
Henry Street 


Benjamin Van Riper-36-M-W-head-merchant,woolen mill-
Martha Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-5 children, 3 living-
b.Rhode Island-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.Ireland
Mary E. Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Mass..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Rhode Island
Martha E. Van Riper-12-F-W-at school-
b.Mass..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Rhode Island
Annie C. Van Riper-11-F-W-at school-
b.Mass..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Rhode Island


Van Riper 1910 Census, Oregon

Federal Census
1910 Oregon
Jackson County
South Medford Precinct
Medford City,Ward 2
Roll T624-1281
district 113
page 226a, sheet ,20 image,22, May 11
Front Street South 

John Van Riper-39-M-W-boarder-single-laborer, street work-
(and many more boarders not related)
Klamath County
Klamath Falls Ward 3
Roll T624-1282
district 133
page 50b, sheet 15, image 7,May 3
937 High Street 

Garrett Kipp Van Riper-47-M-W-head-merchant, grocery- married 22yrs.-
Nellie C. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 22yrs.-4 children, 3 living-
Gerrett K. Van Riper-19-M-W-son-at school-single-
Lillian A. Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-at school-at school-
Josephine C. Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-at school-
Klamath County
Klamath Falls Town, ward 2
Roll T624-1282
district 133
page 64a, sheet 29, image 18,
224 Ninth Street 

Gardner P. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-dealer, realestate-married 15yrs.-
b.Oregon-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Illinois-(died Sept. 14, 1949)
Anger Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-0 children-
Sarah T. Van Riper-73-F-W-mother-widow (of Garrett B.)-7 children, 5 living-
Lane County
Cottage Grove City, ward 1,
West Cottage Grove, precinct
Roll T624-1282
district 162
page 267a, sheet 8, image 1, April 21
River Street 

James W. Gowdy-70-M-W-head-own income-2nd marriage 14yrs.-
Anna J.(Van Riper) Gowdy-50-M-W-wife-2nd marriage 14yrs.-6 children, 5 living-
b.Illinois- Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Ohio
William R. Van Riper-22-M-W-step son-painter, house-single-
b.Nebraska-Fa.b.Rhode Island-Mo.b.Illinois
Virgil W. Gowdy-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Bethel E. Gowdy-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Adaline M. Mount-56-F-W-cousin-own income-widow-2 children, 1 living-
Multnomah County
Portland, Ward 3
Roll T624-1285
district 140
page 101a, sheet 5, image,9
41 Ella Street 

Fannie Cheatham-35-F-W-head-Landlady,rooming house-single-
Charles Van Riper-29-M-W-boarder-foreman, R.R.frieghtyards-married 1yr.
Ida M. Van Riper-26-F-W-boarder-married 1yr.-0 children-
Multnomah County
Portland Ward 8
Precinct 54
Roll T624-1286
district 193
page 189a, sheet 10, image 19, April
765 East Main Street 


Robert B. Palmer-28-M-W-head-dealer,realtor-married 3yrs.-
b.Oregon-Fa.b.New York-Mo.b.Indiana
Dorothy E. Palmer-27-F-W-wife-music teacher,at home-married 3yrs.-0 children-
Clara Van Riper-24-F-W-boarder-millener,store-single-
May 15, 2008


1910 Van Riper Census, Missouri

Federal census
Cass County
Grand River Township
Grand River, ward 1
Roll T624-770
district 36
page 167b, sheet 5, image 10, April 19
East Pearl Street 

Charles H. Van Riper-44-M-W-head-livery and bus line,transfer-ist marriage 11yrs.-
Cora D. (Jones) Van Riper-38-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 11yrs.-
Dorothy V. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Stella Starks-19-F-W-lodger-own income-single-
Arthur Wilson-18-M-W-servant-livery barn-single-
Henry Owens-29-M-W-servant-livery barn-single-
Jackson County
Kansas, ward 9
Roll T624-787
district 117
page 271a, sheet 9, image 17, April 26
1006 East Fifteenth Street 

153-231 (six family Bld.)
John H. Van Riper-49-M-W-head-traveling salesman, stationary-married 20yrs.-
Harriett Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.-1 child,1 living-
Newton County
Neosho Township
Neosho, ward 2
Neosho City
Roll T624-802
district 129
page 194a, sheet 19, image 11, April 

M.(Mary) E. Van Riper-77-F-W-head-own income-widow (of Charles)-3 children, 1 living-
Etta V. Rudy-46-F-W-daughter-dress maker, own home-divorced (of P.O.Rudy)-
St. Louis (Independent City),
St Louis Ward 28
Roll T624-823
district 449
page 191b-192a, sheet 14-15, image 28-29, April 30
5357 Waterman Avenue 


John C. Van Riper-47-M-W-head-banker, Trust Co.-married 23yrs-
Anna M. Van Riper-49-F-W-wife-married 23yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Walker M.Van Riper-23-M-W-son-secretary, Bank and Trust Co.-single-
Leah M. Van Riper-21-F-W-daughter-single-
John C. Van Riper-19-M-W-son-at school-single-
Geo R. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-at school-single-
Charlotte E. Zoeller-24-F-W-servant, private home-single-
Emma O. Hilkebaumer-29-F-W-servant, private home-single-
Roy B. Wilson-18-M-B-servant, private home-single-
April 30, 2008 


1910 Van Riper Census, Maine

Federal Census
Penobscot County
Bangor city, ward 6
Roll T624-544
page 211a, sheet 20, image 38, n/a

Courtney Van Riper-n/a-(N.J.)M-W-roomer-commercial lawyer-single-
b.n/a (Mi)-Fa.b.n/a(N.J.)-Mo.b.(England)n/a
April 30, 2008


1910 Van Riper census, Montana

Federal Census
Silver Bow
Butte City, ward 5
Roll 624-836
district 105
page 197b, sheet 3, image 6, April 16, 2008
712 Park Street 

40-53 (three family house)
Thos. Van Riper-40-M-W-head-engineer, copper mine-married 17yrs.-
Emma Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-2 children, 2 living
Jonce Van Riper-16–F-W-daughter-at school-.
Gerrett Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-


April 24, 2008


1910 Van Riper census, Michigan

Van Riper
Federal Census

The following COUNTIES that have VAN RIPER–
Berrien, Cass, Genesee, Emmet, Houghton, Grand Traverse, Gratiot,
Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Livingston, Lenawee, Marquette, Monroe,
Menominee, Muskegon, Oakland, Osceola, Saginaw, Shiawassee,
Van Buren, Washtenaw, and Wayne…
Berrien County
Galien Township
Roll T624
district 73
page 243a, sheet 8, image 15, May 3 

Alonzo Goodenough-69-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 44yrs.-
Margaret Goodenough-64-F-W-wife-married 44yrs.-9 children, 9 living-
Ralph Goodenough-24-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-
Hazel Goodenough-19-F-W-daughter-single-
Cessie (Goodenough) Van Riper-42-F-W-daughter-servant at home-married (to Charles) 16yrs.-
Jessie Van Riper-10-F-W-granddaughter-at school-
Berrien County
Niles City, ward 4
Roll T624-638
district 82
page 70b, sheet 12, image 24, April 29
598 Front Street 

Lewis Van Riper-67-M-W-head-own income-married 46yrs.-
b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J.. (was in Civil War)
Sarah C.Van Riper-66-F-W-wife-married 46yrs.-2 children,1 living-
b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J..(later received pension)
Berrien County
Niles City, ward 4
Roll T624-638
district 82
page 70b, sheet 12, image 24, April 29
560 Front Street 

James J. Van Riper-72-M-W-head-lawyer, general practice-married 52yrs.-
Clara Van Riper-70-F-W-wife-married 52yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Cass County
Dowagiac, ward 2
Roll T624-640
district 101
page 36a, sheet 3, image 5, April 16
106 Cortland Street 

Mary A. Van Riper-62-F-W-head-widow-
Edna Donahoe-18-F-W-boarder-operator, telegraph-single-
Cass County
La Grange
Roll T624-640
district 105
page 88b, sheet 2, image 4, April 19 

John Van Riper-62-M-W-farmer, general farm-2nd marriage 19yrs.-
Idaett (Ritter)Van Riper-49-F-W-wife-married 19yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Bertha B. Van Riper-35-M-W-daughter-school teacher, public-single-single-
Marie E. Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-single-
Henry R. Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Stephen L. Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-
Cynthia Ritter-56-F-W-sister in law-single-
Frank Benedict-20-M-W-hired man-farm laborer-single-
Cass County
La Grange Township
Roll T624-640
district 105
page 92a, sheet 6, image 11, May 26 

Abram T. Van Riper-53-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-single-
Catherine Van Riper-76-F-W-mother-widow-8 children 4 living-
Cass County
La Grange Township
Cassapolis Village
Roll T624-640
district 106
page 5a, sheet 1, image 1, April 15
First Street 

Floy (Van Riper) Savage-27-F-W-head-own income-married 7yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Van J. Savage-5-M-W-son-
Bertha Van Riper-34-F-W-sister-teacher, public school-
Cass County
Silver Creek Township
Roll T624-640
district 116
page 212a, sheet 8, image 15, May 4 

Ackerman Van Riper-56-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 10yrs.-
Edith Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Bertha L. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Crustal H. Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-at school-
Hazel M. Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-
Baby Van Riper-1/2 month-F-W-daughter-
Genesee County
Flint City
Roll T624-642
district 23
page 175a, sheet 5, image 9,
924 Grand Travrase Street 

H. Elmer Thayer-51-M-W-head-own income-married 25yrs.-
Carrie Thayer-50-F-W-wife-married 25yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Amy Thayer-20-F-W-daughter-single-
Margaret Van Riper-28-F-W-boarder-teacher, public school-single-
Genesee County
Flint City
Roll T624-642
district 24
page 192a, sheet 7, image 14, April 22
1216 Oak Street 

Clarissa E. Hall-79-F-W-head-widow-4children, 2 living-
Anna E. Hall-60-F-W-daughter-
Clara E. Hall-50-F-W-daughter-teaching, grade school-
Margaret Van Riper-30-F-W-boarder-teaching, grade school-
Genesee County
Gaines Township
Gaines Village
Roll T624-643
district 40
page 202a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15 

Frank Van Riper-49-M-W-head-own income-married 28yrs.-
Mary J. Van Riper-49-F-W-wife-mrried 28yrs.-9 children, 6 living-
Ella Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-single-
Eva C. Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
Genesee County
Gaines Township
Roll T624-643
district 41
page 217b, sheet 9, image 18, May 

Frank Van Riper-21-M-W-head-laborer, farm-married 2yrs.-
(b.April 25, 1889-d.Jan.1974)
Temperance R. Van Riper-20-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Mable I. Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-
Alta E Van Riper-1month-F-W-daughter-
Emmet County
Littlefield Township
Village of Alanson
Roll T624-645
district 97
page 149a, sheet 3, image 5, April 20 

Malvin Van Riper-35-M-W-head-pilotman, boats-married 5yrs.-
Pearl V. Van Riper-25-F-W-wife-married 5yrs.-2 children, 2 living
Reba F. Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-
Lealand R. Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
George Van Riper-70-M-W-father-widow-
Houghton County
Portgae Township
Villiage of Houghton
Roll T624-647
district 122
page 12a, sheet 12, image 23, April 22
310 Edwards Street 

Richard Van Riper-52-M-W-head-engineer, copper smelts-2nd marriage 9yrs.-
b.Mi..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland(1900 says Fa-b.N.Y..)
Margarette Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 9yrs.-2 children,2 living-
Marena Van Riper-20-F-W-step daughter-single-
Edwin Van Riper-18-M-W-son-store-single-
John Van Riper-16-M-W-son-single-
Grand Traverse County
Roll T624-648
district 54
page 198b, sheet 1, image 2,
Randolf Street 

Charles A. Van Riper-45-M-W-head-salesman, farm implaments-married 24yrs.-
b.Mi..-Fa.(Garret J.)N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Alice Van Riper-47-F-W-wife-married 24yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
William H. Van Riper-21-M-W-operator, railroad-single-
Leon A. Moore-21-M-W-lodger-stove painter,barrel store-single-
Gratiot County
St. Louis, ward 1
Roll T624-648
district 77
page 309b, sheet 19, image 1, May 7
Carnitt Street 

Mary Van Riper-65-F-W-head-own income-widow-1 child, 0 living-
Hillsdale County
Hillsdale City
Roll T624-649
district 105
page 108b, sheet 13, image 25, April 29
28 Vine Street 

Frank Van Riper-57-M-W-head-machinist-married 28yrs.-
Ester H. Van Riper-47-wife-married 28yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Claude F. Van Riper-27-M-W-son-
(b.April 17, 1883-d.April 15, 1966)
Ingham County
Ingham Township
Dansville Village
Roll T624-651
district 56
page 95a, sheet 3, image 5, April 18 

Floyd E. Van Riper-67-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-widow-
Clara B. Van Riper-37-F-W-daughter-music teacher-single-
Theodosia W. Branch-65-F-W-sister in law-single-
Lansing City, ward 4
Roll T624-651
district 67
page 12a, sheet 12, image 23, April 28
1117 Walnut Street 

289-310 (two family house)
J.(Jay) D. Van Riper-26-M-W-head-agent, railroad-2nd marriage-0 yrs.-
Cora L. Van Riper-26-F-W-wife-married 0yrs.-0 children-
Ingham County
Lansing Township
Lansing City, ward 6
Roll T624-651
district 79
page 85a, sheet 3, image 5, April 14

Hugh Van Riper-30-M-W-head-laborer,auto factory-married 6yrs.-
Alice Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Marrion Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Edith Van Riper-3-F-W-daughter-
Ingham County
Onondaga Township
Roll T624-651
district 90
page 211b, sheet 2, image 4, April 15 

Pomeroy Van Riper-70-M-W-head-asst. postmaster-married 44yrs.-
Frances M. Van Riper-69-F-W-wife-married 44yrs.-3 children-1 living-
Emmerson P. McFadden-21-M-W-boarder-teacher, public school-married 1yr.-
Mary F. McFadden-20-F-W-boarder-teacher, public school-married 1yr.-0 children-
Minnie B. Sell-24-F-W-boarder-teacher, public school-single-
Jackson County
Jackson, ward 6
Roll T624-653
district 20
page 1, sheet 1, image1, April 15
1625 East Main Street 

Willard L. Doty-37-M-W-head-foreman-machine shop-14yrs.-
Reka C. Doty-38-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Edwin G. Doty-6-M-W-son-at school-
Frank P. Van Riper-52–M-W-roomer-machinist, motor works-married 29yrs.-
Jackson County
Jackson, ward 7
Jackson City
Roll T624-653
district 26
page 91b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
505 Mechanic Street North 

Chas. Van Riper-45-M-W-head-painter, carriage factory-married 15yrs.-
Edith Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-5 children, 3 living-
Cleo Van Riper-14-F-W-daughter-at school-
Berince Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Roland Van Riger-4-M-W-son-
Jackson County
Springport Township
Springport Village
Roll T624-653
district 39
page 256a, sheet 14, image 27, April 29
Main Street 

John B. Harris-40-M-W-head-landlord, hotel-married 20yrs.-
Mary Harris-39-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.-
Clair Harris-17-M-W-son-at school-
Earl Fink-29-M-W-boarder-clothing-2nd marriage 2yrs.-
Cora Fink-30-F-W-servant-waitress,hotel-2nd marriage 2yrs-0children-
James S. Van Riper-64-M-W-boarder-miller, grist mill-divorced-
William Goolrich-70-M-W-boarder-own income-widow-
Charles Wilson-45-M-W-boarder-painrter,house-divorced-
William W. Woods-47-M-W-boarder-married 9yrs.-
Livingston County
Handy Township
Roll T624-660
district 104
page 222a, sheet 4, image 7, 

Charles Cook-30-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 5 yrs.-
Maud (Van Riper) Cook-34-F-W-wife-married 5yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Kathrine Cook-4months-F-W-daughter-
Orren (Orrin) Van Riper-56-M-W-father in law-widow (of Helen)-
Orson Berry-26-M-W-hired man-married 2yrs.-
Blanch Berry-23-F-W-hired girl-married 2yrs.-0 children-
Helen E. Cook-4-F-W-daughter-
Livingston County
Handy Township
Fowlerville Village
Roll T624-660
district 105
page 233b, sheet 5, image 10, April 30 

Carlton Van Riper-60-M-W-head-own income-married 29yrs.-
Laura L. Van Riper-58-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.-0 children-
Livingston County
Handy Township
Flowerville Village
Roll T624-660
district 105
page 217a, sheet 8, image 15, May 6 

George Knickerbocker-43-M-W-head-RR mail carrier-married 11yrs.-
Florence Knickerbocker-36-F-W-wife- married 11yrs- 0 children-
Charles Abbott-71-M-W-M-W-father in law-widow-
Daphne Van Riper-17-F-W-niece-at school-
Zada Sabel-29-F-W-servant-
Livingston County
Handy Township
Flowerville Village
Roll T624-660
district 105
page 237b, sheet 9, image 18, May 12 

Daniel Van Riper-65-M-W-head-farmer-married 34yrs.-
Lucy Van Riper-64-F-W-wife-married 34yrs.-0 children-
Lenawee County
Hudson Township
Roll T624-661
page 37b-38a, sheet 11-12, image 22-23, May 13 

Clarence A. Van Riper-45-head-laborer, odd jobs-married 12yrs.-
Dora E. Van Riper-32-F-W-wife-married 12yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Ray T.(Thomas) Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
b.(18 Mar 1902) Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Texas
(Ray d. Jul 1967, buried Maple Grove Cemetery,Hudson Township, Lenawee County, Michigan)
Lenawee County
Hudson Township
Roll T624-661
page 36b, sheet 11, image 22, May 13 

Fred A. Van Riper-45-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-
Carrie L. Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married-11yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
(b.Feb.1, 1882-d.Aug. 1975)
Rex Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
(b.Aug.16,1899-d.June 1980)
Bilo Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
(b.May 5, 1905-d.June 22, 1991)
Marquette County
Champion Township
Roll T624-662
district 172
page 1b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15 

Paul Van Riper-34-W-head-physician-married 8yrs.-
(Paul b.June 13,1875-d.Feb.1970)
Edith A. Van Riper-31-F-W-wife-married 8yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Charles G. Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
(Charles b.Dec.1, 1905-d.Sept.26, 1994)
Monroe County
Ash Township
Roll T624-663
district 84
page 292b, sheet 11, image 22, May 11 

Frank Van Riper-33-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 4yrs.-
Grace Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 4yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
b.Ohio- Fa.b.Mi..- Mo.b.Mi..
Charles Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
b.Ohio- Fa.b.Mi..- Mo.b.Mi..
William Gale-71-M-W-uncle-farmer, general farm- single-
b.Ohio- Fa.b.Mi..- Mo.b.Mi..
Monroe County
Ash Township
Roll T624-663
district 84
page 292b, sheet 11, image 22, May 11 

Garry Van Riper-59-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 44yrs-
Mary Van Riper-59-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 44yrs.-7 children,4 living-
Everett Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school- (b.Dec.26,1894-d.Sept.1981)
Monroe County
Berlin Township
Roll T624-663
district 88
page 326b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15 

Jacob Van Riper-69-M-W-head-painter,house-married 50yrs.-
Catherine S Van Riper-67-F-W-wife (of Walter Hooper)-married 50yrs.-6 children, 5 living-
Leora (Van Riper) Hooper-28-F-W-daughter-married 9yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Gladys Hooper-8-F-W-granddaughter-at school-
Rhea L. Hooper-6-F-W-granddaughter-at school-
Elizabeth Hooper-3-F-W-granddaughter-
Monroe County
Berlin Township
Roll T624-663
district 88
page 326b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15 

Chester Van Riper-60-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-married 39yrs.-
Mary J. Van Riper-58-F-W-wife-married 39yrs.-4 children, 3 living-
Charles Van Riper-30-M-W-son-brakeman, steam railway-married 2yrs.-
Ethel Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter in law-married 2yrs.-0 children-
Monroe County
Berlin Township
Roll T624-663
district 88
page 327a, sheet 2, image 3, April 16 

John Van Riper-36-M-W-head-laborer, stock farm-2nd marriage 7yrs.
Orpha Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 7yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Lenora Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Daisy Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-
Menominee County
Menominee City
Roll T624-664
district 214
page 83b, sheet 11, image 22, April 22
rear of 619 Marrinette Avenue 

145-238 (three family house)
Margaret Van Riper-32-F-W-head-2nd marriage 7yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Wesley Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
Harry Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-
Muskegon County
Muskegon, ward 7
14 precinct
Roll T624-667
district 92
page 229a, sheet 10, image19, April 15
500 Washington Avenue 

Ralph Van Riper-27-M-W-head-laborer, knittingmill-Married 1yr.-
Anna Van Riper-19-F-W-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
Oakland County
Holly Township
Holly Village
Roll T624-668
district 126
page 143b, sheet 3, image 6, April 19
South Saginaw Street 

Willis (William) E. Van Riper-62-M-W-head-targot man, railroad-married 41yrs.-
Leonora E. Van Riper-60-F-W-wife-marrie 41yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Oakland County
Holly Township
Holly Village
Roll T624-668
district 126
page 143b, sheet 3, image 6, April 19
South Saginaw Street 

Wellington Van Riper-37-M-W-head-mail carrier, rural-married 11yrs.-
Ethel R. Van Riper-31-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Everett W. Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
Oakland County
Holly Village Township
Holly Village
Roll T624-668
district 126
page 151b, sheet 14, image 28, May 4
Clarence Street 

Charles M. Van Riper-40-M-W-head-manager-married 16yrs.-
Catherine Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 16yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Ethelyne R. Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-at school-
Charles D. Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
b.Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Kentucky (b.Mar.2, 1897-d.June 12, 1972)
Elton S. Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Oakland County
Orion Township
Roll T624-668
district 133
page 247a, sheet 15, image 28, May 7 

Peter Van Riper-74-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-single-
(Peter b. 1835, d. 1925)
Newton I. Van Riper-65-M-W-brother-single-
Julia A Van Riper-62-F-W-sister-single-
(Father of all three is Harman and Phoebe Van Riper, born in N.J..)
Oakland County
Pontiac Township
Pontiac City, ward 3
Roll T624-668
district 141
page 77b, sheet 10, image 20, April 17
124 Howard Street 

Edmund J. Van Riper-60-M-W-head-night watch,auto factory-married 44yrs.-
Cathrine Van Riper-58-F-W-wife-married 44yrs.-10 children, 6 living-
Harry C. Van Riper-18-M-W-son-assembler, auto factory-single-
Charles W. Van Riper-31-M-W-son-painter, auto factory-divorced-
Pontiac City, ward 3
Roll T624-668
district 141
page 83a, sheet 16, image 31, April 30
53 Oak Hill Street 

William Van Riper-33-M-W-head-proprietor, barber shop-2nd marriage-
Effie Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-1 child-1 living-
Florence Van Riper-3months-F-W-daughter-
Reginald Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Oakland Township
Pontiac Township
Pontiac, ward 4
Roll T624
district 142
page 88a, sheet 2, image 3, April 15
71 Oakland Avenue 

John R. Edwards-28-M-W-head-poisher-married 4yrs.-
Minnie E. Edwards-29-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 4yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
(was married to Charles W. Van Riper)
Willa Van Riper-8-F-W-stepdaughter-at school-
Oakland County
Pontiac Township
Pontiac City, ward 5
Roll T624-668
district 145
page 134b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
81 ??? Avenue 

Henry Van Riper-30-M-W-head-plumber-married 2yrs.-
Etta Van Riper-20-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-1 child, 1 livng-
Lucy Van Riper-1month-F-W-daughter-
Osceola County
Osceola Township
Evart Village
Roll T624-669
district 171
page 52a, sheet 13, image16, May 5
Oak Street 

Myron A. Van Riper-32-M-W-head-laborer, odd jobs.-married 11yrs.
D. Pearl Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Munroe A. Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-
Arthur W. Van Riper-5-M-W-son-at school-
Saginaw County
St Charles Township
Roll T624-671
district 75
page 218b, sheet 2, image 4, April 16
415 Belle Avenue 

43-45 (Five family building)
Mrs. Elmira Van Riper-63-F-W-head-own income-widow (of Alex W.)-
Peter E. Bradt-42-M-W-son in law-propritor, meat market-married 20yrs-
Edith (Van Riper) Bradt-42-F-W-daughter-married 20yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Lawrence Bradt-14-M-W-grandson-at school-
Peter Edward Bradt-2-M-W-grandson-
Virginia Rosmary Bradt-8months-F-W-granddaughter-
Saginaw county
Saginaw City, ward 19
Roll T624-672
district 68
page 220a, sheet 5, image 5, April 11
615 Elm Street 

Andrew Van Riper-34-M-W-head-stock keeper, store-married 12yrs.-
Clara Van Riper-31-F-W-wife-married 12 yrs.-6 children, 4 living-
Ruth Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Helen Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Andrew Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Marion Van Riper-11 months-F-W-
Saginaw County
Saginaw City, ward 19
Roll T624-672
district 68
page 237a, sheet 20, image 37, April n/a/
54 Fraser Street 

Albert L. Van Riper-39-M-W-head-turner, factory-married 8yrs.-
Zilda M. Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 8 yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Gerald M. Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-(b.June 2, 1902-d.Aug.1973)
Bertram P. Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-at school-
Mary E. Van Riper-60-F-W-mother-married 43yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Charlie Bowman-23-M-W-brother in law-machinist, auto factory-married 3months-
Lydia Bowman-25-F-W-sister in law-married 3 months- 0 children-
Shiawassee County
Perry Township, precinct 2
Roll T624
district 95
page 162b, sheet 20, image 39, n/a 

Henry J. Doty-40-M-W-farm laborer-
Emma Doty-45-F-W-wife-2nd marriage-11yrs-5 children, 4 living-
Hill Van Riper-20-M-W-stepson-farm laborer-single-
Daphne Van Riper 17 stepdaughter-at school-single-
Coe Doty-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Harry Doty-8-M-W-son-at school-
Van Buren County
Hartford Village
Roll T624-677
district 163
page 23a, sheet 8, image 8, May 7 

Cassius M. Van Riper-43-M-W-head-lawyer-married 14yrs.-
Jennie Van Riper-40-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
Fred A. Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
Maggie Bryant-62-F-W-mother in law-widow-1 child-1 living-
Washtenaw County
Dexter Village
Roll T624-677
district 139
page 216b, sheet 12, image 4, May 12
Ann Arbor Street 

Clarence Van Riper-35-M-W-head-mail clerk, rairway-married 14yrs.-
Hattie E. Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Harold Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
Margaret Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Dexter Village
Roll T624-677
district 139
page 250a, sheet 16, image 11, May 16 

Charles H. Van Riper-64-M-W-head-married 39yrs.-
Sarah B. Van Riper-60-F-W-wife-married 39yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Washtenaw County
Sylvan Township
Chelsea Village
Roll T624-677
district 143
page 289b, sheet 9, image 18 , April 22
East Middle Street 

Wilber J. Van Riper-43-head-laborer, lumber yard-married 14yrs-
Amelia Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Willis K. Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Florence Van Riper-41-F-W-sister-laundress, laundry-single-
Floyd Van Riper-32-M-W-brother-meat market-single-
Ann Arbor City, ward 5
Roll T624-677
district 119
page 109a, sheet 6, image 11, April 20
1129 Pontiac Street 

William L. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-married 8yrs.-
Emma Van Riper-33-F-W-wife-married 8yrs-0 children-
Washtenaw County
Bridgewater Township
Roll T624-677+
district 126
page 201a, sheet 10, image 19, May 17 

Frank Van Riper-37-M-W-head-odd jobs-married 14yrs.-
Estella Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 14yrs-6 children, 6 living-
James Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-
(b.Oct.26, 1896-d.Aug.1971)
(Frank) Earl Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
Neal Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
Helen Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-
Flossie Van Riper-3-F-W-daughter-
Lee Van Riper-8months-son-
(born Sept.1, 1909-d.April 1981)
Henry Van Riper-68-M-W-father-
Washtenaw County
Ypsilanti City, ward 1
Roll T624-678
district 147
page 38b, sheet 6, image 12, n/a
215 South Adams Street 

Thomas Van Riper-62-M-W-head-painter, carriage-married 35yrs.-
b.n/a-Fa.b.n/a-Mo.b.n/a (1900 says b. Mi..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..)
Liza Van Riper-53-F-W-wife-married 35yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Washtenaw County
Ypsilanti City, ward 1
Roll T624-678
district 147
page 38b, sheet 6, image 12, n/a
111 Adams Street 

Bert Van Riper-34-M-W-head-teamster-married 10yrs.-
Carrie Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-2 children,2 living-
b.Canada-Mo.b.Germany-Mo.b.Canada-immigrated 1890
Edwin J. Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-
Carl F. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-
Wayne County
Brownstown Township
Roll T624-678
district 1
page 127b, sheet 11, image 22, April 28 

Jesse Van Riper-27-M-W-head-farm laborer-married 1yr.-
b.Mi..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.England (b.June 6,1883-d.Dec.1970)
Carrie Van Riper-27-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
William Konarske-19-M-W-farm laborer-single-
Wayne County
Brownstown Township
Roll T624-678
district 1
page 127b, sheet 11, image 22, April 28 

George W. Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 5 yrs.-
Mamie H Vanriper-27-F-W-wife-married 5yrs.- 2 children, 2 living-
page 128a
Una E. Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Ruth F. Van Riper-9months-F-W-daughter-
Wayne County
Brownstown Township
Roll T624-678
district 1
page 128a, sheet 12, image 23, April 29
Tebraltar Street 

Henry Ernest-31-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 6yrs.-
Della Ernest-24-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Stella Ernest-4-F-W-daughter-
Loine Ernest-2-F-W-daughter-
Nauman Van Riper-21-M-W-hired hand-
Wayne County
Dearborn Township
Dearborn Village
Roll T624-678
district 3
page 155b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
Morley avenue 

Ellen Van Riper-73-F-W-head-own income-widow (of John E.)-6 children, 4 living-
Allen E. Van Riper-44-M-W-son-bookkeeper, brokerage-widow-
Ida E. Van Riper-46-F-W-daughter-single-
Wayne County
Detroit City, ward 1
Roll T624-679
district 6
page 31a, sheet 3, image 5, April 18
44 Center Street 

Charles E. Van Riper-46-M-head-solicitor,telephone Co.-married 23yrs.-
Minnie L. Van Riper-41-F-W-wife-married 23yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Emily M. Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-cashier,Taxicab Co.married 3yrs.-divorced-
Glenn L. Van Riper-17-M-W-son-machinist, automobile works-single-
Marietta Stahl-71-F-W-mother in law-married 50yrs.-widow-3 children, 3 living-
George H. Penton-22-M-W-lodger-bookkeeper, scale co.-single-
Wayne County
Detroit, ward 5
Roll T624-682
district 77
page 258b, sheet 12, image 24, April 25
78 Richmond Avenue 

John Van Riper-57-M-W-head-machinist, machine shop-married 38yrs.-
Mary A. Van Riper-54-F-W-wife-married 38yrs.-5 children, 2 living-
b.Canada-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.Ireland-imigrated 1863
Dorothy (Van Riper) Hannigan-27-F-­daughter-married 8yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Ralph Hannigan-35-M-W-son in law-moulder, foundry-married 8yrs.-
Harry Hannigan-6-M-W-grandson-at school-
Joseph A. Smith-26-M-W-lodger-machinist auto factory-single-
Frank D. McDonell-23-M-W-laborer, auto factory-single-
Wayne County
Detroit City, ward 7
Roll T624-683
district 106
page 170b, sheet 3, image 6, April 20
1578 Russel Street 

Harry C. Van Riper-33-M-W-head-barber, own shop-married 10yrs.-
Maud H. Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Norman H. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-
b.Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..(b.July 25,1903-d.d.Nov.12, 1987)
Dorothy M. Van Riper-3-F-W-daughter-
Clayton Rayment-21-M-W-lodger-barber-
b.Canada-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.Canada-immigrated 1908
Wayne County
Detroit City, ward 8
Roll T624-683
district 122
page 120b, sheet 5, image 10, April 18
466 Merrick Avenue 

119-119 (three family house)
Catherine W. Van Riper-60-F-W-head-widow (of John C.) -4 children, 2 living-
La Motte Van Riper-33-M-W-son-manager, art store-single-
Wayne County
Detroit City, ward 10
Roll T624-684
district 156
page 252b, sheet 13, image 26- April 21
1251 Sixteenth Street 

William H. Van Riper-38-M-W-head-salesman, drug store-married 14yrs.-
Harriet F. Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Grace M. Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
Rowland C. Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
b.Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..(b.16 Jul 1899 -d.Jul 1970)
Charles A. Van Riper-7-M-W-son- at school-
Wayne County
Detroit City, district 5
Roll T624
district 210
page 139a, sheet 7, image 7, April 20
1117 Vinewood Avenue 

George Taylor-59-M-W-head-laborer, pickle factory-married 34yrs.-
Emma Taylor-53-F-W-wife-married 34yrs.-11children,6 living-
Stella Taylor-24-F-W-daughter-single-
Stanley Taylor-20-M-W-son-becnh hand, auto parts factory-single-
Herbert Taylor-16-M-W-son-messenger, railroad office-sales lady, confectionary store-single-
Katherine Van Riper-21-F-W-niece-sales lady, confectionary store-single-
Wayne County
Detroit, ward 16
Roll T624-687
district 347
page 173a, sheet 10, image 19, April 21
1564 Jefferson Street 


Mary Van Riper-51-F-W-head-house keeper-divorced (Edward,b.Mi..)-4 children, 4 living-
March 4, 2008


1910 Van Riper census, Louisiana

Federal Census
Richland County
First Ward Township
Police Jury, ward 1
Roll 624-527
district 113
page 26a, sheet 26, image 51, May 19 


Fird (Ferdinand)Van Riper-47-M-W-head-merchant,general-married 20yrs.-
Maud Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 20yrs.-5 children, 4 living-
Olsie Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-at school-single-
Lemore Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-
Alline Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
Lores Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
March 2, 2008


1910 Van Riper Census, Kansas

Ford County
Dodge City
page 9b, sheet 5, image 10, April 18
801 Fourth Avenue 

Carl Van Riper-30-M-W-head-lawyer-married 5yrs.-
b.Kansas-Fa.b.Illinois-Mo.b.West Virginia
Stella Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-married 5yrs.-1 child-1 living-
Ruth Van Riper-3-F-W-daughter-
Ford County
Willburn Township
page 152b, sheet 7, image 3, April 15 

Frank Van Riper-29-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 4ys.-
b.Kansas-Fa.b.Illinois-Mo.b.West Virginia
Maud Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 4 yrs.-1 child, 1 living-dairy, at home-
Levera Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-
Charles W. Smith-23-M-W-hired man-farm laborer-single-
Hulda B. Parry-22-hired lady-servant-single-
Ford County
Willburn Township
page 152b, sheet 7, image 3, April 15 

Joseph Van Riper-56-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-married 21yrs.-
Delilah J. Van Riper-50-F-W-wife-married 21yrs.-4 children, 4 living-store,general store-
b.West Virginia-Fa.b.West Virginia-Mo.b.Virginia
Herbert Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
b.Kansas-Fa.b.Illinois-Mo.b.West Virginia
Reno County
Arlington Township
page 99b, sheet 1, image 2, April 23 

Abraham Van Riper-54-M-W-head-farmer, general farm- married (in Illinois)34yrs.-
Hattie (nee-Harriet Beecher Jerauld) Van Riper-53-F-W-wife-married 34yrs.-7 children, 7 living-
Hyler J.(Jerauld) Van Riper-16-M-W-son-at school-farm laborer,home farm-
b.Kansas -Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Illinois
Glen B.Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-farm laborer, home farm-
Reno County
Arlington Township
page 100b, sheet 2, image 4, April 26 

Ray P.(Philip) Van Riper-26-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-married 0yrs.-
Winifred M. Van Riper-21-F-W-wife-married 0yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Irene B. Van Riper-0months-F-W-daughter-
Reno County
Arlington Township
page 101b, sheet 3, image 6, April 30 

Westervelt J.(Jay) Van Riper-32-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-married 10yrs.-
Sarah M.(Myrtle) (nee-Rickett) Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-married (Sept.1899)10yrs.-1 child-0 living-
Reno County
Arlington Township
page 101b, sheet 3, image 6, April 30 

Frank L.(Louis) Van Riper-30-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-married 10yrs.-
May M. (nee-Spence)Van Riper-27-F-W-wife-marrie 10yrs.-4 children,4 living-
Clyde A. Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-
Jesse A. Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-
Arthur Van Riper-4-M-W-son-
Hatie Van Riper-1month-F-W-daughter-
Reno County
Arlington Township
page 100a, sheet 2, image 3, April 25 

Walter J. Rickett-36-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-married 12yrs.-
Clara L.(Van Riper) Rickett-28-F-W-married 12yrs.-2 children,2 living-
(Claude Louise,daughter of Abraham and Harriet Jerauld Van Riper)
Clifford J. Rickett-7-M-W-son-at school-
b.Oct.10, 1900 Kansas-Fa.b.Kansas-Mo.b.Illinois
Emley H. Rickett-3-F-W-daughter-
John J. Rickett-62-M-W-father-farmer-widow-(Emley)
Reno County
Arlington Township
page 15a, sheet 7, image 12, June 12 


John J. Rickett-55-M-W-head-farmer-married 29yrs.-
b.Sept. 1844 Tenn..-Fa.b.Tenn..-Mo.b.Tenn..
Emley E. Rickett-49-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.- 8 children,8 living-
b.April 1851 Tenn..-Fa.b.South Carolina-Mo.b.South Carolina
Landin C. Rickett-28-M-W-son-farmer-single-
b.Sept.1871 Tenn..-Fa.b.Tenn..-Mo.b.Tenn
Maggie O. Rickett-18-F-W-daughter-at school-single-
b.Nov 1887 Tenn..-Fa.b.Tenn..-Mo.b.Tenn
Mary N. Rickett-16-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.April 1884 Tenn..-Fa.b.Tenn..-Mo.b.Tenn
Haden R. Rickett-14-M-son-at school-
b.Aur.1885 Tenn..-Fa.b.Tenn..-Mo.b.Tenn
Ora B. Rickett-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Jan.1888 Tenn..-Fa.b.Tenn..-Mo.b.Tenn
Note-Some of the above information from “The Life and Times of Samuel Gorton”..1904
February 27, 2008


1910 Van Riper census, Indiana

Van Riper
Federal Census
Jennings County
Spencer Township
Roll T624-359
district 112
page 139a, sheet 2, image 3, April 18 

Nancy Van Riper-72-F-W-head-own income-widow (of John)-5 children, 4 living-
Paul Van Riper-33-M-W-son-teacher,public school-single-
Maude Van Riper-31-F-W-daughter-teacher,public school-single-
Lake County
Calument Township
Gary City, ward 3
Roll T624-362
district 32
page 19a, sheet 4, image 7, April 21
Martha Street 

Preston Van Riper-33-M-W-head-operator, tower-married 8yr.-2 children, ) living-
Ellen M. Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 8yrs.-
Alexandria, ward 1
Roll T624-364
district 110
page 189a, sheet 8, image 15, April 21

George H. Van Riper-54-M-W-head-merchant, grocery-married 29yrs.-
Evra Y. Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.-9 children, 9 living-
Frank C. Van Riper-24-M-W-son-engineer, stationary-single-
Eliza Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-teacher,public schools-single-
John H. Van Riper-21-M-W-son-booking, plate glass-single-
Stuart W. Van Riper-19-M-W-son-booking, plate glass-single-
Howard W. Van Riper-17-M-W-son-at school-
Carr P. Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
Elbridge Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Marion County
Indianapolis, ward 2
Roll T624-366
district 50
page 31a, sheet 12, image 23
717 25Th Sttreet 

John C. Van Riper-56-M-W-head-bookkeeper-married-34yrs.-
Minnie Van Riper-52-F-W-wife-married 34yrs-6 children, 6 living-
Guernsey Van Riper-30-M-W-son-city editor-
Edith Van Riper-26-F-W-daughter in law-stenographer-2 children, 2 living-
Emily Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Mabel Hall-26-F-W-niece-stenographer-single-
Marion County
Indianapolis, ward 2
Roll T624-366
district 50
page 39b, sheet 21, image 40, May 17
Ashland Avenue 

Herbert H. Woodsmall-34-M-W-head-agent,insurance-married 11yrs-
Lelia Woodsmall-30-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Harry Woodsmall-10-M-W-son-at school-
Barrett Woodsmall-8-M-W-son-at school-
Hubert Woodsmall Jr.-5-M-W-son-
Nunnie Hayworth-38-F-W-daughter(?)-teacher public schools-single-
b.Indiana-Fa.b.North Carolina-Mo.b.Ohio
Edward L. Van Riper-2-M-W-grandson-
Guernsey Van Riper Jr.-9months-M-W-grandson-
Sean Rode-34-F-W-servant-single-
(Edward and Guernsey’s father & Mother are-Guernsey & Edith Van Riper )
St Joseph
Clay Township
Roll T624-377
district 134
page 23a, sheet 7, image 13, April 26 

Earnest C. Vanriper-34-M-W-head-fur factory(?)-married 12yrs.-
Tillie Van Riper-31-M-W-wife-married 12yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Marie Van Riper-5-F-W-daugther-
b.Indiana-Fa.b.-Mo.b.(can’t read)
St. Joseph County
Penn Township
Roll T624-377
district 146
page 23a, sheet 6, image 11, April 23 

Clyde Van Riper-20-M-W-head-cook,boarding house-single-
Eldridge Gant-54-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-single-
Augast Toukoer-55-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-single
Jack Morris-53-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-single
St. Joseph County
Penn Township
Roll T624-377
district 147
page 38a, sheet 8, image 15, May 3 

Warren Van Riper-27-M-W-head-farmer, general farm-
Christena Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-1 child, 0 living-
James Van Riper-75-M-W-father-retired farmer-widow (of Louisa)
St. Joseph County
Penn Township
Mishawaka City
Roll T624-377
district 152
page 111b, sheet 5, image 10, April 23
1217 West 2nd Street 

103-104 (two family house)
Effingham Gerard-29-M-W-head-carpenter,house-married 10yrs.-
Ora Gerard-26-F-W-wife-operator, telephone Co.- married 10yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Mildred Gerard-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Kenneth C. Gerard-6-M-W-son-at school-
Edgar V. Gerard-4-M-W-son-at school-
Sarah Van Riper-54-F-W-mother in law-2nd marriage, 4yrs.-10 children, 6 living-nursing, private house-
Grace L. Miller-23-F-W-sister in law-single-laborer, rubber factory-
St. Joseph County
Penn Township
Meshawaha City
page 167a, sheet 9, image 17, April 21
302 Masion Street 

James Holmes-42-M-W-head-moulder-married 19yrs.-
Maud (Van Riper)Holmes-41-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 19yrs.-5 children,4 living-
Avlin Holmes-17-M-W-son-stenographer,boot factory-single-
James Holmes-10-M-W-son-at school-
Velma Holmes-1yr. 5months-F-W-daughter-
D.(Denis) O. Van Riper-22-M-W-stepson-wagon driver,for paving company-widow-
St. Joseph County
Portage Township
South Bend City
page 69b, sheet 10, image 20, April 20

Abraham Van Riper-60-M-W-head-foreman, knitting mill-married 35yrs.-
Elizabeth Van Riper-56-F-W-wife-married 35yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Wabash, ward 1
Roll T624-386
district 151
page 153b, sheet 2, image 4, April 18
511 Hill Street 


James Van Riper-62-M-W-head-2nd marriage 23yrs-mechanics helper,railroad shop-
Maria C. Van Riper-56-F-W-wife-2nd marriage 23yrs-3 children-
Febuary 23, 2008 


1910 Van Riper Census, Illinois

Van Riper
Federal Census
Adams County
Riverside Township
Roll T624-229
district 28
page 276a, sheet 1, image 1, April 15
Soldiers and Sailors Home 

Eden Van Riper-69-M-W-Inmate-single-
Cook County
Oak Park Township
Oak Park Village
Roll T624-239
district 78
page 192b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
130 Harvey Avenue 

Arthur Van Riper-39-M-W-head-farmer, retail store-married 8yrs.-
Rose Van Riper-36-F-W-married 8yrs.children-
Cook County
Proviso Township
Maywood Village
Roll T624-240
district 90
page 131b, sheet 13, image 28, April 26
1003 North 8th. Avenue 

T. K. Murney-35-M-W-head-soliciter for blueprint co.-married 10yrs.-
Jenny (Van Riper) Murney-30-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Tracy Murney-9-M-W-son-at school-
Carlton Murney-2-M-W-son-
Cornelia (Ackerman) Van Riper-73-F-W-mother in law-widow (of Abraham)-
1. Abraham C. Van Riper was born 25 Mar 1829, N.J…
He was the son of 2. Cornelius R. Van Riper and 3. Mary Sickles.
He married Cornelia Ackerman 1855 in Bergen Neck (Jersey City), NJ,
daughter of Jacob Ackerman and Gertrude Cubberly.
She was born Jun 1836 in Bergen Co., NJ. Moved to Illinois.
(History of Huson County-Winfield p506)
Cook County
Track C6
Roll T624-243
district 225
page 52a, sheet 1, image1, April 16
704 Thirty Seventh Street 

5-6 (four family house)
A.(Abram) Van Riper-65-M-W-head-widow (of Amanda)-3 children, 3 living-
Frank Van Riper-30-M-W-son-laundry man-single-
Florence Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-single-
Cook County
Track 15
Chicago, ward 6
Roll T624-245
district 329
page 265b, sheet 6, image 12, April
1036 43rd. Street 

James C. Van Riper-23-M-W-head-bill clerk, rail road-married 4yrs.-
Grace A. Van Riper-25-F-W-wife-married 4yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
Alvin H. Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Bertha. Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-
Frank Carr-30-M-W-lodger-printer, publishing company-single-
Cook County
Track 18
Chicago, ward 6
Roll T624-246
district 346
page 187b, Sheet 6, image 12, April 23
433 46th Street 

Mary Roak-52-F-W-head-widow-6 children, 4 living-
Edith Roak-27-F-W-daughter-dressmaker,at home-single-
Anna Roak-25-F-W-daughter-dressmaker,at home-single-
George Van Riper-27-M-W-lodger-slaesman,cigars-single-
May Fowler-19-F-W-lodger-order clerk,in store-single-
Della Haeger-24-F-W-lodger-saleslady,dry goods store-married 1yr.,0 children-
Cook County
Tract 12
Chicago, ward 6,
Roll T624-246
district 352
page 278a, sheet 13, image 25, April 15to25
4511 Indiana Avenue 

Frank Van Riper-27-M-W-head-clerk,railroad-married 1yr.-
Lillian Van Riper-26-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
Cook County
Track 61
Chicago City, ward 32
Roll T624-278
district 1381
page 116b, sheet 2, image 2, April16
6443 Yale Avenue 

Bert Newmark Jr.-28-M-W-head-adjuster, insurance-married 1 yr.-
Edith Newmark-25-F-W-wife-married 1 yr.-1 child 1 living-
Richard A. Newmark-1month-M-W-son-
William T. Jones-67-M-W-father in law-own income-
Herman J. Van Riper-45-M-W-lodger-bookkeeper, railroad office-widow-
Cook County
Chicago, ward 33
Roll T624
district 1449
page 216a, sheet 2, image 3, April 26
11953 La Fayette Avenue 

Richard Loury-31-M-W-head-timekeeper, Railroad-married 10yrs-
Irene Loury32-F-W-wife-married 10 yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Mildred Loury-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
Eugen Loury-6-M-W-son-at school-
Richard Loury-2M-W-son-
Nettie Van Riper-20-F-W-sister in law-single-
Knox County
Galesburg Township
Galesburg City, ward 6
Roll T624-299
district 162
page 200b, sheet 6, image 11,

Richard Van Riper-59-M-W-head-paint-married 40yrs-
Effie C. Van Riper-59-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-5 children, 2 living-
Lake County
Deerfield Township
Fort Sheridan Military Preservation
Roll T624-301
district 98
page 150a, sheet 6, image11, April 23
Sheridan Road 

Oren Van Riper-20-M-W-private-single-
Lake County
Deerfield Township
Highland Park City, ward 2
Roll T624-301
district 99
page 182a, sheet 21, image 23, May 12
227 Park Avenue 

Nettie (Nahm) Van Riper-46-F-W-head-keeper,boarding house-widow (of Louis)-
(married Dec.15,1885)-4 children, 4 living-
James Van Riper-23-traveling man,leather Co.-single-
Gordon Van Riper20-M-W-son- traveling, leather Co.-single-
Edna Mary Van Riper-19-F-W-daughter-single-
Ethel M Van Riper-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Emma Striet-25-F-W-servant-general maid-single-
Lee County
Wyoming Township
Pau Pau Village
Roll T624-302
district 63
page 286a, sheet 6, image 11, April 22
Grummon Street 

Charlot J. Van Riper-48-F-W-head-own income-single-
Warren County
Tompkins Township
Kirkwood Village
Roll T624
district 152
page 319b, sheet 17, image32, May 11 

Abraham Van Riper-43-M-W-head-farming, general farming-
Alta (Fordyce) Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married (Sept.24,1896) -3 children, 2 living-
Margret Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
James Van Riper-5-M-W-son-
Warren County
Tompkins Township
Kinwood Village
Roll T624-332
page 324a, sheet 22, image 41, May 16 


Nealy (Cornelius) Van Riper-47-M-W-head-farming, general farming-married 21yrs.-
Eldora Belle (Brooks) Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married (Mar.20,1889) 21yrs.-4 children, 3 living-
Gertrude Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-at school-
Edward Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Ray Coneshor Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Feb.19, 2008


1910 Van Riper census, Connecticut

Van Riper
Federal Census
Fairfield County
Bethel Township
Bethel Borough
Roll T624-127
District 2
page 9b, sheet 1, image 2, April 15
56 Grassy Plain Street 

Henry A. Wheeler-60-M-W-head-manf., hats-married 28yrs.-
Mary E. Wheeler-53-F-W-wife-married 28yrs.-4 children, 3 living-
Anna Wheeler-25-F-W-daughter-bookkeeper, hats-single-
F. Edward Wheeler-23-M-W-son-hat factory-single-
Marguerite Wheeler-17-F-W-daughter-at school-single-
Chloe A. Gilbert-87-F-W-mother in law-own income-widow-4 children,3 living-
Franics L. Van Riper-59-F-W-sister in law-own income-widow-1 child,1 living-
New Haven County
Ansonia Township
Ansonia City,ward 1
Roll T624-
District 318
page 6b, sheet 6, image 12, April 19
82 North Cliff Street 

Charles E. Vanriper-37-M-W-head-clerk,brass factory-married 11yrs.-
Ida L. Vanriper-37-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.-
New Haven County
Ansonia, ward 5
Roll T624-137
District 326
page 146b, sheet , image 14, April 21
21 Frankl;in Street 

William H. Foster-47-M-W-head-bookkeeper,National Bank-married 23yrs.-
Harriett L. Foster-40-F-W-wife-married 23yrs.-
Ralph E. Foster-15-M-W-son-at school-
Elizabeth Van Riper-79-F-W-mother in law-widow-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-immigrated 1855
New Haven County
Ansonia, ward 4
Roll T624-137
District 324
page 103a, sheet 3, image 6,
89 High Street 

Edwin Van Riper-44-M-W-head-clerk, iron foundry-married 4yrs.-
ClaraVan Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 4yrs-1 child, 1 living-
Lawson Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
Tolland County
Ellington Town
Roll T624-143
District 555
page 36b, sheet 3, image 5, April 20 


Herbert F. Bell-43-M-W-head-
Annie T. (Van Reiper) Bell-42-F-W-wife-married 24yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Sarah A. Van Riper-84-F-W-mother in law-widow (of David Van Reiper)-1 child,1 living-
January 09, 2008.


1910 Van Riper census, Colorado

Federal Census

Denver County
Denver City
Roll T624-116
district 161
page 153b, sheet 2, image 4, April 16
309 Ellsworth Street 

Ransom Van Riper-58-M-W-head-machinist,chemical works-married 37yrs-
Lydia A. (Tuttle) Van Riper-59-F-W-wife-married (Dec.2,1872) 37yrs.-3 children,2 living-
Alva Van Riper-36-M-W-son-solicitor,business house-single-
Jessie B. Hamilton-31-F-W-daughter-widow, 1 child,0 living-

El Paso County
Colorado Springs, ward 6
Roll T624-119
district 52
page 152b, sheet 1, image 2
706 South Nevada Avenue 


Eddie B. Van Riper-42-M-W-head-carpenter, house-married 16yrs-
Alma Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-married 16yrs., 3 children,1 living-
Eunice Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Jan. 7, 2008


Bill Van Riper (photo)

Bill van Riper



Photo of: Bill Van Riper

Served in Company C Along the Rio Grande in 1880’s.
Later a Deputy United 

Photo Found: January 12, 1994 Lunnison, Colorado


(Thanks, Bonnie Van Riper-Balok, for sending this photo)


Genealogy of Juriaen Thomasse (by Peter Geoghegan van Riper)

From this page you can view or download a MS Excel file, which contains all the information given in the confusing tract of the book ‘Important Early Settlers of New York and New Jersey’ which I believe is the same as the William Nelson book.


It is organized in this way:

the first worksheet “Individuals” lists all the individuals from the book. The first two columns indicate the individual: each one is given a code for themselves which is their generation and an ID number I have assigned them.
So, the numbers “4” and “17” means the 17th person in the 4th generation. The next column indicates each person’s parent, so they can all be linked in the tree in the next worksheet, called “Generations”. You will see these two sets of numbers again–the individual’s numbers, and then their parent. The tree begins, as you can see, with Juriaen as first generation, and all succeeding generations following. You will also see that I started coloring the men in blue and women in pink, although I didn’t finish, largely because some of the names were a bit difficult to tell the sex, since I’m not used to them.

Now the next worksheet “Garrets” is something I was using to research our own branch of the family. We haven’t yet made the final link from my immediate family to the tree I have constructed here. Our latest find was that my g-g-g-great grandfather was Garret Van Riper, who had moved from northern New Jersey to Upstate New York, where he and his wife gave birth to their son William, my g-g-great grandfather. I don’t have the info here, but Garret was born sometime in the late 1700s, which would make him 4th, 5th or 6th generation most likely. I was highlighting those individuals who would most likely be the link, so I would know where to begin the next stage of our research. However, it is also possible that there are individuals missing from these first 6 generations who remained in New Jersey, which may require more filling in before I can make the link directly back to Juriaen. I’m sure there are Van Ripers out there who could help complete the puzzle!

And one last thing, while I put in all birthplace and residence information for each individual, I didn’t get around to putting in all their birth and death dates listed in the book.

So a few questions:

  1. Would we, or anyone with some variation of ‘Riper’ in the low countries be related? It is very confusing with all the variations of the name.
  2. Does anyone know for certain from where the “Bonte Koe” left? My brother tried to find out when he was in Holland years ago, but apparently there were so many ships named “Bonte Koe” he couldn’t sort through them in time to find out.
  3. Are we absolutely sure that Juriaen came from Ribe? With all the changes of spellings of the different town names and surnames, is it possible that Juriaen actually came from de Rijp, but it just got misspelled along the way? And if he did come from Ribe, is it possible that he was nevertheless a Dutchman, that is, were there any Dutch there at the time?


Passenger-list “In the Spotted Cow”, April 1663

From the Documentary History of the State of New York by Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan

Published by Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc, Baltimore. April 1663; In the Spotted Cow.


  • Hendrick Corneliss, from New Netherland
  • Staes de Groot, from Tricht
  • Elje Barents, the Wife of Adam Bremen, and servant girl
  • Jan Lourens, from Schonder Woort, and Wife and two children
  • Theunis Bastiaensen Cool, and child.
  • Jan Bastiaensen, from Leerdam, and Wife and four children
  • Giel Bastiaensen, from Leerdam, and Wife and four children
  • Gerrit Jans, from Arnhem, and Wife and Brother-in-Law, Arnoldus Willems,
  • Joris Adraaiaensen, from Leerdam
  • Peter Matthysen, from Limborgh
  • Jan Boerhans
  • Lammert Jansen Dorlant
  • Gerrit Verbeeck
  • Grietje Gerrits, the Wife of Dirck Jansen, and two children
  • Adriaen Jansen Honink from Well, and Wife and four children
  • Hans Jacob Sardingh
  • Juriaen Tomassen, from Rypen
  • Jan Laurens, from Rypen
  • Jan Otto van Teyl, and Wife and child
  • Matthys Bastiaensen vander Peich, and daughter
  • Marytje Theunis van Beest
  • Jerome Bovie, and Pays de Vaud, and Wife and five children
  • David de Marist, from Picardy, and Wife and four children
  • Pierre Niu, from the Pays de Vaud, and Wife, sucking child and sister.
  • Jean Mesurole, from Picardy, and Wife and sucking child
  • Jean Arien, from Monpellier, and Wife and child(removed to the Islands)
  • Martin Renare, from Picardy, and Wife and child
  • Jacob Kerve, from Leyden, and Wife
  • Pierre Parmentie, from Pays de Vaud, and Wife and son.
  • Joost Houpleine, from Flanders, and wife and son
  • Joost Houpleine, Junior, and Wife and sucking child
  • Guilliam Goffou, from Sweden.
  • Moillart Journay, from Pays de vaud
  • Pierre Richard, from Paris


The above is from the chapter entitled EARLY IMMIGRANTS TO NEW NETHERLAND 1657-1664 and is on pages 172 and 173.


History of the Van Riper Family in America 1753 – 1958 (by Edward A. Van Riper)


(The following article was contributed to the Ripernet website by William B. Holmes from Virginia,

who passed away on June 11, 2000)

"In the year 1753 three brothers arrived in New Netherlands from Holland. The youngest of the three was Jacob, age 7 years. I do not know the names or ages of the other two brothers.

They settled in new Netherlands and later on as Jacob came of age he married a French woman, Abbey Ann Lasier.

In the year 1798 yellow fever broke out in lower town around the fort and green and the farmers and villagers began to move north to what was Greenwich Village.

Greenwich Village was formed in 1634, the first house being built by Wonter Von Twiller. The district was exceptionally fine and heathful and so many of the people settled there. Some of the people moved across the river to New Jersey and New York state.

Jacob and his family settled between Haverstraw and Spring Valley, New York. They had two sons, Abram and Dennis (or Tunis).

Abram married Catherine Michler and had eleven children, eight sons and three daughters.

Dennis married Maria Fisher. They had four children, two boys and two girls. All but one died at an early age. The survivor was John Fisher Van Riper, my great great grandfather.

Abram and Dennis were born at or near a place called the Pond - which could be Rockland Lake, which is near Spring Valley, N.Y.

Dennis had a farm at St. Andrews, Orange County, N.Y. and also one at St. Elmo. He died at Wallkill, N.Y. and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Abram and two of his sons, Jacob and Lewis, had a cotton mill which, in those days, was known as the Dutch Factory at Clarkstown - near Spring Valley.

Between the years 1850 and 1860 Abram and his family decided to go west to Michigan. They founded the village of LaGrange in Cass County and there proceded to build a new mill for the manufacture of cotton and wollen goods.

They heard that the railroad was expected to pass near them but it never did so that the mill was then abandoned. In the years that followed the family started to migrate to other parts of Michigan.

Abram and members of his family are buried in the Van Riper Cemetery at LaGrange, Michigan."


(The lay-out of the genealogy here below is not very clear, due to limitations of the software used. We suggest you download the William B. Holmes report (PDF) which contains all this and more information)

o–10  Jacob Van Riper  B.


|        Holland      Came

to  America  from Holland in 1753.  M. Abbey Ann {Mary Ann}

Frazier {Lazier}, 1785  Ch. Abram and Dennis {Tunis} Van

Riper  Resided. Between Haverstraw and Spring Valley, Rockland

County, NY    D. 1817


o—9  Abram Van Riper  B.

1787      M.

|     | Catherine Michler  Ch.

Jacob John, John A., Louis, Abram, Charles A., Garret,

William, Tunis, Abbey Ann, Maria, Margaret, and Matilda Van

Riper  He owned and operated a cotton mill at Midland Park,

near Ridgewood, NJ (or at Spring Valley, Rockland County,

NY).  Resided. Moved to Cass County, Michigan between 1850 and

  1. D. August 19, 1871    Bu. Van Riper Cemetery, Cass

County, MI

|     |

o—8  Jacob John Van Riper  B.

1807       M. Maria

|  Van Orden    D. 1838

|     |

o—8  John A. Van Riper  B.

1811       M. Leah

|     | Zabriska, see note below.  Ch.

Lewis Van

|     | Riper    D. 1886

|     |     |

o—7  Lewis Van Riper  B.        Ch. Paul

Van Riper

|     | D.

|     |     |     |

o—6  Paul Van Riper, MD  B.        Ch. Two

sons.  He

|        practiced medicine in Champion, Marquette

|       County, MI.    D.

|           |     |     |

o—5  {Son} Van Riper  B.        D.

|           |     |     |

o—5  {Son} Van Riper  B.        D.

|     |     |

o— –8  Leah Zabriska  B.        D.

|     |

o—8  Louis Van Riper  B. 1815


|  married.    D. 1863

|     |

o—8  Abram Van Riper  B. 1816

  1. Maria

|  Yowsey    D. 1900

|     |

o—8  Charles A. Van Riper  B.

1822       M.

|  Emiline Springsteel    D.


|     |

o—8  Garret Van Riper  B.        M.


|  Zabriska, see note below.


|     |

o—8  William Van Riper  B.        M.

Ida Norton

|   D.

|     |

o—8  Tunis Van Riper  B.        M.


|  Ackerman    D.

|     |

o—8  Abbey Ann Van Riper  B.

  1. Albert

|  Van Dien    D.

|     |

o—8  Maria Van Riper  B.        D.

Died at the age

|  of two years.

|     |

o—8  Margaret Van Riper  B.

  1. John Sturr

|  D.

|     |

o—8  Matilda Van Riper  B.        D.

|     |

o— –9  Catherine Michler

  1. D.


o—9  Dennis {Tunis} Van Riper

  1. March

|    | 19,  1792, at the “Pond,”

Rockland Lake, near Spring Valley, Rockland County, NY    M.

Maria Fisher  Ch. John Fisher, Caroline, and Stephan Van

Riper  He had a farm at St. Andrews, Orange County, NY, and

another farm at St. Elmo, NY.    D. September 7, 1884,

Wallkill, Ulster County, NY    Bu. Greenwood Cemetery,

Brooklyn, NY

|     |

o—8  John Fisher Van Riper  B. July

13, 1815

|    | M. Mary Ellen Moore, 1837  Ch.

Caroline, Sarah, Clara, Mary Ellen, and Charles Close Van

Riper  He was a merchant of dry goods.  His partner was

Christian Zabriske. (Note. John Fisher Van Riper’s nephews,

John A. and Garret Van Riper, see above, married Leah and

Maria Zabriska.)  He left an estate of $35,000.  Resided. 37

Charlton Street, New York, NY, and 519 Greenwich Street     D.

November 8, 1879    Bu. Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

|     |     |

o— –7  Eugene Britton  B. March 1, 1839,


|    |      Island, Richmond County, NY

  1. Caroline Van Riper, September 20, 1860  Ch. Joseph,

Caroline, Caroline, Emma, George P., Adeline, Mary Ellen,

Eugenie, and Clara Britton  Resided. 12 St. James Place and

324 Clinton Avenue, Brooklyn, NY; and. 120 West 80th Street,

New York, NY    D. September 6, 1922    Bu. Moravian Cemetery,

Staten Island, Richmond County, NY

|     |     |     |

o— 1 thru 6  Britton, LaTourette, Brooks, Armour,


|Holmes Families

|    |     |     |

o—7  Caroline Van Riper  B. August 19,

1840    D.

|  January 21, 1924    Bu. Moravian


|  Staten Island, Richmond County, NY

|     |     |

o— –7  George W. Post  B.        M. Sarah

Van Riper

|    |      Ch. Clara Post    D.

|    |     |     |

o—6  Clara Post  B.        (No children)    D.

|    |     |     |

o—7  Sarah Van Riper  B. 1842       D.


|     |     |

o—7  Clara Van Riper  B. 1846       Did

not marry.

|  D. 1861

|     |     |

o— –7  Charles A. Blauvelt {Blavrett}

  1. M.

|    |      Mary Ellen Van Riper  Ch.

Willard and

|    |      Fanny Blauvelt {Blavrett}    D.

|    |     |     |

o—6  Willard Blauvelt {Blavrett}  B.


|  Patterson, Passaic County, NJ    D.

|    |     |     |

o—6  Fanny Blauvelt {Blavrett}  B.


|  Patterson, Passaic County, NJ    D.

|    |     |     |

o—7  Mary Ellen Van Riper  B. 1848


|  “Mamie”    D. 1923

|     |     |

o—7  Charles Close Van Riper  B. 1851

  1. Maria

|    |  Louise Post  Ch. Gladys, Vera,

Edward Adams, and John Fisher Van Riper  He served with his

brother-in-law Eugene Britton in the 7th Regiment of New York,

U.S.A.    D. 1932

|    |     |     |

o—6  Gladys Van Riper  B.        D.

|    |     |     |

o—6  Vera Van Riper  B.        D.

|    |     |     |

o—6  Edward Adams Van Riper  B. 1883      M.


|    |  Ramsey  Ch. Frederick C. Van Riper    D.

|    |     |     |     |

o—5  Frederick C. Van Riper  B. 1923      M. Emma Lou

|    | Nelson  Ch. Charles Edward Van Riper    D.

|    |    |     |     |     |

|     o— –6  Mary Ramsey  B.        D.

|          |     |     |     |

o—4  {Son} Van Riper  B. 1958

|          |     |     |     |

o— –5  Emma Lou Nelson  B.        D.

|     |     |     |

o—6  John Fisher Van Riper  B. 1885       M.


|  Kilburn    D. 1923

|    |    |     |

o— –7  Maria Louise Post  B.        D.

|    |     |

|    |   o—9  Oscar Moore  B.

  1. Sarah

|    |   | |     {—–} Ch. Mary

Ellen Moore

|    |   | |      D.

|    |   | |

o— –8  Mary Ellen Moore  B.

1827        D.

|   | December 27, 1870

|   | |

|   o— — 9 Sarah {—–}

  1. D.

|    |        |

|    |        o— –10  Mary

{—–}  B.        D.

|    |

o—8  Caroline Van Riper  B.


|    |

o—8  Stephan Van Riper  B.        D.

|    |

o— –9  Maria Fisher

  1. D.


o— –10  Abbey Ann {Mary

Ann} Frazier


  1. France    D.

History of the Van Riper Family in America 1753 – 1958 by

Edward A. Van Riper  Dated: October 28, 1958

“In the year 1753 three brothers arrived in New Netherlands

from Holland.  The youngest of the three was Jacob, age 7

years.  I do not know the names or ages of the other two


They settled in new Netherlands and later on as Jacob came of

age he married a French woman, Abbey Ann Lasier.

In the year 1798 yellow fever broke out in lower town around

the fort and green and the farmers and villagers began to move

north to what was Greenwich Village.

Greenwich Village was formed in 1634, the first house being

built by Wonter Von Twiller.  The district was exceptionally

fine and heathful and so many of the people settled there.

Some of the people moved across the river to New Jersey and

New York state.

Jacob and his family settled between Haverstraw and Spring

Valley, New York.  They had two sons, Abram and Dennis (or


Abram married Catherine Michler and had eleven children, eight

sons and three daughters.

Dennis married Maria Fisher.  They had four children, two boys

and two girls.  All but one died at an early age.  The

survivor was John Fisher Van Riper, my great great


Abram and Dennis were born at or near a place called the Pond

– which could be Rockland Lake, which is near Spring Valley,


Dennis had a farm at St. Andrews, Orange County, N.Y. and also

one at St. Elmo.  He died at Wallkill, N.Y. and is buried in

Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Abram and two of his sons, Jacob and Lewis, had a cotton mill

which, in those days, was known as the Dutch Factory at

Clarkstown – near Spring Valley.

Between the years 1850 and 1860 Abram and his family decided

to go west to Michigan.  They founded the village of LaGrange

in Cass County and there proceded to build a new mill for the

manufacture of cotton and wollen goods.

They heard that the railroad was expected to pass near them

but it never did so that the mill was then abandoned.  In the

years that followed the family started to migrate to other


of Michigan.

Abram and members of his family are buried in the Van Riper

Cemetery at LaGrange, Michigan.”


Giles and Rosilla Van Riper (about 1800) by Rowena Billos

Giles Van Riper, born prob. in NJ or just north over NY border. Listed in NJ Federal Census records, Wantage, Sussex Co., New Jersey.
Following years: 1830, 1840, 1850. In first two he was listed with his wife Rosilla (Zilla). He was a laborer. In the 1850 Census he was found with his family on page 198, family 212.

Giles Van Riper was Baptized as an adult at the 1st Presbyterian Church of Wantage, Clove Road near Deckertown, Sussex Co., NJ. (Ref: Chinkchewanska Chapter, DAR, copied and indexed these church records.)

Their children were:

  1. Frederick Van Riper. b. 1829 in NJ
  2. Thomas Van Riper, b. 1831 in Sussex Co., NJ
  3. Abram Giles Van Riper, b. Deckertown, Sussex Co NJ , d. 13 Jan 1903 in Hope, Warren Co., NJ
  4. Elizabeth Van Riper, b. 1838 in Wantage, Sussex Co., NJ
  5. Frances Van Riper, b. abt. 1840 in Wantage Twp, d. November 1912 in Newton, Sussex Co. NJ, bur. Fairview Cem. in Newton.
  6. Naomi Van Riper, b. 1844, Wantage Twp.
  7. James S. Van Riper, b. 8 Feb 1844, in Deckertown, Sussex Co. NJ, d. 20 Nov. 1914 in Springport, Jackson, Co. Michigan. Served in Civil War.
  8. Josiah Van Riper, b. 1846 in Wantage, Sussex Co.
  9. William Van Riper, b. abt. 1849 in Wantage Twp, d. 1 Nov 1913 in Tranquility, Green Twp., Sussex Co., NJ

Information of some of above children and the next generation:

Frances Van Riper (5) died November 1912 in Newton, Sussex Co., NJ. her obituary was in the Sussex Register, Newton, NJ in November of 1912. She had married John Williams in Sussex Co., NJ (no date). They had the following three children:

  1. William C. b. prob. Sussex Co., NJ
  2. Jane (who married Orville Blanchard in Sussex Co?)
  3. George C., b. Sussex Co.

James S. Van Riper (7) – married Sarah Scribner in 1870 at Portland, Michigan. She was the daughter of Moses, he originally of Monroe Co., NY and Jane (Quackenboss) Scribner,she originally from Vermont and Michigan. One child was born to James and Sarah (Scribner) Van Riper.

She was Belle, born 8 February 1874 in Portland, Ionia Co., Michigan. James S. Van Riper signed up to serve in the Civil War, then went to Michigan when the War was over.  I understand that several of his brothers served as well.

William Van Riper (9) married (1st) a (name unknown) Wintermute, she was the daughter of John Wintermute and Sarah ? His 2nd wife was Malinda “Linnie”, last name unknown.

The descendants of Juriaen Tomassen Van Ripen

By Charles H. Winfield



This name with its present multitudinous orthography, is derived from the Latin ripa, and was the name of a city on the North bank of the river Nibbs, sometimes called Nipsick, or Gram. North Jutland ( so called to distinguish it from South Jutland or Schleswig), in Denmark was divided into four dioceses, the most southwesterly part of Cimbri, who, at one time, invaded the Roman Empire.
The city of Ripen, in the diocese of Ripen, is situated in lat. 55°36′ north, and lon. 9°10′ east. Next to Wibourg it is the most ancient town in North Jutland (1). It once had a commodious harbor and profitable commerce; but the one long since filled up and the other sought different channels. Its cathedral was imposing, built of hewn stone, with a steeple of great height, which served as a landmark for mariners.

In the Swedish war of 1645 the city was captured, but recovered by the Danes soon after. From this port, in April, 1663, a vessel named “T’ Bonte Koe,” The Spotted Cow, sailed for the Netherland, with eightynine passengers, consisting of men, women and children. Among the number was Juriaen Tomassen, a young man of the city of Ripen. About four years after his arrival he m. Pryntje Hermans, May 25, 1667; d. Sept 12, 1695. Some of his descendants took the name Jurianse – now Yereance and Auryansen – while others, taking the name of the city from which their ancestor sailed, became Van Ripen.

  • (1) Fenning’s Geography ii, 123. In Winfield’s Land Titles, the name is written Rypen. It is thus laid down on a map of Denmark in old geographical work, published in London during the reign of Queen Anne, the title page of which, of the copy I have ,is destroyed. I am now satisfied, from the origin of the word, that the name should be written Ripen, and it is thus written in the text and on a map in Fenning. Every other way of writing it is clearly wrong, though sanctioned by generations.

Second Generation

Juriaen Tomassen had ch,:

2. I. Tomas (III), bap. June 10, 1668; m. Jannetje, dau. of Jan Straatmaker, June 2, 1691
3. II.Gerrit (21), bap. June 27, 1670; m. Beetlitje, dau. of Dircl Janse Oosten and Elizabeth Cornelis, of Hoboken June 6, 1693; d. Sept, 4 1748; she d. May 20, 1745.
4. III. Aelje, bap. Dec. 21, 1672.
5. IV. Chrystyntje, bap. Nov. 24, 1677; m. Pieter Gerbrantse (2) Aug. 1 1698.
6. V. Maritje, bap. April 28, 1680; m. Claas Gerbrantse (3) April 11, 1704.
7. VI. Harman, bap. Oct 21, 1682; d. in inf.
8. VII. Jan (29), m. Neeltje Gerbrantse (5), April 7, 1702.
9. VIII. Harman (33), b Dec 6, 1686; m. 1st, Maritje Freericks, June 20, 1709; 2d, Judith, dau. of Christopher Steinmets, in 1721; removed to Aquackanonck his will, dated June 17, 1754, was proved May14,1736.
10. IX. Grietje, b. Oct. 5, 1691.

Third Generation

Tomas(2) had ch;
11. I. Gerrit(41), b. Feb. 6, 1692; m.Jannetje Vreeland (31), June 19, 1718; his will, dated Feb.17,1761 was proved Nov. 23, 1761.
12. II. Juriaen (44), b.June 12, 1693; m. Aeltje Van Winkle (28), June 12, 1714.
13. III. Jan,b Oct. 8, 1694.
14. IV. Abraham (51), b. April 4, 1696; m. 1st, Elizabeth Hesselse; 2d, Catrintje Andriese, Sept. 13, 1729.
15. V. Isaac, b. Oct. 28 1697.
16. VI. Jacob (52) b. Oct 9, 1699; m. Maritje Gerbrant (12), Dec. 21, 1728.
17. VII. Geesje, b. Oct. 4 1702.
18. VIII. Maritje, b. Oct. 3, 1704; m. Jacob Vreeland, of Belleville, Dec. 21, 1726.
19. IX. Elisabet, b. April 4, 1707.
20. X. Dirck, b Jan. 25, 1709; m. Pietertje Post, Sept. 28, 1732.

Gerrit (3) had ch;
21. I.Elizabeth, b. May29, 1694; m. Michael H. Vreeland (32), May 30, 1719; d. Nov. 18 1767.
22. II. Lea, b. Sept. 11, 1697; m. Jacob Van Wagenen May 2, 1719; d. Dec 19, 1775.
23. III. Juriaen (53). b. Aug. 15, 1699; m. Grietje d. July 29, 1739.
24. IV. Garret, b. Dec 4, 1701; m. Martje Gerbrandse, and had ch.: 1. Metje, b. March 2, 1732.
25. V. Dirck, b. Jan. 17, 1704.
26. VI. Aeltje, b. March 29, 1705; d. Sept 30, 1710.
27. VII.Cornelius (55) b. Oct. 6, 1707 m. Aeltje Van Winkle (34), June 29, 1728; d. Jan. 17, 1771.
28. VIII. Johannis (60), b.June 3, 1710; m. 1st, Sarah, dau. of Henricus Kuyper, Dec. 2, 1740; she d. July 2, 1741; 2d, Margrietje Van Winkle (36), Sept. 5, 1742; d. Aug. 24, 1776.

Jan (8) had ch:
29. I. Jurrie, b. Jan 22, 1703; m. Elizabeth Steinmets, Nov. 13, 1730.
30. II. Maritje, b. March 16, 1706.
31. III.Metje, b. July 22, 1711; m. John Vreeland.
32. IV.Gerrebrand (61), b. June 1, 1719; m. Fitje Van Vorst (23) , Jan 6, 1742.

Harman (9) had ch;
33. I. Juriaen ,b.Sept 12, 1710; m. Helena Van Houten.
34. II. Frederick, b. Feb 22, 1713; m. 1 st.Catrintje Hopper Oct 19, 1738; 2d Annetje Van Vorst (24), Dec. 2, 1742.
35. III. Abraham, b. Jan. 25, 1716;
IV. Johannis, b.July 21, 1718.
36. V. Christophel (62) b. Sept 1722; m. Metje Brouwer, Sept 28, 1746.
37. VI. Maritje, b. Sept 14, 1724; 
VII. Jacob, b. Feb. 8, 1728.
38. VIII. Isaac,b. Sept. 30, 1729 m. Annatje Egbertse; had ch: Petrus, bap. Nov. 19 1752.
39. IX. Sarah; 
X. Jannetje, b. June 11, 1732;
XI. Gerrit, b. Nov. 3, 1734.
40. XII. Thomas;
XIII. Christina.

Fourth Generation

Gerrit[ 11] Had ch.:
41. I. Maritje; m. Henry Van Winkle.
42. II.Jannetje; m. Jacob Van Winkle.
43. III. Lea; m. Peter Jacobusse.

Juriaen [12] had ch.:
44. I. Thomas, b. Jan 7, 1715: m. Lena Van Wagenen, Jan. -1741.
45. II. Antje, b Nov. 4, 1716: m. Martin Ryersen, of N.Y. in 1737.
46. III. Simeon, b Feb. 8, 1719.
47. IV. Jenneke, b. Dec. 25, 1720 ; m. Jacob Van Houten Sept. 6, 1745.
48. V. Abraham, b. Sept. 27 1722; d. in inf.; 
VI. Johannis b. May 7, 1725.
49. VII. Rachel, b. Sept 4, 1727; 
VIII. Lea, b. June 14, 1729.
50. IX. Abraham, b. Feb. 12, 1731.

Abraham [14] had ch.:
51. I. Jannetje, b. April 17, 1723; 
II. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1726.

Jacob [16] had ch.
52. I. Catrina, b. Sept. 28, 1729; 
II. Herpert, b. April 16, 1731; m. Margrietje Berry; had ch.: 1. Jacobus, b. Feb.
25, 1765.

Juriaen [23] had ch.:
53. I. Garret(70), m. 1st, Jannetje Diedricks; she d. Oct 13, 1784; 2d Lena Vreeland (63)
54. II. Aeltje, m. Daniel Van Winkle (43); 
III. Beelitje.

Cornelius [27] had ch.:
55. I. Garret, d.s.p. His will was proved May 4, 1795.
56. II. Daniel (72), b. June 26, 1736; m. Elizabeth Terhune. Oct. 13, 1761 ; d. July 23, 1818; she b. July 15,
1738; d. June 1, 1811.

He was a blacksmith by trade, of little education, but of good sterling sense. During the Revolutionary War he was an unyielding patriot. For a short time he was lieutenaut in the militia. He was taken prisoner by a tory named Van Wart, and locked up in the old sugar house. When brought before the British officer
for examination, his captor and William Bayard. of Hoboken, were present. Van Wart asked him where his rebel coat was. Van Ripen replied. “The coat does not make the man.” The officer asked “What then does? Putting his hand over his heart, the old patriot replied, This, Sir. Colonel Bayard desired to have him held a prisoner but the officer was so pleased
 with the assurance that he would do the same as often as he was arrested. He was Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas for a number of years after the war. His name appears on many papers and records of his day.

57. III. Beelitje, b. Oct. 10, 1741; m. Johannis Van Horn (10), May 6, 1762; d. Feb. 13, 1826; “Who as it ware fell asleep.”
58. IV. Jannetje, bap. April 16, 1745; m. Nicholas Tuers, May 15, 1766.
59. V. Aeltje, b. June 7, 1748; 
VI. Cornelius, b. Dec. 8, 1750, d. Aug. 13, 1767.

Johannis [28] had ch.:
60. I. Garret (75), b. Feb. 4 1749; m. 1st, Catlyntje Van Wagenen (47); 2d, Catlyntje Van Ripen (72), March 2, 1779; d.
 Aug. 31, 1837.

Gerrebrand [32] had ch.:
61. I. Neeltje, b. Oct. 26, 1747; 
II. Garret, b. April 6, 1753, d. in inf.

III. Garrett, b. Jan 27, 1754; 
IV. Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1757.

Christophel [36] had ch.:
62. I. Alexander (82) , m. Anneke Brower; d. Aug. 30, 1817.
63. II. Harman, bap. Nov. 25 1753; d. Aug. 23 1828.
64. III. Arriantje, b. Jan. 31, 1762 ; 
IV. Gerrit, b. Sept. 4, 1764, d. in inf.
65. V. Jurrie (88) , b. Feb. 8, 1767; m. Antje Vreeland.
66. VI. Hessel, b. April 12, 1769 ; 
VII. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1770.
67. VIII.Gerrit, b. Nov. 27, 1772, d. in inf.; 
IX. Neeltje, b. March 13, 1775.
68. X. Jan, b. Oct. 29, 1778; 
XI. Annatje, b. Dec. 12, 1781.
69. XII.Gerrit, b. Sept. 28, 1786.

Fifth Generation

Garrett [53] had ch.
70. I. Jurrie (89), b. July 20, 1769: m. 1st, Neeltje Van Horn (17), Dec. 18, 1790; 2d, Aegie Diedricks, wid. of Jacob Collard, Sept. 13, 1807; d. April 4, 1826.
71. II. Joris, b. June 3, 1787; m. Clara Vreeland (172), July 23, 1814; removed to Saddle River; had ch. :I. Jane, m. Garret Newkirk (51), Nov. 5, 1840: II. Cornelius; III. John ; IV. George; V.Hartman ; Eliza ; IX. Clarissa, b. Oct. 4, 1840.

Daniel [56] had ch.:
72. I.Catlyntje, b. Sept. 2, 1762; m. Garret Van Ripen(60) May 2, 1779; d. Nov. 14, 1833.
73. II.Cornelius (91), b. May 23, 1767; m. 1st., Elizabeth Vreeland (88); marriage bond dated Jan. 20, 1787: 2d, Vronwtje, dau. of Garrebrant Gerritsen, of Slotterdam ; she d. Sept. 19, 1806; 3d, Aeltje Van Horn (16), wid. of Michael Van Houten, May 31, 1807; d. Jan. 6, 1842.
74. III.Derrick (99), b. Aug 28, 1772; m. Jenneke Vreeland (100), Oct.-, 1792; d. July 3, 1851.

Garret [60] had ch.:
75. I. Margrietje, b. Oct. 10, 1775; d. July 26, 1776.
76. II.Margrietje, b. Dec. 30, 1780; d. May 31, 1781.
77. III.Catlyntje, b. Nov. 29, 1782; m. Helmich Van Houten, Dec. 7, 1799.
78. IV. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1785; m. Daniel Van Ripen (91) , Sept. 18, 1811; d. Sept. 18, 1852.
79. V. Margrietje, b. Oct. 30, 1788; m. Cornelius Van Winkle (82), Aug. 16, 1807; d. Feb. 23, 1866.
80. VI. Annatje, b. July 12, 1794; m. John G. Van Horn (24), Dec. 19, 1812; d. Dec. 6, 1872.
81. VII.Beelitje, b. Dec. 27, 1797; m. John Van Buskirk (47), Nov. 20, 1814.

Alexander [62] had ch. :
82. I. Christophel (110), m. Gertrude, dau. of John Van Houten, Dec. 27, 1802; d. March 8, 1840, aet. 60 yrs, 1 mo.; she d. Aug. 8, 1860.
83. II. Aeltje, m. John E. Smith, March 27, 1811; d. Oct. 5, 1851.
84. III. Adriana, m. Phillip R. Earle, March 6, 1812.
85. IV. Garret (120) m. Hannah Evans, May 28, 1817; she d. Oct. 9, 1824
86. V. Thomas, m. Rachel Van Winkle, of Aquackanonck: d. June 1, 1849, aet. 69 years.
87. VI.John, d. Sept. 3, 1836,unm.

Jurrie [65] had ch.:
88. I. Simeon, b. Dec. 2, 1789;
II. Nicholas, b. Jan. 27, 1792:
III. Stephen, b. July 20, 1793; 
IV. Antje, b. Jan. 26, 1796.

Sixth Generation

Jurrie[70] had ch.:
89. I. Antje, d. July 29, 1796.
90. II.Garret (122), b. Oct. 16, 1791; m. Elizabeth Simonson, Jan. 14, 1815; d. Oct. 2, 1833.

Cornelius [73] had ch.:
91. I. Daniel (123), b. March 7, 1788, m. Elizabeth Van Ripen (78), Sept. 18, 1811; d. July 1, 1873.
92. II. Garrabrant, b. Jan. 8, 1793; m. Hannah dau. of John Van Blarcom; removed to Bergen County.
93. III. Elizabeth, b. April 9, 1794; m. Stephen Vreeland (92), Oct. 14, 1817; d. Dec. 17, 1827.
94. IV. Garret C. (125), b. July 20, 1797; m. Eliza, dau.of Isaac Van Wart, April 28, 1819.
95. V. Helena, b. Sept. 21, 1799; m. Peter Van Winkle, May 20, 1820.
96. VI. Derrick, b. May 22, 1803; m. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Cadmus, Oct. 15, 1825; removed to Passaic County.
97. VII.John, b. May 4, 1808; d. May 14, 1829.
98. VIII.Cornelius C,(129), b. April 8, 1813; m. 1st, Catharine Van Horn (46), May 5, 1882; 2d. Christina C., dau. of Evert Van Alen, Aug. 27, 1835.

Derick [74] had ch.:
99. I. Michael (135), b. Nov. 8, 1793; m. Cecilia Cadmus (25), Dec. 21, 1816; d. April 22, 1868.
100. II. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1795; d. Sept. 3, 1796.
101. III.Annatje, b. June 23, 1797; m. Abraham Vreeland (139), Nov. 30, 1816.
102. IV. Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1800; V. Aegie, b. Dec. 19, 1801 d. unm.
103. VI. Daniel R. (144), b. Sept. 7, 1803; m. Jane, dau. of Adrian M. Post, Sept. 7, 1826; d. April 22, 1873.
104. VII.Cornelius R. (150), b. March 27, 1805; m. Mary, dau. of Abraham Sickles, Sept. 15, 1827.
105. VIII. Catherine, b. Sept. 24, 1807; m. Albert Zabriskie, Nov. 7, 1822, d. Dec. 31, 1868; he d. Sept.-1872.
106. IX. Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1809; m. Egert Wauters, Jan. 17, 1828; d. June 14, 1872.
107. X. George, b. Sept. 23, 1811; m. Gitty, dau. of John Outwater, Sept. 13, 1832; d. May 3, 1864, s.p.
108. XI. Helena, b. April 20, 1813; d. May 6, 1813.
109. XII. Aletta, b. Oct. 16, 1819; m. John S. Tuttle, Oct. 29. 1840; d. March 29, 1855.

Christophel [82] had ch.:
110. I. Annetje, b. April 10, 1803; m. Mindert Vreeland (182), Nov. 24, 1836.
111. II. Nancy, b. July 23, 1804; m. Martin Tise, Dec. 24, 1829.
112. III.Henry, b. Sept. 12, 1806; m. Catharine, dau. of Jacob Cubberly; d. April 14, 1849, s.p.
113. IV. John, b. July 22, 1808; d. unm.
114. V. Thomas(157), b. Oct. 20, 1810; m. Nancy Parvine. Nov. 30 1834; d. May 25, 1846.
115. VI. Alexander, b. Nov. 25, 1812; m. Julia Ann Acker, Nov. 15, 1834; d. Dec. 29, 1845 had ch.: Henry and Rosa.
116. VII. Aletta, m. Thomas Wilkes, May 3, 1849.
117. VIII. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1817; d unm.
118. IX. Gertude, b. Sept. 15, 1820; m. Havens Tuttle, Oct. 6, 1836.
119. X. Jane, b. Dec. 28, 1823.

Garret[85] had ch. :
120. I. Ann Elizabeth. b. Feb. 19, 1818.;
II. Benjamin E., b. May 9, 1820, d. Oct. 7, 1820; 
III. Harriet E., b. March 29, 1822.
121. 1V Benjamin (158), b. June 23, 1824; m. Nancy, dau. of Benjamin Drake, July 27, 1847.

Seventh Generation

Garret J. [90] had ch.:
122. I.Eleanor V. H., b. March 10, 1819; m. Edgar R. Harrison, Feb. 4, 1840.

Daniel [91] had ch.:
123. I. Elizabeth Ann, b. April 3, 1822; Sept. 3, 1824.
124. II.Garret D. (160), b. Jan. 27, 1826; m. Caroline, dau. of Peter C. Westervelt, of T’Neck.

Garret C. [94] had ch.:
125. I. Frances G., b. Oct. 3 1820; m. James Van Buskirk (72), May 18, 1839.
126. II. Henry G. (162), b. Aug. 4, 1823; m. Sarah C. Van Buskirk (76), June 1, 1846; d. Jan. 16, 1860.
127. III. Cornelius (163), b. May 27, 1833; m. Mary A., dau of William Dickinson, Jan. 1, 1853.
128. IV. Issac Z., b. Nov. 30, 1836; m. Lucy, dau. of William Dickinson, in 1856; d. in Nov., 1868.

Cornelius C. [98] had ch.:
129. I. John V. H. (164), b. Feb. 27, 1833; m. Margaret Ann, dau. of Jacob Van Ripen, of N.Y., July 2, 1855.
130. II. Catharine V. H., b. Jan. 23, 1836; m. Albert Bogert, Oct. 24, 1867.
131. III. Herman V. A., b. Nov. 2, 1838; d. June 1, 1855.
132. IV. William K., b. Nov. 14, 1840.
133. V. Aletta, b. May 31, 1844; m. Edward P. Buffet, M. D., June 12, 1872; d. Sept. 26, 1873.
134. VI. Anna Deria, b. April 24, 1847;
VII. Cornelius, b. March 10, 1852.

Michael [99] had ch.:
135. I. Catharine, b. Sept. 22, 1817; d. Sept 10, 1819.
136. II. Richard, b. Sept. 25, 1818; d. March 9, 1819.
137. III. Jasper (165), b. Sept. 28, 1820; m. Lucinda Garrabrant; d. Oct. 25, 1849.
138. IV. Jane, b. Jan.4, 1823; m. John V. H. Clendenny, Oct. 31, 1839.
139. V. Catharine, b. April 25, 1825; m. Adam Rapp, May 13, 1848.
140. VI. Hannah, b. Oct. 22, 1827; m. John J. Rapp, Sept. 9, 1846.
141. VII.Elizabeth, m. James G. Tallman, April 16, 1851.
142. VIII.Sarah, m. Jesse D. Abrams, March 26, 1851.
143. IX. Richard (166), b. Nov. 18, 1839; m. Helen, dau. of Moses Copley, July 10, 1862.

Daniel R. [103] had ch.:
144. I. Eliza, b. July 1, 1826; m. Henry B. Beaty, the eighth sheriff of Hudson County.
145. II. Richard (167), b. Dec. 3, 1829; m. Sarah G., dau. of James Tallman, April 16, 1851.
146. III. Adrian (168), b. Nov. 7, 1832; m. Sarah Jane, dau. of John Van Pelt, of Millstone.
147. IV. John M., b. July 25, 1835; m. Louisa, dau. of John Gurney, March 27, 1860; d. April 27, 1868; had ch.: 1. Albert.
148. V. Hannah Jane, b. Aug. 21, 1839; m. Walter Gurney, Jan. 15, 1869.
149. VI. Clara P., b. April 3, 1842, m. John Wallace, Jr., April 13, 1869; 
VII. Daniel, b. Oct. 21, 1844:
VIII. Catharine Euphemia, b. Aug. 22, 1847, d. Aug. 10, 1858; IX. Aletta, b. April 1, 1850.

Cornelius R. [104] had ch.:
150. I. Richard C. (169), b. Dec. 19, 1827; m. Rachel Catharine Vreeland (253), May 27, 1852.
151. II. Abraham, b. March 25, 1829; m. Cornelia, dau.of Jacob Ackerman; removed to Illinois.
152. III. Michael C., b. Dec. 31, 1832; m. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Thomas, July6, 1858; d. Dec. 10, 1870.
153. IV. Matilda Jane, b. May 22, 1836; d. Oct. 23, 1838.
154. V. Cornelius, b. Sept. 19, 1838; d. March 17, 1857.
155. VI. Mary Anna, b. April 6, 1841; m. Garret Vreeland (122), March 5, 1869.
156. VII. Matilda Jane, b. Oct. 14, 1845.

Thomas [114] had ch.:
157. I. Silas;
II. John; 
III. Christopher, b. in 1835; 
IV. Aletta Jane, b. March 18, 1843, d. Jan. 18, 1847.
V. Margaret.

Benjamin [121] had ch.:
158. I. Ann Eliza, b. Nov. 27, 1848; m. Peter B. Steele, Nov. 27, 1866.
159. II. Garret, b. Aug. 1, 1850, d. in inf.: 
III. Nancy, b. June 5, 1851, d. in inf.: 
IV. Diedrick, b. July 4, 1852, d. in inf.; 
V. Archibald P., b. May 3, 1853, d. April 14, 1956; 
VI. Ida, b. Oct. 1 1856, d. Nov. 11, 1860; 
VII. Ansel J., b. April 3, 1858.
VIII. Hattie B., b. April 3, 1861, d. July 17, 1862; 
IX. Edwin A. H., b. Dec. 24, 1866; 
X. Benjamin, b. May 3, 1869.

Eighth Generation

Garret D.[124] had ch.:
160. I. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1849; m. John Henry Bedell, May 26, 1869.
161. II. Peter W., b. Jan. 24, 1852;
III. Clarissa, b. June 19, 1854.

Henry G. [126] had ch.:
162. I. Jane, b. March 16, 1848; 
II. Eliza, m. Florence Griswold; 
III. Fanny, b. Feb. 23, 1852; 
IV. Gilbert.

Cornelius [127] had ch.:
163. I. Cornelius, b. Oct.,1855, d. in inf.; 
II. Fanny G., b. Dec. 17, 1857; 
III. Lucy Maud, b. Jan. 13, 1860.

John V. H. [129] had ch.:
164. I. John V. H., b. July 14, 1856; 
II. Edwin, b. June 18, 1859; 
III. Anna Catherine, b. July 1, 1862.

Jasper [137] had ch.:
165. I. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Dec. 17, 1843; 
II. Abraham.

Richard [143] had ch.:
166. I. Ira, b. April 13, 1863, d. Sept. 23, 1864; 
II. William J., b. Sept. 23, 1864, d. Aug. 13, 1865; 
III. John C., b. Jan. 23, 1866; 
IV. Edward J., b. July 5, 1868; 
V. Nellie, b. Sept. 7, 1870; 
VI. Richard V. and VII. Jennie L., twins, b. July 4, 1873.

Richard [145] had ch.:
167. I. Jennie, b. April 5, 1852; 
II. Sarah E., b. Dec. 10, 1854, m. John A. Bumsted, May 8, 1873; 
III. Daniel, b. June 10, 1857; 
IV. Clara, b. Dec. 5, 1860; 
V. Mary, b. March 5, 1865 ; 
VI. Richard, b. Aug. 20, 1866.

Adrian [146] had ch.:
168. I. Jane, b. Jan. 21, 1861; 
II. George M., b. Nov. 8, 1864;
III. John, b. Jan. 15, 1867; 
IV. Isabella, b. Feb. 27, 1869.

Richard C. [150] had ch. :
169. I. Cornelius, b. July 12, 1853; 
II. Maria Jane, b. Oct. 12, 1857.


This concludes the Van Riper genealogy section of Winfields book.
Thanks to my friend Terri Perico for typing this for me.
On line 168, George M. was my Grandfather who married Maud Kitson.
I was the last Van Riper of George M.’s generation to be born in 
Jersey City, Hudson County (also called Bergen City, when it was in Bergen County).
My Father Raymond, Mother Mazie (Seaman) and two Brothers, Raymond Jr.,Andrew, and I moved out of Jersey City when I was 2 years old. Another brother Daniel was born later.

George Van Riper
Fair Lawn,N.J.

Van Riper Cemetery, LaGrange (Cass County) – Michigan



Van Riper Cemetary, LaGrange (Cass County), Michigan Photo: John Riper




“Between the years 1850 and 1860 Abram (the son of Jacob Van Riper) and his family decided to go west to Michigan. They founded the village of LaGrange in Cass County and there proceded to build a new mill for the manufacture of cotton and wollen goods. They heard that the railroad was expected to pass near them but it never did so that the mill was then abandoned. In the years that followed the family started to migrate to other parts of Michigan. Abram and members of his family are buried in the Van Riper Cemetery at LaGrange, Michigan.”

(Edward A. Van Riper, dated: October 28, 1958)

The Van Riper Cemetery is the last resting-place for (amongst many others) the following family members. Unfortunately many stones are not, or very difficult, to read:

  • JOHN VAN RIPER / 1847-1917
  • SARAH / Wife of John Van Riper / Nov. 22, 1850 – May 2, 1890
  • IDA / Wife of John Van Riper / Apr. 6, 1861 – Aug. 28, 1932
  • MARIE / Wife of Frank Benedict / Dau. of John and Ida Van Riper
  • STEVEN L. VAN RIPER M.D. ? Son of John & Ida / 1901-1991
  • BERTHA VAN RIPER / 1875-1959
  • EMELINE VAN RIPER / Mar. 15, 1827 – Apr. 20, 1919
  • CHARLES A. VAN RIPER / Sep. 26, 1822 – Sep. 30, 1900 (?) / First Lieut. … 12th Mich. Inf. (…)
  • SAMUEL D. (?) VAN RIPER / Son of C.A. & E. Van Riper / Died July 30, 1873 / aged 22 yrs. 6 m. 6 d.
  • WILLIAM A. / Son of G.Z. & M.E. Van Riper / Died Mar. (?) 20, 1880, aged 22 yrs., 27 days
  • ….. / Wife of G.Z. Van Riper / born June … 1827 / Died … 18..
  • LEWIS A. VAN RIPER / Died Jan. 17, 1863 / aged 53 years, 2 mos., 9 days
  • CATHERINE, wife of Abram Van Riper / died 1886 (?) / aged 78 years (?) / …
  • ABRAM VAN RIPER / died Aug. 18, 1871 / aged 84 years 7m 21d
  • ABRAM VAN RIPER / 1816-1900 / MARIA V. / His Wife / 1820-1899
  • VAN RIPER / Elizabeth / 1861-1862
  • VAN RIPER / Frank / 1871-1876
  • Mother / HANNAH VAN RIPER / 1833-1912
  • Brother / ABRAM T. VAN RIPER / 1856-1913
  • KATHERINE VAN RIPER / 1876-1952
  • WILLIAM A. VAN RIPER / 1821-1910
  • IDA S. VAN RIPER / 1848-1905
  • EDWIN N. VAN RIPER / 1868-1892

Van Riper Hopper House, Wayne – New Jersey


The Van Riper Hopper House, a fine example of New Jersey Dutch architecture.Photo’s: Karin Riper


Van Riper Hopper House, Wayne – New Jersey

The VAN RIPER HOPPER HOUSE at 533 Berdan Avenue, Wayne, New Jersey. Built in 1786 by Uriah (Yurrie) Richard Van Riper when he married Maria (Pollie) Berdan. Yurrie was the great-great-grandson of Juriaen Thomasse Van Ripen.

Remaining in the Van Riper family, the house was passed down to Yurrie’s great-granddaughter Mary Ann Van Riper, who married Andrew Hopper in 1872. It was occupied by succeeding generations until taken over by Wayne township. In 1964 the house was officially dedicated as the Wayne Township Museum.




Juriaen Thomasse x Reyke Harmsse                  |     Thomas (b. 1668) (x Jannetje Straetmaker)                  |              Juriaen (b. 1693) (x Aeltje Simonse Van Winkle)                  |  Dirck (b. 1734) (x Elisabeth Meed)                  |   Yurrie R. Van Riper (x Maria -Polly- Berdan)                  |  Jacob B. Van Riper (b. 1789)                  (x Maria van Riper, dau. of John Van Riper and Lea Winne)                  |  Uriah J. Van Riper (b. 1812) (x Anna Banta)                  | Mary Ann Van Riper (b. 1849) (x Andrew Hopper, descendant of Andries Hoppe[n]  and Geertje Hendricks; came to New Netherland about 1651)  

Historic VAN RIPER HOUSE (also known as The Four Maples) at River Road, Nutley, New Jersey.


The Van Riper House in Nutley, NJ in June 2000 and the tablet with the initials “I·L·V RP” and the date “May 1th 1788” (Photo’s: Karin Riper)

Historic VAN RIPER HOUSE (also known as The Four Maples) at River Road, Nutley, New Jersey.

Built in 1708 by John Bradbury, who bought the land from Juriaen Thomasse Van Ripen. Eventually Abraham Van Ryper, the grandson of Juriaen Tomasse, married into the family with Elizabeth Bradberry, where it remained a Van Riper house until late 1890’s. Their son John Van Riper (born 1753) married Leah Winne in 1776, They also lived in the house. A tablet on the house bears the date May 1, 1788 and the initials of John Abraham Van Riper and Leah Winne (see picture). The building was partially damaged by a fire in 1999 and will be restored, thanks to the hard work by the people of the Van Riper Trust.

John Abraham and Leah Van Riper were the grandparents of Dr. Abram Harvey Van Riper (married to Clarissa Van Schaack McMeehan in October 1878), who was well known in town till his death in 1936.

The house as it was in 1961, hidden behind the maples



Juriaen Thomasse van Ripen  x Reyke Harmsse           |    Harmen Van Riper (b. 1686)  (x Marietje Freriks b. 1684)         John Bradbury           |                                   |   Abraham Van Ryper                x   Elizabeth Bradberry  (b. Jan. 25, 1716) ________________________________________________________                                  |                          John (b. 1753) x Lea Winne


Newspaper article of July 6, 2001


De afstammelingen van Juriaen Thomasse (Van Riper)

Amerikaanse immigranten uit Ripen op Jutland: de afstammelingen van Juriaen Thomasse (Van Riper)

Van Ripen – Van Rijper – Van Riper – Van Rypen – Van de Ripe

1 – Ripen en de daaruit voortgekomen namen in Passaic, Bergen en Hudson

Op Jutland ligt de stad Ripen (in het Deens: Ribe), in het gelijknamige bisdom. Het heeft een eerbiedwaardige ouderdom en was eens een belangrijke zeehaven, tot de haven dichtslibde. De Hollanders schreven de naam als Rypen, in modern Nederlands Rijpen, met de klank van een lange “i”. Hier vandaan kwam Juriaen Thomasse toen hij in 1663 via Holland naar Amerika reisde. De vroege leden van de familie noemden zich Van Ripen, of ook Van de Ripe. Deze laatste naam zou kunnen wijzen op een oorspronkelijke emigratie uit een kleine stad in Noord-Holland, genaamd De Rijp, dat vanaf ca. 1400 bestaat en dat (rond het jaar 1900) 2000 inwoners had, vier kerken, twee havens en een fraai kanaal.
In de county’s Passaic en Bergen is de naam nu bijna zonder uitzondering Van Riper; in Hudson county schrijven sommige families Van Rypen. De afstammelingen van Juriaen Thomasse waren onder de laatsten van hen die zich in Acquackanonk vestigden, die een achternaam aannamen: een eeuw lang veranderden hun namen steeds weer door het gebruik van patroniemen als Juriaense, Thomasse, Aelte, Gerritse, Harmsse enz. enz.

2 – Urian Tomason (Van Riper)

In april 1663 voer Juriaen Thomasse, afkomstig uit Rypen in Noord-Jutland, in gezelschap van zevenentachtig medepassagiers (mannen, vrouwen en kinderen), met “T’ Bonte Koe” van Holland naar de Nieuwe Nederlanden, op zoek naar fortuin. De gegevens over deze vroege landverhuizer zijn bijzonder schaars. Hij leek geen grond te hebben bezeten in Bergen, hoewel hij zich daar blijkbaar wel spoedig na aankomst vestigde. Op 15 mei 1667 trouwde hij met Reyke Harmsse. Hij en zijn vrouw waren getuigen bij de doop van hun kleinzoon Jurjaen, zoon van Thomas Jurjaense en Jannetje Straet, op 1 september 1693, zoals vermeld in de kerkgegevens van Acquackanonk, waarin overigens geen andere vermeldingen van hem voorkomen, zodat het niet is aan te nemen dat hij zich in Acquackanonk vestigde. Zijn overlijden, op 12 september 1695, is vermeld in Bergen, waar hij waarschijnlijk ook gestorven is. Ryke Harmsse, ongetwijfeld zijn echtgenote, was getuige bij de geboorte van een andere kleinzoon, Jurie, zoon van Jan Juriance en Neeltje Gerrebrantze, in de kerk van Acquackanonk op 10 februari 1703. Zij bezat lot no. 2, in de Goutum subdivisie. Haar overlijdensdatum is onbekend.

3 – Prof. Dr. Charles van Riper

Het is interessant om het verhaaltje hierboven te vergelijken met de eerste regels van het levensverhaal van Prof. Dr. Charles van Riper, de beroemde Amerikaanse spraakpatholoog, naar wie de Rotterdamse vereniging tot acceptatie van stotteren, de Charles van Riper Vereniging is genoemd. Hoewel trots op zijn vermeende Nederlandse afkomst, lijkt hij dus uit Jutland te komen:

“Op 16 april 1663 verlieten Jurriaan van Rijper en zijn vrouw Rycke Amsterdam aan boord van het schip “De Bonte Os” met bestemming Nieuw Amsterdam (Amerika). Ik ben dus trots op mijn Nederlandse afkomst en voel mij vereerd dat jullie vereniging naar mij genoemd is (…)”

4 – Dr. Cornelius Van Riper

De Amerikaanse krant “Passaic Daily News” schreef in een in memoriam voor een Dr. Cornelius Van Riper (afgestudeerd aan New York University 1863) het volgende over zijn afkomst. Is Pryntje Hermans de eerder genoemde Ryke Harmsse?

“Dr. Cornelius Van Riper droeg een van New Jersey’s oudste achternamen. Hij stamde af van Jurian Tomassen, een Deen uit de stad Ripa op Jutland. Tomassen trouwde Pryntje Hermans na zijn aankomst in de Nieuwe Wereld in 1663. (…) Toen hij stierf namen zijn kinderen de naam Juriance aan, dat later Yereance en Auryanseh werd, en ook Van Ripen dat vervolgens Van Riper werd.”

5 – Passagierslijst “In de Bonte Koe” 1663

April 1663; In the Spotted Cow.

Hendrick Corneliss, from New Netherland
Staes de Groot, from Tricht
Elje Barents, the Wife of Adam Bremen, and servant girl
Jan Lourens, from Schonder Woort, and Wife and two children
Theunis Bastiaensen Cool, and child.
Jan Bastiaensen, from Leerdam, and Wife and four children
Giel Bastiaensen, from Leerdam, and Wife and four children
Gerrit Jans, from Arnhem, and Wife and Brother-in-Law, Arnoldus Willems,
Joris Adraaiaensen, from Leerdam
Peter Matthysen, from Limborgh
Jan Boerhans
Lammert Jansen Dorlant
Gerrit Verbeeck
Grietje Gerrits, the Wife of Dirck Jansen, and two children
Adriaen Jansen Honink from Well, and Wife and four children
Hans Jacob Sardingh
Juriaen Tomassen, from Rypen
Jan Laurens, from Rypen
Jan Otto van Teyl, and Wife and child
Matthys Bastiaensen vander Peich, and daughter
Marytje Theunis van Beest
Jerome Bovie, and Pays de Vaud, and Wife and five children
David de Marist, from Picardy, and Wife and four children
Pierre Niu, from the Pays de Vaud, and Wife, sucking child and sister.
Jean Mesurole, from Picardy, and Wife and sucking child
Jean Arien, from Monpellier, and Wife and child(removed to the Islands)
Martin Renare, from Picardy, and Wife and child
Jacob Kerve, from Leyden, and Wife
Pierre Parmentie, from Pays de Vaud, and Wife and son.
Joost Houpleine, from Flanders, and wife and son
Joost Houpleine, Junior, and Wife and sucking child
Guilliam Goffou, from Sweden.
Moillart Journay, from Pays de vaud
Pierre Richard, from Paris

Bronnen: 1 en 2 History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic New Jersey, William Nelson, Paterson NJ – 1901; 3 beknopte autobiografie, mij toegestuurd in 1980 door de Charles van Riper Vereniging, Rotterdam; 4 The Passaic Daily News – datum onbekend. Met dank aan Dorothy Yereance, NY, die mij deze fragmenten via Internet toestuurde; 5 List of Inhabitants of Colonial New York, uittreksel uit the Documentary History of the State of New York, Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc, Baltimore, hoofdstuk Early Immigrants to New Netherland 1657-1664, pag. 172 en 173. Met dank aan Carolyn Atkinson die deze en andere passagierslijsten via Internet verspreidde.)



The Nutley Sun article 22 June 2000

THE NUTLEY SUN – 22 June 2000

Van Riper House history studied by relatives and state officials
(By James Zoccoli)

Research into the past of the historic Van Riper House has accelerated in recent weeks, with a family from the Netherlands visiting the building and the state taking bureaucratic steps that may ultimately decide the fate of the site.
John and Karen Riper, citizens of Rotterdam, Netherlands, visited Nutley last week as part of their ongoing research into their kinship to the Van Riper family, who constructed the house in Nutley nearly 300 years ago.
“John Riper has traced his family back to 1708, but he hasn’t gotten beyond that date yet,” said Marie Greiner, president of the Van Riper Trust, a group seeking to restore the aging structure.
Greiner pointed out that the “Van” in Van Riper literally means “from.” She said that usage became common in centuries past to better determine a family’s homeland. The fact that John Riper’s name does not include the word Van is not significant, she said.
The Riper family toured the outside of the house June 13 and said they were saddened by its deteriorated condition.
A fire struck the building in January and numerous acts of vandalism over the past 18 months have also done harm to the building.
Just days later, a representative of the New Jersey Register of Historical Places, Trenton, contacted Greiner to facilitate the official designation of the building as an official historic place.
The representative said the designation will enable the township to gain state funding for the building’s restoration.
“The ball is in Nutley’s Court,” said the state representative, who asked that his name be withheld at this time due to legal and bureaucratic considerations.
The representative did say, however, that he is directly involved in processing the historic designation application for the Van Riper House.
“I’m helping evaluate the building,” he said.
An application for the designation was submitted more than a year ago by members of the Van Riper Trust. But the state representative said that draft is now being fine tuned.
“Someone is working on that,” he said.
Assemblyman John V. Kelly, a Nutley resident, has spearheaded a drive to gain $350,000 in state funds to restore the house.
“The Van Riper House is the second-oldest home in Nutley and one of the purest examples of Dutch colonial architecture,” Kelly said.
The legislation was unanimously approved by the Assembly Environment Committee three weeks ago, giving it a needed boost of support as it moves to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration.
“The funds allocated will restore the house to serve as the members of the trust envisioned and to save this important structure of cultural history,” said Assembly Majority Leader Paul DiGaetano, who has vowed to do all he can to push the bill through the full Assembly.
The bill would appropriate funds to the Division of Housing and Community resources in the Department of Community Affairs for the reconstruction of the house.
The state funding, however, is contingent upon the historic designation.
Greiner said she is hoping that the historic designation and the funding would be approved before Trenton finalizes its budget June 30. But state officials have not given any clue regarding if that deadline is likely or even expected to be met.
The Van Riper House was originally built between 1708 and 1733, but was expanded to its current form in 1788.
For information about the historic building, or to make donations for its restoration, write, The Van Riper House, P.O. Box 110031, Nutley, N.J.



Van Riper Houses

On Jan 24, 2001 George Van Riper wrote:

The last time I looked at the Van Riper house in Nutley it was still
in the same condition. (…)
When I get a chance I want to visit the Van Riper-Bond
house in Montclair. Its about 5 miles from Nutley.
The Montclair university took it over.I’ll let
you know how I make out. There use to be a Van Riper
house where I live in Fair Lawn just two blocks away.
It made room for new homes over 50 years ago. I past by
it many times before this happened. There’s a church in
town called the Van Riper-Ellis Church(Baptist).A large
part of Fair Lawn along the Passaic River down to Market St.
in East Paterson(Elmwood Park) was owned by the Van Riper
family(not my direct branch). There is an old burial ground in the
next town ,Saddle Brook, where the High School now stands
the area was called Dudee Lake. The lake was part of the Passaic River
where ,early 1900’s they made a small dam and many people would come and paddle boats and canoes . Before the High School was built they moved all the bodies in the burial ground in one large mound next to the school. There’s a plaque on top.
I read one article in the “History of Slauterdam(Fair Lawn)”, which mentioned a young Van Riper and said he was the 117th Van Riper to be buried their.

George Van Riper



THE VAN RIPEN FAMILY by Charles H. Winfield (1/7)

THE VAN RIPEN FAMILY.(from “History of Hudson County”
by Charles H. Winfield)

This name with its present multitudinous orthography, is derived from
the Latin ripa, and was the name of a city on the North bank of the
river Nibbs, sometimes called Nipsick, or Gram. North Jutland ( so
called to distinguish it from South Jutland or Schleswig), in Denmark
was divided into four dioceses, the most southwesterly part of Cimbri,
who, at one time, invaded the Roman Empire.
The city of Ripen, in the diocese of Ripen, is situated in lat.55*
36′ north, and lon. 9* 10′ east. Next to Wibourg it is the most ancient
town in North Jutland.(1) It once had a commodious harbor and pro-
fitable commerce; but the one long since filled up and the other sought
different channels. Its cathedral was imposing, built of hewn stone, with
a steeple of great height, which served as a landmark for mariners. In the
Swedish war of 1645 the city was captured, but recovered by the Danes
soon after. From this port, in April, 1663, a vessel named ” T” Bonte Koe,”
The Spotted Cow, sailed for the Netherland, with eightynine passengers,
consisting of men, women and children. Among the number was Juriaen
Tomassen, a young man of the city of Ripen. About four years after his
arrival he m. Pryntje Hermans, May 25, 1667; d. Sept 12, 1695. Some
of his descendants took the name Jurianse -now Yereance and Auryansen
while others, taking the name of the city from which their ancestor sailed,
became Van Ripen.
(1) Fenning’s Geography ii,. 123. In Winfield’s Land Titles, the name is
written Rypen. It is thus laid down on a map of Denmark in old geographical
work, published in London during the reign of Queen Anne, the title page of
which, of the copy I have ,is destroyed. I am now satisfied, from the origin
of the word, that the name should be written Ripen, and it is thus written in
the text and on a map in Fenning. Every other way of writing it is clearly
wrong, though sanctioned by generations.

Second Generation.
Juriaen Tomassen had ch,:
2. 1. Tomas (11), bap. June 10, 1668; m. Jannetje, dau.
of Jan Straatmaker, June 2, 1691
3. 11.Gerrit (21), bap. June 27, 1670; m. Beetlitje, dau.
of Dircl Janse Oosten and Elizabeth Cornelis, of Hoboken
June 6, 1693; d. Sept, 4 1748; she d. May 20, 1745.
4. 111. Aelje, bap. Dec. 21, 1672.
5. 1V. Chrystyntje, bap. Nov. 24, 1677; m. Pieter Gerbrantse
(2) Aug. 1 1698.
6. V. Maritje, bap. April 28, 1680; m. Claas Gerbrantse (3)
April 11, 1704.
7. V1. Harman, bap. Oct 21, 1682; d. in inf.
8. V11. Jan (29), m. Neeltje Gerbrantse (5), April 7, 1702.
9. V111. Harman (33), b Dec 6, 1686; m. 1st, Maritje Fre-
ericks, June 20, 1709; 2d, Judith, dau. of Christo-
pher Steinmets, in 1721; removed to Aquackanonck
his will, dated June 17, 1754, was proved May14,1736.
10. 1X. Grietje, b. Oct. 5, 1691.


2 3 4 5 6 7




Brownstone Twp.,
P.O. Huron Station
July 15
page 3b-image 05-sheet #6

Nicholas Van Riper-32y-M-W-farmer-$1400.-$1000.-b.NY
Mary A Van Riper.-45-F-W-keeping house-b.Canada
Willis E. Van Riper-22-M-W-farmer-b.Mich.(son of Nicholas)
Mary C. Van Riper-19-F-W-b Mich
Eva May Van Riper-16-F-W-bMich.(dau. of Nicholas)
Bessie F.Van Riper-4-F-W-bMich.
Leonora Van Riper-20-F-W-keeping house-bMich.
infant Van Riper-5m-M-W-bJan.-bMich.
P.O. Brownstone
July 18
page 7-image 12-sheet #13

Adrian Van Riper-60y-M-W-farmer-$10,000-$9,000-b.N.J.
Eliza Van Riper-40-F-W-keeping house-b.N.Y.
Chester Van Riper-20-M-W-farmer-bMich.
Susan Van Riper-14-F-W-at school-bMich.
P.O. Brownstone
July 18
page 10-image-18-sheet #19

Henry Van Riper-52-M-W-farmer-$9,000.-$1.200-b.N.J.
Lidia A. Van Riper-42-F-W-keeping house-b.N.Y.
James E. Van Riper-17-M-W-at school-b.Mich.
Katherine Van Riper-5-F-W-b.Mich.
Mary Van Riper-3-F-W-b.Mich.
Jane Van Riper-50-F-W-at home-b.N.Y.
(also Van Houten and Garretson,b.NJ)
P.O. Brownstone
July 19
page 11a-image20-sheet21

John C. Van Riper-23-Lawyer-b.Mich.
Catharine M. Van Riper-21b.Mich.
P.O. Gibraltar
July 21
page 15b-1mage29-sheet30

John W. Van Riper-48-M-W-Lumber Bus.-$400.-$2000.-b.Mich.
Elizabeth Van Riper-28-F-W-keeping house-b.Mich.
Anna M. Van Riper-6-FW-b.Mich.
CASS County
La Grange Twp.
July 6
p67b-sheet 28-image 28

John Van Riper-59-M-W-farmer-$2500.-$1200.-b.N.J.
Leah Van Riper-54-F-W.-keeps house-b.N.J.
Gertude Van Riper-10-F-W-b.N.J.
Abram Van Riper-83-M-W-$10,000.-$5,000-b.N.J.
p67b-sheet 28-image 28

William Van Riper-45-M-W-manf. of flour-$6000.-$2000-b.N.J.
Ida Van Riper-21-F-W-keeping house-b.N.Y.
Edwin Van Riper-3-M-W-b.Mich.
p67b-sheet 28-image 28

Abram Van Riper-M-W-53-manf. flour-$600.-$900.-b.N.J.
Maria Van Riper-F-W-50-b.N.Y.
Hester Van Riper-F-W-15-b.N.J.
p67b-sheet 28-image 28

George Van Riper-34-M-W-manf. wool goods-$500.-$500.-b.N.J.
Perthana Van Riper-30-F-W-b.N.Y.
Gettie Van Riper-9-F-W-b.Mich.
John Van Riper-6-M-W-b.Mich.
Myrta Van Riper -2-F-W-b.Mich.
page 68a

Garret Van Riper-M-W-49-manf. cider-$4500.-$2200.-b.N.J.
Maria E. Van Riper-F.W.-43-keeping house-b.N.J.
Abram Van Riper-M-W-20-farmer-b.N.J.
William Van Riper -M-W-12-b.Mich.
Charles Van Riper -4-M-W-b.Mich.

Tunis Van Riper-42-M-W-farmer-$7500.-$2500.-b.N.J.
Hannah Van Riper-37-keeping house-b.N.J.
Abbi A. Van Riper-17-b.N.J.
Ackerman Van Riper-15-M-W-b.N.J.
Abram Van Riper-13-M-W-b.N.J.
Ellen Van Riper-7-F-W-b.N.J.
William Ackerman-27-farm laborer-b.N.J.
St. Josephs City
P.O. St. Josephs
page 419-sheet 51-image 51
Van Riper (John H.*)-57-M-W-farmer-$1500.-$80-0.-b.N.J.
Mary Van Riper -42-F.W-b.England
John C. Van Riper-16-M-W-b.Illinois
George H. Van Riper-14-M-W-b.Illinois
Courtney Van Riper-7-M-W-b.Mich.
*I added

P.O. St. Josephs
530-543-image 65

John C. Storrs-45-M-W-house builder- -$2500.-b.N.Y.
Jane Storrs-41-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y.
Ada Storrs-14-F.W.-b.Indiana
Henry Storrs-M-W-b.Mich.
John Storrs-75-b.Mich.
John T. Van Riper-82-M-W-b.N.J.
Sam Rup-57-M-W-b.M?
Maria Rup-45-F.W-b.N.Y.
Troubridge city
page 384-sheet 23-image23

Cornelius Ackerson-44-M-W-farmer-$1200.-$225.-b.Holland
Lucinda Ackerson-46-F-W-keeps house-b.N.J.
Paul Ackerson-23-M-W-works on farm-b.Holland
Sarah Ackerson-15-F.W-domestic servant-b.N.J.
Jane Ackerson-12-F-W-b.Illinois
Clara Ackerson-9-F-W-at school-b.Illinois
Abraham Van Riper-22-works on farm-b.N.J.
town of Scio
P.O. Dexter
July 22
page 344-sheet 21-image21

Abram C. Van Riper-74-M-W-retired farmer-$1800-$400-b.N.J.
Betsey Van Riper-75-F-W-no occupation-b.N.J.
Anna Dudley-30-F-W-house keeper–b.N.J.
town of Scio
P.O. Dexter
July 21
page338b-sheet 10-image 10

James C. Van Riper-64-M-W-carpenter-$2800.-$800.-b.N.J.
(contd’)page 339
Catherine Van Riper-63-F-W-keeping house-b.N.Y.
Mary C. Bush-37-Dress Maker-b.N.Y.
May Van Riper-8-F-W-at school-b.Mich.
town of Scio
P.O. Dexter
P339-sheet 11-image 11

Andrew J. Van Riper-39-M-W-carpenter- -$100.-b.N.Y.
Margaret Van Riper-32-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y.
Watthy? Van Riper-14-M-W-at school-b.Mich.
Bell Van Riper-12-F-W-at school-b.Mich.
Harry Van Riper-10M-W-at school-b.Mich.
Webster Twp.
P.O. Dexter
July 27
page 429-sheet 15-image15

Nicholas Van Riper-47-M-W-farmer-$4000.-$1500.-b.N.Y.
Jane Van Riper-45-F-W-b.N.Y.
Carlton D. Van Riper-20-M.W.-b.Mich.
Janette Van Riper-14-F.W-at school-b.Mich
Henry M. Queal-65-M-W-at home-b.N.Y.
Webster Twp.
page 429b-sheet 16-image 16
July 27
P.O. Dexter

Gilbert Granger-38-M.W.farmer-b Mass.
Ellen Granger-28-F.W-keeps house-Mich.
Jessie Grangeer-2-M-W-b.Mich
Orin Van Riper-18-M-W-on farm-b. Mich.
Webster Twp.
page 429b.-sheet 16-image16

George Van Riper-30-day laborer-Mich.
Julia-Van Riper-25-F-W-keeps hose-b.Mich.
Webster Twp.

Pomeroy Van Riper-29-M-W-farmer-$5500.-$1000.-b.Mich.
Frances Van Riper-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y.
Mabel Van Riper-F-W-b.Mich.
Peter Halsey-65-M-W-at home-b.N.Y.
Mary Halsey-63-F-W-at home-b.N.Y.
Webster Twp.
page 432-sheet 21-image21
July 28

Stephen Van Riper-64-M.W.-farmer-$6000.-$1500.-b.N.J.
Anna M. Van Riper-58-F.W-keeps house-b.N.J.
Charles H. Van Riper-24-M-W-at home-b.Mich.
Mary C. Van Riper-26-F-W-house keeper-.b.Mich.



VAN RIPER-1911 Paterson,N.J.,city directory

VAN RIPER-1911 Paterson,N.J.,city directory

Abram Z.-bds 617 Market St.
A.J & Co.-(Alfred J. Van Riper,David Lindsay and Coley A. Weed)
silk mfgs.(Cogdon Mill) Van Houten St. and Cross St.
Alfred-beds 287 Van Houten St.
Alfred J.-(A.J. Van Riper & Co.(Congdon Mills) ,Van Houten and
cross -home 585 E. 29th St.
Anna-h 163 Godwin St.
Anthony B.-(Frost & Van Riper),202 Straight St.-h 652 E. 26th St.
Carrie-dressmaker-beds 617 Market St.
Catharine-widow of Alberth 567 E. 18th St.
Catharine-widow of Jasper,dressmaker,91 Marion St.-
home 91 Marion St.
Charles C.-(Reliable Building Co.),247 Franklin St.-h 271 Franklin St.
Charles K.-clerk-652 E. 26th St.
Charles W-saloon,459 Union Ave.-h 10 West St.
Charles W.-mach-beds 33 Hamburgh Ave.
Charlotte J.-widow of Richard-moved to Wortendyke-
(Midland Park,Bergen Co.,NJ)
Cornelius-painter-h 194 Jackson St.
Daniel-porter-h 22 Jefferson St.
Elixa-spinner-beds 192 Jackson St.
Eliza-widow of George -h 33 Hamburgh Ave.
Emma–beds 163 Godwin St.
Frederick G.-(P. H. Van Riper & son),73 Broadway-h 336 Ellison St.
George-motorman-h 55 N.6th St.
George P.-pres. & treas. Van Riper Mfg. Co. ,14 Van Houten-
h 143 Hamilton Ave.
George S.-carpenter h 12 Madison Ter.
Harriet-widow of Stephen-beds 18 Jay St.
Hattie-widow of John-h 88 Essex St.
Henry-electrician-h 27 Lane St.
Isabelle S.,Mrs.-h 23 Ryle Ave.
Jane E.-beds 59 Jasper St.
Jennie-steno,Paterson Savings Institution-beds 735 E.28th St.
Jessie-widow of Peter-h 735 E. 28th St.
John-molder-h 20 Hamburgh St.
Lucy-beds 735 E. 28th St.
Marinus-lab-h 252 W. 26th St.
Marjorie G.-clerk, 210 Market St.-beds 59 Jasper St.
Mary E.-widow of Adrian V. H. -h 143 Hamilton Ave.
Matilda-widow of John-h88 Essex St.
Mortimer L.-clerk-h 72 N. 10th St.
Paul-watchman-h 252 W. 26th St.
Percy R.-h 271 Godwin St.
Philip H.-(P.H. Van Riper & Son),73 Broadway
h 336 Ellison St.
P.H. & Son (Philip H. & Frederick G. Van Riper),grocers,
73 Broadway
Sarah H., Mrs.-h 160 River St.
Seely-mason-h 470 E 31st St.
Vincent-real estate N.Y.-bds 488 E. 29th St.
Van Riper Mfg. Co.,leather belting
Walter I.-h Market St. corner of E. 29th St.
Walter R.-dentist,Broadway-h 57 Prince
William B.-dentist,210 Main St.-h 727 E. 27th St.
William P.-foreman (614) 152 Market St.-bds 735 E.28th St.
( Harry Frost{Frost and Van Riper ,silk throwers }202 Staight St.-
h Wycoff,N.J.



VAN RIPER-1962 Paterson ,NJ,City Directory

VAN RIPER-1962 Paterson ,NJ,City Directory

Anna D.-widow of William B.-(h Was 712 E. 27th St.)
moved to Ridgewood,N.J.
Carol M.-priv. sec.,N.Y.-resides 136 E. 21st St.
Catherine-widow of Paul-h 252 Dixon Ave.
Clifford (Lucy)-h 499 E. 38th St.
Clifford M.-r 499 E. 38th St.
Ferdinand S.died Jan. 31,1961 age 71-(was r at 16 Leslie St.)
George W. (Catherine N.)-truck driver 48 Camden St.-h 79 Mashall St.
Gordon F. (Forence H.)-(J.B.Ward and Sons) brush maker, 321 Vernon Ave.-
h at Fair Lawn,0-91 W. Amsterdam Ave.
Harry A. (Minnie)-h (4c) 196 Grand St.
John (Mary A.)-painter- h 136 E. 21st St.
Katherine M.-h 19 Ridge Ter.
Marinus (Elizabeth)-Mech 264 Water St.-h 88 Chadwick St.
Paul (Shirley)-mach. oper.,Fair Lawn-h 474 21st St.
Porter (Hazel M.)-bookkeeper,24 Highland St.-h 168 Paterson Ave.



VAN RIPER-The Acquackanonk Reformed Church

VAN RIPER-The Acquackanonk Reformed Church (Births only unless noted otherwise)
(Passaic and Clifton NJ,areas).

with changes in spelling-and Sponsers added if any listed;
1-501-p.24 Abraham Van Rype-wife,Elizabeth Van Rype-c,John- b.Apr. 6,1753.
Sp:John Ludlo-Susanna Ludlo.
2.265-p.27-Abraham Van Rype-w,Elizabeth Broadberry-c,Phillip,b. Jan. 8,1755.
Sp:John Ludlo-Marytje Berry.
3.587-p.28-Abraham Van Rype-w,Catrina Winne-c,Lea-b.Oct. 3,1755.
Sp:John Winne-Rachel Kip.
4.866-p.40-Abraham Van Rypen-w,Catharina Van Winkel-c,Helena,b.Apr. 20,1766.
Sp:Hendrick Van Wagenen-Antje Van Winkel.
5.1936-p.89-Abraham Van Rypen -w,Doratie Westerveld-c,Tunis,b.July 22,1791.
Sp:Teunis Spier -Lena Spier.
6.2218-p.102-Abraham Van Rypen-w,Doratie Westerveld-c,Johannes,b.Sept. 9,1794
Sp:none listed
7.2497-p.115-Abraham Van Rypen-w,Doratie Westerveld-c,Elizabeth.b.June 4,1799.
Sp:none listed
8.3211-p.147-Abraham Van Rypen-w,Tryntje Van Winkele-c,Joseph b.July 1,1815
Sp:none listed

9.848-p.40-Adriaan Van Rypen-w,Rachel Koejeman-c,Cornelius-b.Oct.27,1765.
Sp:Hendrick Koejeman-Marretje Garrebrantse.
10.927-p.43-Adriaan Van Rypen-w,Rachel Koejeman-c,Marretje-b.Feb.8,1768.
Sp:Arie Post-Catharina Van Rypen.
11.1665-p.77-Adriaan-w,Sarah Ackerman-c,Abraham-b.Sep. 17,1787.
Sp:Jonathan Snyder-Pettie Ackerman.
12.2088-p.96-Adriaen Van Rypen-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,John-b.Feb 12,1793.
Sp:John Strowsberry-Maraggrietje Van Rype.
13.2290-p.105-Adriaan Van Rypen-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Hendrick-b.Sept. 8,1795.
Sp:none listed
14.2424-p.111-Adriaan Van Rypen-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Gerrit-b, Jan.25,1798.
Sp:none listed
15.2563-p.118-Adriaan Van Rypen-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Johannes-b.Aug. 6,1800.
Sp:none listed
16.2660-p.122-Adriaan-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c ,Johannis-b.May 8, 1802.
Sp:none listed
17.2764-p.127-Adriaan-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Uriah-b.Aug. 20,1804.
Sp:none listed
18.2881-p.132-Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Catharina-b.Apr.8,1807.
Sp:none listed
19.3028-p.139-Adrian-w-Cathaylntje Spier-c,Adrian-b.July 18,1810.
Sp:none listed
20.3171-p.145-Adrian-w-Cathalyntje Spier-c,Jacob-b. May 10,1814.
Sp:none listed


The above information is from the reprinted book.



1870 Van Riper census,Boonton Twp.,Morris Co.,N.J.

1880 Census
Passaic Co.
New Jersey
(Most of the Van Riper families -73- in 1880 lived in New Jersey.)

T9-roll 794
district 147
page 354a, sheet 1, image 1, June 1
16 Temple Street

Maria Hancock-64-F-W-head-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Peter Van Riper-38-M-W-son in law-wood chopper-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Elizabeth Van Riper-28-F-W-boarder-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Albert Dewitt-14-M-W-stepson-at school-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Connover-10-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
John Messenger-8-M-W-stepson-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
David Van Riper-2-M-W-stepson-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 360b, sheet 14, image 14, June 5
34 Arch Street

Barney Laback-72-M-W-head-wheelwright-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza Laback-66-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
John H. Laback-46-M-W-son-divorced or widow-harness-rupture-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Alfred Laback–41-M-W-son-married-mason-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Carrie Birch-10-F-W-gran daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Edward Laback-9-M-W-grand son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza Van Riper-55-F-W-boarder-tailor-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 367d, sheet 28, image 28, June 9
19 High Street

155-303 (two family house)
Rebecca Van Riper-44-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Emma Van Riper-17-F-W-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Frank Van Riper-10-M-W-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 371c, sheet 35, image 35, June 11
46 North Main Street

206-390 (two family house)
Peter A. Hopper-78-M-W-head-retired-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Hester A. Van Riper-54-F-W-niece-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Allie Van Remp-20-F-W-servant-single-b.Holland-Fa.b.Holland-Mo.b.Holland
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 372a, sheet 37, image 37, June 11
34 North Main Street

222-400 (two family house)
Rachel Van Riper-30-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Charity A. Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 148
page 389d, sheet 24, image 24, June 9
90 North Main Street

Daniel G. Van Horn-36-M-W-head-laborer-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jane A. Van Horn-30-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
John Van Horn-11-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Andrew Cain-25-M-W-boarder-clerk in store-b.Conn..-Fa.b.Conn..-Mo.b.Conn..
Rester Van Riper-16-M-W-boarder-clerk in store-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 148
page 390b, sheet 26, image 26, June 9
28 Holsman Street

Mortimer Van Riper-28-M-W-head-belt maker-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Libbie Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-measles-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-measles-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
William Van Riper-4-M-W-son-measles-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 64a, sheet 5, image 5, June 1
73 Broadway

Phillip H. Van Riper-40-M-W-head-retail grocer-marriedb.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Caroline Van Riper-40-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
George Van Riper-18-M-W-son-clerk in store-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Gertrude Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Frederick Van Riper-5-M-W-son-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary Bishop-43-F-W-servant-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 64a, sheet 5, image 5, June 1
101 Broadway

Hartman Van Riper-52-M-W-head-farmer-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jane E. Van Riper-37-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lawrence Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
George Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 71c, sheet 19, image 19, June 2
12 Tyler Street

Cornelius Van Riper-35-M-W-head-painter-married-cannot write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Rosetta Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.France-Mo.b.N.J..
Sussie Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 80a, sheet 37, image 37, June 9
33 Fair Street

Cornelius Van Riper-43-M-W-head-physician-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah C. Van Riper-45-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sophia Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Irving Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Laura Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 154
page 96b, sheet 23, image 24, June 8
98 Division St. (now called Hamilton Ave.)

Richard Straut-55-M-W-head-stone mason-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Hannah M. Straut-47-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Alfred Van Riper-40-M-W-boarder-book keeping-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.England
Omer Jenks-26-M-W-boarder-book keeker-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Hannah Cruse-17-F-W-servant-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Holland-Mo.b.Holland
T9-roll 795
district 154
page 97d, sheet 25, image 26, June 8
128 Division St. (now called Hamilton Ave.)

Clarrissia Van Riper-80-F-W-head-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Hellen Van Riper-50-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza A. Van Riper-35-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Romain Van Riper-21-M-W-son-at school-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Margaret Simmons-45-F-W-servant-divorced or widow-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
T9-roll 795
district 154
page 98a, sheet 26, image 27, June 9
148 Division St. (now called Hamilton Ave.)

George P. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-belting mfg.-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Maryland
Charlotte Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lauretta Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Lotta Van Riper-10 mths.-F-W-daughter-b.Aug.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..

T9-roll 796
district 156
page 135a, sheet 29, image 29, June 8
68 Montgomery Place

224-271 (two family house)
Phebe Van Riper-62-F-B-head-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Marg. Tichnor-32-F-B-daughter-divorced or widow-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Allen Halstead-15-M-B-son-works in file factory-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Henry Thompson-32-M-B-farm hand-divorced or widow-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Kate Thompson-11-F-B-daughter-at school-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lizzie Jackson-32-F-B-washing-divorced or widow-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Thos. Jackson-18-M-B-son-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Edmund Kiser-25-M-B-farm hand-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary Kiser-24-F-B-wife-farm hand-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jacob Schoolmaker-34-M-B-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Carrie Schoolnmaker-33-F-B-house work-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 156
page 142d, sheet 44, image 44, June 11
Riverside (development-later broken down to three streets-Alois Pl.-Harris Pl.-& Plesinger Pl.)

James Bell-50-M-W-head-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.n/a-Mo.b.n/a..
Jennie Bell-48-F-W-wife-married-b.Canada-Fa.b.n/a.-Mo.b.n/a..
Henny Bell-18-M-W-son-at school-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Canada
George Bell-14-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Canada
Eliza Hammond-26-F-W-servant-cook-b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Albert Van Riper-40-M-B-servant-coachman-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Kate Van Riper-30-F-B-servant-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..

T9-roll 796
district 157
page 158b, sheet 18, image 18, June 5
112 Broadway

Adrian Van Riper-35-M-W-head-baker-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary E.Van Riper-32-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Frank Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Maggie Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Julia Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Abram Van Riper-3-M-W-son-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
William Van Riper-1-M-W-son-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 159
page 203c, sheet 3, image 3, June 1
62 Willis Street

Gertrude Christie-52-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Anna Christie-23-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.j..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
John T. Van Riper-58-M-W-boarder-machinist-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.n/a..-Mo.b.n/a..
T9-roll 796
district 159
page 203d, sheet 4, image 4, June 2
84 Willis Street

33-44 (two family house)
Cornelius Van Riper-45-M-W-head-carpenter-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary E. Van Riper-41-F-W-wife-drees maler-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Richard Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 162
page 242c, sheet 3, image 3, June 2
19 Ramapo Avenue (does not exist now)

George H. Van Riper-42-M-W-head-carpenter-married-b.N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Harriet Van Riper-38-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
William Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-b.N.Y.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
John Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Fannie Van Riper-3-F-W-b.N.J.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
T9-roll 796
district 162
page 251a, sheet 21, image 21, June 10
11 Madison Street

George Van Riper-21-M-W-head-butcher-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza Van Riper-20-F-W-wife-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Peter Krosson-24-M-W-brother in law-iron moulder-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Margaret Krosson-23-F-W-sister in law-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..

T9-roll 796
district 162
page 260c, sheet 39, image 39, June 14
88 Essex St.

John Van Riper-51-M-W-head-blacksmith-married-deaf and dumb-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Matilda Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-deaf and dumb-b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-
Matilda Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Scotland
Jennie Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Scotland
T9-roll 796
district 164
page 290c, sheet 3, image 3, June 1
51 Prospect Street

10-25 (four family house)
Samuel McColloun-58-M-W-head-lab-married-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Cath. McColloun-59-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.France-Fa.b.France-Mo.b.France
Andrew Van Riper-27-M-W-stepson-works in silk mill-single-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.France
T9-roll 796
district 166
page 349d, sheet 20, image 20, June 9
40 Elm Street

George Van Riper-53-M-W-head-cigar maker-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Van Riper-28-F-W-daughter-keeps house-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Emma Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-silk winder-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Anthony Van Riper-17-M-W-son-works at silk-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..

T9-roll 796
district 168
page 371d, sheet 8, image 8, June 2
22 Oliver Street

John Van Riper-49-M-W-head-working in foundry-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Van Riper-19-F-W-daughter-keeps house-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Ida Neill-22-F-W-daughter-married-heavy cold-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Neill-1-F-W-Neice-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 169
page 399a, sheet 17, image 17, June 8and14
West 25th Street (now called Caldwell Avenue)

Paul Van Riper-33-M-W-head-laborer-married-cannot write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Emma Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Phoebe Van Riper-14-F-W-daughter-works in silk mill-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Marinus Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 170
page 405c, sheet 11, image 11, June 2
276 Grand Street

55-94 (five family house)
John Van Riper-28-M-W-head-moulder-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah Van Riper-27-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Ida Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.Ireland
Sadie Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.Ireland
T9-roll 796
district 173
page 495a, sheet 37, image 37, June 11
369 Marshall Street

Jacob Van Riper-41-M-W-head-carpenter-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
EllenVan Riper-40-F-W-wife-house keeper-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
James E. Van Riper-20-M-W-son-laborer-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
William Van Riper-10-M-W-son-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
George Riker-20-M-W-so in law-stone mason-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jemimina Riker-10-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Ella Riker-1mth.-F-W-granddaughter-b.May N.J..–Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
David Riker-50-M-W-boarder-stone mason-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England



Van Riper 1910 census, Newark, New Jersey

Federal Census
Essex County
Newark Ward 2
Roll T624-876
district 12
page 232a, sheet 12, image 23, April 28
412 Plane Street (now University Avenue)

Charles H. Stiles-71-M-W-head-jobber,rubber goods-married 37 yrs.-
Cordelia Stiles-68-F-W-wife-married 37yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Mabel Stiles-35-F-W-daughter-single-
Carrie L. Salmon-62-F-W-sister in law-single-
Sophia Van Riper-75-F-W-boarder-widow (of William H.)-2 children,0 living-
Frances C. Ross-66-F-W-boarder-own income-single-
Essex County
Newark City, ward 2, 6th district
Roll T624-876
district 13
page 253a, sheet 8, image 15, April 19
29 Court Street

Ida Post-38-F-W-head-lodger house-widow-
Cornelius Van Riper-61-M-W-lodger-clerk,R.R..-2nd.marriage 8yrs.-
Juliet Van Riper-48-F-W-lodger-2nd.marriage, 1 child,1 living-
John Quabeck,Jr.-28-M-W-lodger-married 1yr.-
Essex County
Newark City, ward 2, 6th district
Roll T624-876
district 13
page 253b, sheet8 , image 16, April 20
2 Court Street

Andrew B. Stiff-30-M-W-head-boarding house-married 8yrs.-
Millie L. Stiff-31-F-W-F-W-wife-married 8yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Majorie Stiff-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
Alonzo Van Riper-55-M-W-boarder-married-policeman, city-
(and many more not related)
Essex County
Newark City, Ward 9, district 6
Roll T624-877
district 77
page 258a, sheet 20, image 39, April 20
56 Hunter Street

Charles Van Riper-51-M-W-head-mason contractor-married 22yrs.-
Charlotte Van Riper-47-F-W-wife-married 22yrs.-4 children 3 living-
George Van Riper-21-M-W-son-mason contractor-married 7 moths.-
Hilda Van Riper-20-F-W-daughter in law-married 7moths.-
Albert Van Riper-19-M-W-son-mason contractor-single-
Charlotte Van Riper-14-F-W-Daughter-at school-
Essex County
Newark City, ward 5
Roll T624-877
district 35
page 163b, sheet 10, image 20, April 18
93 Bruen Street

Alethia M. Carter-65-F-W-head-single-
Wong Hoey Hog-34-boarder-single-
b.China-Fa.b.China-Mo.b.China-imagrated 1882-
Alice Van Riper-55-F-W-maid-widow-servant, private families-married 20yrs.-1 child, 0 living-
b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England-imigrated 1860-
Essex County
Newark City, ward 7
Roll T624-878
district 53
page 69a, sheet 16, image 21, April 25
17 Colden Street

174-324 (four family house)
Alexander B. Van Riper-26-M-W-head-salesman, furniture-married 6yrs.-
Bertha M. Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-2 children-2 living-
Mayomar Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Augustus C. Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
Essex County
Newark City ward 8, 2nd district
Roll T624-878
district 64
page 27a, sheet 5, image 9, April 18
79 Wakeman Avenue (two family house)

Mary E. Byles-43-F-W-head-dressmaker at home-single-
Dorothy M. Byles-8-F-W-neice-
Bessie B. Van Riper-19-F-W-boarder-single-
Essex County
Newark Ward 8 (Forest Hill Section)
Roll T624-878
district 70
page 169b, sheet 7, image 14, April 19
640 Mt. Prospect Avenue

Sarah M. Van Riper-62-F-W-head-married 21yrs.(to Alonzo)-5 children, 2 living-
De Have (Daniel H.) Van Riper-28-M-W-son-bookkeeper, grain house-single-
Raymond Van Riper-24-M-W-son-single-
Essex County
Newark City,ward 12
Roll T624-879
district 102
page 35b, sheet 2, image 4, April 16
143 Passaic Avenue (now Raymond Boulevard)

19-27 (two family house)
George A. Van Riper-38-M-W-head-conductor, R.R.-married 11yrs.-
Barbara M. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-2nd married 11yrs.-4 children,
William W. Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
Myrtle S. Van Riper-1yr.,10moths.-F-W-daughter-
Essex County
Newark City, ward 14
Roll T624-879
district 124
page 206a, sheet 11, image 21, April 20
292 Littleton Avenue

Oliver Van Riper-49-M-W-head-cigar maker-married 22yrs.-
Jessie Van Riper-43-F-W-wife-married 22yrs.-7 children, 5 living-
Harrold Van Riper-21-M-W-son-stenographer, office-single-
Charles Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
Percy Van Riper-10-M-W-son-at school-
Lloyd Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
Alice V. Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-
Essex County
Newark City, ward 11
Roll T624-880
district 88
page 19b, sheet 19, image 38, April 26
18 North 11th Street

266-476 (two family house)
Harver Paine-37-M-W-head-stove factory-2nd married 8yrs.-
Elsie Paine-33-F-W-wife-married 8yrs-0 children-
Raymond Paine-12-M-W-adopted son-at school-
Russell Van Riper-1 yr,3moths-boarder-
Essex County
Newark City,ward 11
Roll T624-880
district 92
page 93a, sheet 3, image 5, April 16
180 First Street

George W. Van Riper-29-M-W-head-carperter,houses-married 6yrs.-
Mary W. Van Riper-27-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Violet E. Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-at school-
Myrtle E. Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-at school-
Geo.W. Van Riper,Jr.-2-M-W-son-
Erma M. Van Riper-7moths.-F-W-daughter-
Essex County
Newark City,ward 11
Roll T624-880
district 92
page 93a, sheet 3, image 5, April 16
194 First Street

Geo. Van Riper-54-M-W-head-carpenter building,houses-married 34yrs.-
Wilhelmina (Wilhelmina E. Begelspacher)Van Riper-52-F-W-wife Married 34yrs.-10 children,5 livung-
Arthur (Barnes) VanRiper-30-M-W-son-carpenter, houses-single-
Frederick (E.)Van Riper-20-M-W-son-carpenter,houses-single-
Naoma Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-
Alice Van Riper-6-F-W-daugther-at school-
Essex County
Newark City ward 11
Roll T624-880
district 98
page 238b, sheet 16, image 32, April 21
29 South 13th. Street

Beatrice Taylor-37-M-W-head-single-
Elizabeth Taylor-31-F-W-sister-teacher,school-single-
Harold Van Riper-35-M-W-lodger-clerk,store-single-
Gladys Powers-22-F-W-lodger-operator,telephone-single-
Adolph Barbey-73-M-W-lodger-married 50yrs.-
Emma Barbey-69-F-W-lodger-married 50yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
Adolph Barbey,Jr.-32-M-W-lodger-single-
Essex County
Newark City ward 11
Roll T624-880
district 92
page 102a, sheet 12, image 32, April 21
167 Fifth Street

166-283 (three family house)
Wilbur Van Riper-27-M-W-head-carpenter,houses-married 6yrs.-
Bertha Van Riper-24-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.- 1 child, 1 living-
Wilbur Van Riper Jr.-3-M-W-son-
Essex County
Newark City,ward 15
Roll T624-880
district 127
page 39b, sheet 39, image 77, April 30
10 Nairn Place

Eliza Wright-32-F-B-head-house work,day work-widow-0 children-
Anna Van Riper-25-F-B-sister-house work,day work-single-
Essex County
Newark City, ward 15
Roll T624-880
district 132
page 195a, sheet 15, image 29, April 22
219 Highland Avenue

Fred Van Riper-30-M-W-head-shipping clerk-
Minnie Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 7yrs.-1 child,1 living-
Wilhemina Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-
Essex County
Newark Ward 13
Roll T624-881
district 107
page 39b, sheet 13, image 26, April 22
73 Whitney Street

Charles Van Riper-31-M-W-head-modlel maker,Last factory-married 10yrs.-
Mary Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 10yrs.-2 children-2 living-
Albert Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-
Joseph Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-



1941 VAN RIPER Paterson City Directory

1941 VAN RIPER Paterson City Directory

Adrian B.-elec. eng. Dover-resides 712 E. 27th St.
Alfred S.-res. 301 Market St.
Alfred S. Jr. (Margaret M.)- auto mech-h 301 Market St.
Ann-married Ulysses C. Steele -(Ann was res. 19 Ridge Ter.)
Anna B. -widow of Selah- home 19 Ridge Terr.
Carl S.-maintenance man W.A.Corp.(Wright Aero.Corp.) –
res. 15 2nd Ave
Carrie E.-widow of Lawrence A.-furn rooms 101 Ward-h ditto
Catherine -tel oper Tel Co.-h (7) 51 Clark St.
Catherine-widow of George,house worker- h 34 E. Main St.
Charles – res. 34 E. Main St.
Edwin (Serena)-teller Paterson Nat. Bank 152 Market St.-
h- Upper Preakness (Wayne).
Elizabeth-widow of George-she died June 11,1940 age 70
Ella E. Mrs.-h 82 N. Main St.
Eugene H. (Adele A.) -com artist-h 15 2nd Ave.
Frederick G.-res. 466 Broadway
George(Elizabeth)- he died May 29,1940 age 74-h was 48 17th Ave.
George(Louise M.) -salesman-h 55 N. 6th St.
George C.-emp W.P.A.-r 34 E. Main St.
Gertrude V.,Mrs.-state supv. Newark-res. 657 E. 26th St.
Harry A.(Minnie)-elec 81 Temple St.-h (3) 70 Matlock St.
Helen A- asst. cashier -(705) 5 Colt St.- h at Preakness(Wayne)
Jennie M.- h 729 E. 26th St.
John(Mary A.)-painter-h 209 Park ave.
John S.-res. 781 E.22nd St.
John S..-res. 250 17th Ave.
Katherine M.-res. 19 Ridge Terr.
Lawrence A. Jr.-(Van Riper fabrics)116 Gray St. -h at Nutley
Lena M. Mrs.- res. 301 12 Ave.
Margaret-insp. W.A. Corp.-res. 301 Market St.
Marjorie H.-priv sec,N.Y. -res. 712 E. 27th St.
Porter(Hazel M)-bkkpr 634 Market St.-h 168 Paterson Ave.
Russell(Marie K.)-moved to Little Falls (was at -h 362 E. 25th St.)
Ruth-r 19 Ridge St.
Van Riper Fabrics-(Lawrence A. Van Riper Jr.)broad silk mfrs.116 Gray St.
Walter R.-dentist 138 Market St.-res. 331 20th Ave.
William(Augusta)mason contr. and real estate 380 E. 35th St. -h ditto
William B.(Anna D.)-dentist 17 Church St.-h 712 e. 27th St.
William D.-physican, Englewood-res. 712 E. 27th St.




1900 census, New York County, Manhattan, N.Y.C.

—– Van Riper-48-F-W-widow-4 children, 4 living-
b.Aug.1851 Conn..-Fa.b.Vt..Mo.b.Vt..
Eugene Van Riper-26-M-W-son-single-
b.Dec.1873 N.Y..-Fa.b.Conn..Mo.b.Conn..
Bella Van Riper-21-F-W-daughter-single-
b.Feb.1878 N.Y..-Fa.b.Conn..Mo.b.Conn..
Madeline Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-
b.May 1885 N.Y..-Fa.b.Conn..Mo.b.Conn..
David Scott-31-M-W-boarder-single-
b.Jan.1869 N.Y..-Fa.b.Conn..Mo.b.Conn..
Jane Westcott-51-F-W-boarder-single-
b.Sept.1849 N.Y..-Fa.England-Mo.b.England
Mammie Powell-71-F-W-servant-single-
b.Dec.1829 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1105
district 524
page 254b, sheet 4, image 8, June 11
676 Columbus Avenue

51-60 (five family house)
Albert G. Van Riper-35-M-W-head-salesman grocery-single-
b.Sept.1864 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Louisa P. Van Riper-54-F-W-mother-Capitalist-widow-1 child, 1 living-
b.Jan.1846 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y…
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1106
district 556
page 164b, sheet 2, image 4, June 2
207 West 111th Street

D.(Daniel) Romaine Van Riper-43-M-W-head-artist-married 1yr.-
b.May 1856 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lizzie Van Riper-34-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
b.Dec.1865 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Loisiana
Ellen Campbell-23-F-W-servant-single-
b.Dec.1876 Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
immigrated 1885-in USA 15yrs..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
district 196
page 52a, sheet 18, image 35, June 12
267 West 22nd Street

Edwin Van Riper-28-M-W-boarder-carpenter-single-
b.Aug.1871 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
(and many others not related)
Manhattan Borough
New York City, ward 22
district 1081
page 31b, sheet 2, image 4, June 1
no address given

Orphan Asylum Society
Eugene Van Riper-10-M-W-inmate-at school-
b.Feb.1890 N.Y.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
and many others not related
Manhattan Borough
New York City
district 908
page 113a, sheet 22, image 43, June 12

Frederick Rommel-47-M-W-widow-1 child, 1 living-
b.July 1852 N.Y.-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.Canada
Francis Van Riper-23-F-W-niece-operator-single-
b.Mar.1877 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
James W. Austin-38-M-W-boarder-single-
b.Dec.1861 N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Manhattan Borough
New York City
district 568
page 84b, sheet 3, image 6, June
161 108th. Street

11-69 (19 family building)
Charles H. Van Riper-36-M-W-head-bartender-married 18yrs.-
b.Feb.1864 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Scotland
Nattie M. Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 18yrs.-4 children, 2 living-
b.May 1871 Pa..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.Pa..
Grace (or Agnes) Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Dec.1888 Pa..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Pa..
Charles H.Van Riper, Jr.-6-M-W-son-at school-
b.June 1893 Pa..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Pa..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
district 94
page 293a, sheet 19, image 32, June 13
37 Bank Street

Henry Van Riper-57-M-W-head-salesman-married 32yrs.-
b.July 1842 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Josephine Van Riper-59-F-W-wife-married-32yrs.-2 children,2living-
b.Mar.1846 N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
James T. Van Riper-30-M-W-son-salesman-widow-
b.Nov.1869 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Henry E. Van Riper-7-M-W-grandson-at school-
b.Nov.1892 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Julotta Colman-35-F-W-servant-cook-married 4yrs.-0 children-
b.Aug.1864 Pa..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Pa..
(and 16 boarders not related)
Manhattan Borough
New York City
district 99
page 35b, sheet 17, image 34, June 11
7 Jones Street

Julia Van Riper-39- (can’t read info)
b.Mar.1861 N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
ThomasVan Riper-15-M-W- (can’t read info)
b.Aug.1884 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
——- Van Riper-F-W- daughter-(Can’t read info)
b.(Can not read date)- N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Charles Van Riper-11-M-W-at school-
b.Aug.1888 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
district 524
page 252b, sheet 2, image 4, June 1&2
150 West 93rd Street

Louis Van Riper-44-M-W-head-real estate agent-married 15yrs-
b.Dec.1855 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Anna G. Van Riper-38-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-0 children-
b.Feb.1862 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Elizabeth Godsil-38-F-W-servant-single-immigrated 1880,in USA 20yrs.-
b.Mar.1862 Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1087
district 154
page 265a, sheet 7, image 14, June 6
330 West 65th Street

Sarah J. Lague-32-F-W-head-widow-6 children, 4 living-
b.Aug.1867 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-M.b.N.J..
Edwin E. Lague-22-M-W-son-elevator runner-
b.May 1878 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J..
Elizabeth Lague-17-F-W-daughter-
b. June 1882-N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah Lague-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
b. N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mabel Lague-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
Ruth Lague-5-F-W-daughter-
Edna Lague-9moths.-F-W-daughter-
b. N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lagart Hayes-20-M-W-boarder-boatman-single-
Charles A. Perry-41-M-W-boarder-boatman-single-
Silas Van Riper-60-M-W-boarder-engineer-widow-
b.April 1840 N.Y..-Fa.b.Germany.-Mo.b.Germany
Sylvester Van Riper-26-M-W-boarder-steve fitter-
b.Nov.1873 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1109
district 640
page 105a, sheet 14, image 27, June 6
West 159th Street

Barlett Van Riper-32-M-W-head-clerk cotton-married 15yrs.-
b.— 1868 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Maria Van Riper-32-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-7 children, 6 living-
b.Jan.1868 N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Fredrick Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
b.Jan.1886 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Charles J. Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
b.Aug.1887 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Sept.1889 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Betrice Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-
b.Aug.1891 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
William Van Riper-6-M-W-son-
b.Nov.1893 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Jearldson Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
b.May 1898 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1090
district 217
page 87b, sheet 9, image 19, June 9
440 29th Street

Demarest Van Riper-38-M-W-head-shoe salesman-married 17yrs.-
b.May 1862 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N,.J..
Annie Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-
b.July 1863 N.J..-Fa.b.N.j..-Mo.b.England
Marion Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-office-
b.Oct.1884 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N,.J..
Harry G. Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
b.April 1886 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N,.J..
Ferdinand Van Riper-11M-W-son-at school-
b.April 1889 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N,.J..
Lloyd Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
b.April 1897 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N,.J..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1114
district 739
page 135b, sheet 1, image 2, June 1
23 East 46th Street

Daniel Montgomery-71-M-W-head-boarding house keeper-married-30yrs.-
b.Oct.1828 N.Y.-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Mass..
Elizabeth Montgomery-49-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-2 children,0 living-
b.July 1850 N.Y.-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany
Anna Baker-45-F-W-Boarder-school teacher-single-
b.Oct.1854 N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Eliza V. Van Riper-83-F-W-boarder-single-
b.Aug.1816 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
(and eleven more boarders not related)
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1109
district 631
page 251a, sheet 1, image 1, June 1
489 145th Street

Frederick Van Riper-55-M-W-head-broker-single-
b.Sept.1844 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary Van Riper-68-F-W-sister-single-
b.Aug.1831 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Clary Van Riper-60-F-W-sister-single-
b.Mar.1840 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sue Van Riper-53-F-W-sister-single-
b.Nov.1846 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Manhattan Borough
New York City
T623-roll 1085
district 104
page 188b, sheet 17, image 34, June 16
70 West 11th Street

Caroline Berdan-68-F-W-widow-6 children, 2 living-
b.Aug.1831 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Unita Vanriper-69-F-W-aunt-widow-1 child,0 living-
b.Dec.1830 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Octavio Jackson-24-F-B-servant-single-
b.May 1876 Virginia-Fa.b.Maryland-Mo.b.Maryland
Oct.15, 2006



1860 Van Riper census, Illinois

Town of Ophir, La Salle County
page 739a, image ,July , M653-roll 197

Henry Van Riper-39-M-W-farmer-$4,000-$1,000-b.N.Y..
page 740b
Charlotte Van Riper-35-F-W-b.N.Y..
Silas Van Riper-8-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Emma Van Riper-6-at school-b.N.Y..
Dorcas Sherwood-12-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
James Caroll-15-M-W-farm laborer-b.Mass..
Catherine Kearny-19-F-W-servant-b.Ireland
John Cawley-35-M-W-$800-$200-b.Irleland
Alice Cawley-34-F-W-b.Ireland
City of Aurora, Kane County
page 380b, image144, June 18, M653-roll 191

Edwin Went-30-M-W-Hair dryer-$400-$600-b.England
Amilia Went-30-F-W-wife-b. N.Y..
William Went-61-M-W-carpenter-b.England
Mary Ann Went-60-F-W-wife-b.England
Abraham Van Riper-17-M-W-Barber-$2,500-$100-b.N.J..
Homer, Will County
P.O. Goodings Grove El Hadley
page 82, image 82, June 25

Harmon V. Frazier-44-M-W-farmer-$4,000-$1,000-N.Y..
Samantha Frazier-35-F-W-b.N.Y.
Nicholas Shell-29-M-W-Farm laborer-b.Framce
Abram Van Riper-12-M-W-at school-b.N.J..
Channahon, Will County
Page 269, image 273, June 14
M653-roll 238

Chancey Bradford-27-M-W-clerk-$1,000-$1,800-b.Illinois
Catherine Bradford-22-F-W-b.Illinois
Annie J. Bradford-1 mo.-F-W-b.Illinois
Jerry Van Riper-17-M-W-b.Illinois
Frances Schemrehom-36-F-W-helps-b.N.Y..
Corelin Schemrehom-17-F-W-helps-Illinois
Lockport, Will County, P.O. Lockport
Page 3, image 3, June 2
M 653-238

S. S. Parker-46-M-W-lawyer-$1,500-$500-b.N.Y..
Amilia E. Parker-35-F-W-b.N.Y..
Julia A. Parker.-20-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Fannie M. Parker12-F-W-at school-b.N.Y.
Jenny V. Parker-5-F-W-at school-b.Illinois
Hattie Parker-4-F-W-at school-b.Illinois
Mary Parker-2-F-W-b.Illinois
Sanford S. Parker-22-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Wm. Van Riper-17-M-W-laborer-at school-b.Illinois
Mary Conner-18-F-W-servant-b.Ireland
1st. ward, Rock Island, Rock Island County
page 415-sheet 163-image 164-June 30
P.O. Rock Island, M653-roll 222

Elias C. Staffors-33-M-W-machinist-$150-b.N. Carolina
Mary E. Stafford-33-F-W-wife-b.N.Y..
Ransone Van Riper–9-M-W-$1,000-$900-b.N.Y..
Vivian Stafford-1-F-W-b.ILL..
Ophir, La Salle County, P.O. Ophir
page 714-image 25-July 5
M653-roll 197

Stafford Seranton-52-M-W-farmer-$1,000-$473-b.Conn.
Libritha Seranton-43-F-W-b.R.I..
Sarah Seranton-22-F-W-b.Conn..
Charles Seranton-20-M-W-b.Conn..
Charles Lichfield-13-M-W-b.Ill..
Peter Van Riper-19-M-W-farm laborer-b.Pa..



1860 Van Riper census,Kings Co.,New York State

New York State
Kings County
Brooklyn ,Ward 4, District 2, Kings County
P.O. Brooklyn
M653-roll 764
page 885, sheet 79, image 203, June 26

Uriah Ryder-62-M-W-ferry master-$2,000-b.N.Y..
Platt P. Ryder-36-M-W-artist-$4,000-$500-b.N.Y..
George W. Ryder-23-M-W-engraver-b.N.Y..
Mran Ryder-52-F-W-b.N.Y..
Arabella Hoyt-34-F-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Ann Van Ryper-32-F-W-b.N.Y..
Ellen Ryder-26-F-W-b.N.Y..
Mary A. Van Riper-12-F-W-at school-b.N.Y.
Hellen Hoyt-14-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
James Van Riper-9-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Ella Van Riper-5-F-W-b.N.Y..
Willie Van Riper-2-M-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Dargan-18-F-W-domestic-b. Ireland
Brooklyn ,Ward 5, District 2, Kings County
P.O. Brooklyn
M653-roll 765
page 258, sheet 86, image 258, June 9

401-726 (three family house)
Geo. Van Riper-47-M-W-Seaman-b.N.Y.
Gertrude Van Riper-45-F-W-b.N.Y.
Catherine Van Riper-18-F-W-b.N.Y..
Brooklyn ,Ward 5, District 1, Kings County
P.O. Brooklyn
M653-roll 768
page 568, sheet 30, image 30, June 26

184-259 (two family house)
Hannah Van Riper-40-F-B-washwoman-cannot read or write-b.N.J..
Samual Jason-30-M-B-laborer-cannot read or write-b.N.Y..
Caroline Jason-7-F-B-at school-b.N.Y..
Brooklyn ,Ward 8, District 1, Kings County
P.O. Brooklyn
M653-roll 767
page 369, sheet 13, image 63, June 13

Joseph Walling-39-M-W-Cars Driver-$200-b.N.J..
Kitty Walling-33-F-W-b.N.Y..
James H. Walling-16-M-W-at school-b.N.J..
Hannah A. Walling-14-F-W-at school-b.N.J..
Mariah E. Walling-10-F-W-at shool-b.N.Y..
Josephine Walling-5-F-W-b.N.Y..
Albert Walling-14.12-M-W-b.N.Y..
James M. Van Riper-21-M-W-hack driver-b.N.Y..
Richard Stout-18-M-W-carman-b.N.Y..
Brooklyn ,Ward 9, District 2, Kings County
P.O. Brooklyn
page 765, sheet 27, image 227, June 11

Wm. Van Ripper-25-M-W-hack driver-b.N.Y..
Jane Ann Ripper-25-F-W-b.Delaware
Ellen Van Ripper-3-F-W-b.N.Y..
John F. Van Ripper-26-M-W-painter-$200-b.Madera
Frances Van Ripper-24-F-W-b.N.Y..
Edgar F. Van Ripper-5-M-W-b.N.Y..
John H. Van Ripper-1mth.-M-W-b.N.Y..
W.H. Osborne-20-M-W-painter-b.N.Y..
Catherine Osborne-16-F-W-servant-b.N.Y..
Brooklyn ,Ward 14, District 2, Kings County
P.O. Brooklyn
M653-roll 773
page 254, sheet 46, image 254, June 11

167-391 (two family house)
Sarah Van Riper-30-F-W-taileress-$150-b.N.J..
Adaline Van Riper-12-F-W-at school-b.N.J..
Richard Van Riper-10-M-W-at school-b.N.J..
Gravesend, Kings County
M653-roll 776
p810, sheet 140, image 28, Aug. 31

James Van Ryper-27-M-W-carpenter-b.N.Y..
Catharine Van Ryper-22-F-W-b.N.Y..
Sarah Van Ryper-2-F-W-b.N.Y..
John C. Van Ryper-4mths.-M-W-b.N.Y..



1860 Van Riper census, Morris County,N.J.

Federal Census
Morris County, New Jersey

Pequannack Twp, P.O. Boonton
page 603, sheet 9, image 9, June 27
M653-roll 704

Henry Van Ryper-38-M-W-blacksmith-$100-b.Essex Co.,N.J..
Mary J Van Ryper-37-F-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Elijah A Van Ryper-13-M-W-at school-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Emma F Van Ryper-6-F-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Elizabeth Johnson-36-F-W-cannot read or write-b.Ireland John Johnson-1-M-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Pequannack Twp, P.O. Boonton
p604, sheet 10, image10, June 27
M653-roll 704

John P Cole-44-M-W-farmer-$2,000-$1,000-b.Essex Co.,N.J..
Elizabeth Cole-45-F-W-b.Essex Co.,N.J..
William H Cole-10-M-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Ellen Cole-8-F-W-b.Mooris Co.,N.J..
Georgeanna Cole-2-F-W–b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Emma Cole-14-F-W-b.Morris Co.N.J..
Henry Van Ryper-21-M-W-farm laborer- b. Pennsylvania John Witthuhm-16-b.Essex Co., N.J..
Pequannack Twp, P.O. Boonton
page 606, sheet 12, image 12, June 28
M653-roll 704

Thomas F. Ryerson-42-M-W-farmer-$800-$300-b.Passaic Co.N.J..
Catharine Ryerson-38-F-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
page 607, sheet 13, image ,June 28
Eden Ryerson-11-M-W-at school-b.Passaic Co.,N.J..
Margaret A Ryerson-10-at svhool-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Eliza J Ryerson-8-F-W-at school-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Cornelius H Ryerson-5-M-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Mary E. Ryerson-3-M-W-b.Morris Co.,N..J..
Margaret Van Ryper-67-F-W-$1,200-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Pequannack Twp, P.O. Boonton
page 607, sheet 13, image 13, June 28
M653-roll 704

Joseph W. Hennion-56-M-W-farmer-
Sarah Hennion-47-F-W-b.N.J..
Maryetta Hennion-13-F-W-at school-b.N.J..
Emaline Hennion-11-F-W-at school-b.N.J..
Phebe Hennion-90-F-W-b.N.J..
William Wright-15-M-B-b.N.J..
John Van Ryper-24-M-W-b.N.J..
Pequannack Twp., P.O. Boonton
page 678, sheet 34, image 34, July 3
M653-roll 704

William P. Ramsey-87-M-W-farmer-$6,000-$700-b.Bergen Co.,N.J..
Jane Ramsey-37-F-W-b.Bergen Co.,N.J..
James Ramsey-16-M-W-farm laborer-b.N.Y.C..
Mary E. Ramsey-13-F-W-b.N.Y.C..
William H. Ramsey-9-M-W-b.N.Y.C..
Peter N. Ramsey-5-M-W-b.N.Y.C..
Jacob Van Riper-60-M-W-b.Bergen Co.N.J..
Pequannack Twp., P.O. Boonton
page 705, sheet 51, image 51, July 6
M653-roll 704

Peter DeBow-59-M-W-farmer-$2,000-$600-
Ann DeBow-41-F-W-b.Passaic Co.,N.J..
Margaret E. DeBow-14-F-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Henry L. DeBow-24-M-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Ann DeBow-18-F-W-b.Morris Co.,N.J..
Mararet Van Riper-82-F-W-b.N.Y..
Pequannack Twp, P.O. Boonton
page 713, sheet 59, image 59, July 7
M653-roll 704

Jacob Van Riper-60-M-W-farmer-$2,000-$300-b.Mooris Co..
Elizabeth Van Riper-50-F-W-b.Morris Co..
Pequannack Twp., P.O. Boonton
page 794, sheet 140, image140, July 26
M653-roll 704

Sarah Vanderhoof-53-F-W-$300-b.N.J..
Samuel Vanderhoof-49-M-W-farmer-$2,000-$500-N.J..
Julia Vanderhoof-59-F-W-b.N.J..
Frances L. Van Riper-10-F-W-at school-b.N.J..
Mary C. Vanderhoof-18-b.N.J..
Rockaway Twp., P.O. Rockaway
page 463, sheet 53, image 53, July 18
M653-roll 704

John Decker-59-M-W-farmer-$5,500-$2,000-b.N.J..
Rachel Decker-63-F-W-b.N.J..
Andrew Decker-29-F-W-b.N.J..
Conrad J. Cest-21-M-W-farm laborer-b.N.J..
Martin Van Riper-16-M-W-farm laborer-b.N.J..
Martha Stickle-16-F-W-domestic-b.N.J..



1870 Van Riper census,Michigan part 2

Genesee County
M593-roll 674
P.O. Gaines Station
page 393a, sheet 4, image 4, Aug. 11
Benjamin Van Riper-38-M-W-farmer-$6,000-$1,400-b.Michigan
Eliza A. Van Riper-32-F-W-b.Michigan
Frank Van Riper-7-M-W-at school-b.Michigan
Ella Van Riper-4-F-W-b.Michigan
Lilly Pratt-20-M-W-farm hand-b.N.Y..
Houghton County
M593-roll 674
P.O. Hancock
page 602a, sheet 17, image 17, July 7

Garret Van Riper-35-M-W-mechanical engineer-b.N.Y..
Bridget Van Riper-32-F-W-keeps house-b.Indiana
Richard Van Riper-11-M-W-b.Michigan
Edwin Van Riper-9-M-W-at school-b.Michigan
Minerva Van Riper-8-F-W-at school-b.Michigan
Helen Van Riper-5-F-W-at school-b.Michigan
Thomas Van Riper-5-M-W-b.Michigan
John Van Riper-1-M-W-b.Michigan
Jackson County
P.O. Norvell
page 32b, sheet 24, image 24, June 7

Albert Van Riper-24-M-W-farm laborer-b.Michigan
Mary Van Riper-26-F-W-keeps house-b.Indiana
Maggie Van Riper-1-F-W-b.Michigan
Jackson County
2nd ward, Jackson
M593-roll 678
P.O. Jackson
page 186b, sheet 46, image 46, Aug. 5
Levi Acker-39-M-W-keeps salon-$5,000-b.N.Y..
Sarah Acker-36-F-W-keeps house-b.Ohio
Eliza Acker-16-F-W-b.Michigan
Preston Acker-7-M-W-b.Michigan
Mortimer Acker-7mths.M-W-b.Oct. Michigan
Minerva Van Riper-18-F-W-domestic servant-b.Michigan
Jackson County
4th ward, Jackson
M593-roll 678
page 266b, sheet 61, image 61, June 27

465-503 (two family house)
Louise Callomer-23-F-W-keeps house-b.Mass.
Louis Van Riper-4-M-W-b.Michigan
Lurtta Van Riper-3-F-W-b.Michigan
2nd ward , Grand Rapids
M593-roll 685
P.O. Grand Rapids
page285a, sheet 58, image 58, July 2

Edwin West-42-M-W-Barber-$3,000-b.England
Cornelia West-42-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y..
Anna Van Riper Ward-23-F-W-clerk in barber shop-b.N.J..
Anna Serrson-25-F-W-domestic servant-b.Sweden
Edward Doobler-18-M-W-barber-b.Prussia
5th ward , Grand Rapids
M593-roll 681
P.O. Grand Rapids
page 418, sheet 34, image 34, Aug. 26

Bradford Van Riper-36-M-W-laborer-$800-$300-b.N.Y..
Margaret A. Van Riper-25-F-W-keeps house-b.Ohio
Ann O. Van Riper-7-F-W-cannot write-b.Indiana
Ellen Van Riper-4-F-W- b.Indiana
William N. Van Riper-2-M-W-b.Michigan
Lenawee County
M593-roll 685
P.O. Hudson
page 267b, sheet 10-image 10, July 7

John Van Riper-47-M-W-farmer-$7,500-$1,200-b-N.Y..
Jane Van Riper-29-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y..
Anna C. Van Riper-14-F-W-at school-b.Michigan
Jay Van Riper-12-M-W-at school-b.Michigan
Elmer Van Riper-9-M-W-at school-b.Michigan
page 268a
Clarence Van Riper-6-M-W-at school-b.Michigan
Freddie Van Riper-4-M-W-b.Michigan
George Riney-22-M-W-works on farm-$140-b.Michigan
Livingston County
M593-roll 687
P.O. Howell
page 118b, sheet 32, image 32, June 29

J. G. Van Riper-57-M-W-farmer-$3,000-$500-b.N.J..
Eliza Van Riper-54-F-W-keeps house-b.Ohio
Daniel Van Riper-25-M-W-b.Michigan
Royal Van Riper-20-M-W-b.Michigan
Ellen M. Van Riper-14-F-W-b.Michigan



1870 Van Riper census,ward 17,N.Y.C.,New York Co.,N.Y.

New York State
New York County
Ward 17, District, (2nd Enum)
M593-roll 1036
P.O. New York City
page 105b, sheet 36, image 36, Jan. 4
151 4th Ave.
M Grower-55-F-W-keeps house-b.England
Jane Courtald-55-F-W-fancy goods dealer-b.England
Mary Hardy-25-F-W-b.USA
Kate Sherman-40-F-W-b.USA
(unknown) Court-50-F-W-b.England
John Van Riper- 19-M-W-segar dealer-b.N.Y..
Edward Lane-35-M-W-b.USA
Ward 17, District
M593-roll 997
P.O. New York City
page 210a, sheet 29, image 29, June 18

54-257 (twelve family building)
Mary Van Riper-38-F-W-pantaloon (trouser) maker-b.N.Y..
Charles Van Riper-11-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Mary Woods-23-F-W-b.N.Y..
Ann Gallagher-25-F-W-b.England
Ward 17, District 11
M593-roll 998
P.O. New York City
page 452b, sheet 26, image 23, June 28

108-151 (four family house)
Ralph Hill-64-M-W-pocket book manf.-$7,000-b.Conn..
Emma J. Hill-33-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y..
Lilly Hill-3-F-W-b.N.Y..
William McGee-25-M-W-clerk in tax office-b.N.Y..
John M. Van Riper-34-M-W-cigar store-$7,000-b.N.J..
George Rose-47-M-W-wheel -$6,000-b.N.J..
Ward 17, District, 2nd Enum
M593-roll 1039
P.O. New York City
page 373b, sheet 38, image 38, Dec 24

218 Chrystie St.
Mary Van Riper-40-F-W-b.N.Y..
Charles Van Riper-10-M-W-b.N.Y..



1880 Van Riper census,Bayonne,Jersey City,Hudson Co.,N.J.

1880 (Some Van Riper combinations)
New Jersey
Hudson County
Bayonne City
First Ward
T9-roll 786
district 41
page 16d, sheet 32, image 32, June 14

John Gilchrist-46-M-W-head-merchant-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.Y..
Ann C. Gilchrist-43-F-W-wife-married-b.N.J.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Maryland
Jno. Gilchrist Jr.-18-M-W-son-clerk-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.J..
Benj. W. Gilchrist-16-M-W-son-clerk-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.J..
Robt. Gilchrist-12-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.J..
Ann Higgins-30-F-W-servant-single-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Fanny Van Riper-20-F-W-boarder-teacher-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J..
2nd ward
T9-roll 786
district 42
page 18b, sheet 2, image 2, June 17
29th Street

Getty Van Riper-69-F-W-head-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lizzie Fagan-22-F-W-adopted daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
2nd ward
T9-roll 786
district 42
page 23d, sheet 12, image 12, June 18

Mary E. Van Riper-38-F-W-head-keeps house-dressmaker-divorced or widow-
Cornelius M. Van Riper-21-M-W-son-works at oil works-single-
Elizabeth Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-dressmaker-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Ella Van Riper-14-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Bertha Van Riper-F-W-9-F-W-daughter- b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
2nd ward
T9-roll 786
district 42
page 23c, sheet 11, image 11, June 18

Richard C. Van Riper-50-M-W-head-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Rachel C. Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Cornelius Van Riper-27-M-W-son-oyster man-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jersey City
3rd precinct
T9-roll 783
district 18
page 515c, sheet 36, image 37, June 15
210 (no street name listed)

Ellan Armstrong-40-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-
Garrey Van Riper-22-M-W-son-clerk-married 1880-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Canada
Laura S. Van Riper-19-F-W-daughter in law-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Angeline Dickenson-31-F-W-boarder-seamstress-divorced or widow-
Ida M. Dickenson-15-F-W-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.Canada-Mo.b.England
William Stanton-44-M-W-wharfinger-divored or widow-b.Conn..-Fa.b.Conn..-Mo.b.Conn..
Hattie Stanton-10-F-W-at school-b.Pa..-Fa.b.Conn..-Mo.b.Conn..
Emma Stanton-7-F-W-b.Pa..-Fa.b.Conn..-Mo.b.Conn..
Jersey City
T9-roll 784
district 34
5th precinct
page 498b, sheet 30, image 30, June 28
112 (no street name given)

Benj. Van Riper-56-M-W-head-custom house office-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Wales
Nancy Van Riper-50-F-W-wife-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Ansel J. Van Riper-22-M-W-son-single-insane-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Edwin A. H. Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Benj. C.Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Bertha S. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Elizabeth McRoe-45-F-W-domestic servant-single-b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland
Jersey City
T9-roll 784
district 36
2nd precinct
page 60d, sheet 36, image 36, June 21
311 Halladay Street

George Thomas-35-M-W-head-sail riges-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Ellen Thomas-29-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
George T. Thomas-13-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Thomas Van Riper-70-M-W-father in law-retired-
divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jersey City
T9-roll 785
district 40
6th precinct
page 184d, sheet 32, image 32, June 1
Pearsall Avenue

Cornelius R. Van Riper-75-M-W-head-retired-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.
Mary Van Riper-72-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.
Richard Van Riper-52-M-W-son-oyster man-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.
Elizabeth Van Riper-18-F-W-grand daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.
T9-roll 782
district 6
page 146c, sheet 12, image 12, June 10
199 Montgomery Street

Silas Van Riper-37-M-W-head-engineer-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Kate Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-
b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Hesse Dan-Mo.b.Germany
John H.Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-b.N.Y.Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.Y..
Sylvester Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J.Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-3-F-W-daughter-b.N.J.Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.Y..
Kate Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-b.N.J.Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.Y..
Jersey City
district 34
page 498b, sheet 30, image 30, June 28
104 (no street name given)

Hannah Van Riper-69-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-
Fannie Van Riper-40-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.England
Jersey City
T9-roll 784
district 34
page 508b, sheet 49, image 49, June 12
Bergen Avenue (no house number given)

Thomas E. Bailey-39-M-W-head-stock broker-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Elizabeth A. Bailey-37-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
George E. Bailey-12-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jane Van Riper-55-F-W-aunt-b.N.J..-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Wm. H. Tuttle-32-M-W-brother in law-clerk in office-single-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Kate Crady-22-domestic servant-single-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Rebecca Farrington-65-F-W-boarder-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie S. Farrington-25-F-W-boarder-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lizzie Ryno-25-F-W-domestic servant-married-b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany
Jersey City
T9-roll 784
district 36
page 48c, sheet 11, image 11, June 12
150 Pacific Ave.

Mrs. D. Rowland-40-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.Cuba-Fa.b.Cuba-Mo.b.Cuba
Sara Dominguez-21-F-W-daughter-single-b.Cuba-Fa.b.Cuba-Mo.b.Cuba
Marie Dominguez-18-F-W-daughter-single-b.Cuba-Fa.b.Cuba-Mo.b.Cuba
Louise Dominguez-15-F-W-daughter-at school-b.France-Fa.b.Cuba-Mo.b.Cuba
Cora Rowland-4-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Cuba
Stevens Rowland-4mths.-M-W-son-b.Feb.1880 N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Cuba
Sarah Frazer-15-F-W-servant-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Maggie Van Riper-28-F-W-visiting-single-b.N.Y..Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..



1870 Van Riper census,Boonton Twp.,Morris Co.,N.J.

1880 Census
Passaic Co.
New Jersey
(Most of the Van Riper families -73- in 1880 lived in New Jersey.)

T9-roll 794
district 147
page 354a, sheet 1, image 1, June 1
16 Temple Street

Maria Hancock-64-F-W-head-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Peter Van Riper-38-M-W-son in law-wood chopper-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Elizabeth Van Riper-28-F-W-boarder-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Albert Dewitt-14-M-W-stepson-at school-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Connover-10-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
John Messenger-8-M-W-stepson-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
David Van Riper-2-M-W-stepson-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 360b, sheet 14, image 14, June 5
34 Arch Street

Barney Laback-72-M-W-head-wheelwright-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza Laback-66-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
John H. Laback-46-M-W-son-divorced or widow-harness-rupture-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Alfred Laback–41-M-W-son-married-mason-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Carrie Birch-10-F-W-gran daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Edward Laback-9-M-W-grand son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza Van Riper-55-F-W-boarder-tailor-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 367d, sheet 28, image 28, June 9
19 High Street

155-303 (two family house)
Rebecca Van Riper-44-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Emma Van Riper-17-F-W-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Frank Van Riper-10-M-W-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 371c, sheet 35, image 35, June 11
46 North Main Street

206-390 (two family house)
Peter A. Hopper-78-M-W-head-retired-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Hester A. Van Riper-54-F-W-niece-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Allie Van Remp-20-F-W-servant-single-b.Holland-Fa.b.Holland-Mo.b.Holland
T9-roll 794
district 147
page 372a, sheet 37, image 37, June 11
34 North Main Street

222-400 (two family house)
Rachel Van Riper-30-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Charity A. Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 148
page 389d, sheet 24, image 24, June 9
90 North Main Street

Daniel G. Van Horn-36-M-W-head-laborer-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jane A. Van Horn-30-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
John Van Horn-11-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Andrew Cain-25-M-W-boarder-clerk in store-b.Conn..-Fa.b.Conn..-Mo.b.Conn..
Rester Van Riper-16-M-W-boarder-clerk in store-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 794
district 148
page 390b, sheet 26, image 26, June 9
28 Holsman Street

Mortimer Van Riper-28-M-W-head-belt maker-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Libbie Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-measles-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-measles-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
William Van Riper-4-M-W-son-measles-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 64a, sheet 5, image 5, June 1
73 Broadway

Phillip H. Van Riper-40-M-W-head-retail grocer-marriedb.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Caroline Van Riper-40-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
George Van Riper-18-M-W-son-clerk in store-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Gertrude Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Frederick Van Riper-5-M-W-son-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary Bishop-43-F-W-servant-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 64a, sheet 5, image 5, June 1
101 Broadway

Hartman Van Riper-52-M-W-head-farmer-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jane E. Van Riper-37-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lawrence Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
George Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 71c, sheet 19, image 19, June 2
12 Tyler Street

Cornelius Van Riper-35-M-W-head-painter-married-cannot write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Rosetta Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.France-Mo.b.N.J..
Sussie Van Riper-4-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 153
page 80a, sheet 37, image 37, June 9
33 Fair Street

Cornelius Van Riper-43-M-W-head-physician-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah C. Van Riper-45-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sophia Van Riper-18-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Irving Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Laura Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 795
district 154
page 96b, sheet 23, image 24, June 8
98 Division St. (now called Hamilton Ave.)

Richard Straut-55-M-W-head-stone mason-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Hannah M. Straut-47-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Alfred Van Riper-40-M-W-boarder-book keeping-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.England
Omer Jenks-26-M-W-boarder-book keeker-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Hannah Cruse-17-F-W-servant-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Holland-Mo.b.Holland
T9-roll 795
district 154
page 97d, sheet 25, image 26, June 8
128 Division St. (now called Hamilton Ave.)

Clarrissia Van Riper-80-F-W-head-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Hellen Van Riper-50-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza A. Van Riper-35-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Romain Van Riper-21-M-W-son-at school-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Margaret Simmons-45-F-W-servant-divorced or widow-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
T9-roll 795
district 154
page 98a, sheet 26, image 27, June 9
148 Division St. (now called Hamilton Ave.)

George P. Van Riper-34-M-W-head-belting mfg.-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Maryland
Charlotte Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lauretta Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Lotta Van Riper-10 mths.-F-W-daughter-b.Aug.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..

T9-roll 796
district 156
page 135a, sheet 29, image 29, June 8
68 Montgomery Place

224-271 (two family house)
Phebe Van Riper-62-F-B-head-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Marg. Tichnor-32-F-B-daughter-divorced or widow-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Allen Halstead-15-M-B-son-works in file factory-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Henry Thompson-32-M-B-farm hand-divorced or widow-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Kate Thompson-11-F-B-daughter-at school-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lizzie Jackson-32-F-B-washing-divorced or widow-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Thos. Jackson-18-M-B-son-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Edmund Kiser-25-M-B-farm hand-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary Kiser-24-F-B-wife-farm hand-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jacob Schoolmaker-34-M-B-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Carrie Schoolnmaker-33-F-B-house work-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 156
page 142d, sheet 44, image 44, June 11
Riverside (development-later broken down to three streets-Alois Pl.-Harris Pl.-& Plesinger Pl.)

James Bell-50-M-W-head-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.n/a-Mo.b.n/a..
Jennie Bell-48-F-W-wife-married-b.Canada-Fa.b.n/a.-Mo.b.n/a..
Henny Bell-18-M-W-son-at school-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Canada
George Bell-14-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Canada
Eliza Hammond-26-F-W-servant-cook-b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Albert Van Riper-40-M-B-servant-coachman-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Kate Van Riper-30-F-B-servant-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..

T9-roll 796
district 157
page 158b, sheet 18, image 18, June 5
112 Broadway

Adrian Van Riper-35-M-W-head-baker-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary E.Van Riper-32-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Frank Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Maggie Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Julia Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Abram Van Riper-3-M-W-son-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
William Van Riper-1-M-W-son-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 159
page 203c, sheet 3, image 3, June 1
62 Willis Street

Gertrude Christie-52-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Anna Christie-23-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.j..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
John T. Van Riper-58-M-W-boarder-machinist-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.n/a..-Mo.b.n/a..
T9-roll 796
district 159
page 203d, sheet 4, image 4, June 2
84 Willis Street

33-44 (two family house)
Cornelius Van Riper-45-M-W-head-carpenter-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary E. Van Riper-41-F-W-wife-drees maler-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Richard Van Riper-15-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 162
page 242c, sheet 3, image 3, June 2
19 Ramapo Avenue (does not exist now)

George H. Van Riper-42-M-W-head-carpenter-married-b.N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Harriet Van Riper-38-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.Y.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
William Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-b.N.Y.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
John Van Riper-6-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Fannie Van Riper-3-F-W-b.N.J.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
T9-roll 796
district 162
page 251a, sheet 21, image 21, June 10
11 Madison Street

George Van Riper-21-M-W-head-butcher-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza Van Riper-20-F-W-wife-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Peter Krosson-24-M-W-brother in law-iron moulder-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Margaret Krosson-23-F-W-sister in law-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..

T9-roll 796
district 162
page 260c, sheet 39, image 39, June 14
88 Essex St.

John Van Riper-51-M-W-head-blacksmith-married-deaf and dumb-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Matilda Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-deaf and dumb-b.Scotland-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland-
Matilda Van Riper-8-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Scotland
Jennie Van Riper-1-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Scotland
T9-roll 796
district 164
page 290c, sheet 3, image 3, June 1
51 Prospect Street

10-25 (four family house)
Samuel McColloun-58-M-W-head-lab-married-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Cath. McColloun-59-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.France-Fa.b.France-Mo.b.France
Andrew Van Riper-27-M-W-stepson-works in silk mill-single-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.France
T9-roll 796
district 166
page 349d, sheet 20, image 20, June 9
40 Elm Street

George Van Riper-53-M-W-head-cigar maker-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Van Riper-28-F-W-daughter-keeps house-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Emma Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-silk winder-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Anthony Van Riper-17-M-W-son-works at silk-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..

T9-roll 796
district 168
page 371d, sheet 8, image 8, June 2
22 Oliver Street

John Van Riper-49-M-W-head-working in foundry-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Van Riper-19-F-W-daughter-keeps house-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Ida Neill-22-F-W-daughter-married-heavy cold-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Annie Neill-1-F-W-Neice-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 169
page 399a, sheet 17, image 17, June 8and14
West 25th Street (now called Caldwell Avenue)

Paul Van Riper-33-M-W-head-laborer-married-cannot write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Emma Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Phoebe Van Riper-14-F-W-daughter-works in silk mill-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Marinus Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 796
district 170
page 405c, sheet 11, image 11, June 2
276 Grand Street

55-94 (five family house)
John Van Riper-28-M-W-head-moulder-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah Van Riper-27-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Ida Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-at school-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.Ireland
Sadie Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.Ireland
T9-roll 796
district 173
page 495a, sheet 37, image 37, June 11
369 Marshall Street

Jacob Van Riper-41-M-W-head-carpenter-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
EllenVan Riper-40-F-W-wife-house keeper-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
James E. Van Riper-20-M-W-son-laborer-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
William Van Riper-10-M-W-son-cannot read or write-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
George Riker-20-M-W-so in law-stone mason-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jemimina Riker-10-F-W-daughter-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Ella Riker-1mth.-F-W-granddaughter-b.May N.J..–Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
David Riker-50-M-W-boarder-stone mason-divorced or widow-b.N.J..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England



Van Riper 1900 census, Caldwell, Essex County, N.J.

Van Riper
Federal Census
Essex County
New Jersey
Caldwell Borough
roll T623-970
district 215
page 241a, sheet 11, image 22, June 8
Personnatte Street

Andrew Van Riper-66-M-W-head-(no Occ. listed)-widow-
b.July1833 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.
John P. Van Riper-42-M-W-son-labor (print bus.)-married-
b.Sept.1857 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Margaret Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Feb.1891 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.
Anna Van Riper-6-F-W-daughter-at school-
B.April 1894 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.
Caldwell Township
roll T623-970
district 214
page 220a,sheet 7,image 13,June 8

John Van Riper-30-M-W-head-farm laborer-married 1yr.-
b.Aug.1869 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Meda Van Riper-21-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-0 children-
b.May 1879 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Caldwell Townwship
North Caldwell Borough
roll T623-970
district 216
page 246b,sheet 2,image 4,June 7-8

Mary Van Riper-54-F-W-head-saundress-married 54yrs-cannot read or write-
b.July 1845 N.J..-Fa.b.n/a-Mo.b.n/a
Caldwell Borough
roll T623-970
district 215
page 239b, sheet 9, image 18, June 7
Campbell Avenue

Nancy Van Riper-68-F-W-head-widow (of James O.)-11 children, 4 living-
b.1832 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Abram Van Riper-32-M-W-son-stripper,tobacco shop-single-
b.Jan.1868 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Bentley Van Riper-28-M-W-son-painter-single-
b.Oct.1871 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Wilbur Cooke-19-M-W-nephew-single-b.Sept.1880 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..



1900 Van Riper census, Michigan, Wayne County

Federal Census
Wayne County
Brownstown Township
T623-roll 754
district 178
page 12a, sheet 12, image 23, June 22
Flat Rock

Jerry Van Riper-68-M-W-head-painter-married 18yrs.-
b.May.1832 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..Mo.b.N.Y..
Addie Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 18yrs.-5 children, 5 living-
b.May 1854 England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Jessie Van Riper-17-M-W-son-single-b.June 1882 Mi.-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.England
Loyde Van Riper-13-M-W-son-b.Sept. 1886 Mi.-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.England
Cathinka Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-b.Jan.1888 Mi.-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.England
Nauman Van Riper-11-M-W-son-b.April 1889 Mi.-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.England
Lara Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-b.Jan.1891 Mi.-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.England
Wayne County
Brownstown Township
T623-roll 754
district 178
page 16a, sheet 16, image 31-June 27
Rockwood Street

Mary Van Riper-74-F-W-head-widow-6 children, 3 living-
b.Aug.1825 Canada-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.Nova Scotia
Mary Mixicut-21-F-W-servant-single-
b.Sept.1878 N.Y.-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.N.Y..
Wayne County
T623-roll 754
district 178
page 10b, sheet 10, image 20, June 19
Gibraltar Street

George Welle-40-M-W-head-farmer-married 3yrs.-
Lucy Welle-22-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
John Welle -1-M-W-son-b.July1898 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..
Lucy Welle-75-F-W-mother-widow-2 children, 2 living-
b.Aug.1824 N.Y..-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.Canada
Matilda Welle-41-F-W-sister-single-
b.April 1839 Mi.-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Canada
Joseph Leader-15-M-W-servant-single-
b.May1885 Mi.-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Mi..
John Van Riper-25-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-single-
b.May 1875 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.N.J..
Wayne County
Dearborn Township
Dearborn Village
T623-roll 754
district 180
page 8a, sheet 8, image 15, June 6

Allen E Van Riper-34-M-W-head-widow-bookkeepr-
b.Dec.1865 Mi..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Mi..
Ellen E. Van Riper-63-F-W-mother-widow-6 children, 4 living-
b.Sept.1836 Mi.-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Ida Van Riper-38-F-W-sister-single-b.May1862 Mi..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Mi..

ward 16, Detroit
T623-roll 753
district 164
page 64a, sheet 18, image 35, June 15
490 Anthon Street

Mary Van Riper-40-F-W-head-married 23yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
b.Mar.1859 Mi.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Mi..
Charlette Van Riper-22-F-W-daughter-stenographer-single-
b.April 1878 Mi..-Fa.b. Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..
Oren Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-b.Oct.1891 Mi.-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..
Wayne County
Detroit , ward 10
T623-roll 751
district 116
page 210a, sheet 3, image 5, June 8-9
948 14th Avenue

Charles E. Van Riper-35-M-W-head-office clerk-married 13 yrs.-
b.Feb.1865 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Minnie L. Van Riper-31-F-W-wife-married 13yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
b.Jan.1869 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Emily M. Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Mar.1888 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Glen L. Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
b.June 1892 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Wayne County
Detroit ward 5
T623-roll 749
district 55
page 178a, sheet 6, image 11, June 6

John A. Van Riper-47-M-W-head-machinist-married 29yrs.-
b.Jan.1853 Mi.-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mary A. Van Riper-44-F-W-wife-married 29yrs.-5 children, 2 living-
b.May1856 Canada-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Ireland
Dolly (Dorothy) Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-single-at school-
b.Mar.1884 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Canada

Wayne County
Detroit, ward 5
T623-roll 749
district 55
page 178a, sheet 6, image 11, June 6

97-106 (two family house)
Harry C. Van Riper-22-M-W-head-Carriage ???-married 1yr.-
b.July 1876 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Canada
Maud Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-no children-
b.Oct.1880 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..
Wayne County
Detroit, ward 5

T623-roll 749
district 55
page 171a, sheet 2, image 3, June 2
283 Harper Ave.

John C. Van Riper-51-M-W-head-machinist-married 30yrs.-
b.Dec.1848 Mi..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Catherine C. Van Riper-49-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-4 children-2 living-
b. Dec.1850 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..
Arthur H. Van Riper-29-M-W-son-furrior-single-b.April 1871 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..
LaMont Van Riper-23-M-W-son-book keeper-single-b.Jan.1877 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Mi..



Van Riper 1910 Census, Morris County, New Jersey

Federal Census
Morris County
New Jersey
Morris County
Boonton Township
Roll T624-902
district 1
page 3b, sheet 3, image 6, May 7

George Buis-21-M-W-head-farm laborer-married 2yrs.-
b.Holland-Fa.b.Holland-Mo.b.Holland-immigrated 1890
Minnie (Van Riper) Buis-23-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-1 child,1 living-
Sadie Buis-5months-F-W-daughter-
Caroline Van Riper-62-F-W-mother in law-widow (of William)-7 children,5 living-
Morris County
Boonton Town
T624-roll 902
district 1
page 16a, sheet 16, image 8, April 22
212 Mulberry Avenue

Sarah E. McKelvey-49-F-W-head-widow-9 children, 8 living-
Harry Van Riper-25-M-W-son-driver coal wagon-single-
Georgianna McKelvey-17-F-W-daughter-single-
Robert McKelvey-15-M-W-son-at school-
Daniel McKelvey-13-M-W-son-at school
Lillian McKelvey-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Morris County
Butler Borough
T624-roll 902
district 3
page 60a, sheet 4, image 7, April 16
Main Street

Joseph Paddock-35-M-W-head-turner,fountainpen factory-married11yrs.-
Grace A. Paddock-32-F-W-wife-married 11yrs.2 children,1 living-
Mildred M. Paddock-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
Frank Van Riper-34-M-W-cousin-laborer,odd jobs-single-
Morris County
Chatham Township
T624-roll 902
district 5
page 106a, sheet 8, image 8, May 7
Spring Valley Road

Charles E. Van Riper-32-M-W-head-carpenter, journey man-married 7rs.-
Clara B. Van Riper-29-F-W-wife-married 7yrs.-1 child, 0 living-
Morris County
Hanover Township
T624-roll 902
district 15
page 227b, sheet 10, image 20, April 22
New Jersey State Hospital for the Insane

Sarah Van Riper-head-49-F-W-patient-married-3 children-3 living-
Morris County
Hanover Township
T624-roll 902
district 15
page 239a, sheet 22, image 15, April 26

Anson N. Van Riper-42-M-W-patient-single-
Harry Van Riper-37-M-W-patient-single-
Morris County
Hanover Township
T624-roll 904
district 14
page 266a, sheet 6, image 11, April 21
Mount Tabor Road

Mary Van Riper-70-F-W-head-widow-
Edward Van Riper-36-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-
Morris County
Hanover Township
T624-roll 902
district 14
page 266b, sheet 6, image 12, April 22
Dover Turnpike

Joseph Van Riper-30-M-W-head-well digger-married 11yrs.-
Hilda M. Van Riper-31-F-W-wife-married-11yrs.-6 children, 5 living-
Bessie M. Van Riper-9-F-­W-daughter-at school-
Edward Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-
Carl A. Van Riper-5-M-W-son-at school-
Hilma S. Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-
Baby Van Riper-4months-daughter-
Hanover, Morris, New Jersey; Roll: T624_902;
Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 535.
Morris County
Morristown, ward 3
T624-roll 902
district 29
page 233b, sheet 14, image 28, April 26
106 Washington Street

Lillian Clark-50-F-W-head-manicura at home-widow-2 children, 2 living-
Ethel (Clark) Van Riper-33-F-W-daughter-widow-1 child, 1 living-
Harold Clark-17-M-W-son-at school-
Susan Chesterfield-55-F-W-mother in law-widow-3 children, 2 living-
Rose Weaner-18-F-W-servant-cook, private-single-
n/a Van Riper -4months-F-W-grand daughter-
Mattie M. Mann-50-F-W-sister-lawyer-widow-3 children, 2 living-
Morris County
Montville Township
T624-roll 902
district 23
page 96b, sheet 11, image , April 23

John H. Van Riper-42-M-W-head-truck farmer-married 17yrs.-
Josephine M. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
Walter D. Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Ethel M. Van Riper-13-F-W-son-at school-
Albert R Van Riper-12-M-W-son-at school-
George L. Van Riper-10-M-W-son- at school-
Carl Bloom-26-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-imigrated 1901-
Morris County
Montville Township
T624-roll 902
district 23
page 104a, sheet 19, image 36, May 2

Abram C. Jacobus-36-M-W-head-farm laborer-married 6yrs.
Anna L. Jacobus-25-F-W-wife-married 6yrs.-2 children,2 living-
Marigo L. Jacobus-4-F-W-daughter-
Edith S. Jacobus-2-F-W-daughter-
Thomas A. Van Riper-61-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-widow-
Morris County
Pequannock Township
Linclon Park
T624-roll 903
district 37
page 58a, sheet 5, image 9, April 15

Peter P.(Perrine) Van Riper-50-M-W-head-farmer,general farm-married 23yrs.-
Mary L.(Lavina Slingerland) Van Riper-45-F-W-wife-married 23yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
Howard (Andrew) Van Riper-22-M-W-son-clerk, bank-single-
Edwin Van Riper-18-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-
Clifford Van Riper-14-M-W-son-at school-
Morris County
Pequannock Township
T624-roll 903
district 37
page 56a, sheet 3, image 5, April 15

Charles A. Van Riper-28-M-W-head-clerk, Ex.Co.-married 5yrs.-
Mary Van Riper-27-F-W-wife-married 5yrs-2 children, 2 living-
Charles R.(Raymond) Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
Donald R. Van Riper-4months-M-W-son-
Mary A. Van Ness-69-F-W-servant-private family-widow-
Elizabeth Bulgin-76-F-W-boarder-single-
Morris County
Pequannock Township
Linclon Park
T624-roll 903
district 37
page 56a, sheet 3, image 5, April 15

Martin R. Van Riper-62-M-W-head-farmer,working out-married 30yrs.-
Margaret (Margaretta) Van Riper-62-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Mary E. Ryerson-42-F-W-neice-single-school teacher-
Morris County
Rockaway Borough
T624-roll 903
district 44
page 154b, sheet 5, image 10, April 19
Wall Street

William Van Riper-42-M-W-laborer,iron works-widow (of Jeannette)-
William E. Van Riper-18-F-W-son-laborer, paint works-single-
September 16, 2007




William Van Riper
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 02 May 1864 at the age of 18
Enlisted in Company K, 146th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 02 May 1864
Mustered out on 07 September 1864 in Camp Dennison, OH


Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio. (OHRoster) Published in 1886

John J. Van Riper
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 25 July 1863 at the age of 18
Enlisted in Company B, 2nd Heavy Artillery Regiment Ohio on 05 August 1863
Mustered out on 23 August 1865 in Nashville, TN

Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio. (OHRoster) Published in 1886
Alexander Van Riper
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 15 June 1861 at the age of 18
Enlisted in Company B, 47th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 29 July 1861
Promoted to Full Corporal on 01 September 1863
Promoted to Full Sergeant on 01 January 1865

Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio. (OHRoster) Published in 1886
Abraham Van Riper
Residence: Lockport, Illinois
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 11 February 1865
Enlisted in Company D, 147th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 14 February 1865
Mustered out on 15 May 1865

Illinois: Roster of Officers and Enlisted Men. (ILRoster) Published in 1900
Jeremiah B. Van Riper
Residence: Channahon, Illinois
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Musician on 24 February 1865
Enlisted in Company A, 156th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 24 February 1865
was Absent, sick on 20 September 1865
Mustered out on 20 September 1865 in Memphis, TN

Illinois: Roster of Officers and Enlisted Men. (ILRoster) Published in 1900
Christian C. VanRiper
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 29 August 1864
Enlisted in Company D, 202nd Infantry Regiment Pennsylvania on 29 August 1864
Mustered out on 03 August 1865 in Harrisburg, PA

History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865. (PARoster) Published in 1870
Benjamin Van Riper

Service Record:

Enlisted as a Lieutenant 1st Class on 01 May 1861
Commission in Company G, 2nd Infantry Regiment New Jersey on 01 May 1861
Mustered out on 31 July 1861 in Trenton, NJ

Register of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-65. (NJRoster) Published in 1876
Aaron Van Riper

Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 24 August 1863
Enlisted in Company D, 33rd Infantry Regiment New Jersey on 04 September 1863
Mustered out on 17 July 1865 in Washington, DC

Register of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-65. (NJRoster) Published in 1876
Martin Van Riper
Service Record:
Enlisted as a Private on 21 September 1864
Drafted in Company E, 33rd Infantry Regiment New Jersey on 21 September 1864
Died on 21 January 1865

Register of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-65. (NJRoster) Published in 1876
James Van Riper

Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 31 August 1863
Enlisted in Company M, 2nd Cavalry Regiment New Jersey on 02 September 1863
Promoted to Full Corporal on 12 July 1865
Mustered out on 01 November 1865 in Vicksburg, MS

Register of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Civil War 1861-65. (NJRoster) Published in 1876
John Van Riper
Residence: Iola, Kansas:
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 06 August 1863
Enlisted in Company E, 9th Cavalry Regiment Kansas on 27 September 1863
Mustered out on 17 January 1865 in DeVall’s Bluff, AR

Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas. (KSRoster) Published in 1896 by Hudson
James Van Riper
Residence: Wabash County, Indiana

Service Record:

Promoted to Full Corporal
Enlisted as a Private on 27 January 1865
Enlisted in Company A, 153rd Infantry Regiment Indiana on 27 January 1865
Mustered out on 04 September 1865 in Louisville, KY

Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana. (INRoster) Published in 1865-66 by Holloway
Garrett Van Riper
Residence: Mishawaka, Indiana
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 30 July 1862
Enlisted in Company K, 87th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 30 July 1862
Discharged on 17 January 1863

Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana. (INRoster) Published in 1865-66 by Holloway
Bradford Van Riper
Residence: Mishawaka, Indiana
Service Record:

Promoted to Full Corporal
Enlisted as a Private on 09 August 1862
Enlisted in Company K, 87th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 09 August 1862
Mustered out on 10 June 1865 in Washington, DC

Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana. (INRoster) Published in 1865-66 by Holloway
John Van Riper

Residence: Mishawaka, Indiana

Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 09 August 1862
Enlisted in Company K, 87th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 09 August 1862
Died on 22 January 1863 in Gallatin, TN

Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana. (INRoster) Published in 1865-66 by Holloway
Garret Van Riper
Service Record:

Enlisted as a Private on 30 September 1864
Drafted in Company F, 38th Infantry Regiment Indiana on 30 September 1864
Mustered out on 06 May 1865

Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana. (INRoster) Published in 1865-66 by Holloway



John Terhune Van Riper

By William J Pape and William W. Scott-page 205

John Terhune Van Riper , the subject of this sketch, is the son of Dr. Cornelius Van Riper and Adrianna Terhune Van Riper (died December 9, 1893), and a grandson of the late ex-Judge John N. Terhune, and was born on the 20th day of April, 1872, in the city of Passaic, where he has resided since birth. He received his early education in the Passaic public schools, but in 1886 entered Dr. MacChes- ney’s Paterson Classical Institute, and began a course of classical study preparatory to entering college. In September, 1890, he entered the class of ’94 at Yale University, but short- ly after the beginning of the term was compelled to return home on account of sickness, and in October of the same year entered the University of the City of New York (now New York University) , and after pursuing a four years’ course received the degree of A. B. from that institution in June, 1894. By combining the last year’s work of the collegi- ate course with the first year’s work of the New York Uni- versity Law School course, he received the degree of L.L. B. in June , 1895, from the New York University Law School. While at college he held the offices of president and vice- president of the New York University Athletic Association, class vice-president (two years), class treasurer and secretary Psi fraternity, Theta Nu Epsilon Society , Passaic Club and Young Men’s Christian Association of Passaic. In June ,1897, he entered the law office of Thomas M. Moore, Esq., of Pas- saic, and in June , 1897, was admitted to the Bar of the State of New Jersey as an Attorney-at-Law and a Solicitor in Chancery. In his political preferences he is a Republican. He is also a member of the North Reformed Church of Pas- saic. On June 6, 1899, he was married to Edith Hope Hart, daughter of Colonel Benjamin F. and Emeline A. McDowell Hart, of Hoboken. For family history see sketch of life of Dr. C. Van Riper. 04/14/2001
1900 Passaic- city directory,Passaic County,NJ
John T. Van Riper-lawyer 185 Main Ave.-home 130 Pennington Ave.



William Nelson (History of Paterson & Passaic, 1901) 1/6

Page 153b


              URIAN TOMASON (Van Riper). 

In April, 1663, Juriaen(1) Thomasse (Uriah, son of Thomas) 
from Rypen,(2) in North Jutland, sailed from Holland in 
T’Bonte Koe, “the Spotted Cow,” in company with eighty- 
seven other passengers—men, women and children—in quest 
of fortune in the New Netherlands. (3) The notices of the 
young immigrant are extremely scanty in the early records. 
He does not seem to have owned any lands at Bergen, 
although he evidently settled there soon after his arrival.(4) 
He m. Reyke Harmsse, May 25, 1667. He and his wife 
were witnesses at the baptism of their grandson, Jurjaen, 
son of Thomas Jurjaense and Jannetje Straet, Sept. l, 
1693, as set forth in the Acquackanonk church records, 
which contain no other mention of him, a fact which makes 
it  seem unlikely  that he settled at Acquackanonk at all. 
His death is recorded at Bergen, as having occurred Sept. 
12, 1695.   He probably died there.   Ryke Harmsse (doubt- 
less his widow) was a witness at the baptism of another 
grandson, Jurie, son of Jan Juriance and Neeltje Gerre- 
brantze, in the Acquackanonk Church, Feb. 10, 1703.  She 
owned Lot No. 2, in the Goutum subdivision. The date 
of her death is unknown.

                 Second Generation. 
Juriaen Thomasse and Reyke Harmsse had children : 
1.  Thomas,  bap.  June  l0,  1668; m.  Jannetje (bap. 
Dec. 26, 1666), dau. of Jan Straet or Straatmaker and 
Geesje Gerrits, June 2, 1691.  He seems to have been a 
superior sort of man, active and go-ahead, a leader among 
his fellows.   Geurt Corten, of Bergen, who died between 
Feb.5  and June l, 1671, devised several acres of land at 
Bergen to Thomas Juriansen, then but three years old.(5) In 
l694 the Legislature appointed him one of the two col- 
(1) This name-sometimes written Jeuriaen, Jurjaen, etc.-is pro-
nounced Yoo-re-awn. 
(2) Ripen is a city in the diocese of the same name; it has a venerable 
antiquity, and once was a considerable seaport, until the harbor became 
filled up.  The Dutch wrote the name Rypen; in modern Dutch, Rijpen, 
indicating the sound of the long i.  It may be noted here that some early 
members of the family called themselves indiferently Van Ripen, and 
Van de Ripe. The latter name would indicate an original emigration 
from a small town in North Holland, called di Rijp, dating from the 
year 1400, and now having 2000 inhabitants, with four churches, two 
harbors and a fine canal.–Terwen, 85..  In Passaic and Bergen counties 
the name is almost universally written Van Riper; in Hudson county 
some families write it Van Rypen. The descendants of Juriaen Thomasse 
were among the last of the Acquackanonk settlers to adopt a family sur- 
name, but for a century or more rang the changes on Juriaense, Tho- 
masse, Aeltse, Gerritse, Jansse, Harmsse, etc., etc. 
(3)N.Y. Doc. Hist., III., 41. 
(4) There is a reference in Winfield’s Hudson County Land Tides (313, 
321) to lands allotted to Jurian Tomason for ” the full Proportion and 
Dividend for the Purchase Money ” paid by him, the tract being about 
three acres, now intersected by Newark avenue, near Palisade avenue, 
Jersey City; but this was probably the grandson of the first Jurian 
(5)Winfield’s Hudson Co. L. T., 83.

Page 154a

lectors to raise .£6, 15s. from Acquackanonk and New Bar- 
badoes,(1).and in 1698 he was appointed alone to assess the 
Provincial tax on those two precincts.(2) He was prominent in 
the Acquackanonk church, being chosen deacon in 1700 
and 1705; elder in 1710 and in 1724.  He was one of the 
committee of five chosen in 1714 to apportion the undivided 
lands of the Acquackanonk patent.  By deed dated Oct. 30, 
1695, for f100 New York money, Cornelis Michielse, of 
the town of Bergen, conveyed to Thomas Yowrians of 
Ackqueckanunk, a tract of land in Acquackanonk, “frunt- 
ing to Passaick river bounded on the northeast or therea- 
bout by a driftway which parts him and a lot of land 
belonging to Hans Diedricks and on the sonthwest by 
another driftway that parts him and a lot of land be- 
longing to Johannes Michielse and northwest by the com- 
mon woodland where he is to stop when he hath taken 
up the quantity of one hundred acres English measure or 
fifty morgan of Dutch  measure  according to the allotment 
of Acquackanonk together with the eight and twentieth 
part of the common woodland being part of the tract of 
land mentioned in the patent granted to Cornelis Michielse 
in partnership with thirteen more bearing date ” March 16, 
1684 (the Acquackanonk patent).  This interesting instru- 
ment was not recorded until March 17, 1802, when it was 
dimmed and stained by nearly one hundred and seven 
years.(3) It was witnessed by Hans Ditrich (so he wrote his 
name, in a handsome German script) and John Thomas. 
In 1738 this tract was referred to as Lot No. I, in Acquack- 
anonk.  In 1711 he and seven others bought the Stony 
Road patent of 2,800 acres, embracing the top and south- 
western slope of Garret Mountain, from the steep rocks at 
Paterson to the headwaters of the Peckamin river.(4)  Elias 
Smith, of Horseneck, Yeoman, and Cornelia his wife, and 
Mickell Vandercoock, of the same place, Yeoman, and Sa- 
rah his wife, conveyed to Thomas Jurianson, of Acquack- 
anonk, Yeoman, by deed dated May5,1713 for .£200 New 
Jersey money. Lots 4 and 18, in the subdivision of the Pe- 
quannock patent, on the east side of the Passaic river, 
in the  western  part  of  Wayne  township.(5)  When the 
disputed boundary line between Acquackanonk and Newark 
was adjusted, April 6, 1719, Thomas Uriansen was one of 
Acquackanonk’s three representatives present.(6) By deed 
dated June l, 1720, for f84 New York money, he bought 
from Joshua Bush, of Saddle River, blacksmith, the grantee 
being then a farmer, of Acquackanonk, three tracts of land 
on the east side of the Passaic river, the first being 80 
acres,  south  of Johannes  Post;  the second, 84 acres, 
bounded north by Halmagh Van Houten, east by Gerrit 
Juriaensen, south by Rutt Joost, and west by Passaic 
river ; the third, about four acres.   These premises came 
from John Corteen, late of Acquackanonk, in 1716.(7)
(1) Learning and Spicer, 350.
(2) Ib., 378. 
(3) Essex County Transcribed Deeds, A, 244. 
(4) E. J. Deeds, K small, f. 25. 
(5) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, A, 14. 
(6) Newark Town Records, 128. 
(7) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, A, 16.

Page 154b

They were northwest of Little Falls, in the western part of Wayne 
township.  In 1728 Thomas bought of Claas Vreeland Lot 
No. 13 in the Eight Hundred Acre Tract.(1) According to an 
ancient map of Goutum,(2) ” tomes yurreyanse” owned Lot 
.No. 7 in that subdivision—a tract somewhat triangular in 
shape, on the Passaic river, in the northern part of Passaic, 
or a little further up the river.  In the receipt for quit-rents, 
dated Sept. 7, 1726, he is mentioned as having paid; but in 
the receipt of May 17, 1727 his name is omitted.  He prob- 
ably died between those two dates.  He was called Thomas 
Juriaensen—Thomas son of Juriaen. 
II. Gerrit, bap. Sept. 27,  1670; m.  Beelitje,  dau.  of 
Dirck Janse Oosten and Elizabeth Conielis, of Hoboken, 
June 6, 1693; d. Sept. 4, 1748; she d. May 20, 1745  In 
1718 he owned a tract of land on the Passaic river, north of 
John Corta, probably south of Third river.(3)  In his will, 
dated March 14, l744-45 proved April 8, 1749, he describes 
himself as of the town of Bergen.  By this instrument he 
gives to “the three children of my eldest son Jurejan 
Gerretse deceased named Gerret, Altje and Belitje in token 
of their father’s birthright my negro boy called Frank;” also 
considerable land at Bergen ; ” also one third part or share 
of my Lands lying at a Place called Aghquaquenocb* on the 
. south side of a Lot I bought of Jurian Pieterse;” to son 
Dirck Gerretse ” Two third parts of my Lands lying at a 
place {called] Aghquaquenock, adjoining to the south side of 
my Lands hereby Devised unto the Heirs of my son Jurejan 
Containing in breadth ninety Rodd Dutch measure ;” also 
to Dirck “all my Tools belonging to the Trade of the 
Wheelwright; also my negro slave called Maremutts;” to his 
three sons, Dirck, Cornelis and Johannes, all his right to 
any undivided lands in Bergen or any other lands ; ” and 
in case my son Dirck should Depart and remove from the 
Town of Bergen then and in such case I Give Devise and 
bequeath my Estate Right and Title to the Commons and 
undivided Lands last mentioned to my said sons Cornelis 
and Johannis and to the heirs of my son Jurejan deceased ;” 
to his two daughters, Elizabeth, wife of Maghiel Vreeland, 
and Leah, wife of Jacob Van Wagenen, .£140 New York money, 
to be divided between them ; also ” all my certain Lot or 
Parcel of Land lying at a Place [called] Acquackanuck on the 
northwest side of the Land of Thomas Fredrickse and also 
my other Lot or Parcel of Land lying on the south side of 
the Land of the said Thomas Fredrickse,” to be equally 
divided between said two daughters.  His wife Belitje, and 
his sons Cornelis and Johannis, were appointed executors. 
The testator signed his name Gar: Jureansen(4) 
III. Aeltje, bap. Dec. 21, 1672; d. in childhood. 
IV. Aelt or Aart, m. Gerritje Mattheus, at Bergen, 
July 6, 1695.  In the New York church record of the mar- 
riage his name is given as “Aelst Jeuriaenszen, j. m. van 
Bergen.”  He was chosen deacon in the Acquackanonk 
church in 1703. 
(1) Essex Transcribed Deeds, A, 341.
(2) Simmons MSS. 
(3) E. J. Deeds, B 2, f22 
(4) E. J. Wills, E, f. 277. 
* Aquackanonck has been spelled 18 different ways through 
    the years.(GVR)

Page 155a
In 1713 he owned lot No.3, in the Wesel 
subdivision.(1)  He probably died between Sept. l, 1709,
and June 23, 711.(2) 
V. Christyntje, bap. Nov. 24, 1677; m. Pieter Ger- 
brantse, Aug. l, 1698. 
VI. Jan, m. Neeltje Gerrebrantse, April 7, 1702.  He 
was chosen deacon of the Acquackanonk church in 1712, 
and elder in 1712, 1718 and 1727. 
VII Marritje, bap. April 28, 1680 ; m. Claas Gerbrantse, 
April II, 1704. 
VIII. Harmen, bap. Oct. 21, 1682; d. in inf. 
IX. Aeltje, bap. April 2, 1684; on Aug. 7, 1746, Har- 
man Jurianse and Jan Jurianse, both of Essex county, 
yeomen, brothers of Aeltje Jurianse, late of the county of 
Bergen, single woman, deceased, were appointed adminis- 
trators of her estate, she having died intestate. 
X. Harmen, bap. Dec. 6, 1686; m. 1st, Maritje Fred- 
erickse, June 20, 1709 (she was bap. Nov. 11, 1684, dau.of 
Frerik Thomasse and Catharina Hoppe); 2d, Judith, dau. 
of Christopher Steenmets, in 1720 or 1721.  He was chosen 
deacon in 1715 and 1726, and elder in 1731 and 1738.  He 
was named as one of the executors of the will of Christo- 
pher Steenmets, his father-in-law, in 1732.  He appears to 
have bought Lot No. 4, in the first tier of lots, on Pas- 
saic river, by deed dated May 15, 1722, with the Lot im- 
mediately in the rear of it, in the second tier of Hundred 
Acre Lots.  His will, dated June 17, 1754, proved May 14, 
1756, is given -herewith:

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this Seventeenth day of June in the 
year of Our Lord Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and fifty 
four I Harme Jurryanse of Achquechenonk in the County of Essex and 
Eastern Division of New Jersey yeoman being aged and infirm of Body 
but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God there- 
fore and calling to mind the mortallity of my Body and knowing that 
it is appointed unto men once to Die do make and Ordain this my last 
Will and Testament (that is to Say) First and principally I Give 
and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it hoping 
through the alone Merits of Jesus Christ to have Eternal life and my 
Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian man- 
ner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named nothing doubting 
but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the Same again through 
the mighty Power of God and as touching such Worldly Estate 
wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I Give bequeath 
and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Imprimis my 
Will is that all my just Debts and Funeral Expences be well truly and 
fully paid and discharged.  Item I Give bequeath and Devise unto my 
dearly deloved Wife Judith Jurrianse the full and sole use and Improve- 
ment of all my Real and Personal Estate during the time she shall re- 
main my Widdow for her comfortable Support in this life as also 
fifty seven pounds current lawful money of New York to be paid out of 
my Personal Estate unto her by my Executors Six Months after my de- 
cease.  Item I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son Jurrie Van Rype 
my great Bible over and above his share and proportion which shall be 
hereafter in and by this my last Will and Testament given him.  Item I 
Will and Devise that all my Lands or Real and Personal Estate shall be 
equally Divided share and share alike among my thirteen Children 
Jurrie VanRype Frederick VanRype Abraham VanRype Johannis Van- 
Rype Cliristoffel VanRype Marytie Van Rype Jacob VanRype Isaac 
VanRype Sarah VanRype Gerrit VanRype Geurt VanRype Thomas 
VanRype and Christina VanRype that is to say First my Two hundred 
Acres of land on which I dwell laing In the bounds of Achquechenonk 
Bounded on the North West side of Pessaick River bounded South by 
Madlene Vangiese and on the North side by Claes Vreland No 4 as by 

(1) See pp. 76-77, 
(2 ) See receipts of those dates for quit-rents, p. 781 ante.


a Deed baring date the fifteenth day of May Anno Domini One 
thousand Seven hundred and twenty two more fully may appear 
together with the remainder of all my Lands to which I have right and 
Title in the Patent of Achquechenonk as also all my Lands in the 
County of Orange in the Colony of New York specified in a Deed there- 
of baring date the twenty Sixth day of November Anno Domini One 
thousand Seven hundred and fifty now in the occupation of my Son 
Frederick Item I Will and ordain that my Son Fredricic shall be allowed 
and paid fifty pounds currant money of New York for the Improvement 
 of the Place on which he now dwells to be paid at the time of the Divi- 
sion of my Estate hereafter to be Specified.  Item I Will and Devise 
that Whereas my Children Jacob Sarah Gerrit Geurt Thomas and 
Christyna have not had an Outset as the rest of my Children that they 
shall have an Outset equivalent to that which the rest of my Children 
have had. Item I Will and ordain that if any of my Children aforesaid 
should die without any Heir then the Portion of the Deceased to be 
equally Divided among all my Surviving Children or their Heirs if any 
before the Division of my Estate aforesaid should depart this life. Item 
if any of my Children or Grandchildren should be under age at the time 
of Division aforesaid then my Executors shall make a just Division and 
give every one of the underaged Children or Grandchildren aforesaid 
their just and due portion.  Item I Will that the Division of my Real 
and Personal Estate shall be made after the disease or Remarriage of 
my Wife which first happens. Item I do hereby nominate Constitute 
and appoint my above named Sons Abraham VanRype and Jacob 
VanRype Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby 
revoke disanul and make void all and any other Will or Wills bequest 
and bequests:heretofore by me made Willed and bequeathed and 
Executor or Executors by me heretofore in any wise named ratifying 
allowing and holding for firm and Valid this and no other to be my last 
Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand 
and seal the day and year above written. Signed Sealed published pro- 
nounced and Declared by the said Harme Jurryanes to be his last Will 
and Testament in the Presence of us,(l) David Marinus    ) 
                                                                     Richard Bradberry ) 
                                                                  Harmon Juransen [L. S.]

XI. Grietje, b. Oct. 5, 1691. 
XII. Jurie, m. Elizabeth Steinmets, both being ot Ac- 
quackanonk, Nov. 13, 1730.  Ch., Sara, bap. Feb. 7, 1735- 

                        Third Generation. 
Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and Jannetje Straet (thus in 
the Acquackanonk church records) had children : 
1.  Gerrit,  b.  Feb.  6,  1692; m.  Jannetje  Hartmanse 
Vreeland, June 19, 1718.  Following is his will, dated Feb. 
17,1761, proved Nov. 23, 1761:(2) 

In the name of God amen this seventeenth day of February in the 
year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred sixty and one I 
Garrit Thomasse Van Ripen of the county of Essex and province of 
East New Jersey gentlemen being very Sick and week in body but of 
perfect sound mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore 
calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is ap- 
pointed for all men once to dye do make and ordain this my last will 
and testament that is to say principally and first of all I recommend my 
body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at 
the discretion of my executors.  First I will and do order that all my 
just debts and funeral charges shall be paid and satisfyed. Secondly I 
give and bequeath unto my grandson John Vanwinkel two pound York 
money to be levied out of my estate I also give and bequeath unto my 
daughter Marite wife of Henry Vanwinkel ten pound like money to be 
levied out of my estate, I also give and bequeath unto my daughter 
Maritie Vanwinkel and to the heirs of her body forever one equal half of 
a tract of land commonly called the Stone house land(3) the North side of 
said tract also another lott of land lying between Derck Vreland and 

(1) E. J. Wills. Liber F, f. 355. 
(2) E, J. Wills, H, f, 68. 
(3) Stone House Plains.

Page 156a

Seal(1) Post called number twelve also the equal third part of all the rest 
of my land wheresoever it shall or may be found I also give and be- 
queath unto my daughter Jannitie wife of John Vanwinkel and to the 
heirs of her body forever the other equal half of said Stonehouse land 
namely the Southside of said tract as also another lott called number 
three as also the one equal third part of all the rest of all my said lands 
wheresoever they shall or may be found I also give and bequeath unto 
my daughter Lea wife of Peter Jacobusse and to the heirs of her body 
forever my homested or plantation which I now live on with the mes- 
suages and tenements unto the same belonging as also the one equal 
third part of my said lands here to before mentioned where they shall or 
may be found. I also give and bequeath onto my three daughters and 
to the heirs of their bodys forever all my salt meadow if any shall or 
may be found to be equally divided between them shear and share alike 
I also will and do order that my three sons in law shall and may use and 
possess the said lands and meadows each one his wives part unto each 
of them willed during their lives, but if in case the heirs or any of ther 
heirs of all or either of my said daughters should want to use said lands 
before the death of their said fathers or mothers it is my will that they 
shall have the one half of said lands in their use and their father the 
other half in his use to it(2) all the said lands and meadows after the death 
of my said three sons in law and daughters to belong to the heirs in the 
form and manner as is hereinto fore mentioned. I also give and be- 
queath onto my daugthers Maritie thirty pound York money to be aded 
to the fifty pound she has already had I also give and bequeath unto my 
daughter Jannetie my negro man  Joe  As touching the rest of my move- 
able estate I will and do order that it shall be equally devided between 
my three daughters shear an shear alike,  lastly I do constitute ordain 
and appoint Jacob Van Ripen Junr. and Peter Degarmo to be my 
only sole and lawfufi executors of this mylast will and testament and I 
do hereby utterly disallow disannol and revoke all and every other 
former wills testaments legacies and executors by me in any ways here- 
toforethis time named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming 
this and no other to be my last will and testament  In witness whereof 
I have hereunto  set my hand and seal the day and year above written 

Signed sealed published pronounced } 
and declared by the said Garrit             }      his 
Thomasse V: Ripen as his last will       }Gerrit X Tomasse V: Ripen[L.S.] 
and testament in the presence of us    }         mark 
the subscribers–Thomas Sigler–         } 
George Walls 
—Isaac Y Powelson— 

He was one of the earliest of the family to assume the 
surname Van Rypen, but in the records he is usually called 
Gerrit Thomasse. 

II.  Jurjaen, b. June 12, 1693 ; m.  Aeltje Simonse Van 
Winkle, June 12, 1714.  He was chosen deacon of the Ac- 
quackanonk church in 1724.  In 1737 he and Adriaen A. 
Post secured an Indian deed for the Island and river bottom 
near the West street bridge(3) Disappointed in this project 
for building a mill, he went further up the river, and secured 
a tract of 125 acres on the east side of the Passaic, some 
distance above Little Falls, which he caused to be surveyed 
to him, Dec. 2, 1748.(4) He died soon after, probably before 
he was able to do more than erect the dam and dig the tail- 
race for his proposed mill.  On Jan. l0, 1749 (l750, N. S.), 
his son Thomas conveyed part of the tract to John Van 
Rypen, of Saddle River, carpenter, who also received a 
quit-claim (?) deed therefor from Helmagh Sip, May 87, 
1756, and in turn sold the whole tract to Jacobus Post, car- 
penter, Nov. 23, 1756, for f 525 New York money.(5) 
(2)to wit
(3) See p. 139 ante. 
(4) Perth Amboy Surveys, N 2, f. 250. 
(5) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, A540

Page 156b

III. Jan,  b. Oct. 28, 1694;  m.  Marritje Van Houten 
(b. Sept. 25, 1715, dau. of Dirrick Van Houten, of Totowa), 
May 12, 1732. He called himself Jan or John Van Ryper, 
but in the records is sometimes spoken of as John Thomasse 
Van Rypen. He probably lived on the Wesel road.  He d. 
in January, 1782, leaving the following will, dated April l5, 
1778, proved Feb. 5, 1782 : 

In the Name of God Amen I John Van Ryper of Acquacknuck, in the 
County ot Essex & Province of East New Jersey being very Sick in 
Body but of perfect mind & inemory thanks be given unto God Calling 
unto mind the Mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for 
all men once to Die, do make & Ordain this my last Will & Testament, 
that is to say Principally & first of all I Give & recommend my 
Soul into the Hand of Almighty God that gave it me & my Body I recom- 
mend to the Earth to be buried in decent .Christian manner at the 
discretion of my Executors hereafter Named nothing doubting but at 
the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty 
Power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has 
pleased God to bless me in this Life I Give bequeath devise & dispose of 
the same in the following manner & form.  Item.  I give & bequeath 
unto my beloved Wife Marritye the use & Improvement of all 
my Estate both Real & Personal during the Time she Remains my 
Widow with a full power & authority to sell & dispose of the same as 
Necessaty requires it.  Item I give & Bequeatb unto my Oldest Son 
Thomas Van Ryper for his Birth Right Ten Shillings Current Money of 
New Jersey to turn his Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my Son Derrick Van Ryper Four acres of Land where 
he now lives to him bis Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my Son Helemich Van Ryper Pour Acres of Land out of 
the Lott by the Brook to him his Hun & Assigns forever Item I Give 
& bequeath unto my.Son John Van Ryper four Acres of Land where 
he now lives to him his Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my Son Garret Van Ryper the Northerly part of my 
Dwelling house where I now live, with Four Acres of Land Adjoining 
thereunto, unto him his Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my son Adryan Van Ryper the Southerly part of my 
Dwelling House where I now live, with Four Acres of Land Adjoining 
thereunto, unto him his Heirs & Assigns forever.  Item I Give unto my 
Daughter Marrithye Van Ryper my Large Dutch Bible & also one 
Negroe Wench Named Great now living with her to her her Heirs & 
Assigns forever Item my Will is that my five Sons Derrick Van Ryper 
Helameck Van Ryper John Van Ryper Gerret Van Ryper Adryan Van 
Ryper do pay unto my Daughter Marrithye, each of them Twenty 
pounds Current Money of New Jersey One year after my Death & my 
wifes Death that is to say one Year after the Longest liver.  Lastly I 
do nominate Constitute & appoint my two Sons Derrick Van Ryper & 
John Van Ryper to be Executors of this my last Will & Testament and 
I do Revoke all Former Will or Willsby me made & all other all other 
Executors by me Appointed, Holding for firm this & no other to be my 
last Will & Testament.  In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my 
Hand and Seal, this Fifteen day of April, in the year of our Lord One 
thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Eight. 
                                 John X Van Ryper [L. S.] 
Signed Sealed Published pronounced & declared by the said John Van 
Ryper as his last Will & Testament in the presence of us, who in his 
presence & in the presence of each other other have hereunto subscribied 
our Names Garret Haeghoort Derick Van Ryper Lucas Wessells.(l)

His wife, Marritje, died in 1789, leaving a will, dated 
June 21, 1787, proved May 2, 1789, in which she devised all 
her estate, real and personal, to her son Adrian ; he, how- 
ever, granted to his four surviving brothers an equal share 
in the property.(2)
(1) Recorded in Liber 24 of Wills, Trenton, pages 8 &c. 
(2) Recitals in written opinion of Abraham 0gden,of Newark, Oct. 5, 
1797, among papers of Adrian R. Van Houten.

Page 157a

IV. ABRAHAM. April 4, 1696;  m. lst, Elizabeth 
Hesselse (dau. of Hessel Pieterse), April 20, 1721; 2d, Ca- 
trintjeAndriesse, spinster, Sept. 13, 1729.  He owned Lot 
No. 3, and Lot No. 10. East, and Lot No. 7, West, in the 
Bogt* subdivision.  He was called Abraham Thomass, or 
Abraham Van Rype.  He d. intestate. 
V. ISAAC, b. Oct. 28, 1697; m. Lea Simonse Van Win- 
kel, Aug. 24,1722. 
VI. JACOB, b. Oct. 9, 1699; m. Marietje (Maria) Ger- 
brantse, living at New Barbadoes, Dec. 17, 1728.  He was 
chosen deacon of the Acquackanonk church in 1728, and 
elder in 1734. 
VII. GEESJE, b. Oct. 4, 1702; m. Jacob Banta (son of 
Dirck Epke Banta and Ester Hanse Diedricks ; Jacob m. 
1st, at Hackensack, Hendrickje Albertse Terhune, May 31, 
1718), about 1725 she joined the Hackensack church, May 
6,  1730.   Issue:  1.  Dirck,  bap.  Feb.  20, 1726; m. Antje 
Van Giesen ; 2.Jannetie, bap. Sept. 27, 1728; m. Jan Van 
Rypen, Nov. 20, 1756; 3. Hester, bap. June 27, 1731;m. 
Nicholas Prior, Jan. 8, 1761; 4. Thomas, bap. Feb. 13, 
1735; Anna Stilwell, March 11, 1761; 5.. Margrietjen, 
bap. July 9, 1738; m. William Day, of Hackensack; 6. 
Hendrickje, bap. Sept. 29, 1745; 7. Joannes, b. Nov. 26, 
1747;m. Annatie Vanderhoff.(1) 
VIII. MARTJE (i. e., Martha), b. Oct. 3, 1704; m. Adrian- 
Adrian-Adrian-Adrian Post, Jan. 9, 1730. 
IX. Elisabet, b. April 4, 1707 ; m. Gerrit Van Hoorn, 
Nov. 30,. 1728; both. lived at Acquackanonk at the time. 
Issue: I. Dirck, b. Sept. 29, 1729; 2. Janneke, b. Nov. 17, 
1730; 3. Geesjen, bap. March 20, 1737; d. ininf.; 4- Geesje, 
bap. June 22,1740. 
X. DIRCK, b. Jan. 25, 1709; m. Pietertje Post, Sept. 
28,  1732.   Dirck Van Ryper,  of  Essex county,  probably 
his son, was appointed administrator of Dirck Thomasse 
Van Riper, Nov. 13, 1757-  Dirck Thomasse Van Riper 
owned a great deal of land in various parts of Acquacka- 
nonk.  In 1754 he and his brother John owned the lot 
southwest of Lot No. 9, in the Eight Hundred Acre Tract. 
XI. MARIETJE (i. e., Mary, or Maria), m. Peter Bras, Oct. 
17, 1728 ; they were spinster and bachelor, and both lived 
at Second River.* 
Cornelius and Johannes Tomason, planters, of the town 
of Bergen*, bought extensive tracts of land between Second 
river and Third river, from Gerret Leydecker, cordwainer, 
of Newark, May 29, 1695(2) from John Gardiner, planter, of 
Newark, June 3, 1699 ;(3) from Thomas Davis, yeoman*, of 
Newark (to Cornelius Tomason), Jan. 13, 1723 (4) and from 
John Crane, of Newark (to Cornelius Tomason), Feb. 24, 
1723.(5) By an agreement dated Dec. 29,. 1738,  Cornelius 
Tomason, yeoman,* and Maria his wife, of Essex county, 
convey all their property, real and personal, to their grand- 
children—Cornelius Idesen and Marshall (Merselis) Idesen,
(1)Banta Genealogy, 31-32; Hackensack  Church Records, pasim. 
(2) E. J. Deeds, F, f. 666. 
(3).E.J. Deeds, G, f. 317. 
(4) E.J. Deeds, D 2, f. 199. 
(5) Ib., 201 
*Bogt( Boght, formerly Paterson-if anyone wants a copy of the 
              Boght map1791,showing lots with the owners name let 
              me know and I’ll send it to you by  e-mail. Send me your 
               e-mail address – GVR ) 
*Second River-(Belleville) 
*Bergen(Jersey City)

Page 157b

yeomen, and John Sip, of Essex Co. – the grandchildren 
agreeing to secure to their grandparents a comfortable 
maintenance for life.(1) It is evedent Cornelius and Jo- 
hannes could not have been children of Thomas Juriaensen. 
Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse and Beelitje Dirckie Osten 
 had children: 
I.  Elizabeth, b. May 14, 1694; m. Michael  H.  Vree- 
land, May 30,1719, d. Nov. 18, 1767. 
II. Lea, b. Sept. 11, 1697; m. Jacob Van Wagenen, 
May 22,1719, d. Dec. 19, 1775. 
III. Juriaen, b. Aug. 15, 1699;  m. Margrietje Died- 
ricks; d. July 29, 1739. 
IV. Garret, b. Dec. 4, 1701. 
V. Dirck, b. Jan. 17, 1704. 
VI. Aeltje, b. March 29, 1705 ; d. Sept. 30, 1710. 
VIL Cornelius, b. Oct. 6, 1707 ; m. Aeltje Van Winkle, 
June 29, 1728; d. Jan. 17, 1771.  In his will, dated Aug. 
39, 1767, proved May 4, 1772, he describes himself as of the 
town of Bergen, and gives all his estate to his wife Altye 
during her widowhood, and afterwards to his children- 
Garret, Daniel, Bailitye, Yonitye and Altye.(2) 
VIII. Johannis, b. June 3, 1710; m. 1st, Sarah, dau. 
of Henricus Kuyper, Dec. 2, 1740; she d. July 2, 1741; he 
m. 2d, Margrietje Van Winkle, Sept. 5, I742; d. Aug. 24, 
1776.  He was called “Beelitje’s Hans.” 
These children of Gerrit were frequently called simply 
Gerritse-Elizabeth, Lea, Juriaen, etc., Gerritse.
Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and Gerritje Mattheuse had child- 
I. Juriaen, m. MartjeVreeland, both of Acquackanonk, 
May 13, 1727. He was called Juriaen Aeltse. 
II. Cornelis, m. Geesje Post, both being of Acquack- 
anonk, Jan. 19, 1728; he was known as Cornelis Aeltse. 
He probably lived on the Wesel road*, where he owned Lot 
No. 3 and Lot No. 4; the latter he conveyed in 1748 to Ger- 
rit Post, as already related.   He also owned  Lot 14, of the 
Wesel subdivision, being the farm fronting on the river at the 
Wesel bridge, having part of Market street on the north, and 
the Post farm on the south.  He was a blacksmith by 
trade.  He lived at the corner of Market street and the 
Wesel road, probably on the site of the stone house occu- 
pied for so many years by John Merselis, and more recently 
by Samuel S. Sherwood.  In his will, dated Feb. 24, 1777, 
proved Jan. 3, 1790, it will be noticed that he calls himself 
Cornelus Aeltse. The witnesses were of his nearest neighbors 
-Michael Harmanse Vreeland, Cornelius Hartmanse Vree- 
land and Hessel Pieterse.                      The will is given herewith; 

In the Name of God. Amen.  I Cornelius Aeltse of Ackqueghenonck 
in the County of Essex and in the eastern division of the province of 
New Jersey blacksmith being weak in body but of sound mind and 
memory blessed be God therefore do this twenty fourth day of February 
in the year of our Lold one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven 
make and publish this my last Will and tesament in manner and form 
following that is to say. IMPRIMIS I recommend my soul into the 
hands of almighty God who gave it me and my body to the earth from 
whence it came in hopes of a joyful resurrection through the merits of 
my Saviour Jesus Christ and as for that worldly estate wherewith It
(1)E.J.Deeds,H 2, f 37. 
(2) E. J. Wills, K, f. 485. 
*Yeomen-land owner

1 2 3 4 5 6


Passaic County,New Jersey,
Information from Passaic County Historical Society
1820’s to 1890’s

Sophia,wife of Stephen Van Riper,0of Small Lots, died 12-16-1868-68yrs.
Henry H. Snyder of Paterson to Catherine Jane Van Riper of
Godwinville(Ridgewood) 2-20-1867.
Mary Van Riper, relict of Jacob B. Van Riper, 4-21-1867,77y-4m-10d at Preakness.

George P. Van Riper to Lottie C. Beardsley, only daughter of John Beardsley of
Paterson ,6-12-1867.
Julia Ann,wife of George I. Van Riper, 40 Elm St. ,died 8-6-1867, 37y-0m-17d.
John Aldrege Hoxie of Mystic Conn. to Mary E. Van Riper 11-20-1867.
Richard R. Van Riper to Charlotte Panton 2-14-1867.
Henry Van Riper to E. Tillie Allen, 4-15-1863.
James Van Riper to Tillie Brain, 10-10-1863.
Wm. James Cadmus of Jersey City to Caroline Van Riper of Paterson , 11-10-1862.
P. Meyers Van Riper to Hannah, dau. of Anthony Brown at Franklin, 9-26-1861.
Wm. D. Berdan of Preakness to Eliza Jane dau. of Henry Van Riper of Totowa,
John N. Van Riper of Slaughterdam(Fair Lawn), to Eliz., dau. of Wm. Ward of
Campgaw 10-25-1859.
Andrew Van Riper to Rachel Perrine all of Preakness(Wayne), 1-20-1858.
Jacob Van Riper of Preakness d. 12-1-1856, 70y.
Anthony ,husband of Lucinda Van Riper d. 1-28-1897, 75y..
Cornelius Van Reyper d. 12-30-1894, 59y.
John B. Van Riper ,d. 11-7-1895, 82y.
Uriah J. Van Riper of Preakness(Wayne) d. Feb.-19-1879.,66y-4m-22d.
Annie, wife of Alfred S. Van Riper, 42 Mechanic St. , Nov. 2, 1877, 29y-7m-16d.
Edo Van Riper to Anna Hopper, dau. of John A. Hopper ,both of Saddle River,
Maria Van Riper,at the residend of her Son T. Henry Van Riper,76 Marshall St.,d.
Jan. 23, 1876, aged this day 86y..
Christina, widow of Cornelius G. Van Riper,d. Mar. 27, 1874, 73y. at Passaic.
Ann ,widow of the late P.V.H. Van Riper and daughter of Wm. Brown, d. June 19,
1874, 55y..
Mrs. Elizabeth,widow of George H. Van Riper,and mother of John C. and Henry P.
Van Riper,d. July 18,1874,52y,9 High St..
Mary Ann,wife of John H. Van Riper,34 Olive St.,d. July 26,1874, 38y-4m..
Margaret,widow of Richard Van Reyper,201 Ellison St.,d. Nov. 10, 1874,
Margaret , widow of Adrian Van Reyper,at Stone House
Plains(Brookdale,Bloomfield),d. Nov. 10,1874,54y..
Adrian Van Riper at Centerville(Clifton), d. Feb. 1, 1873, 74y.
J.H. Van Riper to Miss Bell S. Crawford , all of Paterson, Feb. 5, 1872.
John B. Van Riper of Centerville,NJ,to Maria,oldest daughter of Peter Sloat of
Paterson,Oct. 10, 1872.
Uriah Van Riper, 88y. ,d. Sept. 24, 1871, Dutch Reformed Church , Passaic.
Merenius Van Riper, d. May 4,1871, 72y., 43 Washington St..
Stephen Van Riper-d. Feb. 10,1870, 76y-6m-20d…
Mrs. Annie Van Riper 123 Broadway ,d. April 10,1870, 83y..
Robert S. Elliott to Jennie E. Van Riper,all of Passaic ,Sept. 14,1870.
John Berdan of Small Lots ( glen Rock & part of Fair lawn) to Clara Van Riper
Nov. 1870.
Peter V.H. Van Riper (Peter Van Houten Van Riper) d. Oct. 13,1869, 52y-1m-1d
Margaret (Van Riper) widow of Adrian R. Van Houten d. Dec. 31,1869, 75y..
Richard Van Riper of Paterson, to Miss Helen Bennett of Missouri, Feb. 17,
George Van Riper, d. Sept 6,1868 ,36y..

George Van Riper
Fair Lawn,NJ

Paterson Press

Julia, widow of Richard Van Riper at Haledon, d. Dec. 28, 1893, 46y-4m-17d..
John H. Van Riper ,husband of Emily Roome, d. Oct. 19, 1893, 43y-0m-9d..
Adrianna,wife if Cornelius Van Riper,M.D.,d Dec. 9, age given.
Anna Banta, widow of John B. Van Riper,d. Feb. 6,1892, 74y..
Maria Sloat,wife of John B. Van Riper, at Athenia (Clifton), d.July 29,1892,
Helen Van Reyper, widow of Peter Van Winkle, d. Mar. 21, 1891 in N.Y.C.,
Caroline ,widow of P.H. Van Riper,d. Dec. 12, 1891, 51y..
Catherine Van Riper Dec. 4,1891, 88y.
Clarissa, relict of George Van Riper,Mar. 5, 1887, 94y..
Fannie Bush, widow of Garret Van Riper,d May 4, 1887, 96y..
Clarissa ,widow of Abraham Van Riper, d. Mar. 5, 1887 Passaic, 71y..
Abraham Van Riper at West Pascack,(Bergen Co.),d Feb. 19, 1886, 61y..
John Van Riper, d. April 5, 1885, 54y..
George I. Van Riper , d. Feb. 8,1884, 58y..
Leah,widow of Anthony Van Riper,d. Sept. 19, 1884, 67y-5m-27d..
John G. Van Riper, d. Jan. 4, 1883, 59y..
Andrew Van Riper, d. Sept. 17, 1882, 47y..
Thomas H. Van Riper, d. Nov. 11, 1882, 53y-10-m11d..
Bridget, wife of Andrew Van Riper ,Haledon, d. Feb. 28, 1879, 69y-5m-0d..
Cornelius G. Van Riper,at Passaic, d. Feb. 12, 1868, 75y..
Sarah S.(Scudder) Van Riper, wife of Jacob Van Riper , at Stone House Plains, d.
April 3, 1868, 65y-7m-23d..
Garret V.R. Demarest of Passaic to Hannah M. Van Riper of Paterson ,Jan. 3,
Cornelius Van Riper, M.D., to Anna ,daughter of John N. Terhune , Dundee
Lake,(Saddle River Twp.) Sept. 19, 1866.
Margaret, wife of Richard Van Riper, d. Oct. 11, 1866, 38y.,at Hamburgh Ave..
Isaac H. Van Riper, Bloomfield Rd., d. Oct. 13, 1866, 64y..
Alfred B. Crane ,to Margaret A. Van Riper, Mar. 1,1864, all of Paterson.
Jacob J. Van Riper,d. Feb. 12, 1876, 46y-6m-0d, at residence of James Close.
Cath. Jane ,wife of Cornelius Van Riper, at Dundee Lake,(Saddle River
Twp.)d.Nov. 14, 1875,50y-7m-20d..
Gertrude Van Houten,wife of John B. Van Riper, d. Jan. 6 1870, 53y-8m-27d,
Frank Berry,to Emma E. Van Riper,all of Paterson,Dec. 9, 1870.

Jacob B. Van Riper Esq. at Preakness, d.12-1-1856, 58 Y.
Jerry Van Riper d 1-4-1857, 27 Y.
Mrs. Agnes Van Riper, wife of Garret H. Van Riper, at Pascack,d. Feb. 16,1859.
Jacob Van Riper to Miss Ellen Osborn, both of Lodi ,Sept. 10,1859.
Cornelius B. Van Riper, of Boiling Springs(Rutherford),to Carolina Van
Saun,daughter of
Albert J. Van Saun, Nov. 22, 1859 at Hackensack.
Peter H. Westervelt to Annie Van Riper of Pascack,Jan. 25,1860.
Stephen S. Van Riper to Jane Zabriskie, both of Bergen County,Mar. 3, 1864.
Harmon I. Van Riper,d. May 21,1860, 31y..
Catherine, wife of Cornelius J. Van Riper, of Red Mills(Arcola,Paramus), d.Oct.
9,1860, 57y..
Peter Van Riper to Ellen Acker, all of Hohokus, Nov. 6,1864.
Christopher Van Riper, d. 1856, 64y..
John Van Riper,to Mary Ann Denike ,all of Paterson, July 5, 1856.

Mrs. Mary Van Riper of Stone House Plains at the house of her father,Garret
of Preakness, d. July 12,1823, 22y.

John A. Van Riper to Miss Maria Van Blarcom both of Paterson,NJ 12-18-1828.
John Van Riper to Sally Van Winkle in Paterson 5-5-1832.
Maria Van Riper of N.Y. to James C. Blauvelt at Aquackanonk 8-17-1833.
Henry Van Riper to Miss Hannah Garabrant both of Paterson 8-10-1839.
Peter Van Riper to Ann,daughter of Wm. Brown,Esq. both of
Maria Van Riper to Elias Vreeland 3-4-1840.
Jared Van Riper to Jane Van Blarcom both of Paterson 12-17-1840.
James Van Riper of Pamamus to Margaret daughter of Wm. Hogencamp Esq.
of Preakness 12-24-1841.
J. Van Riper of Bergen to M Garrabrants of Aquackanonk at the Notch 11-12-1842.
Richard Van Riper to Sarah Van Houten both of Manchester 12-3-1842.
Henry Van Riper of N.Y. to Hester Ann Hopper of Small Lots 12-1-1842.
At Sicamack ,Bergen Co. Margaret m. of Jas. Van Riper and daughter
Wm. S. Hogencamp d. 5-12-1842 at 19y.
Cornnelia Van Riper to Isaac G. Speakers both of Manchester 12-4-45.
Cornelius Van Riper to Mary Ann Ryder in N.Y.C. 5-13-1846
Cornelius Kip to Leah Ann, daughter of J.B. Van Riper at Preakness 11-19-1846.
Mary Van Riper to Peter J. Fredericks both of NY 3-27-1851.
Garrabrant Van Riper of Newark to Sarah S. daughter of Wm. Healey of Paterson
Mary Elizabeth Van Riper of Paterson to Jacob S. Snyder of Goffle Hill
Mary E. Van Riper to Wm. H. Crane 7-15-1855
Hana Van Riper d. 8-2-1855 65y.
Christopher Van Riper 3-28-1856 65y.
John Van Riper to Mary Ann Denike both of Paterson 8-5-1856


Mary, wife of Cornelius Van Riper, 84 Wills St.,d. Jan. 12,1881, 42y-9m-13d..
Andrew Van Riper of Haledon, d. May 23,1881, 72y-1m-8d..
Margaretta A. Van Riper, wife of John Van Horne Van Reyper, Jersey City Heights,
d. June 16,1881.
Forest Van Riper,22y., d. Oct. 10,1881,from H.P. Ackerman Temple & Heights.
Preakness-(lower and upper) part of Wayne ,Passaic County,N.J.
Notch-part of Clifton, Passaic County,N.J.
Richfield-part of Clifton.
Athenia- part of Clifton.
Acquackononk-included Clifton,Passaic and part of Paterson,Passaic County,
and at one time in Essex County.
Passaic City-part of Acquackononk.
Dundee Lake-East Paterson now Elmwood Park and formely
in Saddle River Twp.,Bergen County.
East Passaic-part of Dundee Lake,East Paterson,now Elmwood Park.
Aquackanonk-Clifton and Passaic ,Passaic Co. NJ.
Boiling Springs-Rutherford,Brgen County,NJ.
Bergen County at one time included Bergen,Bayone,and North Bergen,
now in Hudson County.
Bergen-Jersey City.
Van Riper Families of U.S.A. genealogy Web Sites
RiperInfo (no www)
Riper families of Holland and Europe



VAN RIPER 1887-88 Paterson NJ

VAN RIPER 1887-88 Paterson NJ

Adrian-baker 103 Broadway-home not listed
Albert-laborer-h 23 Godwin St.
Alfred-h 8 Jay St.
Alfred-holster-h 31 Division St.
Alfred J.-silk E. 18th St. near 11th Ave.-h 370 Ellison St.
Alfred S.-h 21 Broadway
Alfred S. -h 58 Benson St.
Andrew- h 35 Bridge St.
Andrew -painter-h 12 Tyler St.
Andrew N.-finisher -h 491 Totowa Ave.
Anthony -h 40 Elm St.
Bethany T.-widow of Jacob J.-h 370 Ellison St.
Catherine-widow of Abram-h 48 Division St.
Catherine-widow of Marinus-h29 Temple St.
Clarissa-widow of George-h 128 Division St.
Cornelius-carpenter-h 84 Willis St.
Cornelius-painter-r 144 Tyler St.
Cornelius S.-physician-77 Fair St.
D Romain St.-h 128 Division St.
Demerest-clerk-h 29 Temple St.
Eliza-widow of Stephen-h 33 Benson St.
Eliza-winder-h 33 Godwin St.
Eliza A.-h 128 Division St.
Elizabeth-widow of Peter-h 12 Jay St.
Ellen -widow of Jacob-h 30 Close St.
Fanny-widow of Garret M.-h 387 Main St.
Frank-baker-112 Broadway
George-clerk-h 101 Broadway
George E.-bookkeeper-h 95 Fair St.
George P.-h 143 Division St.
Hartman-farmer-h 101 Broadway
Hattie-h 270 Main St.
Helen-h 128 Division ST.
Hester A.-widow of Henry-h 392 Ellison St.
James -390 Ellison St.
James -driver-h 147 Ellison St.
James-driver-h 30 Close St.
John-h Rip Van Winkle St.
John G.-planer-h 62 Willis St.
John H.-clerk-285 Water St.
Lawrence A.-farmer-h 101 Broadway
Mary A.-h 124 Fair St.
Matilda-widow of John-h 88 Essex St.
M B -beltmaking- h 35 Clinton St.
Mnfg. Co.(Van Riper)-13 Van Houten St.
Paul-laborer-252 W. 26th St.
Peter-bricklayer-h 26th St. near 17th Ave.
Philip H.-grocer 73 Broadway-h 95 Fair St.
Rebecca-widow of George-h 19 High St.
Richard P.-bookkeeper-h 48 Benson St.
William-yardmaster-h 48 Division St.



VAN RIPER 1909 Paterson City Directory

VAN RIPER 1909 Paterson City Directory

Alfred J. -beds at 293 Main St.
Alfred J.-silk Mfr. (Congdon Mill),Van Houten St.near Cross St.
home 585 E. 29th St.
Alfred S. -holster-h 97 Hamilton Ave.
Anna-h 163 Godwin St.
Anthony B.-(Frost and Van Riper)202 Straight St.-
h 652 E. 26th. St.
Bethany T.-widow of Jacob-h 585 E. 29th St.
Carrie-clerk 210 Main St.-res. Fairfield
Catherine-widow of Albert-h 567 E. 18th St.
Catherine, Mrs.-dressmaker 91 Marion St.-h 91 Marion St. Charles C.-carpenter-bds 271 Hamilton Ave. Charles W.-mach.-beds 31 Hamburg Ave Charlotte-widow of Richard-h 263 12th St. Cornelius-h 189 Jackson St. Daniel-driver-h 22 Jefferson St. Edward F.-bds 336 Ellison St. Eliza -widow of George-h 31 Hamburgh Ave. Emily, Mrs.-h 231 Godwin St. Frederick G.-(P.H. Van Riper & Son.)73 Broadway- bds 336 Ellison St. George-clerk-h N. 6th St. George P-president and treas. Van Riper Mfg. Co. ,14 Van Houten St.
h 143 Hamilton St.
George S.-carpenter-h 12 Madison Ter.
Harriet-widow of Stephen-bds 3 Arch St.
Jasper-carpenter-h 91 Marion St.
Jennie-steno-bds 735 E 28th St.
Jesse-widow of Peter-h 735 E 28th ST.
John-molder-h 37 Matlock St.
John S. -bds 37 Matlock St.
Libbie .Mrs.-nurse-rooms 29 Armory Pl.
Lucy-bds 735 E. 28th St.
Marinus-lab-h 252 W. 26th St.
Mary-widow of Arthur,housekeeker-251 Temple St.
Matilda-widow of John-h 88 Essex St.
Meda M., Mrs.-110 E 17th. St.
Van Riper Mfr. Co. mill suplies,14 Van Houten St.
Mortimer L.-clerk-bds. 231 Godwin St.
Paul-watchman- h 252 W. 26th St.
Percy R.-h 316 Godwin St.
Philip H.-(P H Van Riper & Son,73 Broadway,h 336 Ellison St.
P H & Son (Philip and Frederick G. Van Riper)grocers 73 Broadway Sarah H. ,Mrs.-h 38 W. St. Sela-mason-h 464 E. 31st. St. Walter-bds 143 Hamilton Ave. Walter R.-dentist-h 57 Prince St. William B.-dentist 210 Main St.-h 210 Main St. William P.-foreman (614) 152 Market St.-bds 735 E. 28th St.



VAN RIPER–1885-86 Paterson ,NJ City Directory

VAN RIPER–1885-86 Paterson ,NJ City Directory

Abram-laborer-home 49 North Main St.
Adrian-baker-h 112 Broadway
Alfred-holster-h 29 Temple St.
Alfred J.-salesman-h 313 Van Houten St.
Allen-laborer-h 21 Godwin St.
Andrew-cook-h 12 Tyler St.
Anthony-h Burhans Lane near Carbon St.
Anthony-h 40 Elm St.
Bethany T.-widow of Jacob-h 333 Van Houten St.
Catherine-widow of Abram-h 48 Division St.
Catherine-widow of Marinus-h 29 Temple St.
Clarisa-widow of George-h 128 Division St. Cornelius-carpenter-h 84 Willis St. Cornelius-painter-h 12 Tyler St. Cornelius S.-physican-h 77 Fair St. Demarest-clerk-h 56 Redwoods Ave. D. Romain-artist-h 128 Division St. Eliza-widow of Stephen-h 38 Benson St Elisa A.-128 Division St. Elizabeth-widow of Peter-h 12 Jay St. Ellen-widow of Jacob-h 30 Close St. Emma-hemmer-h 19 High St. Fannie-h 387 Main St. Frank -baker-h 112 Broadway Frank-clerk-19 High St. George -clerk-101 Broadway George E.-clerk-h 95 Fair St. George P.-president-h 143 Divsion St. Hartman-farmer-h 101 Broadway Helen-h 128 Division St. James-h 390 Ellison St. James-teamster-h 30 Close St. John G.-planer-h 62 Willis St. John H.-grocer 72 Main St.-h 25 Jefferson St. Lucinda-h Burmans St. near Carbon St. Mortimer B.-beltmaker-h 39 Clinton St. Van Riper Mnfg. Co. ,13 Van Houten St. Paul -laborer-h 252 W. 26th St. Peter-mason-h E. 26th St., near 18th Ave. Philip H.-grocer ,73 Broadway-h 95 Fair St. Rebecca-widow of George-h 19 High St.
William-switchman- h 48 Division St.



Van Riper-1858-59 Newark,NJ,city directory

Van Riper-1858-59 Newark,NJ,city directory

Andrew M.-ship carpenter Second near R.R. Ave.
Anthony B.-blacksmith-13 Broad St.
——(colored)-3 Washington Alley
Jacob J.-carpenter 8 Cross St.
Jeramiah-shoemaker 18 West Kinney St.
John -shoe store 404 Broad St.-home 18 Cottage St.
John B.-carpenter-54 Bleeker St.
John J.-carpenter- 13 Broad St.
Mary-widow of Henry-18 West Kinney St.
Mary E.-widow of John-48 Laffayette St.
Peter-gas fitter Second near Railroad St.
William H.-shoestore 404 Broad St. -home 18 Cottage St.

The Pierson’s city directory did not always indicate
if the address after the name was place worked or
home address.




VAN RIPER-1886-87 Paterson NJ,city directory

VAN RIPER-1886-87 Paterson NJ,city directory

Adrian -baker-home 112 Broadway
Alfred-h 8 Jay St.
Alfred-holster-h 31 Divison St.
Alfred J.-silk E 18th St. near 11th Ave.-h-370 Ellison St.
Alfred S.-h 21 Broadway
Alfred S.-h 58 Benson St.
Allen-laborer-h 23 Godwin St.
Andrew-h 35 Bridge St.
Andrew-painter-h 12 Tyler St.
Andrew N.-finisher-h 491 Totowa Ave.
Anthony-h 40 Elm St.
Anthony-h Burhans Lane near Jefferson St.
Bethany T.-widow of Jacob J.-h 370 Ellison St.
Catharine-widow of Abram-h 48 Divison St.
Catharine-widow of Marinus-h 29 Temple St.
Clarissa-widow of George-h 128 Divison St.
Cornelius-carpenter-h 84 Willis St.
Cornelius-painter-h 144 Tyler St.
Cornelius S.-physician-77 Fair St.
D. Romain-artist-h 128 Divison St.
Eliza-widow of Stephen-h 33 Benson St.
Eiza-winder-63 Temple St.
Eliza A.-h 128 Divison St.
Elizabeth-widow of Peter-h 12 Jay St.
Ellen-widow of Jacob-h 30 Close St.
Fanny-widow of Garret M.-h387 Main St.
Frank-baker-h 112 Broadway
George-clerk-h 101 Broadway
George E.-bookkeeper-h 95 Fair St.
George P.-pres. -143 Divison St.
Hartman-farmer-h 101 Broadway
Hattie-h 306 Market St.
Helen-h 128 Division St.
Hester A.-widow of Henry-h 392 Ellison St.
James-390 Ellison
James-driver-h 147 Madison St.
James -driver-h 30 Close St.
John–108 Hamburgh Ave.
John G.-planer-h 62 Willis St.
John H.-clerk-h 25 Jefferson St.
Lawrence A.-farmer-h 101 Broadway
Mary A.-h 386 Ellison St.
Matilda -Widow of John-h 88 Essex St.
M. B. -beltmaker-h 39 Clinton St.
Van Riper Mnfg. Co. 13 Van Houten ST.
Paul-laborer-h 252 W. 26th St.
Peter- bricklayer-h E 26th St. near 17th Ave.
Philip H.-grocer 73 Broadway-h 95 Fair St.
Rebecca-widow of George-h 19 High St,
Richard B.-bookkeeper- h 48 Benson St.
William-yardmaster-h 48 Division St.



Van Riper-1915 Paterson N.J., city directory

Van Riper-1915 Paterson N.J., city directory

Alfred-beds 171 E 21st St.
Alfred J.-silk mfg.(Congdon Mill),Van Houten near Cross St.
home 585 E. 29th St.
Anna -beds 652 E. 26th St.(1)
Anthony B.-sec & treas, Frost & Van Riper Inc.,(308)152 Market St.
h 652 E. 26th St.(1)
Caroline-dressmaker-bds 394 E. 30th St.
Catherine-widow of Albert-h 567 E. 18th St.
Charles C.-beds 271 Hamilton Ave.
Charles K.-reporter-beds 652 E. 26th St.(1)
Charles W.-h 33 Hamburgh Ave.(2)
Cornelius -beds 147 Wayne Ave.
Daniel-porter-h 22 Jefferson St.
Donald K.-law student-beds 652 E. 26th St.(1)
Eleanor M.-widow of Henry-beds 336 Broaway
Eliza-widow of George-h 33 Hamburgh Ave.(2)
Emma-beds 652 E. 26th St.(1)
Frederick G.-(P.H. Van Riper & Son),73 Broadway-
beds 336 Ellison St.
George-clerk, E.R.R.-beds 20 Hamburgh Ave.(3)
George-motorman-h 55 N. 6th St.
George P.-pres. & treas. Van Riper Mfg. Co.,14 Van Houten St.-
h 143 Hamburgh Ave.
George S.-carpenter-h 12 Madison Ter.
Harold-electrician-h 63 Holsman St.
Hattie-widow of John-h 88 Essex St.(5)
Isabelle-nurse-beds 735 E. 28th St.(4)
Jane E.-widow of Hartman-h 101 Ward St.
Jennie-beds 735 E. 28th St.(4)
Jessie-widow of Peter-h 735 E. 28th St.(4)
John-molder-h 20 Hamburgh Ave.(3)
John S.-bds 20 Hamburgh Ave.(3)
Lawrence A.-real estate-h 101 Ward St.(6)
Lawrence A.,Jr.-clerk -beds 101 Ward St.(6)
Lucy-beds 735 E. 28th St.(4)
Marinus-lab-h 252 Dixon Ave.
Mary E.-widow of Adrian V.-h 394 E. 30th St.
Matilda-widow of John-h 88 Essex St.(5)
Mortimer L.-clerk-h 445 E. 29th St.
Paul-watchman-h 252 Dixon Ave.
Percy R.-clerk-h 229 Godwin St.
Philip H.-(Philip H. & Son)73 Broadway-h 336 Ellison St.
P.H. & Son (Philip H. and Frederick G. Van Riper)-grocers-
73 Broadway
Sarah H.,Mrs.-h 38 West St.
Seely-real estate,527 E. 31st St.-h 527 E. 31st St.
Van Riper Mfg. Co. ,mill supplies,14 Van Houten Ave.
Walter I.-belting Mfg. ,14 Van Houten St.- h 728 Market St.
Walter R.-dentist,116 -Broadway-h 57 Prince St.
William B.-dentist, 176 Market St.-h 727 E. 27th St.
William P.-beds 735 E. 28th St.(4)
W. Porter-bookkeeper-beds 101 Ward St.(6)

( ) with corresponding number. Notice the Van Ripers that lived
in the same house. Probably related.



Van Riper-1937 Paterson city directory

Van Riper-1937 Paterson city directory

A.H.,Jr.-pres. supt.,J.C. Akinson Inc. 460 Totowa Ave.-
home At Nutley,NJ.
Abraham Z.-died Dec. 20,1936-age 58.
Adrian B.-clerk PSE&G Co.-res. 712 E. 27th St.
Alfred S.-res. 301 Market St.
Alfred S.,Jr.-(Margaret M.) auto mech.-h 301 Market St.
Ann-student-res. 19 Ridge Ter.
Anna B.-widow of Selah-h 19 Ridge Ter.
Annie-widow of Seely,emp. WPA-h 75 Chatham Ave.
Carl S.-chauf’s helper-res 15 2nd Ave.
Caroline O.-dressmaker 455 E. 29th St.-h 455 E. 29th St.
Carrie-widow of Lawrence A.-h 101 Ward St.
Catherine A.-widow of Allen-395 Hamilton Ave.
Clifford- mgr. Beau Monde Hoisery Mills Inc. 508 Marshall St.-
h Lincoln Park,NJ
Daniel S.-244 Water St.
Edwin-paying teller, The Paterson National Bank ,152 Market St.-
h at Preakness(Wayne) NJ
Elizabeth-saleswomen,S S Kresge(5&10)-res 75 Chatham Ave.
Elsa A.-teacher ,Midland Park,NJ-res. 712 E. 27th St.
Eugene H.(Adele A.)-com. artist-h 15 2nd Ave.
Frank -paenter-res. 320 Vreeland Ave.
Fred-h 466 Broadway
George(Elizabeth)-res. 368 E.31st St.
George (Louise M.)-route salesman-55 N. 6th St.
Gertrude F.,Mrs.-waitress-h 33 Washington Ave.
Gertrude V.,Mrs.-reception clerk WPA-res 657 E. 26th St.
Gordon-brushworker-res 422 E. 18th St.
Harold H.(Lena M.)-utility man-h 27 William St.
Harry A.(Minnie)-electrician -h 31 N. 3rd St.
Helen A.-clerk, (705) 5 Colt St.-h at Preakness(Wayne) NJ
Jennie M.-h 729 E. 26th St.
John-soda clerk,238 Main St.-res inquire 238 Main St.
John S.-res. 250 17th Ave.
Katherine M.-res. 19 Ridge ter.
L. Matilda-widow of George P.-h 572 E. 25th St.
Lawrence A.,Jr.-(Van Riper Fabrics)116 Gray St.-h at Nutley,NJ.
Mabel-steno,107 19th Ave.-inquire 107 19th Ave.
Matilda L.-widow of George-res 631 E. 26th St.
Paul (Catherine)-lab-h 252 Dixon Ave.
Porter W. ( Hazel M.)-h 390 E. 42nd St.
Ruth-res 19 Ridge Ter.
Sarah-widow of John J.-res 250 17th Ave.
Theodore R.-moved to Florida.
Van Riper Mfg. Co.,office furinture,2 Broadway.
Van Riper Fabrics (Lawrence A. Van Riper,Jr.) broad silk mfg’s,
116 Gray St.
Walter R.-dentist,138 Market St.-h331 20th Ave.
William(Augusta)-h 380 E.35th St.
William B.(Anna D.)-dentist,17Church St.-h 712 E. 27th St.
William D.-student-res 712 E. 27th St.




VAN RIPER-The Acquackanonk Reformed Church Births

VAN RIPER-The Acquackanonk Reformed Church Births
(Passaic and Clifton NJ,areas).


Abraham-wife,Elizabeth Van Rype-child,John- born. Apr. 6,1753.
Abraham-w,Elizabeth Bradberry-c,Philip,b. Jan. 8,1755.
Abraham-w,Catrina Winnie-c,Lea-b.Oct. 3,1755.
Abraham-w,Catharina Van RypenVan Winkel-c,Helena,b.Apr. 20,1766.
Abraham-w,Doratie Van Rypen Westerveld-c,Tunis,b.July 22,1791.
Abraham-w,Doratie VR Westerveld-c,Johannes,b.Sept. 9,1794
Abraham-w,Doratie VR Westerveld-c,Elizabeth.b.June 4,1799.
Abraham-w,Tryntje Van Winkle-c,Joseph b.July 1,1815

Adrian-w,Rachel Koejeman-c,Cornelius-b.Oct.27,1765.
Adrian-w,Rachel Koejeman-c,Marretje-b.Feb.8,1768.
Adrian-w,Sarah Ackerman-c,Abraham-b.Sep. 17,1787.
Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,John-b.Feb 12,1793.
Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Hendrick-b.Sept. 8,1795.
Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Gerrit-b, Jan.25,1798.
Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Johannes-b.Aug. 6,1800.
Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c ,Johannis-b.May 8, 1802.
Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Uriah-b.Aug. 20,1804.
Adrian-w,Cathalyntje Spier-c,Catharina-b.Apr.8,1807.
Adrian-w-Cathaylntje Spier-c,Adrian-b.July 18,1810.
Adrian-w-Cathalyntje Spier-c,Jacob-b. May 10,1814.




Winfields ‘History of Hudson County,NJ’ -Continued (4/7)

Winfields ‘History of Hudson County,NJ’ -Continued-part four

Fifth Generation-Van Riper
Garrett had ch.
70. 1. Jurrie (89), b. July 20, 1769: m. 1st, Neeltje Van Horn
(17), Dec. 18, 1790; 2d, Aegie Diedricks, wid. of
Jacob Collard, Sept. 13, 1807; d. April 4, 1826.
71. 11. Joris, b. June 3, 1787; m. Clara Vreeland (172), July
23, 1814; removed to Saddle River; had ch. :1.
Jane, m. Garret Newkirk (51), Nov. 5, 1840:11.
Cornelius; 111. John ; 1V. George; V.Hartman ;
Eliza ; 1X. Clarissa, b. Oct. 4, 1840.
Daniel had ch.:
72. 1.Catlyntje, b. Sept. 2, 1762; m. Garret Van Ripen(60)
May 2, 1779; d. Nov. 14, 1833.
73. 11.Cornelius (91), b. May 23, 1767; m. 1st., Elizabeth
Vreeland (88); marriage bond dated Jan. 20, 1787:
2d, Vronwtje, dau. of Garrebrant Gerritsen, of
Slotterdam ; she d. Sept. 19, 1806; 3d, Aeltje Van
Horn (16), wid. of Michael Van Houten, May 31,
1807; d. Jan. 6, 1842.
74. 111.Derrick (99), b. Aug 28, 1772; m. Jenneke Vreeland
(100), Oct.-, 1792; d. July 3, 1851.

Garret had ch.:
75. 1. Margrietje, b. Oct. 10, 1775; d. July 26, 1776.
76. 11.Margrietje, b. Dec. 30, 1780; d. May 31, 1781.
77. 111.Catlyntje, b. Nov. 29, 1782; m. Helmich Van Hou-
ten, Dec. 7, 1799.
78. 1V. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1785; m. Daniel Van Ripen
(91) , Sept. 18, 1811; d. Sept. 18, 1852.
79. V. Margrietje, b. Oct. 30, 1788; m. Cornelius Van
Winkle (82), Aug. 16, 1807; d. Feb. 23, 1866.
80. V1. Annatje, b. July 12, 1794; m. John G. Van Horn
(24), Dec. 19, 1812; d. Dec. 6, 1872.
81. V11.Beelitje, b. Dec. 27, 1797; m. John Van Buskirk
(47), Nov. 20, 1814.

Alexander had h. :
82. 1. Christophel (110), m. Gertrude, dau. of John Van
Houten, Dec. 27, 1802; d. March 8, 1840, aet.60
yrs, 1 mo.; she d. Aug. 8, 1860.
83. 11. Aeltje, m. John E. Smith, March 27, 1811; d. Oct. 5,
84. 111. Adriana, m. Phillip R. Earle, March 6, 1812.
85. 1V. Garret (120) m. Hannah Evans, May 28, 1817; she d.
Oct. 9, 1824
86. V. Thomas, m. Rachel Van Winkle, of Aquackanonck:
d. June 1, 1849, aet. 69 years.
87. V1.John, d. Sept. 3, 1836,unm.

Jurrie had ch.:
88. 1. Simeon, b. Dec. 2, 1789; 11. Nicholas, b. Jan. 27, 1792:
111. Stephen, b. July 20, 1793; 1V. Antje, b. Jan. 26,


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1900 Van Riper census, Oklahoma

Federal Census
Kay County
T623-roll 1338
district 95
page 137b, sheet 3, image 6, June 5

Charley Van Riper-26-M-W-head-day laborer-single-
b.Nov.1861 Iowa-Fa.b.Indiana-Mo.b.Pa..



1900 Van Riper Census, Georgia

Federal Census
Sumter County
Americus , ward 3
789 G.M.(Georgia Malitia)
T623-roll 221
district 64
page 180b, sheet 11, image 20, June 6
803 (can’t read street name)

Henry Van Riper-53-M-W-head-Photographer-married 16 yrs..
b.Aug.1847 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Julia Van Riper-37-F-W-wife-married 16 yrs..-4 children,3 living
b.Sept.1863 Ga..-Fa.b.Ga..-Mob.Ga..
Willie Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.Feb.1887 Ga..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ga..
Josephine Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school-b.April 1891Ga..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ga..
Dan Van Riper-7-M-W-son-at school-b.July1893 Ga..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ga..
Sumter County
Americus , ward 4
789 G.M.(Georgia Malitia)
T623-roll 221
district 65
page 219b, sheet 8, image 16, June 6
816 Church Street

George Van Riper-46-M-W-head-locomotive engineer -married less then 1 yr..–
b.Dec.1853 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Marnie Van Riper-22-F-W-wife-no children-b.Sept.1877 Ga..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ga..
Mary Van Riper-76-F-W-mother-widow-5 children,3 living-Jan.1824 N.Y..-Fa. b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Hugh Bryant-13-M-W-brother in law-at school-b.Sept.1886 Ga..-Fa.b.Ga..-Mo.b.Ga..
Ralph H. Bryant-10-M-W-brother in law-at school-b.July b.1889 Ga..-Fa.b.Ga..-Mo.b.Ga..
Chas. Van Riper-43-M-W-brother-Laborer R.R.-b.1887 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..



1870 Van Riper census,Onondaga County,N.Y.

New York State
Onondaga County
M593-roll 1061
P.O. Fayettville
page 588a, sheet 29, image 29, July 23
William Van Riper-44-M-W-cooper-$250-b.N.Y..
Zilphia Van Riper-40-F-W-keeps house-N.Y..
Eliza Van Riper-18-F-W-teaches school-b.N.Y..
Laura Van Riper-16-F-W-b.N.Y..
P.O. Cardiff
page 303a, sheet 37, image 37, June 20

Stephen Notaling-67-M-W-farmer-$4,500-$700-b.N.Y..
Polly Notaling-62-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y..
Maryette Hine-41-F-W-house keeping-b.N.Y..
Adell Hine-20-F-W-School Teacher-b.N.Y..
Maybell Hine-F-W-15-b.N.Y..
Eliza Van Riper-18-F-W-school teacher-b.N.Y..
George Elson-21-M-W-farm laborer-b.N.Y..



1870 Van Riper census,Hoboken,Hudson Co.,N.J..

Hudson County
New Jersey
2nd ward, Hoboken
P.O. Hoboken
p103b, sheet 78, image 78, June 28
337-42 (four family house)
John Vanboskirk-50-M-W-carpenter-$500-b.N.J..
Mary Vanboskirk-30-F-W-keeps house-b.N.J..
Fanny Van Riper-12-F-W-at school-b.Prussia
Ann Hine-39-F-W-keeps house-b.Prussia
3rd ward, Hoboken
P.O. Hoboken
p123a, sheet 25, image 25, July 7

Corn. Van Riper-63-M-W-watchman-$300-b.N.J..
John Van Riper-14-M-W-office boy-b.N.J..
Otto Van Riper-10-M-W-at school-b.N.J..
Mary Van Riper-7-F-W-at school-b.N.J..



Old Nutley, Nutley, N.J.

Landholders before the Revolution – There is tradition that before the Revolution the river front had been divided among at least five proprietors, a Van Riper, Vreeland, Speer, Joralemon and King. …

Old Stone Houses – … The Van Riper House, also on the Passaic, is a rambling old homestead of different periods of construction. It has long been known as Four Maples, from the great trees on its front slope. The original part, which has been torn down, was at the north end, and is believed to have been built before the end of the 17th century by one Bradbury, and Englishman. The house is constructed of dressed stone and is in an excellent state of preservation. The Van Riper House also has as tablet in the rear upon which is inscribed

I L V R Pr
May 1th

The name of Van Riper (also spelled Van Reiper, Van Reyper, Van Ryper, Van Ripen, Van Reypen and Van Reipen) is derived from the town of Ripen, in Jutland, Denmark, from which came the ancestor of the family of this vicinity, Juriaen Tomassen. With thirteen others he received the Acquackanonck Patent of 1684. His grandson was Abraham, born in 1716, who married Elizabeth Bradbury, of the stone house by the Passaic. John Abraham, their son, was born in 1753, and married Leah Winne in 1776, and came to live in the old stone house. Their initials are those of the tablet which is said to belong to the largest addition to the original Bradbury house. Some years ago a silver spoon was found in the garden marked “Letche Van Riper.”

Source: History of Nutley by Elizabeth Stow Brown,
The Woman’s Public School Auxiliary, 1907

For more information, write to

(Donations & sweat-equity, new members welcome)
Van Riper House Historic Trust
PO Box 110031
Nutley NJ 07110

The Van Riper Historic Restoration Trust of Nutley
A non-profit volunteer organization formed in 1994 for the purpose of saving, restoring and preserving the historic Van Riper House on River Road in Nutley




1900 Van Riper census, Michigan, Oakland County

Charles H. Van Riper-30-head-cigar manufacturer-married 7yrs.-
b.Dec.1869 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Catherine Van Riper-29- wife-married 7yrs.-2 children-2 living-
b.June 1870 Kentucky-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Swizterland
Ethelyn R Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-at school-b.June 1894 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Ky
Charles D. W. Van Riper-3-M-W-son-b.Mar.1897-Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Ky
Oakland County
Pontiac Township
ward 1, Pontiac
T623-roll 735
district 97
page 136b, sheet 12, image 24, June 15
17 Brush Street

Charles W. Van Riper-21-M-W-head-carriage painter-married this year-
b.Feb.1879 Mi.-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.N.J..
Minnie E. Van Riper-19-F-W-wife-married this year-no children-
b.Feb.1881 Mi..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Mi..
Oakland County
ward 3, Pontiac City
T623-roll 735
district 99
page 169b, sheet 12, image 24, June 15
131 Howard Street

Edmond J. Van Riper-50-M-W-head-car repair-married-30yrs.-
b.Nov.1849 Pa.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Catharine Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-10 children-6 living-
b.Mar.1852 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
William E. Van Riper-23-M-W-son-barber-single-b.Feb.1877 Mi.-.Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.N.J..
Lucy E. Van Riper-16-F-W-daughter-single-b.June 1884 Mi.-.Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.N.J..
Harry L. Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-b.Sept.1892 Mi.-.Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.N.J..
Oakland County
Orion Township
Orion Village
T623-roll 735
district 95
page 103a, sheet 16, image 31, June 25

Peter Van Riper-64-M-W-head-farmer-single-b.Dec.1836 Mi..-Fa-b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Haville Van Riper-54-M-W-brother-day laboer-single-b.June 1845-Mi..-Fa-b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Julia Van Riper-54-F-W-single-b.Dec.1845 sister-Mi..-Fa-b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
George Van Riper-69-M-W- brother-farm laborer-single-b.May 1831Mi..-Fa-b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Oakland County
Orion Township
Orion Village
T623-roll 735
district 95
page 102a, sheet 15, image 29, June 22

Ralph A. Clark-48-M-W-head-farmer-single-b.July 1851Mi..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.England
William Van Riper-72-M-W-boarder-painter-single-b.Sept.28 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..



1860 Van Riper census,Livingston Co.,New York State

New York State
Livingston County
Nunda, Livingston County
P.O. Nunda
M653-roll 779
page- 981, sheet 47, image 47, June 2
Cornelius Van Riper-39-M-W- R.R.agent-$600-$300-b.N.J..
Susan Van Riper-40-F-W-b.N.Y..
Sarah Van Riper-62-F-W-b.N.J..
Mary Gillan-18-F-W-b.N.Y..
Ossian, Livingston County
P.O. Ossian
M653-roll 779
page 916, sheet 14, image 14, July 22

Isaac Van Riper-59-M-W- b.N.Y..
Julia Ann Van Riper-47-F-W-b.N.Y..
Harriet Van Riper-22-F-W-b.N.Y..
Margarite Van Riper-19-F-W-b.N.Y..
Mary E. Van Riper-17-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
J. S. Gould-44-F-W-farmer-$8,825-$10,598-b.N.Y..
Livonia, Livingston County
P.O. Livonia
M653-roll 799
page- 733, sheet 53, image 53, Aug. 21

Seth Van Riper-24-M-W-blacksmith-$600-b.N.Y..
David Stamp-26-M-W-blacksmith-b.N.Y..



1860 Van Riper census,Queens County,New York

New York State
Queens County

M653-roll 843, P.O. Astoria
page 495, sheet 21, image 21, June 7

John Van Riper-31-M-W-sail maker-$500-b.N.Y..
Emeline Van Riper-28-F-W-b.N.Y..
Charles Van Riper-15-M-W-b.N.Y..
William Van Riper-12-M-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-10-F-W-b.N.Y..
James Van Riper-6-M-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Mckeever-19-F-W-servant-b.Ireland
Sarah Hustis-15-F-W-servant-b.N.Y..
M653-roll 843, P.O. Astoria
page 640, sheet 166, image 166, June 27

Danl. C. Grinnell-30-M-W-hotel-$1,000,000-$1,000-b.N.Y..
($1,000,000 is property and $1,000 is personal.)
($1,000,000 in 1860 would cost $19,552,868.34 in 2003) Hennetta Grinnell-25-F-W-b.N.Y..
Grace E. Grinnell-3-F-W-b.N.Y..
Peronche Grinnell-2-F-W-b.N.Y..
Joseph A. Grinnell-40-M-W-hotel-b.N.Y..
Margaret Grinnell-35-F-W-b.N.Y..
Dwett Grinnell-10-M-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Hopkins-25-F-W-servant-b.Ireland
Hannah Scank-24-F-W-servant-Germany
Abm. Fox-26-M-W-ostler (hostler,takes care of horses)b.Germany William Fox-18-M-W-ostler-b.Germany Peter Buck-16-M-W-ostler-b.England James Van Riper-19-M-W-ostler-b.N.Y..
Jacob Van Riper-21-M-W-ostler-b.N.Y..
Wood Eddy-17-M-W-ostler-b.N.Y..

M653-roll 843, P.O. Astoria
page 718, sheet 244, image, July 15

Chs. Van Riper-41-M-W-miller-$800-$200-b.N.Y..
Susan Van Riper-40-F-W-b.N.Y..
William Van Riper-18-M-W-b.N.Y..
James Van Riper-16-M-W-b.N.Y..
John Van Riper-14-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Charles Van Riper-12-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-10-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Sarah Van Riper-6-F-W-b.N.Y..



1870 Van Riper census,Michigan, Monroe County

Monroe County
Berlin Twp.
M593-roll 691
P.O. Monroe City
page 222a, sheet 45, image 45, June 15
Jacob Van Riper-29-M-W-painter-$500-$200-b.Michigan
Catharine Van Riper 27-F-W-b.N.J..
Mary Van Riper-8-F-W-at school-b.Michigan
Julia Van Riper-3-F-W-b.Michigan
Nancy Van Riper-9mths.-F-W-b.Aug. Michigan
Berlin Twp.
M593-roll 691
P.O. Monroe City
page 222b, sheet 46, image 46, June 15

Michael Tures-33-M-W-farmer-b.N.J..
Sally Tures-27-F-W-keeps house-b.Michigan
James Tures-4-M-W-b.Michigan
Mary Tures-1-F-W-b.Michigan
Nancy Van Riper-59-F-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Broughton-16-F-W-domestic servant-b.Michigan




1870 Van Riper census,Queens Co.,N.Y.

Van Riper
New York State
Queens County
M593-roll 1079
P.O. Bayside
page 254a, sheet 11, image 11,
677-887 (three family house)
Chris Van Riper-39-M-W-R.R. Engineer-b.N.Y..
Sarah Van Riper-25-F-W-b.N.Y..
Allice Van Riper-3-F-W-b.N.Y..
Elizabeth Van Riper-1-F-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Sauir-6-F-W-b.N.Y..
Newtown, L.I.
M593-roll 1080
P.O. Newton
page 10b, sheet 20, image 20, June 11

Isaac Van Riper-38-M-W-plasterer-$8,700-$1,000-b.N.Y..
Deborah Van Riper-38-F-W-keeps house-b.N.J..
Frances G. Van Riper-14-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
George F. Van Riper-12-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Alice Van Riper-8-F-W-b.N.Y..
Laura Van Riper-5-F-W-b.N.Y..
Edwin Van Riper-3-M-W-b.N.J..
Newtown, L.I.
M593-roll 1080
page 35b, sheet 70, image 70, June 22

Ebbert Fleet-33-M-W-carpenter-$5,000-$300-b.N.Y..
Josephine Fleet-31-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y..
Aritta Fleet-8-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Alice Fleet-5-F-W-b.N.Y..
John Van Riper-30-M-W-plasterer-$3,000-$200-b.N.Y..
Sarah L. Van Riper-25-F-W-keeps house-b.N.J..
Ellwood Van Riper-1-M-W-b.N.Y..



1880 Van Reiper census,Hoboken,Jersey City,Hudson Co.,N.J.

1880 (Some Van Riper combinations)
New Jersey
Hudson County
T9-roll 786
district 46
page 140a, sheet 21, image 21, June 9
Garden Street

Corneilus Van Reiper-47-M-W-head-weigher-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
May Van Reiper-46-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Fanny Birdsall-23-F-W-daughter-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.England
Charles Birdsall-22-M-W-son in law-ticket agent-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Florence Birdsall-1-F-W-grand daughter-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jersey City
T9-roll 783
district 25
page 180b, sheet 78, image 78, June 28
675 Summit Avenue

David Van Reiper-56-M-W-head-engineer-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah Van Reiper-54-F-W-keeps house-married-b.Conn..-Fa.b.Conn..-Mo.b.Conn..
Annie Van Reiper-23-F-W-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Conn..
Jersey City
T9-roll 784
district 32
page 422a, sheet 17, image 17, June 9
130 Vroom Street

Henry Van Reiper-39-M-W-head-mail contractor-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J..
Josephine Van Reiper-37-F-W-wife-keeps house-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J..
James Van Reiper-17-M-W-son-works in tobacco factory-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J..
Agnes Queen-20-F-W-servant-house work-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
John Goodsell-45-M-W-boarder-mail carrier-divorced or widow-b.Isle of Wright-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.Engalnd
Jersey City
T9-roll 784
district 32
page 443d, sheet , image , June 21
60 Bergen Avenue

Abraham Speer-66-M-W-head-undertaker-married-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Sarah Speer-54-F-W-2nd wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jane Van Reiper32-F-W-step daughter-millinery-single-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Fannie Van Reiper-22-F-W- step daughter-school teacher-single-
Eliza Strelet-40-F-W-servant-single-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Rich. Hanralan-35-M-W-coachman-single-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jersey City
T9-roll 784
district 32
page 447c, sheet 67, image 67, June 23
223 Fairmont Ave.

Jacob J. Van Reiper-57-M-W-head-fireman-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Eliza J. Van Reiper-43-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary F. Van Reiper-20-daughter-works in telephone office-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
T9-roll 786
district 45
page 166a, sheet 42, image 45, June 8-9
77 Washington Street

86-231 (seven family building)
William H. Van Reiper-40-M-W-head-ferryman-married-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.J..
Mary Van Reiper-40-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.J..Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Robert Henry-38-M-W-boarder-keeper of jail-single-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland



1880 census,NY State,Erie,Livingston,Madison,Chili, Counties

VAN RIPER -census
Erie County
Village of East Aurora
T9-roll 826
district 79
page 86b, sheet 26, image 26, June 17

Jane Maiers-60-F-W-head-keeps house-divorced or widow-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Alice Caleb-28-F-W-daughter-boarder-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Francis Van Riper-25-F-W-daughter-boarder-married during census-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Jones Caleb-29-M-W-son in law-boarder-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Jeremiah Van Riper-32-M-W- Son-in-law-boarder-married during census-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Thomas Maiers-23-M-W-son-clerk in store-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Livingston County
Nunda Village
T9-roll 859
district 34
page 308d, sheet 8, image 8, June 1

Martha Robinson-48-F-W-head-keeps house-b.Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
William Robinson-21-M-W-son-at school-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Henry Robinson-19-M-W-son-works in meat market-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
John Robinson-15-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Frank Robinson-11-M-W-son-at school-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
John S. Van Riper-60-M-W-boarder-works in cooper shop-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Pa..-Mo.b.Pa..
Livingston County
T9-roll 859
district 36
page 345a, sheet 5, image 5, June 3-4

Isaac Van Riper-78-M-W-head-farmer-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Julia Van Riper-67-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland
Alice M.-McCarthy-9-F-W-granddaughter-at school-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Madison County
T9-roll 860
district 51
page 77c, sheet 7, image 1, June 5

Wm.Van Riper-54-M-W-head- cooper-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Zilpha Van riper-50-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.Conn..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Matilda Moss-71-F-W-mother in law-divorced or widow- b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Monroe County
T9-roll 861
district 44
page 47c, sheet 15, image 15, June 5

John Van Riper-55-M-W-head-farmer-married-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Elizebeth Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.Mi..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Mi..
Anna Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-at school-b.Mi..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Mi..



1900 Van Riper Census , Beleville, Essex Co., N.J..

Van Riper census
Essex County
New Jersey
BELLEVILLE (also refered to as Second River)
Belleville Town
Loho (3) district
roll T623-969
district 192
page 125a,sheet 4,image 7,June 5
Garden Ave.

Peter W. Van Riper-72-M-W-head-farmer-married 39yrs.-
b.Sept.1827 N.J..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Pa..
Hanna Van Riper-71-F-W-wife-married 39yrs.-1 child, 0 living-
Mar.1829 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Belleville Town
roll T623-969
district 190
page 80b,sheet 6,image 12,June 6-7
Main Street

Ellen Vreeland-66-F-W-head-single-
b.Sept.1833 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Cornelius Van Riper-78-M-W-uncle-widow-carpenter-
b.May1822 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Belleville Town
roll T623-969
district 191
page 117a,sheet 20,image 39,June 21
54 Washington Ave.

321-398 (two family house)
Peter Van Riper-48-M-W-head-wire weaver-married 15yrs.-
b.July 1851 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..Mo.b.N.J..
Mary A. Van Riper-38-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
b.Feb.1862 England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Alfred Van Riper-11-M-W-son-at school-
b.Dec.1888 Massachusetts-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.England
Addie Van Riper-9-F-W-daughter-at school
b.May 1890 Massachusetts-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.England
Belleville Town
roll T623-969
district 191
page 119a,sheet 22,image 43,June 25
172 Holmes Street

Charles Van Riper-33-M-W-head-brass worker-married 8yrs.-
b.Dec.1867 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Agnes Vanriper-28-F-W-wife-married 8yrs.-0 children-
b.April1872 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
(Charles-was the son of Garrabrant and Sarah Van Riper)
Belleville Town
roll T623-969
district 191
page 119a,sheet 22,image 43,June 25
172 Holmes Street


George Van Riper-66-M-W-head-jewler-married 6 yrs.-
b.Sept. 1833 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-55-F-W-wife-married 6yrs, 0 children
b.Mar.1865 Scotland- Fa.b.Scotland-Mo.b.Scotland
Belleville Town
roll T623-969
district 191
page 119a,sheet 22,image 43,June 25
172 Holmes Street

??? Van Riper-44-M-W-head-carpenter-married-17yrs-
b.April 1855 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-40-F-W-married 17yrs.-1child,0 living-
b.May 1860 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J.-Mo.b.N.J..
Belleville Town
roll T623-969
district 191
page 119b,sheet 22,image 44,June 25
174 Holmes Street

Talmage Van Riper-39-M-W-head-jewler-married 15yrs.-
b.Aug.1860 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Jennie Van Riper-36-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
b.June 1863 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Norma Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.April 1889 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Adalaide Van Riper-2-F-W-daughter-b.Dec.1897 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
(Talmage-was the son of Garrabrant and Sarah Van Riper)
Belleville Town
roll T623-969
district 191
page 12b,sheet 23,image 46,June 26
Washington Street

Edwin J. Van Reyper-40-M-W-head-florist salesman-married 15yrs.-
b.June 1859 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Annie E. Van Reyper-35-F-W-wife-married 15yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
b.Nov.1854 N.J.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Florence E. Van Reyper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
(Edwin was the son of John V.H. and Margret A. Van Reyper)

(My Father, Raymond Van Riper; his Father George and
Grandfather Adrian spelled their last name Van Reyper.
I don’t know how or why it was changed to Van Riper )
Jan. 23, 2006



1900 Van Riper census, Missouri

Federal Census
Newton County
Neosho Township
Neosho City, ward 2
T623-roll 878
district 109
page 178a, sheet 19, image 37, June 15
McCord Street

Charles Van Riper-74-M-W-machinist-married 46yrs.
b.May1826 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mary C. Van Riper-68-F-W-wife-married 46yrs.-3 children, 2 living-
b.May 1832-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Esther Rudy-36-F-W-daughter-divorced-2 children, 2 living-
b.Nov. Iowa-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Van Riper Rudy-13-M-W-grandson-at school-b.Nov.1886 Missouri-Fa.b.Illinois,Mo.b.Iowa
Agnes Rudy-12-F-W-granddaughter-at school-b. Mar.Missouri-Fa.b.Illinois,Mo.b.Iowa
Found Van Riper Rudy married for 4 years in 1910 census with 2 children.
Also was inducted in WW1 May 1917.
St. Louis County
St Louis, ward 18
T623-roll 896
district 270
page 126a, sheet 1, image 1, June 1
1112 Madison Avenue

4-6 (two familiy house)
John Van Riper-38-M-W-head-contractor-married 17yrs.-
b.Nov.1861 Ohio-Fa.b.Ohio-Mo.b.Ohio
Ella Van Riper-39-F-W-wife-married 17yrs.-3 children, 1 living-
b.Jan.1861 Ohio-Fa.b.Ohio-Mo.b.Ohio
Nadie B. Van Riper-5-F-W-daughter-b.b.Mar.1895 Missouri-Fa.b.Ohio-Mo.b.Ohio
Cass County
Grand River Township
Harrisonville City
T623-roll 846
district 33
page 104b, sheet 5, image 10, June 6
East Pearl Street

Charles Van Riper-36-M-W-head-buss and transfer line-married this past year-
b.April 1864 Illinios-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.Vt..
Cora B. Van Riper-30-F-W-wife-married this past year-no children-
b.Nov.1869 Missouri-Fa.b.Kentucky-Mo.b.Virginia
Aurora Township
Aurora City, ward 2
T623-roll 870
district 72
page 27a, sheet 11, image 21, June 7

George Van Riper-64-M-W-head-Supt.-married 41yrs.-
b.April 1836 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Perthina S. Van Riper-60-F-W-wife-married 41yrs.-3 children, 3 living-
b.May 1840 N.Y.-Fa.b.Ma..-Mo.b.N.H..
Oma Abbey-21-F-W-servant-b.Oct.1878 Missouri-Fa.b.Illinois-Mo.b.Illinois
Sadalia Township
Sedalia, ward 4
T623-roll 881
district 114
page 287a, sheet 15, image 29, June 11
415 West Broadway

John J. Van Riper-37-M-W-head-banker-married 14yrs.
b.Fa.1863 Mi..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Anna M. Van Riper-35-F-W-wife-married 14yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
b.May 1865 Illinois-Fa.b.Virgina-Mo.b.Virgina
Walker Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.Mar.1887 Missouri-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Ill..
Leah M. Van Riper-11-F-W-daughter-at school-b.June 1889 Missouri-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Ill..
John C. Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-b.Dec.1890 Missouri-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Ill..
George Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-b.May 1892 Missouri-Fa.b.Mi..-Mo.b.Ill..
Saphire Williams-45-F-B-servant-b.June 1855 Missouri-Fa.b.Missouri-Mo.b. Missouri
Jasper County
Joplin Township
Webb, ward 1
T623-roll 866
district 49
page 190b, sheet 4, image 8, June 4-5
Webb Street

Frank Van Riper-51-M-W-head-hack driver-married 10yrs.-



Van Riper 1910 census, Alabama

Federal Census
Houston County
Dothan City, ward 3
Roll T624-16
district 137
page 102b, sheet 23, image 46, April 28
487 East Main St.

421-443 (two family house)
J. (John) P. Van Riper-49-M-W-head-master construction-married 25yrs.-
b.New Hampshire-Fa.b.N.H..-Mo. b.N.H..
(1900 says b. Ohio-Fa.b.Ohio-Mo.b.Ohio
Ella Van Riper-50-F-W-wife-married 25ys.-4 children, 1 living-
Nadia Van Riper-15-F-W-daugther-
Jefferson County
Birmingham, ward 4
Roll T624-18
district 51
page 36a, sheet 36, image 70, May 10
West 22 Street

Christopher Van Riper-29-M-head-clerk-married 7yrs.-
Ida Van Riper-27-F-W-wife-married 7yrs.-1 child, 1 living-
Grover Van Riper-6-M-W-son-
Mobile County
Mobile City, ward 7
Roll T624-27
district 99
page 2b, sheet 2, image 4, June 16
St. Francis Street

13-16 (three family house)
G. H. Van Riper-30-M-W-head-musical machinist-married 2yrs.-
G. H. Van Riper-26-F-W-wife-married 2yrs.-1 child,1 living-
G. Van Riper-1month-F-W-daughter-
B. Watson-22-F-W-lodger-single-
April 25, 2007



1860 Van Riper Census, Missouri

BATES County, Deer Creek Twp.
page 209, sheet 161, Aug. 8
M653-roll 607

J. Van Riper-35-M-W-farmer-b.Illinois
Susan Van Riper-30-F-W-b.Vermont
(Susans maiden name probably Rutherford)
Mary E. Van Riper-13-F-W-b.Illinois
Susan Van Riper-8-F-W-b.Illinois
Emila Van Riper-6-F-W-b. Illinois
Franklin Van Riper-3-M-W-b.Illinois
CARONDELET County, St. Louis
page 593, sheet 50, June 15
M653-roll 656

John A. Van Riper-22-M-W-carpenter-b. Conn..
(with many other names not related.)
CASS County, Harrisonville
page 851, sheet 155, Aug. 25
M653-roll 612

J.C. Van Riper-27-M-W-carpenter-$200-b.N.J..
Caroline Van Riper-28-F-W-b/.N.J..
Elenor Van Riper-8-F-W-at school-N.J..
Ida Kate Van Riper-3-F-W-b.ILL..
Lilla Van Riper-7mths-F-W-b.Mo..
A. Van Riper-24-M-W-bricklayer-$100-b.N.J..
Getty A. Van Riper-31-F-W-b.N.J.
Kate Van Riper-8-F-W-at school-b.N.J..
Della Van Riper-3-F-W-b.ILL..
Elizabeth Van Riper-6mths.-F-W-b.Mo..



VAN REYPEN, William Knickerbocker

from-the 1919 book “Who’s Who”

VAN REYPEN, William Knickerbocker,*
medical dir. U.S.N.; b. Bergen, N.J., Nov. 14,
1840; s. Cornelius C. and Christina Cantine
(Van Alen) V.; A. B., New york U., 1858, A,M.,
1863; M. D., Univ. Med. Coll. ( New York U. ),
1862; m. Nellie C. Wells, Sept. 21, 1876. Apptd.
from N.J. asst. surgeon U.S.N., Dec. 26, 1861;
passed asst. surgeon, May 26, 1865; surgeon,
May 12, 1868; med. insp., Aug. 16, 1887; med.
dir., Mar. 30, 1895. Served at the naval hosp.,
New York, 1862; on St. Lawrence, East Gulf
Blockading Squardron, 1863-4; naval hosp.,Chel-
sea, Mass., 1865, 1869-70; Lenapee, 1865-7; Ticon
deroga and Frolic, 1867-9; naval hosps., Nor-
folk, 1870-1, Annapolis, 1871-2, New York, 1874-
7; on Iroquois, 1872-4; Alaska, 1878-80; at Navy
Yard Norfolk, 1880; naval hospital, Brooklyn,
1881-3; Powhatan , 1883-4; asst. chief Bur. of
Medicine and Surgery, 1884-92 : fleet surgeon
Pacific Fleet, 1892-4 ; mem. Bd. of Inspection
and survey, 1894-7; during Spanish-Am. War
designed and fitted out the ambulance ship
Solace, the first ever used in naval warfare;
surgeon-gen. U. S. N. and chief of Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery, with rank of commo-
dore, 1897-9, with rank of rear-admiral, 1899-
1902; retired on own application after 40 yrs.’
service , with the rank of sr. rear-admiral,
Jan. 25, 1902. Del. representing U.S.N. at 12th
Internat. Med. Congress , Moscow, 1887; del.
Red Cross Conf., St. Petersburg, 1902; pres.
Am. Nat. Red Cross, 1904-5 (chmn. Central Com.
since 1905). Home: 1021 15th St. , N.W., Wash-
ington D.C.
*William K. was the son of Cornelius C. and
Christina C. Van Alen.( Ancestry can be traced
back in Winfields “The History of Hudson County”.



William Nelson (History of Paterson & Passaic, 1901) 2/6

Page 158a

hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give and dispose thereof as 
follows,  FIRST it is my will that all my just debts and funeral expenses 
be well and truly paid and discharged by all my children hereinafter 
named and that each of my children shall pay thair equal seventh part 
thereof.  ITEM I give to my son Garrit my biggest gun for his birth 
right ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Cornelius all that certain 
piece or part of my lot of Land I now dwell upon that is to say begin- 
ning at Passaick River from thence westerly with the full breadth of my 
said lot to a certain ditch together with all the buildings and privileges 
thereunto belonging which I give to my said son Cornelus his heirs and 
assigns forever.  ITEM I give and bequeath to my son Jacob and to 
his heirs and assigns forever all that piece or part of my said Lot of land 
to wit beginning at the aforesaid ditch which is to the westward of my 
hay barriks and from thence running westerly with the full breadth of my 
said lot until it comes to an apple tree standing near or at the drift road 
on the west side of said Jacobs Hay Barrick and the remainder of my 
said lot of land and my share in the School house and in the land there- 
unto belonging.  I do give and bequeath to my said to sons Cornelus 
and Jacob and to their heirs and assigns forever to be equally divided 
between them in such a manner as will be most convenient for each of 
them.  ITEM I give and bequeath to my daughter Leuya all my house- 
hold furniture also two milk cows and three sheep.  ITEM I give to my 
daughter Catriena one milk cow ITEM I give to my said son Comelus 
all my blacksmiths tools and it is my will that all the remainder of my 
moveable estate shall be equally divided between all my children namely 
Gerret, Conrelus Adriaen, Jacob and my daughters Catriena and An- 
naatye share and share alike and. further it is my will that my said son 
Cornelus shall furnish my grandson Cornelus (eldest son of my son John 
dec’d) with a good set of blacksmiths tools that is to say when my said 
grandson Cornelus shall attain the age of twenty one years, and further 
it is my Will and order that my son Cornelus shall pay the sum of sev- 
enty five pounds current money of New York that is to say the sum of 
fifteen pounds to my son Garrit and the sum of fifteen pounds to my son 
Adriaen and the sum of fifteen pounds to my daughter Lecya and the 
sum of fifteen pounds to my daughter Catriena and the sum of fifteen 
pounds to my daughter Annaatye or to their heirs or assigns and that at 
or before the expiration of ten years after my decease, it is also my 
Will and order that my said son Jacob shall pay the sum of seventy five 
pounds current money of New York to my sons Garrit and Adrean and 
my said daughter Lecya, Catriena, Annaatye and to each of them their 
heirs or assigns the sum of fifteen pounds at the expiration of ten 
years after my decease, and I do nominate and appoint my two sons 
Garrit and Comelus executors of this my last will and testament and 
do hereby revoke and disannul all former Wills by me made confirming 
this to be my last will and testament. In Witness Whereof the said Cor- 
nelus Aeltse have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first 
above written. 
                                    Comelus Aeltse.     (SEAL).

III. Martje,  m.  Peter Adolf, both of Acquackanonk, 
May 6, 1727. She was called Martje Aeltse. 
IV. Annetje, bap. at Bergen, May l, 1696; m. Peter 
Gerritse, widower, June 22, 1733. 
V. Rachel, m. Barend van Hoorn, both being of Ac- 
quackanonk, Nov. 17, 1727.  Issue: l. Aeltje, b. Sept. 19, 
1728, at Wesel ; m. Johannes Ruthan, Dec. 26, 1746; he was 
b. at Rosendale; at the time of his marriage he lived in Ber- 
gen county, and she lived at Wyckoff*; 2. Dirck, b. Feb. 20, 
1730; 3. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18, 1731. 
VI. Lea, m. Elias Vreeland.  Ch., Gerret, b. Feb. 5, 
Jan-Juriaen Thomasse and Neeltje Gerabrantse had child- 
I. Jurie, b. Jan.22, 1703; m. Helena Van Houten, 
b. at Acquackanonck, Oct. 19, 1738. He was called Jurie 
Janze Van Rype—-Jurie son of Jan. Some of his descend- 
ants took the name Jurianse or Yereance, and others Aury- 

Page 158b

II.  Marritje, b. March 16, I706. 
III. Mettie (Metje), b. July 22,1711; m. John Vreeland. 
IV. Gerrebrant, b. at New Barbadoes Neck, June l, 
1719; m. Fytje Van Vorst (b. at New Barbadoes Neck), 
Jan. 6, 1742.  He was called Garbrant Jurriyaansen in the 
marriage record.

Harmen-Juriaen Thomasse had children: 
By his first wife, Marietje Frerikse:

1.  Jurjaen, b. Sept. 12, 1710.    This was probably the 
Jerry Van Ryper, of  Somerset county, whose will, dated 
Oct. 2,  1788, proved Oct. 10,  1789, names children; 1. 
Harmen Van Rype or Van de Ripe; 2. John; 3. Magda- 
len; 4.  Sarah; g. Chrisyn; 6. Mary; 7. Catharine; 8. 
Charity; 9. Judah, 
II. Frerik (Frederick), b. Feb. 22, 1713; m.  1st, Ca- 
trintje Hopper, Oct. 19, 1738; 2d, Annetje Van Vorst (b. 
at New Barbadoes Neck), Dec. 2, 1742. 
III. Abraham, b. Jan. 25, 1716; m. Elizabeth Bradbery, 
m. bond dated Nov. 28, 1747.  He was called Abraham Van 
Ryper.  His wife was the dau. of John Bradbery, a miller 
on the Third River, who acquired a large interest in Ac- 
quackanonk at an early day (1). 
(1) According to tradition-not a safe dependence, usually-John Brad- 
bury and his wife Elizabeth came to this country from England with six 
children-three sons and three daughters.  He was already settled at 
“Achquickenuncke ” when he bought from the East Jersey Proprietors, 
March 28, 1698, for f 15 ” current silver money of the Province,” a tract 
of fifteen acres on Bareskin brook; also another tract about fifteen 
chains square, ” bounded south by the Dutch Men’s Land west by the 
Third river and hisown land, north by Achquickenunk line,east by Sam- 
uel Plum and  Samuel Ward.” He subsequently bought more land from 
John Plum, of Newark, (1) and at a later date became the owner of a 
tract known as Lot No. 1, in the Acquackanonk Patent; also of Lot No. 
13, East, in the Bogt subdivision.  He had considerable mills on the 
Third river, and altogether was a man of importance in the community. 
The name is variously written in the records as Bradbury, Broadberry, 
and in Dutch as Braet-berri, the pronunciation being always the same. 
Delightfully vague rumors have come down through succeeding genera- 
tions of a vast ” Bradbury Estate ” lying dormant in England, awaiting 
claimants.  As an aid to these prospective heirs, but particularly for the 
light it gives on the title to various tracts in the ancient Acquackanonk 
Patent, the will of John Bradbery is given herewith: 

In the Name of God Amen this Eleventh day of August Anno One 
Thousand Seven hundred & thirty Nine in the thirteen year of the reign 
of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of Great Britain ffrance & 
Ireland King Defender of the ffaith &c.  I John Bradbery of Acquack- 
nonck in the County of Essex and province of the Eastern Devision of 
New Jersey Miller being at this present time in Sound and perfect mind 
and memory thanks be given unto God therefore, but calling to mind 
the frailty and mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed 
unto men once to dey do make and ordain this my last will and Teste- 
ment, in manner and forme following (that is to say) first and princi- 
plely I recommend my Soule into the hands of God that gave it hopeing 
through the merrits of Christ my Saviour to have Eternal Life and my 
bodey I recommend to the Eart to be by my Executors hereafter 
named to be buried in Deasent & Christian maner at ther discretion and 
tuching such worldly Estate wherewith it haith pleased God to bless me 
with in this Life I give devise and dispose thereof in the following- 
maner and form. Item I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved 
wife during her natural Life the Dweling House wherein I now live in, 
the use of the best Wagon, 2 horses foure milsh Cows the Choyce of 
(1) E. J. Deeds, F, 553; 1.244.  By a survey dated Feb. 34, 1721, there 
was returned to him and Jacob Freeland a tract of 147.5 acres on Stink- 
er’s brook (near Third river), of which Bradbury was to have 103.3 
acres.-Perth Arntoy Surveys.

Page 159a

age, and when ninity years old conveyed all of his property to
his children in consideration of the following agreement, (1)
which was not unusual in those days, and which, according
to family tradition, turned out happily for all concerned:

Know all men by these presents that we John Van Riper of the
Township of Newark and Philip Van Riper of the Township of
Acqackononck both in the County of Essex and State of New Jersey

best pasture, the use of the Barne fire wood, and long fodder Sufficient 
for the sd Horses & Cows.  Also the use of two of my best Servants to 
wait upon her, the use of Such ffurniture as shall be necessary. Also 
free Grinding of all such graine she shall have occasion for or of  Item 
I give devise and bequeath unto my Sun Richard Bradbery and to the 
heirs of his bodey Lawfully to be begotten all yt Tract of Land & Orchard 
whereon I now live lying on the west side of the Rode leading to ye 
third River beginning at the East side of my Mill Dam and from thence 
running Easterly to Cornelious Loberson’s Line thence along the said 
Line to the third River thence along the third River to the Dutchmen’s 
Line as is so mention in the patent for the same Land thence Southerly 
along the Same line to Bastian Van Geassels line, thence Easterly as the 
same line runs to the highway, thence along the highway to the first 
mentioned plase together with all the houses out houses Mills Barns 
thereon Erected Excepting the use of my said house Barne and Grind- 
ing as is heretofore given Wife for her use during her natural li fe, as also 
three acors Land lying by Pasaik River which I bought of Abraham 
Bucke with bolting box & bolting cloth and the house thereon Erected 
with this Express Condition that he my son Richard shall pay unto my 
beloved Wife the sum of Twenty pounds Current money of New Jersey 
Yearly and every year during her Natural Life Also to my Daughter 
Susanna the Sum of One hundred thirty three pounds Six Shillings and 
Eight pence & to her heirs foure years after my decease. Also my 
Daughter Elizabeth Sum of one hundred thirty three pounds Six Shill- 
ings and Eight pence foure years after my decease, the Sum of Sixty Six 
pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence to my Grand Daughter Mary 
Bery four years after my decease & the Sum of Sixty Six pounds thir- 
teen Shillings and four pence to my Grandson William Bery when he 
shall come to ye Age of twenty one years but in case my Sun Richard 
dos not comply with every Article Clause and Condition herein Con- 
tained and at the time limited, then I Will that the said Tracks of Lands 
Houses Mills Barn bolting box bolting Cloth house thereon Erected be 
devided in foure Equal Shares or parts as followeth, one Eaquel forth 
part unto my Son Richard and to his heirs Lawfully begotten, one 
Equal forth part to my Daughter Susanna and to her heirs. One Equal 
forth part to my Daughter Elizabeth and to her heirs Lawfully to be 
begotten. One Equal forth part to the Children of my Daughter Mary 
Bery deed and to their heirs to be Equally divided among them share & 
share alike and to the Survivors of them in Case any of them dey in 
their nonage Also in Case my Sun Richard does not Comply with the 
aforesaid Conditions then my beloved wife will — deprived of a Suffi- 
cient Maintenance I will that my Executors hereafter named shall pay 
out of my personal Estate unto my beloved Wife the — Sum of 
Twenty pounds yearly and every year insted of the twenty pounds my 
Sun Richard should have paid her Item as tuching all my real Estate 
howsoever or wheresoever which I have not herein devised, I do give 
and bequeath as followeth; unto my Daughter Susanna one Equal third 
part and to her heirs unto my Daughter Elizabeth one Equeal third part 
and to her heirs and unto the Children of my Daughter Mary Bery de- 
ceased one Equeal third part & to their heirs to be Equally divid 
Amoung them and unto the Survivors of them in Case any of them dey 
in their nonage.  Item as to my personal Estate which I shall dey pos- 
sessed of Excepting such things as I have given to my wife for her use 
during her Life, I give & bequeath as followth Viz; unto my Sun Rich- 
ard One Equal forth part and to his heirs, unto my Daughter Susanna 
one Equal forth part & to her heirs unto my Daughter Elizabeth one 
Equal forth part and to her heirs & one Equal forth part to the Children of 
my Daughter Mary Bery deceased and unto there heirs to be Equally 
divided among them  And Whereas it may so happen that the Children 
of my Daughter Bery be under age at my decease so that they will be
(I) The Van Houten Manuscripts, 19. 

Page 159b

and Richard Van Houten of the township of Saddle River in the County

of Bergen and State aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto Abraham
Van Riper of the Township of Acquackononck in the County of Essex
and state aforesaid in the sum of Five hundred and fifty dollars Lawful
money of the State of New Jersey to be paid to the said Abraham Van
Riper or to his certain Attorney Heirs Executors Administrators or
Assigns for which payment well and truly to be made and done
We bind ourselves our Heirs Executors and Administrators Jointly and
Severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and Dated this

uncable of deviding to Prevent the Ill Consequence thereof I will and 
do order my Executors hereafter named do make a just and true divis- 
ion according to the intent & meaning of this my will and give unto 
Each Legatee there just and true devidend according as I have herein 
left them.  Item in Case any of my Children should dey without lawfull 
Issue that part share or portion which they was to have I will devise and 
bequeath the same unto my Surviving Children and to there heirs that 
has lawfull Issue.  Lastly I do hereby nomenate & appoint my my Sun 
in Law John Ludlow & my Trusty ffrend Samuel Rattan Executors of 
this my Last will and Testement & do hereby utterly revoke disanull & 
make void all & any other former wills and Testements heretofore by me 
maid rattifying allowing & holding firm & Effectually this & no other to 
be my last Will & Testement. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set 
my hand & seal ye day and yeare first abouve written.(l) 
                                                                                  John Bradbery [L. S.]

This instrument was witnessed by Rachel Vrelandt, Margriet Vree- 
lant and ffranselijntye Vreeland, and was proved Sept. 7, 1740.  Rattan 
refused to qualify as executor, and only Ludlow qualified.
John Bradbery had issue:
I. Richard, m. Maria Merrill; d. without issue.
II. Susanna, m. Jan Ludlow, Sept. 33,1731.  Issue; 1. Jan, b. June
11, 1732; m. – -; 2. Richard, b. Aug. -, 1745! m. Elizabeth -;
d. Nov. 17, 1820, aged 75 yrs. 3 mos.  She d. May 31, 1829, aged 79 yrs.,
8 mos., 6 days.  For some account of John Richard Ludlow and his des-
cendants, see p. 130.
III. Elizabeth, m. Abraham Van Riper, m. bond dated Nov. 28, 1747.
IV. Mary, m. Jan Berry, of New Barbadoes, Nov. 12, 1709,  He was
probably a grandson of Major John Berry, of the Island of Barbadoes,
of whom and his son Richard Berry mention is made on p. 114.  Issue:
         i.  Jan, m.  Mareitje Baaldin (Mary Baldwin).    Children :  i. Ritsjer
        (Richard), bap. Feb. 11, 1750; 2. Maria, bap. Dec. 15, 1751 ; 3. Lena,
         bap. Oct. 27. 1754; 4. Susanna, bap. Feb. 24, 1757; 5. Abraham, bap.
         March 22, 1761.
        ii.  Philip, m, Helena DeGrauw, Nov.  15, 1743.    Children :  1. Jan,
        bap, Aug. 12, 1744; d. in inf.; 3. Dirck (Richard), bap. Oct. 20, 1745:
        d. in inf.; 3. Jan, bap. Aug. 4, 1751 ; 4. Richard, b. June 2, 1753.
         iii.  Samuel,  m.   Hendrickje  Kip.    Child:  Mareitje, bap.  Jan.  29,
         iv. Abraham,  m.  Annaatje Outwater.   Child: Marytje, b. Dec.
         v. Willem, b. Aug. 31, 1730.
Richard Bradbery  failed to comply with the conditions of his father’s
will, and having left no issue the  entire  estate of John Bradbery
descended to Susanna Ludlow, Elizabeth Van Riper and the children of
Mary Berry, and these heirs mutually released to each other.  Jan
Berry, son of Mary, received from the other heirs a deed, Dec. 20, 1770,
for part of Lot No, 1, at Acquackanonk, on the Third river, containing 68
acres(2) Lot No. 13, East, in the Bogt, appears to have been allotted to
Abraham Berry and William Berry, who sold the same to Cornelis Ger-
ritse and Cornelis Van Riper, April 20, 1772, the former taking a one-
third interest, and the latter two-thirds; Jacob Cornelius Van Riper,
mason, of Acquackanonk, released to Simeon John Van Winkle and
John H, Garritse, heirs of Cornelis Gerritse, the northern third part of
the Lot, April 15, 1788, and conveyed the remaining two-thirds to John
Neafie, May 2, 1788.(3) John Ludlow received lands near Third river, and
Van Riper received a third interest elsewhere,(4)
(1) E. J. Wills, Liber C, f. 536.
(2) Essex Transcribed Deeds, B, 69. 
(3) See notes on Lot No. 13, East, on p, 72, ante. 
(4) E. J. Deeds, F 3,f. 278.

Page 160a

Sixth Day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- 
dred and six. 
Whereas the said Abraham Van Riper by his certain Deed of Gift 
bearing even Date herewith hath sold and conveyed all his right 
and Interest in and to the farm whereon the said John Van Riper now 
lives-And hath also by his certain other Deed of Gift sold and 
conveyed all his right and Interest in and to the farm whereon the said 
Philip Van Riper now lives-And by his certain other Deed of Gift or 
Bill of Sale hath sold and assigned certain Goods and Chattels to Mary 
Van Houten the wife of tile said Richard Van Houten-Now Therefore 
the Condition of the above obligation is such that it the above bound 
John Van Riper, Philip Van Riper and Richard Van Houten their Heirs 
Executors and Administrators shall maintain the said Abraham Van 
Riper during his natural life and find and provide him with Good and 
sufficient meat, Drink ,washing, Lodging and Clothing at either of 
the Houses of the said John Van Riper. Philip Van Riper or Richard 
Van Houten in which the said Abraham Van Riper shall or may choose 
to reside and Dwell-and they the said John Van Riper, Philip 
Van Riper and Richard Van Houten their Heirs Executors or Adminis- 
trators shall well and truly pay or Cause to be paid unto the said 
Abraham Van Riper yearly and every year from the date hereof during 
his natural life the sum of fifteen dollars each in trust for the use of him 
at whose House the said Abraham Van Riper may choose to reside and 
Dwell and in that proportion for any part of the Year in which the said 
Abraham Van Riper may happen to die-Then the above Obligation to 
be Void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. 
Sealed and Delivered :                   John Van Riper   [L. S.] 
In the presence of: 
                                                       Philip Van Riper      [L. S.] 
                                                     Richard Van Houten  [L. S.]

Note The word ” five ” in the eighth line : 
of the penalty altered from the word : 
Two-before the execution hereof-: 
G. Van Howten 
Jno. R. Crane.

IV. Johannes, b. July 21, 1718; m. Hester Stynmets, 
April 6, 1754.  He was called Johannis or Johannis H. Van 
By his second wife, Judith Steinmets : 
V. Christophel (Christopher), b. Sept. 6, 1722; m. 
Metje Brouwer, Sept. 28, 1746·  His name appears in the 
records as Crestoffel or Christophel Van Rypen.  He prob- 
ably lived in the Peckamin river neighborhood. 
VI. Maritje, b. Sept. 14, 1724. 
VII. Jacob, b. Feb. 8, 1728; m. Sophia (Fytje) Jaco- 
basse, of Essex county, m. bond dated Feb. 23, 1761.  He 
lived on a farm adjoining that of Frans Post, on the Pecka- 
min river, near Little Falls.  His will, dated Oct. 17, 1794, 
probate granted Dec. 23, 1794, made this disposition of his 

In the Name of God Amen  I, Jacob Van Ripen of Peckman River(2) so 
called being Weak in Body but of sound mind and Memory, reallizing 
the Mortallity of my mortal Body do constitute and Appoint this to be 
my Last Will and testament. Imprimus I order my- just debts and 
funeral Charges to be paid Out of my Movable Estate, Item I give and 
Bequeath unto Sophiah my Lawfull and faithfull Wife the full Improve- 
ment of All and Every part and parcell of Both my real and personal 
Estate during the Term of her Natural Life, or while she shall remain 
my Widow, After Which I will and Bequeath my whole Estate in man- 
ner following that is is to say that my Homestead or Farm Lying 
on Peckmans River (2)be devided into Six equal Shares or parts together 
with the Movables then remaining One of which Shares or Equal parts 
I will and Bequeath Unto My Son Harman, another Share or equal part 
I will and Bequeath unto my Son John Another Share equal part I will 
and Bequeath unto my son Thomas Another share or equal part I will 
and Bequeath unto my son Richard an Other share or equal part I will 
and Bequeath unto my Son Isaac, An other share or equal part I will 
and Bequeath unto my son Jacob. Furthermore it is my Will that the 
Land I Own at Horse Neck be devided into Five Equal parts which

Page 160b 

equal parts or shares I give and Bequeath in Manner following that is 
to say one equal part or Share unto my son Harmar an Other 
equal part or share unto my son John an other Equal part or share unto 
my Son Thomas an other equal part or Share unto my son Richard an 
Other equal part or share I will and Bequeath unto my sons Isaac & 
Jacob.  Further it is my Will and pleasure that My Sons Isaac 
and Jacob receive and education from my Estate equal unto the rest of 
their Brothers which Expence is to be borne by their Mother.  Further 
more I give and Bequeath All My Blacksmith Tools unto my Son John, 
Further More I give and Bequeath unto my Daughters Helena and 
Judey the sum of fifty pounds each which Legacy I order to be paid 
equally by my Six Sons.  I hereby Older Constitute & and Appoint my 
sons Harmar, John and Thomas to be my Lawful Executors to this my 
Last Will and Testament.  In testimony whereof I have to these 
presents Set my Hand and seal In the Township of Acquachanonk In 
the County of Essex and State of New Jersey this seventeenth day of 
October in the year of Our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and 
Ninety four 
                                                             Jacob Van Ripen [L.S.] 
Signed Sealed and published in presence of John Personett Jotham 
Perry Benjn Prince N. B. the Words (and Bequeath unto my Son) Be- 
tween the Nineteenth and twentyeth Line were interlined before Sign- 
ing.  Benjn Prince   John Personett.(l)

VIII. Isaac, b. Sept. 30, 1729; m. Catrina Van Rype, 
both being of Acquackanonk, June 21, 1753. 
IX. Sarah, b. June 30, 1732. 
X. Gerrit, b. Nov. 3, 1734 m.  Fytje Van Winkle, b. 
 at Acquackanonk, Oct. 18, 1757. 
XI. Geurt. 
XII. Thomas, m. Saertje Van Rype, both of Acquacka- 
 nonk, Dec. 21, 1755. 
XIII. Christina. 

            Fourth Generation.

Gerrit-Thomas-Jurimasseaen Thomasse and Jannetje Vree- 
land had children: 
1. Marritje,  m. Henry Van Winkle. 
II. Jannetje, m. Johannis Van Winkle, of Essex, July 
III. Antje, b. Sept. 16, 1730; d. in childhood. 
IV. Lea, m. Peter Jacobusse, widower, both of Essex 
county, March 15, 1753.  Issue; I. Antje, b. Aug. 25, 1753. 
2. Gerret, b. Feb. 26, 1762. 

Jurjaen-Thomas-Juriaen  Thomasse  and  Aeltje Van 
Winkle had children: 
1.  Thomas, b. Jan.  7,  1715 ; m.  Lea Van Wagenen, 
b. at Wesel *, both living at Acquackanonk, Jan. l,  1741 (m. 
bond dated Aug. 6, 1740, indicating some unforeseen 
obstacle which delayed the nuptials nearly five months after 
the license had been obtained). 
II. Antje,  b. Nov. 4,  1716,  at Tappan; m.  Martin 
Ryersen, b. in New York, son of Frans Ryersen, in 1737 ; 
 she d. in 1781, and was buried in a private burying ground 
near the present Garfield avenue, in the First Ward; after- 
wards the remains were interred in the old Dutch cemetery 
in Ryle avenue(3) ; some years ago the ashes were removed to 
Cedar Lawn Cemetery.  Some account of her descendants 
will be found in the Ryerson Genealogy. 
III. Simeon, b. Feb. 8, 1719. 
IV. Jenneke, b. at Tappan, Dec. 25, 1720; m. Sept. 6, 
1745. Jacob Van Houten, b. at Totowa.
(1) Recorded in Book No. 33 of Wills, Trenton, page 371. 

(2) West Paterson Area
(3)Old Totowa Cemetery,Paterson,NJ. 

Page 161a

 V. Abraham, b. Sept. 27, 1722; d. in inf. 
VI. Johannis, b. May 7, 1725  m. Christiena Pieterse, 
 Jan. 5, 1753, both were of Acquackanonk at the time. 
VII. Rachel, b. Sept. 4, 1726; prob. m. 1st, Abraham 
 Van Winkel, both of Acquackanonk, Feb. 17, 1753; 2nd 
 Frans Post, widower, both of Wesel, Sept. 21, I755. 
  VIII. Lea, b. June 14, 1729. 
  IX. Abraham, b. Feb. 12, 1731.  He was prob. the 
 Abraham Van Riper, of Second River, whose will, dated 
 Aug. 17, 1770, proved Sept. 24, 1770, directs all his mov- 
 able   effects   to   be   sold   at   public   vendue   within   six   weeks 
 after his decease, and the net proceeds to be put out at in- 
 terest for the use of his two daughters, Rachel and Altie, 
 until they should be of age or married, (l) 
 X. Dirck, b. June 9, 1734. m, Elisabet Meet (b. May 
26, l739, May 23, 1762 , d. April 24, 1807.  A tract of 
145.40 acres was surveyed to him, Nov. 23, 1762, at Upper 
Preakness*, on the road (now known as Berdan avenue) 
pleading from the Hamburg turnpike to Oakland. 
*a section of Wayne,NJ. 

Jan-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and Marritje Van Houten 
had children: 
   I.  Thomas, d. before 1789.    He was a  blacksmith by 
trade, and was prob. the Thomas Van Rype, widower, who 
m. Sarah Post, wid., Sept. 21, 1777. 
   II.  Derrick, m.  Elizabeth (Lybetje) Van Houte, Jan. 
1767.  He d. intestate, and Garret I. Van Riper and 
Abraham Van Houten were appointed administrators, 
March 30, 1803.  In the instrument making the appointment 
Derrick is described as “Richard I. (Jan) Van Riper, late 
of Essex county.”  In 1795 he is referred to as Capt. Der- 
rick  Van Riper. 
 III. Gerret, h. May 2,  1754;  m. Jannetje Winne.   In 
1789 he was living at Bergen*; in 1802, at Washington, N. Y. 
 IV. Adrian, b. Sept. 19, 1757.prob. m. Sarah Kelliham, 
Aug. 1, l784.  No account has been found of his descend- 
 V. Helmigh ; he was a shoemaker by trade. 
 VI. Johannes (John), m. Catharina Post; d. May —, 
 1827, aged 82 yrs.   He had a small grist mill on the west 
bank of the Passaic River, at or near the mouth of the brook 
flowing into Dundee Lake.  The site is now covered by 
By deed May 2, 1789, the five sons above conveyed to 
Richard Ludlow a tract of 39 &1/4 acres on Van Houten lane; 
Ludlow also bought from them sundry other lands adjoin- 
ing the above, “being part of the farm of Jan Tomasin Van 
Riper deceased.”(2) 
VII. Marritje ; she was living in 1797. 
* Jersey City. 

Abraham-Thomas-Juriacn Thomasse and Elizabeth Hes- 
seise had children: 
      I.  Jannetje,  b.  April  17,  1723,  m,  Halmagh-Dirck 
an Houten, of Totowa, m. bond dated Oct. 19, 1750 ; she 
survived her husband, and d. between July 27, 1773. and 
July l, 1782.(3)
(1) E. J. Wills, K, 1. 270. 
 (2)Essex County Transcribed Deeds, C, 143, 144,149, 151. 
(3) See notes on  Lot No.  7, West, on p.  73, ante. 

Page 161b

        II.  Elisabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1726;m Johannes-Roelof 
Van Houten, in 1752  or earlier; she survived so late 
as 1808. 
   Their father having died intestate , these two daughters 
 inherited his property, including lots 3 and 10, East, and 
Lot 7, Westin the Bogt subdivison, as mentioned on p. 
73, ante.Some accountof their descendents will be found 
in the Van Houten Genealogy. 
Isaac-Thomas-Juriacn Thomasse and Lea Van Winkel 
had issue:

I.  Simon, b. Oct.  3,  1730;  m.  Maragrietje  Pieterse,. 
dau. of Jurrie Pieterse. 
II Marinus (Marynus), b.  and lived at Slooterdam*; 
m. ist, Catrina Cogh (dau. of Casparus Cogh or Kough, of 
Slooterdam), May14, 1757; 2nd  Elizabeth Lutken, bap. 
Feb.  9,  1746,  dan. of Hermen Lukesen (Lutken) and 
Annaetje Anjevyn.   In his will, dated August 13, 1791, 
proved Oct. 22, 1792,, Marynis describes himself as of 
Acquackanonk, his homestead being on the Wesel road. (1) He 
gives all his estate to his wife Elizabeth during her widow- 
hood, with power to dispose of the same for her support; 
to Caspar, his eldest son, five shillings for his birthright; 
the remainder of his real estate to his sons, after his wife’s 
death or remarriage; to Catrina and Antje, one bed and 
bedstead,  with  the furniture  thereunto belonging; the 
residue of his estate to be divided between all his children. 
Executors-his wife and his brother-in-law Harmon Lutken. 
The will was witnessed by Lucas Wessels, Henry Schoon- 
maker and Hessel Pieterse.  Elizabeth, widow of Marinus, 
made her will April 15 1815, simply bequeathing her wear- 
ing apparel, bedding, etc., to her two daughters, Anna 
Loshy and Caty Wauters.  The witnesses were B. V. D. 
Brinkerhoff and his sister Hetty, wife of Peter Jackson. 
The will was proved Feb. 3, 1833(2) The executors of Ma- 
rinus sold the homestead farm, extending from the Wesel 
road eastwardly to the Passaic river, being about 10×55 
chains in area, containing 49.36 acres, to his son Isaac, 
June 9, 1804; it was bounded on the south by lands of Ja- 
cob En. Vreeland, and on the north by lands of Thomas 
Post.   Isaac conveyed the same day to Abraham Acker- 
man.  The executors also sold to Walling C. Van Winkle, 
June 9, 1804, another tract, of 23.65 acres, bounded on the 
east by the Passaic river, on the south by lands of the heirs 
of Jacob E. Vreeland, deceased, and the heirs of Michael 
E. Vreeland, deceased, on the west by the heirs of Michael 
E. Vreeland and Walling C. Van Winkle, and on the north 
by Jacob El. Vreeland.(3) These tracts were in or near the 
northern part of the City of Passaic, near the Vreeland 
IIIThomas, m. Neeltje Vreeland, both of Acquacka- 
nonk, June 5, 1753.  Ch.,  Isaac, b. March 31, 1754. 

Jacob-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and Marietje Gerbrantse 
had children: 
I.  Catrina, b.  Sept. 28,  1729.
(1) Essex County Transcribed Deeds, A, 436, 444; D, 90, 130, 240. 
(2) Essex County  Wills,  F, 69, 
(3) Essex County Transcribed Deeds, A, 436,439* 444. 
*Fair Lawn,NJ.


Page 162a

II.  Harpert,  b.  April  16,  1731.m Margaret  (Mar- 
grietje) Berry, m. bond dated April 22, 1762.  In 1790 he 
lived on part of the John Bradbery farm, near “Broad- 
berry’s lane,” in the vicinity of Third river*(1). He is usually 
called Harpeand sometimes Horrip Van Riper in the records. 
III. Gerrit, m. Geertje Gerrebrantse.   Ch., Jacob, b. 
Nov. 2, 1767; m. Jannetje Van Winkel, Nov. 8, 1792. 
Dirck-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and PietertJe Post had 
1.  Dirck,  m.  ist,  Claasje  Vreeland,  b.  and living at 
Wesel, Nov. 30,  1755;  2nd,  Fytje Wagenen, wid. of 
Dirck Vreeland, Oct. 14, 1787.  This elderly couple lived 
on the River road, south of Passaic, on opposite sides of the 
Mineral brook road.  As they were comfortably settled in 
their own homes, they concluded to remain so , accordingly, 
Dirck would call upon his wife, spend a sociable evening 
with her) and then return to his own home.  It does not 
appear that they disagreed in any way; neither has it been 
explained why they married at all, under such circum- 
stances.  This singular arrangement excited a great deal of 
curiosity and comment in its day, but the parties most con- 
cerned paid no attention to the comments of their neighbors 
and continued their friendly but unconnubial relations for 
fifteen years.   Through Dirck’s farm the  Mineral Spring 
brook meandered.  A minor tributary so abounded in tur- 
tles that the Dutch called the adjacent elevation at Brook 
avenue, Schellepute-berg (2)-Turtle Hill.   Dirck died in- 
testate, May 23, 1802, aged 69 yrs., 6 mos., 26 days, and his 
four sons-in-law-Walling Van  Winkle,  Cornelius  Sip, 
Adrian M. Post and John Merselis-were appointed ad- 
ministrators, May 25, 1802, just two days after his death. 
His widow survived her quasi husband sixteen years.  The 
will of Sophia Van Riper is dated Jan. 14, 1809 ; witnessed 
by Garret Van Riper, Helmagh Sip and Richard Riker; 
proved May 13, 1818.(3) in it she devises all her estate to 
her three sons-Richard Vreeland, Hermanns Vreeland, 
and Ralph Vreeland, including 107 acres at Horseneck, 
known by the name of “Wortelrly ,” also a lot of land in 
the “houttine.”(4). 

Juriaen-Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse and Margrietje Died- 
ricks had children:

I.  Gerrit, b. Sept  14,  1729   d. in inf. 
II.  Marragrietje, b. Oct. 7, 1733; m. Johannis-Corne- 
lis-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse. 
III. Aeltje, b. March 4, 1735; bap. at Bergen; m. Dan- 
iel Vreeland. 
IV. Beelitje. 

(1) Hist. Passaic County Roads, 26,  “Broadbury’s Lane” is the road 
running from the River road in Acquackanonk township to Kings- 
land’s paper mills. Joseph Kingsland of Bloomfield, acquired in 1814 
and 1818) tbe interest of the heirs of Abraham Berry, deceased) in the 
lands of their father, being doubtless derived from John Bradbury, and 
now known as the Paper Mill property. See Essex County Transcribed 
Deeds, C, 469-472. 
(2)  More correctly, Schildpad-berg. 
(3)  Essex County Wills, B, 411. 
(4) Hout-tuyn-wood-garden,  The name was applied to a tract of 
land at Stone House Plains (Brookdale Park,Bloomfield,NJ) 
where the trees grew so luxuriantly as to resemble a forest garden. 
 It was also called “the English wood land.” 
* Third River -at the northwest end of Belleville,NJ. runs into 
                          the Second River,which runs into the Passaic River. 


 V.Gerrit,b. April 6,1839; m. 1st, Jannetje Diedricks; 
she d. Oct. 18,1784;  2nd, Leena Vreeland; he d. 
Feb. 24,1821; Leena his wife, d Sept.25, 1819, aged 63 
yrs. 4 mos.,6days
Cornelius-Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse and Aellje Van Win- 
kle had children:

I.  Garret, d. without issue ; will proved May 4,  1795. 
II.  Daniel, b. June 26,  1736;  m. Elizabeth Terhune, 
Oct. 13, 1761 ; d. July 23, 1818; she was b. July 15, 1738; 
 d. June l, 1811. 
III. Beelitje, b. Oct. 10, 1741; m. Johannis Van Horn, 
May 6, 1762; d. Feb. 13, 1826. 
IV. Jannetje, bap. April 16, 1745; m. Nicholas Tuers, 
May 13, 1766. 
V. Aeltje, b. June 7, 1748; m. Johannes Van Rypen. 
Issue: l. Johannes, b. Dec. 4, 1768; 2. Thomas, b. Dec. 
20, 1771;  3. Marretje, b. July 23, 1778. 
VI. Cornelius, b. Dec. 8, 1750; d. Aug. 13, 1767. 

Johannis  Gerrit-Jurian- Thomasse and Maragrietje Van 
Winkle had child: 
1.  Garret,  b.  Feb.  4,   1749.m. 1st,  Catrintje  Van 
Wagenen;  2d, Catrientje Van Rypen, March 2, 1799; 
d. Aug. 31, 1837. 

Juriaen-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and Martje Vreeland had 
1.  Gerrit,  b. Dec. 30, 1729;  m.  Helena (Lea, Leenlje) 

Cornelis-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and Geesje  Post had 

I.  Lea, b. Dec. l,  1729. 
II. Johannis,  bap.  Aug.  29,  1731;  m.  Marragrietje 
Van Rype.  His will, dated Sept. 19, 1767, was proved 
Sept. 28, 1767.  It was evidently made on his death-bed. 
He disposed of his property as follows: 

Item I will & order that my Dearly beloved wife Marregrietye shall 
Possess & Enjoy all my Estate Both real & personal During the time 
She doth Continue to be My Widow Item I Give unto my Son Cornelius 
five Shillings for bis birth Right.  Item I further will & order that after 
the Death or Remarriage of my said Wife all my Estate both real 
& personal that is to Say all My Land & real Estate in the County of 
Essex or Elsewhere shall be Equally Divided between all my Sons here- 
in after Named viz the Equal fourth part of sd Land I give unto my Son 
Cornelus his heirs & Assigns for Ever also one Equal fourth part of my 
sd Land I Give to my Son Jurrie his heirs & Assigns for Ever also one 
equal fourth part of my said Land I Give to my son John his heirs & 
Assigns for Ever & also one Equal fourth Part of my sd Land I Give to 
my son Garret his heirs & assigns for Ever & all my Personal Estate 
Shall be Equally Divided between my four Sons above Named but in 
case any of my sons above Named do Depart this Life without Issue 
then & in Such Case the share of the Land hereby Given to them So 
Departing as afd Shall Devolve unto the Surviving brothers to be then 
Equally Divided between them & I do hereby Nominate Constitute & 
appoint my brother in Law Garret Van Rypen & my Friend Hassel 
Peterse to be Executors of this my Last Will & testament & I do hereby 
Revoke & Disanul all former Wills by me made Ratifying & Confirm- 
ing this to be my Last Will & testament in Witness whereof I the said 
Jobannes C Van Rypen have to this my Last Will & testament set my 
hand & Seal the Day & year first above Written. (1) 
Signed & Sealed in the presence )                  his 
of us George Vreeland Hendrick}   Johannes C Van X Rypen  [L. S.) 
Post, Samuel Merrick.          )                                     Mark

III. Gerrit, prob. d. young.
(I) Recorded in Liber I of Wills, Trenton, pages 190 &c.

Page 163a

IV. Cornelius, m. 1st, Margaret Vreeland; 2d, Eliza- 
beth Vreeland, Nov. 15, 1779.  By deed (unrecorded), June 
11, 1767, Cornelius Aeltse conveyed to his son, Cornelius 
Van Reypen, for £300 and other causes: “The frunt part 
 of my lott of land on which I now dwell beginning at the 
 northeast corner of my land at a rock at Passaic River, 
 from thence westerly all along my line to a stone planted in 
 the ground along the highway which leads to the Falls near 
 the northwest corner of my barn, from thence southerly the 
 full breadth of my lott to another stone planted on the line 
 between me and Hendrick Post from thence easterly as my 
 line runs down to Passaic River, thence all along Passaic 
River northerly to the place of Beginning: Containing six 
acres be the same more or less,” the said Cornelius Aeltse 
reserving for himself and his family during his natural life, 
“the use of so mutch of the edifices on the premisses and of 
the premisses and appurtenances as he may judge necessary.” 
He doubtless wished to carry on his occupation at the 
forge so long as he might have the ability to wield a ham- 
mer or shoe a horse.  Cornelius Van Reypen appears to 
have been a man determined to have his rights, but at the 
same time willing to assert them peaceably.  In May, 1795, 
he and his neighbor, Henry Post, had a controversy with 
the representatives of the estate of Peter Vreeland, de- 
ceased, as to their most westerly line, under the Wesel moun- 
tain.   The  matter was left to John Elias Vreeland, Paul 
Powlison and Abraham Willis, who made an award, estab- 
lishing the beginning place “at the southwest corner of 
Henry Posts line, eighty four chains distant from the cross 
line of the division of the Wesel lots on a course N. 53. 12′ 
W. and from thence running N. 37. 48′ E. along marked 
trees (mentioned) to stake and stones in the line of heirs of 
Elias Vreeland deceased.”  The administrators of Peter 
Vreeland thereupon executed a release (unrecorded), May 
25, 1795, to Henry Post and Cornelius Van Reypen, of all 
the land east of the line so established by the award.  A 
like dispute between Cornelius Van Reypen, on the one 
side, and Michael H. and Cornelius Vreeland, owners of 
the Dree Hoek or Lot No. I, West, in the Bogt subdivision, 
on the other part, regarding the line between that Lot and 
Lot No. 13, in the Wesel subdivision, was referred to the same 
arbitrators, who made a report (unrecorded) determining 
the line; whereupon Michael H. and Cornelius Vreeland 
executed a release (unrecorded) to Van Reypen, May 25, 
1795, of all lands south of said line.  The will of Cornelius 
Van Riper, made March 13, 1798 during his last illness, 
and proved March 31, 1798, is commendably brief:

In the Name of God Amen.  I Cornelius Van Riper of Weasal in the 
township of Accquacknonk, County of Essex and State of New Jersey, 
being of sound mind and memory, but weak of body, do make and pub- 
lish this my last Will and Testament: First, my will is that all my hon- 
est debts shall be paid out of my Estate by my Executors herein after 
named. Second, I give and bequeath to my children by my first wife 
Margaret, namely, Seithtee, Rachel and Pegge, to their heirs and assigns 
forever sixty pounds, moneys they have got by their mother’s Estate, 
and all the personal Estate that is left, which was brought by their said 
mother to me, to be equally divided between them share and share alike. 
Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my two child by my last wife Elizabeth, 
namely, Mary and Jenny, to their heirs and assigns forever, one hun- 
dred pounds, money they have got by their mother’s Estate, and also 

Page 163b 

all the personal Estat now in being, which their said mother brought 
to me, to be equally divided between them share and share alike. 
Forthly, I give and bequeath to my first children Sithtee, the children 
of Rachel and to Peggy, my two daughters and my daughter Rachel’s. 
children, my negro wench Sary, and her daughter a small negro girl, 
named Nance, to their heirs and assigns forever, the value of them to 
be divided in three parts equally to them the said Sitree, Peggy and the 
children of Rachel.  Fifthly, I give and bequeath to my two daughters 
Mary and Jenny, children of my last wife my negro wench named Laur, 
and my negro boy named Tom, to them the said Mary and Jenny, their 
heirs and assigns forever.  Sixthly, I give and bequeath my negro man 
Jim and the rest of my personal Estate to all my children; that is to say : 
To  Sithtee, Peggy, Mary, Jenney and Rachel’s children to their heirs 
and assigns forever, to be equally divided between them, that is, the two 
children of Rachel to have one equal share.  Seventhly, my will further 
is, that all my real or landed Estate; that is to say; The farm I now- 
dwell upon, with the appurtenances, and a small lot of woodland lying 
at the foot of the mountain to the west of a lot of meadow of Ebnr Blackly, 
shall be equally divided between all my children, namely, Sithtee, Peggy, 
Mary, Jenney and Rachel’s children, to them their heirs and assigns for- 
ever share and share alik; that is to say: The two children of Rachel, 
Peggy and Abigel, to have one full share laetween them: And I do 
appoint my son in law John Berry, and my son in law John McCarty,. 
and Cornelius Vreeland Esqure, Executors of this my last Will and Tes- 
tament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 
thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven 
hundred and ninety-eight. (1) 
                                 Cornelius X Van Ryper (L S) 

The witnesses were his next neighbors, Hartman Post 
and Hartman M. Vreeland, and Abraham Willis, who- 
doubtless wrote the will. 

V. Jacob, m. —– —–.  By deed (unrecorded) 
April 14, 1788, Jacob C. Van Reipen, for f 230, after recit- 
ing the will of Cornelius Aeltse, releases to his brother Cor- 
nelius C. Van Rypen, “all that one moiety or equal part of 
said lot of land which was of the said Cornelius Aeltse in 
his lifetime and at the time of his death, to which the said 
Jacob Van Rypen now claims right by virtue of the will 
above stated and contains about sixty acres be the same- 
more or less.”(2) ( Jacob Van Riper and Abigail his wife, of 
Franklin township, Bergen county, conveyed to John Van 
Houten, of Clarkstown, Orange county, N. Y., by deed 
Feb. 16, 1803, for $4,250, a tract of land on the public road 
leading from the Ponds(4) to Wagaraw(5), and the same day 
bought from Peter Teboe, for $4,875, a farm on the road 
from Campgaw(6) to Hopper town(7), together with twenty acres 
adjoining, with a grist-mill and saw-mill.(3)  It is by no- 
means certain, however, that this Jacob Van Riper was the 
son of Cornelis-Aeltse.) 
VI. Catriena. 
VII. Adrian, prob. m. Sarah Ackerman.  Ch., Abraham, 
b. Sept. 14,1787. 
VIII. Annaatje, prob. m. Barent Retan, March 3, 1775. 
Ch., Geesje, b. Aug. 12, 1775. 
Jurie-Jan-Juriaen Thomasse and Helena Van  Houten 
had children:

I.  Christophel, m.  Annatje  Brouwer, Nov.  26,  1763; 
she d. Jan. 22, 1812, aged 67 yrs., 3 mos., 20 days.  He 
was called Christophel Jurrianse, and is understood to have
(1) Recorded in Book of Wills No. 37, Trenton, pages 309 &c. 
(2 )For mention of another deed by Jacob, April 15, 1788, see p. 72. 
(3 )Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, C, 313, 434. 
(4)Ponds-Oakland,NJ(and vicinity) 
(5)Wagaraw-Hawthorne ,NJ(and vicinity) 
(6)Campgaw-Franklin Lakes NJ(and vicinity) 

1 2 3 4 5 6

1850 Van Riper,census,Penn. and Virginia

Pennsylvania and Virginia

Conneaut Twp., Erie County
page 470a, image 40, Jan. 9, M432-roll768

James Van Riper-31-M-W-cabinet maker-b.N.Y..
Almina Van Riper-31-F-W-b.Pa..
George Van Riper-4-M-W-b.Pa..
Michael Van Riper-2-M-W-b.Pa..
Leidy Twp., Clinton County
page 96b, image 121, Oct. 26

Frederick Steward-51-M-W-farmer-b.N.J..
Catherine Steward-44-F-W-b.Pa..
Elizabeth Van Riper-23-F-W-b.N.Y..
unknown twp., Fairfax County
page 154b- image 91- Oct. 1

Jacob Van Riper-26-M-W-laborer-$150-b.N.Y..
Sarah J. Van Riper-23-F-W-b.N.Y..



Van Riper,1850 Federal Census,New York State

1850 Federal Census
Cayuga, Montgomery, Orleans,
and Suffolk Counties..
New York State
Cayuga County, New York State
p277a,image 34,July 25
M432-roll 618

Wm. B. Smith-39-M-W-clerk-$1,000-b.N.Y..
Mary Smith-38-F-W-b.N.Y..
Sarah Smith-14-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Frank Smith-11-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Wm. Smith-10-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Mary Smith-3-F-W-b.N.Y..
Horace Smith-1-M-W-b.N.Y..
Alice Van Riper-18-F-W-b.N.Y..
Cayuga County, NEw York State
Auburn Prison
page 322b, image 15-Sept.4
M432-roll 618

Martin Van Riper-45-M-W-larceny-in since 1845-b.N.J..
Cayuga County, New York State
page 391a,image 11, Sept 7
M432-roll 618

Abram Cooper-26-M-W-laborer-b.N.Y..
George Holland-47-M-W-laborer-$400.-b.England
Mary Holland-42-F-W-b.????
Margaret Holland-10-F-W-at school-b.Canada
Alice Holland-6-b.N.Y..
Maria Holland-1-F-W-b.N.Y..
Mary J. Van Riper-16-F-W-b.N.Y..
Masse Hugniy-17-M-W-laborer-b.N.Y..
Johnthan Ewing-73-M-W-blacksmith-$300.-b.N.H..
Janette Ewing-73-F-W-b.N.Y..
Montgomery County, New York State
page 177a, image 43,Aug 6
M432-roll 532

Samuel Lane-55-M-W-farmer-$3,500-b.N.Y..
Aliea Lane-44-F-W-b.N.Y..
Cornelius G. Lane-22-M-W-farmer-b.N.Y..
Hamilton Lane-4-M-W-b.N.Y..
Cornelia Van Riper-42-F-W-b.N.Y..
George W. Nestle-14-M-W-b.N.Y..
Orleans County, New York State
page 11a, image 21, July 20
M432-roll 575

Gabril Van Riper-60-M-W-farmer-$900-cannot read or write-b.N.J..
Margaret Van Riper-59-F-W-b.N.J..
Richmond County, New York State
page 11a, image 18, July 15
M432-roll 587

Calvin Hoyt-53-M-W-carpenter-b.Vermont
Mary A. Hoyt-37-F-W-married within year-b.England
Henry Van Riper-20-M-W-merchant-b.N.Y..
Mary A. Van Riper-20-F-W-b.N.Y..
Elsb. Van Riper-22-F-W-b.N.Y..
Frances Van Riper-14-F-W-b.N.Y..
???? Van Riper-8-F-W-b.N.Y..
Emma Hoyt-4-F-W-b.N.Y..
Jos. Cooley-8-M-W-b.N.Y..
Geo. Cooley-6-M-W-b.N.Y..
Mary A. Francis-28-F-W-b.N.Y..
Suffolk County, New York State
page 264b, image 30, Sept. 6

Jeremiah Van Ryper-44-M-W-weaver-b.N.J..
Betsey Van Ryper-39-F-W-b.N.Y..
Eizabeth Van Ryper-19-f-W-b.N.Y..
Emily Van Ryper-16-F-W-b.N.Y..
John Van Ryper-12-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Yates County, New York State
page 89a, image 19, Sept 5
M432-roll 618

Jerimiah Van Riper-34-M-W-farmer-$700-b.N.Y..
Nancy Van Riper-28-F-W-b.N.Y..
Margaret Van Riper-9-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Mary J. Van Riper-5-F-W-at school-b.N.Y..
James Van Riper-2-M-W-b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-65-F-W-b.N.Y..
Edward Graham-23-M-W-laborer-b.N.Y..
Yates County, New York State
page 89b, image 20, Sept 5
M432-roll 618

William Van Riper-30-M-W-carpenter-$1,020-b.N.Y..
Sarah Van Riper-26-F-W-b.N.Y..
Morris Van Riper-6-M-W-at school-b.N.Y..
Jerimiah Van Riper-4-M-W-b.N.Y..
Franklin Van Riper-2-M-W-b.N.Y..
Frances Van Riper-1-F-W-b.N.Y..
Steuben County, New York State
page 148b, image 16, Nov. 7,
M432-roll 600

Abram Van Riper-26-M-W-farmer-b.N.Y..
Mary Van RipeR-22-F-W-b.N.Y..
Sarah Van Riper-2-F-W-F-W-b.N.Y..
Andrew Wood-19-M-W-b.N.Y..



VAN RIPER 1915 Jersey City,NJ

VAN RIPER 1915 Jersey City,NJ

Emily-widow of Richard-home 76 Storms Ave.
Howard-mach-r 76 Storms Ave.
Mabel-bookkeeper-r 76 Storms Ave.
Olive-bookkeeper-r 76 Storms Ave.
Abraham-mach.-h 137 Grace St.
Albert-police-h 430 Summit Ave.
Cath-widow of John-h 142 Erie St.
Charles C.-pass. agent-h 2771 Hudson Blvd.
Edward A.-clerk CRR of NJ-h 162 Orient Ave.
Eliz J.-widow of Jacob-h 57 Sip Ave.
Gladys-student-r 2771 Hudson Blvd.
John F.-frt agt-r 2771 Hudson Blvd.
Mary F.-sten.-r 57 Sip Ave.
Maud-widow of George-r 116 Mercer St.
Vera-teacher-r 2771 Hudson Blvd.
William-collecter-h 142 Erie St.
John E.-salesman-h 583 Bramhall Ave.
William-salesman-h 244 Virginia Ave.



Van Riper-1859-60 Newark,NJ,city directory

Van Riper-1859-60 Newark,NJ,city directory

Alonzo-silver plater 49 Church St.
Andrew M.-ship carpenter Second near R.R. Ave.
Anthony B.-blacksmith-13 Broad St.
Charles O.-mason 8 Plum St.
Jacob J.-carpenter 8 Cross St.
Jeremiah-shoemaker 18 West Kinney St.
John -3 Baldwin St..
John B.-carpenter-54 Bleeker St.
John J.-carpenter- 13 Broad St.
Mary-widow of Henry-18 West Kinney St.
Mary E.-widow of John-48 Laffayette St.
Peter-gas fitter Second near Railroad St.
William H.-clerk 344 Broad St. -home Baldwin St.
William A.-blacksmith 6 Clay St.

The Pierson’s city directory did not always indicate
if the address after the name was place worked or
home address.
