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              URIAN TOMASON (Van Riper). 

In April, 1663, Juriaen(1) Thomasse (Uriah, son of Thomas) 
from Rypen,(2) in North Jutland, sailed from Holland in 
T’Bonte Koe, “the Spotted Cow,” in company with eighty- 
seven other passengers—men, women and children—in quest 
of fortune in the New Netherlands. (3) The notices of the 
young immigrant are extremely scanty in the early records. 
He does not seem to have owned any lands at Bergen, 
although he evidently settled there soon after his arrival.(4) 
He m. Reyke Harmsse, May 25, 1667. He and his wife 
were witnesses at the baptism of their grandson, Jurjaen, 
son of Thomas Jurjaense and Jannetje Straet, Sept. l, 
1693, as set forth in the Acquackanonk church records, 
which contain no other mention of him, a fact which makes 
it  seem unlikely  that he settled at Acquackanonk at all. 
His death is recorded at Bergen, as having occurred Sept. 
12, 1695.   He probably died there.   Ryke Harmsse (doubt- 
less his widow) was a witness at the baptism of another 
grandson, Jurie, son of Jan Juriance and Neeltje Gerre- 
brantze, in the Acquackanonk Church, Feb. 10, 1703.  She 
owned Lot No. 2, in the Goutum subdivision. The date 
of her death is unknown.

                 Second Generation. 
Juriaen Thomasse and Reyke Harmsse had children : 
1.  Thomas,  bap.  June  l0,  1668; m.  Jannetje (bap. 
Dec. 26, 1666), dau. of Jan Straet or Straatmaker and 
Geesje Gerrits, June 2, 1691.  He seems to have been a 
superior sort of man, active and go-ahead, a leader among 
his fellows.   Geurt Corten, of Bergen, who died between 
Feb.5  and June l, 1671, devised several acres of land at 
Bergen to Thomas Juriansen, then but three years old.(5) In 
l694 the Legislature appointed him one of the two col- 
(1) This name-sometimes written Jeuriaen, Jurjaen, etc.-is pro-
nounced Yoo-re-awn. 
(2) Ripen is a city in the diocese of the same name; it has a venerable 
antiquity, and once was a considerable seaport, until the harbor became 
filled up.  The Dutch wrote the name Rypen; in modern Dutch, Rijpen, 
indicating the sound of the long i.  It may be noted here that some early 
members of the family called themselves indiferently Van Ripen, and 
Van de Ripe. The latter name would indicate an original emigration 
from a small town in North Holland, called di Rijp, dating from the 
year 1400, and now having 2000 inhabitants, with four churches, two 
harbors and a fine canal.–Terwen, 85..  In Passaic and Bergen counties 
the name is almost universally written Van Riper; in Hudson county 
some families write it Van Rypen. The descendants of Juriaen Thomasse 
were among the last of the Acquackanonk settlers to adopt a family sur- 
name, but for a century or more rang the changes on Juriaense, Tho- 
masse, Aeltse, Gerritse, Jansse, Harmsse, etc., etc. 
(3)N.Y. Doc. Hist., III., 41. 
(4) There is a reference in Winfield’s Hudson County Land Tides (313, 
321) to lands allotted to Jurian Tomason for ” the full Proportion and 
Dividend for the Purchase Money ” paid by him, the tract being about 
three acres, now intersected by Newark avenue, near Palisade avenue, 
Jersey City; but this was probably the grandson of the first Jurian 
(5)Winfield’s Hudson Co. L. T., 83.

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lectors to raise .£6, 15s. from Acquackanonk and New Bar- 
badoes,(1).and in 1698 he was appointed alone to assess the 
Provincial tax on those two precincts.(2) He was prominent in 
the Acquackanonk church, being chosen deacon in 1700 
and 1705; elder in 1710 and in 1724.  He was one of the 
committee of five chosen in 1714 to apportion the undivided 
lands of the Acquackanonk patent.  By deed dated Oct. 30, 
1695, for f100 New York money, Cornelis Michielse, of 
the town of Bergen, conveyed to Thomas Yowrians of 
Ackqueckanunk, a tract of land in Acquackanonk, “frunt- 
ing to Passaick river bounded on the northeast or therea- 
bout by a driftway which parts him and a lot of land 
belonging to Hans Diedricks and on the sonthwest by 
another driftway that parts him and a lot of land be- 
longing to Johannes Michielse and northwest by the com- 
mon woodland where he is to stop when he hath taken 
up the quantity of one hundred acres English measure or 
fifty morgan of Dutch  measure  according to the allotment 
of Acquackanonk together with the eight and twentieth 
part of the common woodland being part of the tract of 
land mentioned in the patent granted to Cornelis Michielse 
in partnership with thirteen more bearing date ” March 16, 
1684 (the Acquackanonk patent).  This interesting instru- 
ment was not recorded until March 17, 1802, when it was 
dimmed and stained by nearly one hundred and seven 
years.(3) It was witnessed by Hans Ditrich (so he wrote his 
name, in a handsome German script) and John Thomas. 
In 1738 this tract was referred to as Lot No. I, in Acquack- 
anonk.  In 1711 he and seven others bought the Stony 
Road patent of 2,800 acres, embracing the top and south- 
western slope of Garret Mountain, from the steep rocks at 
Paterson to the headwaters of the Peckamin river.(4)  Elias 
Smith, of Horseneck, Yeoman, and Cornelia his wife, and 
Mickell Vandercoock, of the same place, Yeoman, and Sa- 
rah his wife, conveyed to Thomas Jurianson, of Acquack- 
anonk, Yeoman, by deed dated May5,1713 for .£200 New 
Jersey money. Lots 4 and 18, in the subdivision of the Pe- 
quannock patent, on the east side of the Passaic river, 
in the  western  part  of  Wayne  township.(5)  When the 
disputed boundary line between Acquackanonk and Newark 
was adjusted, April 6, 1719, Thomas Uriansen was one of 
Acquackanonk’s three representatives present.(6) By deed 
dated June l, 1720, for f84 New York money, he bought 
from Joshua Bush, of Saddle River, blacksmith, the grantee 
being then a farmer, of Acquackanonk, three tracts of land 
on the east side of the Passaic river, the first being 80 
acres,  south  of Johannes  Post;  the second, 84 acres, 
bounded north by Halmagh Van Houten, east by Gerrit 
Juriaensen, south by Rutt Joost, and west by Passaic 
river ; the third, about four acres.   These premises came 
from John Corteen, late of Acquackanonk, in 1716.(7)
(1) Learning and Spicer, 350.
(2) Ib., 378. 
(3) Essex County Transcribed Deeds, A, 244. 
(4) E. J. Deeds, K small, f. 25. 
(5) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, A, 14. 
(6) Newark Town Records, 128. 
(7) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, A, 16.

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They were northwest of Little Falls, in the western part of Wayne 
township.  In 1728 Thomas bought of Claas Vreeland Lot 
No. 13 in the Eight Hundred Acre Tract.(1) According to an 
ancient map of Goutum,(2) ” tomes yurreyanse” owned Lot 
.No. 7 in that subdivision—a tract somewhat triangular in 
shape, on the Passaic river, in the northern part of Passaic, 
or a little further up the river.  In the receipt for quit-rents, 
dated Sept. 7, 1726, he is mentioned as having paid; but in 
the receipt of May 17, 1727 his name is omitted.  He prob- 
ably died between those two dates.  He was called Thomas 
Juriaensen—Thomas son of Juriaen. 
II. Gerrit, bap. Sept. 27,  1670; m.  Beelitje,  dau.  of 
Dirck Janse Oosten and Elizabeth Conielis, of Hoboken, 
June 6, 1693; d. Sept. 4, 1748; she d. May 20, 1745  In 
1718 he owned a tract of land on the Passaic river, north of 
John Corta, probably south of Third river.(3)  In his will, 
dated March 14, l744-45 proved April 8, 1749, he describes 
himself as of the town of Bergen.  By this instrument he 
gives to “the three children of my eldest son Jurejan 
Gerretse deceased named Gerret, Altje and Belitje in token 
of their father’s birthright my negro boy called Frank;” also 
considerable land at Bergen ; ” also one third part or share 
of my Lands lying at a Place called Aghquaquenocb* on the 
. south side of a Lot I bought of Jurian Pieterse;” to son 
Dirck Gerretse ” Two third parts of my Lands lying at a 
place {called] Aghquaquenock, adjoining to the south side of 
my Lands hereby Devised unto the Heirs of my son Jurejan 
Containing in breadth ninety Rodd Dutch measure ;” also 
to Dirck “all my Tools belonging to the Trade of the 
Wheelwright; also my negro slave called Maremutts;” to his 
three sons, Dirck, Cornelis and Johannes, all his right to 
any undivided lands in Bergen or any other lands ; ” and 
in case my son Dirck should Depart and remove from the 
Town of Bergen then and in such case I Give Devise and 
bequeath my Estate Right and Title to the Commons and 
undivided Lands last mentioned to my said sons Cornelis 
and Johannis and to the heirs of my son Jurejan deceased ;” 
to his two daughters, Elizabeth, wife of Maghiel Vreeland, 
and Leah, wife of Jacob Van Wagenen, .£140 New York money, 
to be divided between them ; also ” all my certain Lot or 
Parcel of Land lying at a Place [called] Acquackanuck on the 
northwest side of the Land of Thomas Fredrickse and also 
my other Lot or Parcel of Land lying on the south side of 
the Land of the said Thomas Fredrickse,” to be equally 
divided between said two daughters.  His wife Belitje, and 
his sons Cornelis and Johannis, were appointed executors. 
The testator signed his name Gar: Jureansen(4) 
III. Aeltje, bap. Dec. 21, 1672; d. in childhood. 
IV. Aelt or Aart, m. Gerritje Mattheus, at Bergen, 
July 6, 1695.  In the New York church record of the mar- 
riage his name is given as “Aelst Jeuriaenszen, j. m. van 
Bergen.”  He was chosen deacon in the Acquackanonk 
church in 1703. 
(1) Essex Transcribed Deeds, A, 341.
(2) Simmons MSS. 
(3) E. J. Deeds, B 2, f22 
(4) E. J. Wills, E, f. 277. 
* Aquackanonck has been spelled 18 different ways through 
    the years.(GVR)

Page 155a
In 1713 he owned lot No.3, in the Wesel 
subdivision.(1)  He probably died between Sept. l, 1709,
and June 23, 711.(2) 
V. Christyntje, bap. Nov. 24, 1677; m. Pieter Ger- 
brantse, Aug. l, 1698. 
VI. Jan, m. Neeltje Gerrebrantse, April 7, 1702.  He 
was chosen deacon of the Acquackanonk church in 1712, 
and elder in 1712, 1718 and 1727. 
VII Marritje, bap. April 28, 1680 ; m. Claas Gerbrantse, 
April II, 1704. 
VIII. Harmen, bap. Oct. 21, 1682; d. in inf. 
IX. Aeltje, bap. April 2, 1684; on Aug. 7, 1746, Har- 
man Jurianse and Jan Jurianse, both of Essex county, 
yeomen, brothers of Aeltje Jurianse, late of the county of 
Bergen, single woman, deceased, were appointed adminis- 
trators of her estate, she having died intestate. 
X. Harmen, bap. Dec. 6, 1686; m. 1st, Maritje Fred- 
erickse, June 20, 1709 (she was bap. Nov. 11, 1684, dau.of 
Frerik Thomasse and Catharina Hoppe); 2d, Judith, dau. 
of Christopher Steenmets, in 1720 or 1721.  He was chosen 
deacon in 1715 and 1726, and elder in 1731 and 1738.  He 
was named as one of the executors of the will of Christo- 
pher Steenmets, his father-in-law, in 1732.  He appears to 
have bought Lot No. 4, in the first tier of lots, on Pas- 
saic river, by deed dated May 15, 1722, with the Lot im- 
mediately in the rear of it, in the second tier of Hundred 
Acre Lots.  His will, dated June 17, 1754, proved May 14, 
1756, is given -herewith:

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN this Seventeenth day of June in the 
year of Our Lord Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred and fifty 
four I Harme Jurryanse of Achquechenonk in the County of Essex and 
Eastern Division of New Jersey yeoman being aged and infirm of Body 
but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God there- 
fore and calling to mind the mortallity of my Body and knowing that 
it is appointed unto men once to Die do make and Ordain this my last 
Will and Testament (that is to Say) First and principally I Give 
and recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it hoping 
through the alone Merits of Jesus Christ to have Eternal life and my 
Body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian man- 
ner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named nothing doubting 
but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the Same again through 
the mighty Power of God and as touching such Worldly Estate 
wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I Give bequeath 
and dispose of the same in the following manner and form Imprimis my 
Will is that all my just Debts and Funeral Expences be well truly and 
fully paid and discharged.  Item I Give bequeath and Devise unto my 
dearly deloved Wife Judith Jurrianse the full and sole use and Improve- 
ment of all my Real and Personal Estate during the time she shall re- 
main my Widdow for her comfortable Support in this life as also 
fifty seven pounds current lawful money of New York to be paid out of 
my Personal Estate unto her by my Executors Six Months after my de- 
cease.  Item I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son Jurrie Van Rype 
my great Bible over and above his share and proportion which shall be 
hereafter in and by this my last Will and Testament given him.  Item I 
Will and Devise that all my Lands or Real and Personal Estate shall be 
equally Divided share and share alike among my thirteen Children 
Jurrie VanRype Frederick VanRype Abraham VanRype Johannis Van- 
Rype Cliristoffel VanRype Marytie Van Rype Jacob VanRype Isaac 
VanRype Sarah VanRype Gerrit VanRype Geurt VanRype Thomas 
VanRype and Christina VanRype that is to say First my Two hundred 
Acres of land on which I dwell laing In the bounds of Achquechenonk 
Bounded on the North West side of Pessaick River bounded South by 
Madlene Vangiese and on the North side by Claes Vreland No 4 as by 

(1) See pp. 76-77, ante.page 
(2 ) See receipts of those dates for quit-rents, p. 781 ante.


a Deed baring date the fifteenth day of May Anno Domini One 
thousand Seven hundred and twenty two more fully may appear 
together with the remainder of all my Lands to which I have right and 
Title in the Patent of Achquechenonk as also all my Lands in the 
County of Orange in the Colony of New York specified in a Deed there- 
of baring date the twenty Sixth day of November Anno Domini One 
thousand Seven hundred and fifty now in the occupation of my Son 
Frederick Item I Will and ordain that my Son Fredricic shall be allowed 
and paid fifty pounds currant money of New York for the Improvement 
 of the Place on which he now dwells to be paid at the time of the Divi- 
sion of my Estate hereafter to be Specified.  Item I Will and Devise 
that Whereas my Children Jacob Sarah Gerrit Geurt Thomas and 
Christyna have not had an Outset as the rest of my Children that they 
shall have an Outset equivalent to that which the rest of my Children 
have had. Item I Will and ordain that if any of my Children aforesaid 
should die without any Heir then the Portion of the Deceased to be 
equally Divided among all my Surviving Children or their Heirs if any 
before the Division of my Estate aforesaid should depart this life. Item 
if any of my Children or Grandchildren should be under age at the time 
of Division aforesaid then my Executors shall make a just Division and 
give every one of the underaged Children or Grandchildren aforesaid 
their just and due portion.  Item I Will that the Division of my Real 
and Personal Estate shall be made after the disease or Remarriage of 
my Wife which first happens. Item I do hereby nominate Constitute 
and appoint my above named Sons Abraham VanRype and Jacob 
VanRype Executors of this my last Will and Testament and do hereby 
revoke disanul and make void all and any other Will or Wills bequest 
and bequests:heretofore by me made Willed and bequeathed and 
Executor or Executors by me heretofore in any wise named ratifying 
allowing and holding for firm and Valid this and no other to be my last 
Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand 
and seal the day and year above written. Signed Sealed published pro- 
nounced and Declared by the said Harme Jurryanes to be his last Will 
and Testament in the Presence of us,(l) David Marinus    ) 
                                                                     Richard Bradberry ) 
                                                                  Harmon Juransen [L. S.]

XI. Grietje, b. Oct. 5, 1691. 
XII. Jurie, m. Elizabeth Steinmets, both being ot Ac- 
quackanonk, Nov. 13, 1730.  Ch., Sara, bap. Feb. 7, 1735- 

                        Third Generation. 
Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and Jannetje Straet (thus in 
the Acquackanonk church records) had children : 
1.  Gerrit,  b.  Feb.  6,  1692; m.  Jannetje  Hartmanse 
Vreeland, June 19, 1718.  Following is his will, dated Feb. 
17,1761, proved Nov. 23, 1761:(2) 

In the name of God amen this seventeenth day of February in the 
year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred sixty and one I 
Garrit Thomasse Van Ripen of the county of Essex and province of 
East New Jersey gentlemen being very Sick and week in body but of 
perfect sound mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore 
calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is ap- 
pointed for all men once to dye do make and ordain this my last will 
and testament that is to say principally and first of all I recommend my 
body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at 
the discretion of my executors.  First I will and do order that all my 
just debts and funeral charges shall be paid and satisfyed. Secondly I 
give and bequeath unto my grandson John Vanwinkel two pound York 
money to be levied out of my estate I also give and bequeath unto my 
daughter Marite wife of Henry Vanwinkel ten pound like money to be 
levied out of my estate, I also give and bequeath unto my daughter 
Maritie Vanwinkel and to the heirs of her body forever one equal half of 
a tract of land commonly called the Stone house land(3) the North side of 
said tract also another lott of land lying between Derck Vreland and 

(1) E. J. Wills. Liber F, f. 355. 
(2) E, J. Wills, H, f, 68. 
(3) Stone House Plains.

Page 156a

Seal(1) Post called number twelve also the equal third part of all the rest 
of my land wheresoever it shall or may be found I also give and be- 
queath unto my daughter Jannitie wife of John Vanwinkel and to the 
heirs of her body forever the other equal half of said Stonehouse land 
namely the Southside of said tract as also another lott called number 
three as also the one equal third part of all the rest of all my said lands 
wheresoever they shall or may be found I also give and bequeath unto 
my daughter Lea wife of Peter Jacobusse and to the heirs of her body 
forever my homested or plantation which I now live on with the mes- 
suages and tenements unto the same belonging as also the one equal 
third part of my said lands here to before mentioned where they shall or 
may be found. I also give and bequeath onto my three daughters and 
to the heirs of their bodys forever all my salt meadow if any shall or 
may be found to be equally divided between them shear and share alike 
I also will and do order that my three sons in law shall and may use and 
possess the said lands and meadows each one his wives part unto each 
of them willed during their lives, but if in case the heirs or any of ther 
heirs of all or either of my said daughters should want to use said lands 
before the death of their said fathers or mothers it is my will that they 
shall have the one half of said lands in their use and their father the 
other half in his use to it(2) all the said lands and meadows after the death 
of my said three sons in law and daughters to belong to the heirs in the 
form and manner as is hereinto fore mentioned. I also give and be- 
queath onto my daugthers Maritie thirty pound York money to be aded 
to the fifty pound she has already had I also give and bequeath unto my 
daughter Jannetie my negro man  Joe  As touching the rest of my move- 
able estate I will and do order that it shall be equally devided between 
my three daughters shear an shear alike,  lastly I do constitute ordain 
and appoint Jacob Van Ripen Junr. and Peter Degarmo to be my 
only sole and lawfufi executors of this mylast will and testament and I 
do hereby utterly disallow disannol and revoke all and every other 
former wills testaments legacies and executors by me in any ways here- 
toforethis time named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming 
this and no other to be my last will and testament  In witness whereof 
I have hereunto  set my hand and seal the day and year above written 

Signed sealed published pronounced } 
and declared by the said Garrit             }      his 
Thomasse V: Ripen as his last will       }Gerrit X Tomasse V: Ripen[L.S.] 
and testament in the presence of us    }         mark 
the subscribers–Thomas Sigler–         } 
George Walls 
—Isaac Y Powelson— 

He was one of the earliest of the family to assume the 
surname Van Rypen, but in the records he is usually called 
Gerrit Thomasse. 

II.  Jurjaen, b. June 12, 1693 ; m.  Aeltje Simonse Van 
Winkle, June 12, 1714.  He was chosen deacon of the Ac- 
quackanonk church in 1724.  In 1737 he and Adriaen A. 
Post secured an Indian deed for the Island and river bottom 
near the West street bridge(3) Disappointed in this project 
for building a mill, he went further up the river, and secured 
a tract of 125 acres on the east side of the Passaic, some 
distance above Little Falls, which he caused to be surveyed 
to him, Dec. 2, 1748.(4) He died soon after, probably before 
he was able to do more than erect the dam and dig the tail- 
race for his proposed mill.  On Jan. l0, 1749 (l750, N. S.), 
his son Thomas conveyed part of the tract to John Van 
Rypen, of Saddle River, carpenter, who also received a 
quit-claim (?) deed therefor from Helmagh Sip, May 87, 
1756, and in turn sold the whole tract to Jacobus Post, car- 
penter, Nov. 23, 1756, for f 525 New York money.(5) 
(2)to wit
(3) See p. 139 ante. 
(4) Perth Amboy Surveys, N 2, f. 250. 
(5) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, A540

Page 156b

III. Jan,  b. Oct. 28, 1694;  m.  Marritje Van Houten 
(b. Sept. 25, 1715, dau. of Dirrick Van Houten, of Totowa), 
May 12, 1732. He called himself Jan or John Van Ryper, 
but in the records is sometimes spoken of as John Thomasse 
Van Rypen. He probably lived on the Wesel road.  He d. 
in January, 1782, leaving the following will, dated April l5, 
1778, proved Feb. 5, 1782 : 

In the Name of God Amen I John Van Ryper of Acquacknuck, in the 
County ot Essex & Province of East New Jersey being very Sick in 
Body but of perfect mind & inemory thanks be given unto God Calling 
unto mind the Mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for 
all men once to Die, do make & Ordain this my last Will & Testament, 
that is to say Principally & first of all I Give & recommend my 
Soul into the Hand of Almighty God that gave it me & my Body I recom- 
mend to the Earth to be buried in decent .Christian manner at the 
discretion of my Executors hereafter Named nothing doubting but at 
the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty 
Power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it has 
pleased God to bless me in this Life I Give bequeath devise & dispose of 
the same in the following manner & form.  Item.  I give & bequeath 
unto my beloved Wife Marritye the use & Improvement of all 
my Estate both Real & Personal during the Time she Remains my 
Widow with a full power & authority to sell & dispose of the same as 
Necessaty requires it.  Item I give & Bequeatb unto my Oldest Son 
Thomas Van Ryper for his Birth Right Ten Shillings Current Money of 
New Jersey to turn his Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my Son Derrick Van Ryper Four acres of Land where 
he now lives to him bis Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my Son Helemich Van Ryper Pour Acres of Land out of 
the Lott by the Brook to him his Hun & Assigns forever Item I Give 
& bequeath unto my.Son John Van Ryper four Acres of Land where 
he now lives to him his Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my Son Garret Van Ryper the Northerly part of my 
Dwelling house where I now live, with Four Acres of Land Adjoining 
thereunto, unto him his Heirs & Assigns forever Item I Give & 
bequeath unto my son Adryan Van Ryper the Southerly part of my 
Dwelling House where I now live, with Four Acres of Land Adjoining 
thereunto, unto him his Heirs & Assigns forever.  Item I Give unto my 
Daughter Marrithye Van Ryper my Large Dutch Bible & also one 
Negroe Wench Named Great now living with her to her her Heirs & 
Assigns forever Item my Will is that my five Sons Derrick Van Ryper 
Helameck Van Ryper John Van Ryper Gerret Van Ryper Adryan Van 
Ryper do pay unto my Daughter Marrithye, each of them Twenty 
pounds Current Money of New Jersey One year after my Death & my 
wifes Death that is to say one Year after the Longest liver.  Lastly I 
do nominate Constitute & appoint my two Sons Derrick Van Ryper & 
John Van Ryper to be Executors of this my last Will & Testament and 
I do Revoke all Former Will or Willsby me made & all other all other 
Executors by me Appointed, Holding for firm this & no other to be my 
last Will & Testament.  In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my 
Hand and Seal, this Fifteen day of April, in the year of our Lord One 
thousand Seven Hundred & Seventy Eight. 
                                 John X Van Ryper [L. S.] 
Signed Sealed Published pronounced & declared by the said John Van 
Ryper as his last Will & Testament in the presence of us, who in his 
presence & in the presence of each other other have hereunto subscribied 
our Names Garret Haeghoort Derick Van Ryper Lucas Wessells.(l)

His wife, Marritje, died in 1789, leaving a will, dated 
June 21, 1787, proved May 2, 1789, in which she devised all 
her estate, real and personal, to her son Adrian ; he, how- 
ever, granted to his four surviving brothers an equal share 
in the property.(2)
(1) Recorded in Liber 24 of Wills, Trenton, pages 8 &c. 
(2) Recitals in written opinion of Abraham 0gden,of Newark, Oct. 5, 
1797, among papers of Adrian R. Van Houten.

Page 157a

IV. ABRAHAM. April 4, 1696;  m. lst, Elizabeth 
Hesselse (dau. of Hessel Pieterse), April 20, 1721; 2d, Ca- 
trintjeAndriesse, spinster, Sept. 13, 1729.  He owned Lot 
No. 3, and Lot No. 10. East, and Lot No. 7, West, in the 
Bogt* subdivision.  He was called Abraham Thomass, or 
Abraham Van Rype.  He d. intestate. 
V. ISAAC, b. Oct. 28, 1697; m. Lea Simonse Van Win- 
kel, Aug. 24,1722. 
VI. JACOB, b. Oct. 9, 1699; m. Marietje (Maria) Ger- 
brantse, living at New Barbadoes, Dec. 17, 1728.  He was 
chosen deacon of the Acquackanonk church in 1728, and 
elder in 1734. 
VII. GEESJE, b. Oct. 4, 1702; m. Jacob Banta (son of 
Dirck Epke Banta and Ester Hanse Diedricks ; Jacob m. 
1st, at Hackensack, Hendrickje Albertse Terhune, May 31, 
1718), about 1725 she joined the Hackensack church, May 
6,  1730.   Issue:  1.  Dirck,  bap.  Feb.  20, 1726; m. Antje 
Van Giesen ; 2.Jannetie, bap. Sept. 27, 1728; m. Jan Van 
Rypen, Nov. 20, 1756; 3. Hester, bap. June 27, 1731;m. 
Nicholas Prior, Jan. 8, 1761; 4. Thomas, bap. Feb. 13, 
1735; Anna Stilwell, March 11, 1761; 5.. Margrietjen, 
bap. July 9, 1738; m. William Day, of Hackensack; 6. 
Hendrickje, bap. Sept. 29, 1745; 7. Joannes, b. Nov. 26, 
1747;m. Annatie Vanderhoff.(1) 
VIII. MARTJE (i. e., Martha), b. Oct. 3, 1704; m. Adrian- 
Adrian-Adrian-Adrian Post, Jan. 9, 1730. 
IX. Elisabet, b. April 4, 1707 ; m. Gerrit Van Hoorn, 
Nov. 30,. 1728; both. lived at Acquackanonk at the time. 
Issue: I. Dirck, b. Sept. 29, 1729; 2. Janneke, b. Nov. 17, 
1730; 3. Geesjen, bap. March 20, 1737; d. ininf.; 4- Geesje, 
bap. June 22,1740. 
X. DIRCK, b. Jan. 25, 1709; m. Pietertje Post, Sept. 
28,  1732.   Dirck Van Ryper,  of  Essex county,  probably 
his son, was appointed administrator of Dirck Thomasse 
Van Riper, Nov. 13, 1757-  Dirck Thomasse Van Riper 
owned a great deal of land in various parts of Acquacka- 
nonk.  In 1754 he and his brother John owned the lot 
southwest of Lot No. 9, in the Eight Hundred Acre Tract. 
XI. MARIETJE (i. e., Mary, or Maria), m. Peter Bras, Oct. 
17, 1728 ; they were spinster and bachelor, and both lived 
at Second River.* 
Cornelius and Johannes Tomason, planters, of the town 
of Bergen*, bought extensive tracts of land between Second 
river and Third river, from Gerret Leydecker, cordwainer, 
of Newark, May 29, 1695(2) from John Gardiner, planter, of 
Newark, June 3, 1699 ;(3) from Thomas Davis, yeoman*, of 
Newark (to Cornelius Tomason), Jan. 13, 1723 (4) and from 
John Crane, of Newark (to Cornelius Tomason), Feb. 24, 
1723.(5) By an agreement dated Dec. 29,. 1738,  Cornelius 
Tomason, yeoman,* and Maria his wife, of Essex county, 
convey all their property, real and personal, to their grand- 
children—Cornelius Idesen and Marshall (Merselis) Idesen,
(1)Banta Genealogy, 31-32; Hackensack  Church Records, pasim. 
(2) E. J. Deeds, F, f. 666. 
(3).E.J. Deeds, G, f. 317. 
(4) E.J. Deeds, D 2, f. 199. 
(5) Ib., 201 
*Bogt( Boght, formerly Paterson-if anyone wants a copy of the 
              Boght map1791,showing lots with the owners name let 
              me know and I’ll send it to you by  e-mail. Send me your 
               e-mail address – GVR ) 
*Second River-(Belleville) 
*Bergen(Jersey City)

Page 157b

yeomen, and John Sip, of Essex Co. – the grandchildren 
agreeing to secure to their grandparents a comfortable 
maintenance for life.(1) It is evedent Cornelius and Jo- 
hannes could not have been children of Thomas Juriaensen. 
Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse and Beelitje Dirckie Osten 
 had children: 
I.  Elizabeth, b. May 14, 1694; m. Michael  H.  Vree- 
land, May 30,1719, d. Nov. 18, 1767. 
II. Lea, b. Sept. 11, 1697; m. Jacob Van Wagenen, 
May 22,1719, d. Dec. 19, 1775. 
III. Juriaen, b. Aug. 15, 1699;  m. Margrietje Died- 
ricks; d. July 29, 1739. 
IV. Garret, b. Dec. 4, 1701. 
V. Dirck, b. Jan. 17, 1704. 
VI. Aeltje, b. March 29, 1705 ; d. Sept. 30, 1710. 
VIL Cornelius, b. Oct. 6, 1707 ; m. Aeltje Van Winkle, 
June 29, 1728; d. Jan. 17, 1771.  In his will, dated Aug. 
39, 1767, proved May 4, 1772, he describes himself as of the 
town of Bergen, and gives all his estate to his wife Altye 
during her widowhood, and afterwards to his children- 
Garret, Daniel, Bailitye, Yonitye and Altye.(2) 
VIII. Johannis, b. June 3, 1710; m. 1st, Sarah, dau. 
of Henricus Kuyper, Dec. 2, 1740; she d. July 2, 1741; he 
m. 2d, Margrietje Van Winkle, Sept. 5, I742; d. Aug. 24, 
1776.  He was called “Beelitje’s Hans.” 
These children of Gerrit were frequently called simply 
Gerritse-Elizabeth, Lea, Juriaen, etc., Gerritse.
Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and Gerritje Mattheuse had child- 
I. Juriaen, m. MartjeVreeland, both of Acquackanonk, 
May 13, 1727. He was called Juriaen Aeltse. 
II. Cornelis, m. Geesje Post, both being of Acquack- 
anonk, Jan. 19, 1728; he was known as Cornelis Aeltse. 
He probably lived on the Wesel road*, where he owned Lot 
No. 3 and Lot No. 4; the latter he conveyed in 1748 to Ger- 
rit Post, as already related.   He also owned  Lot 14, of the 
Wesel subdivision, being the farm fronting on the river at the 
Wesel bridge, having part of Market street on the north, and 
the Post farm on the south.  He was a blacksmith by 
trade.  He lived at the corner of Market street and the 
Wesel road, probably on the site of the stone house occu- 
pied for so many years by John Merselis, and more recently 
by Samuel S. Sherwood.  In his will, dated Feb. 24, 1777, 
proved Jan. 3, 1790, it will be noticed that he calls himself 
Cornelus Aeltse. The witnesses were of his nearest neighbors 
-Michael Harmanse Vreeland, Cornelius Hartmanse Vree- 
land and Hessel Pieterse.                      The will is given herewith; 

In the Name of God. Amen.  I Cornelius Aeltse of Ackqueghenonck 
in the County of Essex and in the eastern division of the province of 
New Jersey blacksmith being weak in body but of sound mind and 
memory blessed be God therefore do this twenty fourth day of February 
in the year of our Lold one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven 
make and publish this my last Will and tesament in manner and form 
following that is to say. IMPRIMIS I recommend my soul into the 
hands of almighty God who gave it me and my body to the earth from 
whence it came in hopes of a joyful resurrection through the merits of 
my Saviour Jesus Christ and as for that worldly estate wherewith It
(1)E.J.Deeds,H 2, f 37. 
(2) E. J. Wills, K, f. 485. 
*Yeomen-land owner

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