Van Riper-1858-59 Newark,NJ,city directory

Van Riper-1858-59 Newark,NJ,city directory

Andrew M.-ship carpenter Second near R.R. Ave.
Anthony B.-blacksmith-13 Broad St.
——(colored)-3 Washington Alley
Jacob J.-carpenter 8 Cross St.
Jeramiah-shoemaker 18 West Kinney St.
John -shoe store 404 Broad St.-home 18 Cottage St.
John B.-carpenter-54 Bleeker St.
John J.-carpenter- 13 Broad St.
Mary-widow of Henry-18 West Kinney St.
Mary E.-widow of John-48 Laffayette St.
Peter-gas fitter Second near Railroad St.
William H.-shoestore 404 Broad St. -home 18 Cottage St.

The Pierson’s city directory did not always indicate
if the address after the name was place worked or
home address.
