1900 census, Seneca County, New York State

Federal Census
Seneca County
Village of Waterloo, ward 2
T623-roll 1162
district 100
page 245b, sheet 15, image 30, June 16
Main Street

William D. Lohr-46-M-W-head-organ case maker-married 27yrs.-
b.Oct.1853 N.Y..-Fa.b.Pa…-Mo.b.N.Y..
Francis A. Lohr-43-F-W-wife-married 27yrs.-3 children,3 living-
b.June 1856 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Spencer M. Lohr-25-M-W-son-carpenter-single-
b.Mar.1875 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Fredrick Lohr-21-M-W-son-day laborer-single-
b. Aug.1878 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mary F. Lohr-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.July 1889 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
George P. Lohr-69-M-W-father-widow-
b.July 1830 Pa..-Fa..b.Pa..-Mo.b.Kentucky..
Elsie Youngs-70-F-W-mother in law-widow-2 children, 2 living-
b.July 1829 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Edwin A. Westcott-27-M-W-nephew-day laborer-single-
b.Nov.1872 Maine-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Edna M. Van Riper-16-F-W-servant-single-
b.July 1883 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
T623-roll 1162
district 98
page 211a, sheet 5, image 9, June 9

Edward Van Riper-56-M-W-farmer-married 30yrs.-
b.Sept.1843 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Francis (Sweezy)Van Riper-54-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
b.Oct.1845 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Jay H. Van Riper-28-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-
b.Aug.1871 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Bert B. Van Riper-26-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-
b.July 1873 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Leroy E. Van Riper-25-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-
b.May 1875 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Ernest N. Van Riper-17-M-W-son-at school-
b.Mar.1883 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Eliza Sweezy-79-F-W-mother in law-widow-3 children, 1 living-
b.June 1820 N.Y..-Fa.b.Indiana-Mo.b.Indiana
Seneca County
T623-roll 1162
district 98
page 217a, sheet 11, image 21, June 20

Peter H. Van Riper-69-M-W-head-farmer-married 7yrs.-
b.April 1831 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Fannie L. Van Riper-42-F-W-wife-married 7yrs.-0 children-
b.Aug.1857 N.Y..-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
William Johnson-22-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-single-
b.May 1878 Georgia-Fa.b.Georgia-Mo.b.Georgia
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Village of Waterloo
T623-roll 1162
district 86
page 40a, sheet 9, image 17, June 11

Julia Van Riper-61-F-W-head-farmer-widow-4 children, 4 living-
(widow of Stephen Vreeland Van Riper -son of Peter Van Riper and Maria Vreeland)
b.Oct.1838 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Lottie Van Riper-28-F-W-daughter-domestic-single-
b.Aug.1871 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Charles B. Van Riper-26-M-W-son-farm laborer-single-
b.Oct.1873 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Elmer J. Van Riper-20-son-farm laborer-single-
b.Aug.1880 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
William Mcknight-25-M-W-farm laborer-single-
b.Mar.1875 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Village of Waterloo, ward 1
T623-roll 1162
district 86
page 33a, sheet 2, image 3, June 2
Washington Street

Peter G. Van Riper-75-head-carpenter-married 53yrs.-
b.Nov.1824 N.Y.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Catharine Van Riper-67-F-W-wife-married 53yrs.,2 children,2 living-
imigrated 1842, in USA 58yrs.
b.Nov.1832 Ireland-Fa.b.Ireland-Mob.Ireland
Seneca County
Fayette Township
Village of Waterloo
T623-roll 1162
district 86
page 46a, sheet 15, image 29, June 22

Richard Van Riper-75-M-W-head-farm laborer-married 45yrs.-
b.Nov.1824 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Sarah Van Riper-62-F-W-wife-married 45yrs.-6 children, 3 living-
b.Jan.1838 b. N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mabel Van Riper-26-F-W-daughter-domestic-
b.May 1874 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
Fayette Township, ward 1
Village of Waterloo
T623-roll 1162
district 86
page 34b., sheet 3, image 6, June 4
Fayette Street

Orsa P. Van Riper-31-M-W-head-house painter-married 5yrs.-
b.Jan.1869 b. N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Scharlotte Van Riper-28-F-W-wife-married 5yrs.-2 children, 2 living-
b.Nov.1871 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Raymond Van Riper-3-M-W-son-
b.June 1896 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Stanley V. Van Riper-2-M-W-son-
b.May 1898 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
Fayette Township, ward 1
Village of Waterloo
T623-roll 1162
district 86
page 34b., sheet 3, image 6, June 4
Fayette Street

Theodore Van Riper-45-M-W-head-plumer-married 21yrs.-
b.Jan.1855 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Ireland
Emma Van Riper-43-F-W-wife-married 21yrs.-4 children, 4 living-
imigrated 1862, in USA 38 yrs.-
b.April 1857 England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Ernest F. Van Riper-19-M-W-son-plumer-single-
b.Jan.1881 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.England
Florence Van Riper-15-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Oct.1884 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.England
Hazel Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Dec.1887 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.England
Labancha Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.Sept.1889 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.England
Seneca County
Fayette Township, ward 3
Village of Waterloo
T623-roll 1162
district 101
page 258a, sheet 8, image 15, June 13
Swift Street

John Van Riper-56-M-W-head-mason and contractor-married 30yrs.-
b.Oct.1843 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Margaret Van Riper-48-F-W-wife-married 30yrs.-9 children, 8 living-
b.Aug.1851 Maine-Fa.b. Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
William A. Van Riper-27-M-W-son-mason-single-
b.March 1873 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
Nannie M. Van Riper-24-F-W-daughter-marker woolen factory.-single-
b.April 1876 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
Charles Van Riper-19-M-W-son-single-
b.Feb.1881 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
John Van Riper-16-M-W-son-single-
b.Oct.1883 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
Nettie Van Riper-13-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.June 1886 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
Jennie Van Riper-12-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.June 1887 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
Albert G. Van Riper-8-M-W-son-at school-
b.Dec.1891 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
Elizabeth Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-
b.July 1892 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Maine
Mary A. Van Riper-60-F-W-sister-finishing room factory-single-
b.July 1839 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Eliza J. Van Riper-58-F-W-sister-finishing room factory-single-
b.June 1841 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
Fayette Township, ward 3
Village of Waterloo
T623-roll 1162
district 101
page 260a, sheet 10, image 19, June 15
Eliska Street

Silvers Van Riper-42-M-W-head-work in coal yard-married 8yrs.-
b.Mar.1885 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Emma J. Van Riper-41-F-W-married 8yrs.-0 children-
b.July 1858 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
Fayette Township, ward 3
Village of Waterloo
T623-roll 1162
district 101
page 256b, sheet 6, image 12, June 12
Main Street

William Van Riper-49-M-W-head-engineer woolen factory-married 26yrs.-
b.June 1850 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-46-F-W-wife-married 26yrs.-7 children, 7 living-
b.May 1854 N.Y..-Fa.b.Ireland-Mo.b.Ireland
Rose M. Van Riper-23-F-W-daughter-card room factory-single-
b.April 1877 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Katharine Vanriper 20 daughter-finishing room factory-single-
b.Sept.1879 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Winferd Van Riper-18 daughter-finishing room factory-single-
b.Aug.1881 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Leoine Van Riper-16 daughter-at shool-
b.Sept.1883 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Eliza Van Riper-14-daughter-at school-
b.Jan.1886 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Thomas Van Riper-11- son-at school-
b.Oct.1888 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Warren Van Riper-9- son-at school-
April 1891 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
Fayette Township
T623-roll 1162
district 85
page 24a, sheet 4, image 7, June 9

William Van Riper-19-M-W-head-farmer-
b.July 1880 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Josephine Van Riper-18-F-W-sister-dress maker-
b.Sept.1881 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Edna Van Riper-15-F-W-sister-at school-
July 1884 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Caroline Van Riper-13-F-W-sister-at school-
Nov.1886 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-10-F-W-sister-at school-
April 1890 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Richard Van Riper-4-M-W-brother-
Mar.1900 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Silvius Van Riper-3 moths.-brother-
b.Jan.1896 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Father and Mother were-John G. and Mary E. Van Riper-
1910 Seneca-Waterloo-page 281b-image 18
can’t find them in 1900
Seneca County
Tyre Town
T623-roll 1162
district 97
page 200a, sheet 4, image 7, June 8-9-11

Grove Van Riper-28-M-W-head-farmer-single
b.May 1872 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Bernelia Van Riper-53-F-W-mother-widow (of Sith)-5 children, 5 living-
b.Aug.1846 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Homer Van Riper-19-M-W-brother-farm laborer-single
b.April 1871 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
John Van Riper-16-M-W-brother-at school-
b.Nov.1883 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Seneca County
Junius Town
T623-roll 1162
district 87
page 49b, sheet 1, image 2, June 2

G. W. Sutherland-53-M-W-farmer-married-52yrs.-
b.Aug.1846 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Izora Sutherland-52-F-W-wife-married 52yrs.-2 children, 1 living-
b.Aug.1847 Mi..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Leona Sutherland-25-F-W-daughter-school teacher-single-
b.June 1878 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Gace Sutherland-12-F-W-daughter-
b.June 1889 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Mi..
Etta Stule-25-F-W-servant-single-
b.Feb.1875 N.Y..-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.N.Y..
Frank Van Riper-21-M-W-boarder-farm laborer-single-
Oct.1878 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Jan.6, 2006



1910 Van Riper census, Arkansas

Van Riper
Federal Census
Hempstead County
Ozan Township
Roll T624-52
district 82
page 203b, sheet 23, image 46, April 25

Oscar Van Riper-36-M-head-operator mill-married 3yrs.-
Rhoda Van Riper-23-F-W-wife-married 3yrs.-0 children-
Hempstead County
Ozan Township
Roll T624-52
district 83
page 204a, sheet 1, image 1, April 26
Hope Road

John Van Riper-72-M-W-head-machinist farmer-married 40yrs.-
b. Conn.-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..(1880 census says Fa.b.Conn.-Mo.b.Conn.)
Mary Van Riper-66-F-W-wife-married 40yrs.-12 children,8 living-
Johnnie Van Riper-40-M-W-son-operator saw mill-divorced-
Jemmie McDougall-10-M-grandson-at school-
Roll T624-52
district 83
page 206a, sheet 3, image 5, April 28
Wallaceburg Road

Sam Van Riper-26-M-W-head-operator mill-married 1yr.-
Bessie (Davis) Van Riper-16-F-W-wife-married 1yr.-1 child,1 living-
Garner (1920 called Hughie)Van Riper-9moths-M-W-son-
Clayton Davis-10-M-W-brother in law-
May 14, 2007



1860 Van Riper census, Iowa

Brooklyn Twp., Poweshiek County
page 515, image 77, June 17
M653-roll 339

Charles Van Riper-34-M-W-machinist-$125-$75-b.N.Y..
Elizabeth Van Riper-27-F-W-b.N.Y..
Agnes Van Riper-8mths.-F-W-b.Iowa
Philip Van Riper-45-M-W-b.N.Y..
Hampshire Twp., Clinton County
p273, image 273, June 23
M653-roll 316

Albert Hammond-36-M-W-farmer-$4,000-$1,558-b.N.Y..
Mary D. Hammond-26-F-W-b.In..
Algina Hammond-10-F-W-b. Iowa
Egbert Hammond-7-M-W-b. Iowa
Virginia Hammond-4-F-W-b. Iowa
Marry A. Hammond-F-W-2-b. Iowa
Asa Hammond-38-M-W-stone mason-$300-38-b.N.Y..
Emily Hammond-18-F-W-b. England
Clarence L. Hammond-4mths.-M-W-b. Iowa
Peter Van Riper-24-M-W-farm laborer-b.Mi..
Leonard A. Curtiss-22-M-W-farm laborer-b.Mi..
Walnut Creek, Pottawattamie
page 419, image 119, July 16
M653-roll 338

William E. Van Riper-42-M-W-farmer-$100-b. N.Y..
Betsy A. Van Riper-30-F-W-house wife-b.R.I.
page 420-image 120
Emma J. Van Riper-7-F-W-at school-b.R.I..
Clarence Van Riper-5-M-W-b.R.I..
Jessie B. Van Riper-2-F-W-b.Iowa
Charles Fermer-41-M-W-farmer-
Martha Fermer-35-F-W-house wife-$300-$100-b.Mass.
Toledo Twp., Tama County
page 817-image 11-June 7
M653-roll 339

J. Hunnicutt-38-M-W-stone mason-$1,435-$285-b.Ohio
M. Hunnicutt-30-F-W-b.Pa..
J. G. Hunnicutt-4-M-W-b.Pa.
M. E. Hunnicutt-2-F-W-b.Iowa
J. C. Hunnicutt-1mth.M-W-b.Iowa
T. Hunnicutt-65-M-W-b.Iowa
G. Van Riper-26-M-W-M-W-b.Mi.





1-Jurian (Van Riper) Tomassen-b ?? Ripen (Ribe) Denmark d-Sep. 12,1695
m May 28, 1667-Prynije b??? d-Dec.??

2-son-Gerrit Tomassen(Van Rypen) bap-Jun. 27,1670 d-Sept. 4,1748 Bergen(Jersey City)NJ m June 6,1693-Beelitje Oosten-b????/Hoboken,NJ d

May 20,1745.

3-son-Cornelius Van Rypen b-Oct. 6, 1707 Bergen,NJ d- Jan.17,1771,Bergen,NJ m June 29,1728-Aeltje Van Winkle b-Apr. 13,1712 Bergen,NJd-Jul.19,1776 Bergen NJ

4-son-Daniel Van Riper b-June 26,1736,Bergen,NJ d-July 31,1818 ,Bergen NJ mOct. 13,1761-Elizabeth Terhune bJuly 15, 1738 Bergen NJ,d-June 1,1811 Bergen NJ

5-son-Derrick Van Riper b-Aug. 28,1772 Bergen NJ d-July 3,1851 Bergen
mOct. 1792-Jenneke Vreeland b-1775 Bergen NJ
d-July 1,1848 Bergen NJ

6-son-Daniel R. Van Riper b-Sept. 7,1808 d-April 22,1873
mSep. 7,1826-Jane Post bAug. 31,1807 Hudson City
d-Apr. 28,1886.

7-son-Adrian D. Van Riper-b Nov. 7,1832 Jersey City d-Feb 22,1898 Jersey

City mMay 19,1858-Sara Jane Pelt b1837 Millstone NJ d
Feb 27, 1905 Jersey City

8-son-George M. Van Riper-b Nov. 8,1864 Jersey City NJd-Sep. 15,1905 Bayonne,NJ m.Aug. 4,1894 Maud Henrietta Kitson,-2nd husband Andrew Brunton

9-son-Raymond Van Riper (father)- bJune 9,1897 Jersey City d-Oct 25,1981

Belleville NJ m June 14,1921-Mae Lucinda Seaman- b Jan.
13,1904 Elmira NY, d Aug. 25, 1961



William Nelson (History of Paterson & Passaic, 1901) 4/6

Page 170a

the Wesel bridge.  He d. on his farm at Slooterdam 
(Fair Lawn), May  23.1857. 

Daniel-Cornelius-Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse and Elizabeth 
Terhune had children:

I. Catrintje, b. Dec. 2, 1762. 
II. Cornelis, b. May 23, 1767; m. 1st, Elizabeth Vree- 
land, m. bond dated Jan. 20, 1787; 2d, Vrouwetje, dau. of 
Gerrebrant Gerritse, of Slooterdam, Oct. 30, 1791; she d. 
Sept. 19, 1806; 3d, Aeltje Van Horne, wid. of Michael Van 
Houten, May 31, 1807; d- Jan. 6, 1842.  Cornelis lived on 
the east side of the Passaic river, on the north side of Gar- 
rison’s lane (opposite the Broadway bridge) ; he afterwards 
removed to the second house below the Broadway bridge, 
and after the death of his third wife he removed to Bergen, 
(Jersey City) where he lived near the Bergen church. 
III. Derrick, b. Aug. 28, 1772; m. Jenneke Vreeland, 
Oct. —, 1792 ; d- July 3, 1851.  Issue: 1. Michael, b. Nov. 
8,  1793; m.   Cecilia Cadmus,  Dec.  21,  1816; d.  April 22, 
1868; 2. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1795; d. Sept. 3, 1796; 3. 
Annatje, b. June 25, 1797; m.  Abraham Vreeland, Nov. 30, 
1816; 4. Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1800; 5. Aegie, b. Dec. 19, 
1801; d. unm. ; 6. Daniel, b. Sept. 7, 1803; m. Jane, dau. 
of Adrian-Mercelins Post, Sept. 7, 1826; d. April 22, 1873; 
7.  Cornelius, b. March 27, 1805; m. Mary, dau. of Abraham 
Sickles, Sept. 15, 1827; 8. Catharine, b. Sept. 24, 1807; m. 
Albert Zabriskie, Nov. 7, 1822; d. Dec. 31, 1868; he d. 
Sept. —, 1872; 9. Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1809 ; m. Egbert Wau- 
ters, Jan. 17, 1828; d. June 14, 1872. 

Garret-Johannis-Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse had children : 
By his first wife, Catrintje Van Wagenen:

I.  Margrietje, b. Oct. 10, 1775; d. July 26, 1776. 
II. Margrietje, b. Dec. 31, 1780; d. May 31, 1781. 
III. Catlyntje, b.  Nov.  29,  1782;  m.  Helmich Van 
Houten, Dec. 7,1799. 
IV. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1785; m. Daniel Van Ripen, 
Sept. 18, 1811; d. Sept. 18, 1852. 
V. Margrietje, b. Oct. 30, 1788; m. Cornelius Van 
Winkle, Aug. 16, 1807; d. Feb. 23, 1866.

By his second wife, Catreintje Van Rypen; 
VI, Annatje b. July 12, 1794; m. John G. Van Horn, 
Dec. 19, 1812; d. Dec. 6, 1872; he was b. Jan. 25, 1793; d. 
Dec. 1, 1871.  Issue: 1. Catharine, b. July 16, 1814: m. 
Cornelius C. Van Ripen, May 6, 1832; d. March 28, 1833; 
2. Garret, b. April 28, 1820;  d. Nov. 28, 1826;  3. John, b. 
Aug. 4, 1825, m. Cornelia V. R., dau. of Evert Van Alen; 
d. Sept. 11, 1862; 4. Garret, b. July 30, 1830; m.  Mary, 
dau. of Abraham Britton, Dec. 25, 1852; d. Nov. 17, 1864. 
VII Beelitje, b. Dec. 27, 1797; m. John Van Buskirk, 
Nov. 20, 1814; he was b. Sept. 27, 1787; d. Dec. 12, 1869. 
Issue: i. Catharine, b. July 13, 1815; m. Garret Vreeland, 
Oct. 23, 1834; d. Jan. 3, 1874; 2. Sarah, b. Aug. 16, 1817; 
m. Henry Newkirk, Nov. 7, 1838; 3. Jane, b. July 22, 1820; 
m. Jacob Van Wagenen, Dec. 29, 1842; 4. Ann Elizabeth, 
b. Sept. 28, 1824; m. Cornelius Vreeland, Dec. 2, 1841; 5. 
John, b. Aug. 30, 1832; m. Mary, dau. of William Elsworth, 
Nov. 19,1851. 

Gerrit-Juriaen-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and Helena Post 
had children: 

Page 170b

I.  Marytje, b. July 8, 1755; m. Hendrick Van Houten. 
II. Geirit, b.  Sept 14, 1757; m. Lea Simmons, Sept. 
25, 1777. 
III. Maragrieta,bap. Jan. 13, 1760; prob. m. Johannis 
Doremus, widower. May 31, 1789.  Ch., Gerrit, b. Dec. 27, 
IV. Marretje, b. Aug. 5, 1763;m. Michael G. Vreeland, 
March 13,1784. 
V. Jannetje, b. May 7, 1768; m. Cornelius Cadmus, 
Aug. 19, 1787.  Issue: l. Johannes, b. April 4, 1788; d. 
Jan. 16,1837; 2. Gerret, b. Aug. 10, 1791; m. Elizabeth 
Van Houten, June 15, 1811; d. Nov. 9, 1870; 3. David, b. 
Dec. 14, 1794; m.  Margaret Vreeland, Feb. 13,1825; d. 
Aug. 5, 1869; 4. Andries (Andrew), b. Aug. 22, 1803; m. 
Ellen Van Houten, Aug. 21, 1824; d. March 14, 1884; 5. 
Cornelius, b. Oct. 13, 1805; m. Delilah DeWitt; d. March 
28, 1861; Jacobus (James), b. Oct. 13, 1805; m. Mary Der- 
mot, Feb. 28, 1828; d. March 16, 1878. 
VI. Jacobus, b. Sept. 25, 1772; m. Jannetje Van Win- 
kle, Nov. 8, 1792 (she was a dau. of Jacob-Waling Van Win- 
kle and Elcy Kip, and was b. Dec. 9, 1776); d. May 15, 
1807; she d. Oct. 23, 1826.  Jacobus lived on the east side 
of the Passaic river, near the Saddle river.  He was known 
as Jacob G. Van Riper. 

Johannis-Cornelis-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and Marra- 
grietje Van Rype had children:

I.  Cornelus, b. Dec. 13, 1759; m.  Marretye Gerritse, 
prob. dau. of Gerrebrand Gerritse.  By deed dated March 
16, 1804, Cornelius Westervelt conveyed to Cornelius I. Van 
Riper and John G. Ryerson, both of Saddle River, one 
equal half part or moiety of “the fishing place at Wagaraw in 
Passaic river, extending from John Goetschius’s fishing 
place or line until it comes to the line of Jerry Van Riper’s 
lot, formerly the lot of John C. Westervelt, deceased.(l) 
II. Jurrie, b.  Dec. 17, 1761;  he was perhaps the Jerry 
Van Riper who bought a part of the Westervelt farm at 
Hawthorne, extending from the Ryerson line to the Degray 
III. Johannes, b. Sept. 15, 1764. 
IV. Gerret, bap. April 19, 1767.

Cornelius-Cornelis-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse had children: 
By his first wife, Margaret Vreeland:

I.  Sietje, b. Sept. 16, 1765; m. John Berry, Sept.  12, 
1784; She survived him in 1804.  Issue : l. Maragrietje, b. 
Oct. 20, 1785; 2. Philip, b. Sept. 4, 1788; 3. Cornelius, b. 
Dec. 3,1789. 
II.  Rachel,  bap. July 10,  1768; m. John MacCarthy, 
Dec. 19, 1790.  Issue: l. Peggy (Margaret), b. Dec. 10, 
1791; 2. Ebbie (Abigail), b. Nov. 28, 1793.  MacCarthy d. 
prior lo April, 1805, and David Van Bussem was appointed 
guardian of the two children.  By virtue of an order of the 
Essex county orphans’ court he sold the interest of his 
wards in the lands of their grandfather, Cornelius Van 
Riper, for $750, by deed May 3, 1806, to John Merselis. (2) 
MacCarthy was probably a son of John MacCarthy and Ab- 

(1) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, C, 578. 
(2)Essex County Deeds, Q, 214. 

Page 171a

igail Van  Bussern, who had a child,  Abigail,  b.  Oct.  10, 
1763.   He m. 2d, Elizabeth Post, wid., Dec. 14, 1797. 
III. Margrietje (Pegge), b.  March 5,  1771; m.  Gerrit 
A. Vreeland, Aug. 16, 1794.   Issue: i. Abraham, b. March 
1,  1795;  2-  Cornelius, b. Aug. 4, 1800; 3. Jaiinetje, b. Dec. 
15, 1802; 4. Jenneke, b. May 15, 1808.  Margaret and her 
husband and her sister Seche Berry conveyed to John Mer- 
selis, June 4,  1803, for $1,500, their two-fifths interest in 
the lands of their father, Cornelius Van Reypen.(l) 
By his second wife, Elizabeth Vreeland: 
IV. Marrotje (Mary), b. June 2, 1780; m. Henry Sim- 
mons, Dec. 27, 1800.  She lived in a stone house, at the 
southwest corner of Market street and the Wesel road; she 
owned twelve acres of land on Willis street, near the Do- 
remus property, which adjoined the present Washington 
Park.  She and her husband conveyed to John Merselis, 
Oct. 1, 1803, for $300, her one-fifth interest in the lands of 
her father, Cornelius Van Riper.(2)  Henry Simmons was an 
extensive merchant in New York, having stores in Water 
and Pearl streets.  His will, dated March 27, 1828, proved 
July 30, 1828, names wife Mary, and children (3): 1. Peter H., 
d. unm.; 2. James, b. Dec. 13, 1804, in New York; came 
to Paterson about 1835 and m. Ann, dau. of Adrian R. Van 
Houten, who lived at the southwest corner of West and 
River streets; James is still living, in- 1894; 3. Mary Eliza, 
m. John P. Meserole ; 4. Jane, m. Francis B. Morrow; 5. 
Rachel Ann, m. Abraham Walsh ; 6. Sufan, d. unm. ; 7. 
Henry Abraham, d. unm. 
V. Cornelius, b. Jan. 9, 1784. 
VI. Jannetje (Jane), b. Jan. 19, 1786; m. James Sim- 
mons, of New York.  They conveyed to John Merselis, 
Oct. 29, 1807, for $750, their one-fifth interest in the lands 
devised to his children by Cornelius Van Ripen, as above ; 
“The first lot is bounded on the east by the Passaic river, 
on the south by lands of Henry Post, and Hartman Post 
on the west and on Peter Merselis land of the heirs of 
Hassel Peterson, the public highway and the school lot on 
the north.  The second lot is a wood lot lying at the foot of 
the mountain to the west of a lot of meadow of Ebenezer 
VII. Catharina, b. July 5, 1789. 

Christophel-Jurie—Jan-Juriaen Thomasse  and Annatje 
Brouwer had children:

I.  Jurrie, b.  Feb. 8, 1767;  m. Elisabeth Van Blerkom, 
March 12, 1791.  He came from Rutherford, and lived in a 
small stone house still standing, the property of Mrs. Sarah 
Kinter, at the corner of York avenue and Lafayette street. 
He had a small farm, which he cultivated assiduously; he 
was also in the habit of buying grain in Sussex county and 
selling it in this neighborhood.  Early in the present cen- 
tury he went West—to the Genessee country, in New York, 
selling his farm to Henry I. Van Blarcom.  In the Acquack-
(l) Ib. .I,331. 
(2) Ib., I, 110. 
(3) Essex County Wills, E, 13. 
(4) Essex County Transcribed Deeds-, B, 416.

Page 171b

anonk and Totowa church records he is sometimes styled 
Jurrie or Yere  Jurrianse,  but  usually with Van  Riper 
added.  To distinguish him from “Siemen’s Jurrie” and 
others of the same name he was popularly known as “Chris- 
en’s Jurrie”—Christopher’s Uriah. 
II.  Hessel, b. April 12, 1769; m. Marytje Van Hoorn 
(dau. of Richard Van Hoorn), Jan.  17,  1796; d. Aug.  11, 
1847; he was called  Hassel Yereance, and lived  at Ruther- 
III Eliiabeth, b. Oct 24, 1770; m. Jacobus Brincker- 
hoff,  May 25,  1799.     Ch.,  Antje, b. July 4,  1801. 
IV. Gerrit, b. Nov. 27, 1772; d. in int. 
V. Neeltje, b. March 13, 1775; m. Cornelius Jeraal- 
man, a. ship-builder at Belleville.   He m. 2d, Catharine Gar- 
rison; the latter m. 2d, Benjamin Zabriskie, (son of Joost 
Zabriskie, of Slooterdam), who had a large grist- and saw- 
mill on the east  bank of  the  Passaic  river,  about  half-way 
between the Broadway bridge and the Wesel bridge. 
Neeltje Jurrianse and Cornelius Jeraalman (Joraleman) had 
issue: l. Anniatje, b. Dec. 3, 1797; 2.Christofel, b. Sept. 
29, 1799. 
VI. Jan , b. Oct. 29, 1778; m. Elizabeth Van Hoorn, 
Oct. 20, 1799.  He was called John C. Jurrianse.  Ch., 
Margtietje, b. Jan. 21, 1800. 
VII. Annaatje, b. Dec. 12, 1781. 
VIII. Gerrit, b. Sept. 28, 1786. 

Jan-Jurie-Jan-Juriaen Thomasse and Eliiabeth Post had 
children : 
I.  Gerrebrand, b. April 27, 1769!  bap.  the same day 
as a child of Christophel Jurrianse; m. Helena Kerck, Oct. 
11, 1790.  Issue: l. Johannis, b. July 19, 1791; 2.  Gerrit, 
 b.July 12,1801. 
II.  Adriaan, b. March 15, 1775. 
III. Jannetje,  m. Cornelius Jeraalman, Nov. 22, 1795. 
issue; 1. Jurry, b. Aug. 17, 1793; 2. Hendrick (Henry), m. 
Gerritje Van Blerkum (dau. of John Van Blerkum), Dec. 11, 
1813; 3. John, b. June 24, 1796; 4. Syntje, b. Sept. 3, 1800; 
5.Thomas, b. July 15, 1802. 

John-Abraham-Harmen-Juriaen Thomasse and LeaWinne 
id children:

I.  Elizabeth,  b.  Sept.  1,  1777; m.   Joost  Spier, near 
II. Antje, b. April 23, 1780; m. John Stymes, on the 
River road, near the present Riverside station of the New 
York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad, at Newark. 
III. Abraham, b. Sept. 15, 1782; m. Maria Spier (dau. 
of  John and Margaret Spier, at Belleville, in 1804. 
IV. Johannes, b. Sept 28, 1784; m. Maritje—, 
from Albany. She survived him. By deed, June 20, 1807, 
for $375, John A.  Van  Riper, of  the  township  of  Newark, 
bought from Abraham Berry and Catharine, his wife, of Ac- 
quackanonk, a tract of 11.61 acres on the west side of Third 
river, in the line of Harpan Van Riper’s land; this tract ” was 
derived from the estate of John Broadberry, deceased,” and 
as conveyed by John Berry of Acquackanonk, to Abraham. 
Berry, his son, of the same place, in March, 1806.(1)
(1) Essex County Transcribed Deeds, B, 24, 149.

Page 172a

V. Philip, b. June 16, 1787; m. Lea (Lydia) King, 
daughter of Abraham King ,(1) d. Aug. 20, 1851 ; she d. Dec. 
8, 1873, aged 83 years, 7 months, 6 days.   He was known as 
Philip I. Van Riper.(2) 
VI. Maria, b. Dec. 12, 1789; m. Jacob Berdan Van 
Riper, son of Jurrie Van Riper, at Upper Preakness, Dec. 
8, 1810; d. April 21, 1867. 
VII. Pietertje, b. April 4, 1792; m. John G. Van Riper, 
at Passaic. 
VIII. Neesje, b. Jan. 4, 1795; d. in inf. 
IX. Neesje, b. Feb. 21, 1797; m. Richard (Dirck) A. 
Post, Dec. 4, 1814. 
X. Margrietje, b. Dec. 6, 1799; prob. d. young. 

Philip-Abraham-Harmen-Juriaen Thomasse and Jannetje 
Sip had children:

I.  Abraham, b. May 14, 1789; d. in inf. 
II. Annatje,  b.  Aug. 22,  1790;  m.  John T. Gerre- 
brant (b. Jan. 3, 1800; d. Dec. 31, 1870), near the church 
at Stone House Plains;* she d. prior to Oct. 7, 1831. 
III. Abraham, b. June 7, 1795; m. Sophia (Fytje) Post, 
dau. of James I. Post; she was b. Oct. 19, 1800; he d. 
March 17, 1822.  Issne: l. Philip: 2. James. 
IV. Adriaan, b. Aug. 2, 1799; m. Polly Merselis, dau. 
of Garret Merselis, of Upper Preakness; Adriaan lived at 
Stone House Plains. 
V. Ellen Jane, m. 1st., Cornelius (son of Hartman) 
Van Houten; 2d,—–Kingsland. Issue: 1. John; 2. Eliza; 
3. Philip, m. —–, dau. of Henry Hartman Post, who at 
one time kept the Passaic Hotel; 4. a dau.; 5. Abraham. 

Uyldrick (Eldrick)
-Christophel-Harmen-Juriaen Thom- 
asse and Annacke Dooremus had children:

I.  Christophel,  b.  Feb.  7,  1780;  m-  Gertrude,  dau. 
of John Van Houten, Dec. 27, 1802; d. March 8, 1840, aged 
60 yrs., 1 mo.; she d. Aug. 3, 1860.  Issue: 1. Annatje, b. 
April l0, 1803; m. Mindert Vreeland, Nov. 24, 1836; 2. 
Nancy, b. July 23, 1804; m. Martin Tise, Dec. 24, 1829; 3. 
Henry, b. Sept 12, 1806; m. Catherine, dau. of Jacob Cub- 
berly; d.  April 14, 1849; 4- John, b.  July 22, 1808; d. 
unm.; 5. Thomas, b. Oct. 20, 1810; m. Nancy Parvine, 
Nov. 30, 1834; d.May 25, 1846; 6. .Alexander, b. Nov. 25, 
1812; m. Julia Ann Acker, Nov.  15,  1834; d. Dec. 29, 
1845; 7- Aletta, m. Thomas Wilkes, May 3, 1849; 8. Eliza- 
beth, b. Nov. 28, 1817; d. unm.; 9. Gertrude, b. Sept.  15, 
1820; m. Havens Tuttle, Oct. 6, 1836; l0. Jane, b. Dec. 28, 
II. Aeltje, b. Oct. 8, 1783;  m. John E. Smith, March 
27, 1811; d. Oct. 5, 1851. 
III. Ariaantje (Adriana), b. Oct. 18, 1785; m. Philip 
R. Earle, March 6, 1812. 
IV. Johannes, b. Oct. 18, 1787; d. Sept. 3, 1836, unm. 
V. Gerret, b. Sept. 6, 1790; d. in inf. 
VI. Garret, b. Sept. l, 1793; m.  Hannah Evans, May 
28, 1817: she d. Oct. 9, 1824.   Issue:  I. Ann Elizabeth, 

(1) Abraham King had a farm of thirty or forty acres about a mile 
north of Belleville, where be carried on the business of currier, tanner 
uui shoemaker,. 
(2) His will, dated June 30, 1851, proved Sept. 18, 1851, is recorded in 
Book A, 569, of Passaic County Wills. 
*(Stone House Plains)-Brookdale section of Bloomfield,NJ 

Page 172b

b. Feb. 19,l818; 2.  Benjamin E., b. May 9, 1820; d. Oct. 
7,1820  3. Harriet E., b.  March 29,  1822. 
VII. Thomas,    m.     Rachel   Van   Winkle,    of    Acquackanonk; 
d. June 1,1849, aged 69 years. 

Thomas-Jacob-Harmen-Juriaen Thomasse and Maria Van 
Houten had children:

I.   Gerrit,   b.   Sept.   12,   1807,    m.  Hannah  Mason,  of 
Franklin; d. Aug., 1863.   In his early  life he engaged in 
Manufacture of bobbins, bedsteads, shingles, etc., at 
Paterson, with Samuel C. Ensign, on Market street, between 
Cross and Mill streets; later he superintended an extensive 
rope factory in Brooklyn, after which he located in Jersey 
City where he built rope machinery and manufactured Oak- 
um. He was the author of many inventions pertaining to 
this business, among them the fiver-head used in spinning 
rope and twine. 
II.   Sophia,  b.  Feb.  22,  1809;  d.  Sept.  13,  1834. 
III.   Cornelia,  b.  June 5,  1810;  m.  Isaac G.  Speakers,  of 
IV.   Eleanor,   b.   Feb.   20,   1812;  m.   ist,  —  Brown. 
Ch. Sarah Maria, b. Feb. 1, 1832.  Eleanor  m. 2d, David 
Durrie,   who  was a  bobbin  manufacturer  in  Paterson, in  part- 
nership with Isaac Scull, the business subsequently passing 
into the hands of Daggers & Row. 
V.  Maria, b. Sept. 28, 1813; d. in inf. 
VI.  Jacob, b.  Aug.  l8,  1815;  d. in inf. 
VII Peter Van Houten, b. Sept. 12, 1817; m. Ann 
Brown, dau. of William Brown, of Paterson, Dec. 25, 1839; 
d. Oct. 13, 1869; she d. June 19, 1874.   He succeeded to his 
fathers business as bobbin manufacturer, to which he add- 
ed that of  leather  belting, which  he carried on, constantly 
increasing its scope, until his death.  He was an energetic, 
succesful business man, and in private life was highly es- 
VIII.  Catharine  Maria,  b.  July 3,  1319;   m.  Henry Jaco- 
bus ,of  Cedar Grove.  Children ; I. Thomas ; 2. William ; 
3. Cornelius. 
IX.  John, b. Nov.  13, 1820; prob. d. in inf. 
X.  ElizAnn,a  b. Dec. 7, 1821; prob. d. in inf. 
XI.  Esther, b. Dec.  10,  1825;  m. Rem  D. Snedeker, of 
Brooklyn, Jan. 6, 1850; d. at Brooklyn, 1894; he d. Aug. 3, 
1854. Children: 1. Phoebe Maria, b. Oct. 18, 1851; 2. Do- 
Dominicus,  b. June 30,  1853;  3. John F., b.  Feb. 24,  1856. 
XII.  Thomas  Henry,  b.  Dec.  17,  1828;  m.  Sarah Bos- 
wood, Currituck Court House, North Carolina.   He sub- 
sequently engaged in the manufacture of bobbins at New- 
tonville, Newton county, Georgia, where he had a large four- 
story building, and employed a great many hands.   During 
or after  Sherman’s raid, be removed to Augusta, Ga.,  and 
built another large mill.  He subsequently returned to Pat- 
erson ,where he died, Nov. 11, 1882.  He had but one child, 
Mortimer Boswood, b. Sept. 17, 1852; m. Elizabeth Rich- 
ards Oct., 1873.   Issue:  1. Jennie C., b. Sept. 9, 1874; 2. 
William Mortimer, b. March 30, 1876. 
XIII    Henry,  b.  April  29,   1830;   prob.  d.  in  inf. 

Johannis-Thomas-Harmen-Juriaen Thomasse had child- 
(1) See Essex County Transcribed Deeds, D, 173, 175. 

Page 173a

By his first wife: 
I.  Thomas, m. Magdalen, dau. of John Berry;  in 1820 
he lived in Bloomfield township.(1) 
II. John, m. Mary —. 
III. Marritje, m. John A. Van Wagoner. 
IV. Jane, m. Arie Kierstead, jun.,  Jan. l7, 1793. 
By his second wife, Jannetje Van Noorstrand; 
V. Saartje (Sarah), b. May 30, 1788. 

Sixth Generation

Yurrie-Dirck–Jurjaen–Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and 
Maria Berdan had children:

I. Jacob, b. Jan. 3, 1789; m. Maria, dau. of John 
Van Riper and Lea Winne, December 8, 1810; d. De-
cember 1, 1856. He lived on his father’s farm at Upper 
preakness. He wrote his name Jacob B. Van Riper- Ch.: 
1. Juriah, b. Sept. 27. 1812; m. Anna, b. Nov. 5. 1818. dau. 
of Richard I. Banta and Salome Goetschius, March 17, 
1836; d. Feb. 19, 1879; she d. Feb. 5. 1892. He was 
called Uriah J. Van Riper, and was a well-known farmer, at 
Upper Preakness, on his ancestral acres; 2. Leah Ann, b. 
June 16, 1816; d. Sept. 7, 1821; 3. Leah Ann, b. March 25, 
1831; m. Cornelius Kip; 4. Mary Elizabeth, b. June 16, 
1834; m. Nicholas Joralemon; d. Oct. 27, 1884; he d. Nov. 
4, 1881. Uriah J. Van Riper and Anna Banta had issue :
i. Jacob, b. March 11, 1838; d. Nov. 9, 1840. 
ii. John Jacob, b. Oct. 18, 1841; d. Oct. 3, 1848.
iii. Richard, b. June 10, 1846; d. Oct. 11, 1848.
iv. Mary Anna, b. Jan. 23, 1849; m. Andrew P. Hopper, 
of Small Lots (Fairlawn), Bergen county, Oct. 9, 1872. Is- 
sue: 1. Uriah Van Riper, b. Sept. 19, 1873; 2. Henry A., b. 
March 28, 1875; 3. Ann Eliza, b. Aug. 15, 1877; 4. Isaac 
A., b. Sept. 1, 1880; 5. Washington Irving, b. June 3, 1884; 
6. Mary Van Riper, b. Feb. 11, 1886 ; 7. Preston, b. Nov.
1, 1887; d. Aug. I, 1888; 8. Helen Ackerman, b. Jan. 15, 
v. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Jan. 23, 1857; m. Cornelius.Hen-
Post, Oct. 25, 1877. Ch., Marietta Joralemon, b. Aug. 27, 
II. Elizabeth, m. Peter Dewitt.

Jacob-Dirck-Jurjaen-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and Mar-
ritje Vreeland had children:

I. Gerritje, b. Nov. 27, 1793; d. in inf.
II. Gerretye, b. April 25, 1797.
III. Elesabeth, b. Aug. 31, 1799.
IV. Richard (Dirck), who removed to New York and 
engaged in business there as a car-man, or carter. Issue:
I. Jacob; 2. James.

Johannes Dirck-Jurjaen-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse had 
children :

By his first wife, Catharina :
I. Henry, m. Maria, dau. of Cornelius Dorernus, who 
lived in the brick-front house opposite Cedar Lawn Ceme-
tery; Henry went West with his father-in-Iaw.
By his second wife, Geertje Dooremus:
(1) Essex County Transcribed Deeds,C,522. 

Page 173b 

II. Antje, b. April 17, 1799; m. Gerrit-Adrian Van 
Riper, of the Wesel road, March 25, 1820.
III. Peter, m. 1st, Dec. 1828, Maria, dau. Of Ste-
phen Vreeland. at Bergen; 2d, a dau. of Tunis Spear, a 
shoemaker On the Wesel road, just south of Crooks avenue. 
IV. Peggy, m. 1st, Isaac Vreeland, in Vreeland avenue; 
2d, Isaac Kip, of Totowa, who went to Western New York 
with his father’s family.
V. Elizabeth, m. Nicholas Vreeland, at Bergen.
VI. John, m. Sally Spier, who lived with her aunt, 
Mrs. Marytje Sip, near Richfield. John went West about 
a year after his father, or about 1835-6.
VII. Mary Ann (Polly), b. May 10. 1810; m. Theodore- 
Cornelius Post, of Slooterdam; d. Jan. 12, 1890.
VIII. Emeline, m. 1st, Gerrit Van Riper, son of Joris 
(George) Van Riper, near the Bergen county or eastern end 
of the Wesel bridge; Gerrit was a farmer, and lived in the 
brick-front house near the western bank of the Passaic river, 
opposite Cedar Lawn Cemetery; 2d. Cornelius B. Schoon-
maker, a carpenter; d. April 12, 1890, at No. 62 Park ave-
nue, and was interred at Waterloo, N.Y..
IX. Gerrit, m. In Western New York. after the family 
had removed thither.
X. Simon, b. July 10, 1816; m.. an Eastern girl; lived 
on his father’s farm, between Waterloo and Geneva, N. Y. ; 
he revisited Paterson in the winter of 1893-4

Richard ( “Dickie”)—Direk—Jurjaen—Thomas—Juriaen 
Thomasse and Elizabeth Van Orden had children:

I.  Richard, b. July aa, 1802; d. in inf. 
II. Martha,  b.  Oct.  21,  1804;  m.  Peter Perrine, a 
farmer at Upper Preakness.  Children: 
i.   Elizabeth  Jane,   m.    Daniel   Ackerman,   from   the 
Wyckoff neighborhood; d. Dec., 1856.  Ch., Ira, d. unm. 
ii.   Rachel,  m.  Andrew Van Riper,  son of her mother’s 
brother Andrew. 
iii.  Catharina,  b.  Sept.  4,  1837;   m.   Gerrit  Planten, 
March 4, 1857; d. Aug. 25, 1882; he m. 2d, Elizabeth Jane 
Chasmer, Feb. 24, 1885.  Gerrit Planten was b. June 26, 
1834, at Amsterdam, Holland, son of Hermanns Planten (b. 
at Amsterdam, Dec. 28, 1795, son of Gerrit) and Petronella 
Rutgina.  He came to America with his parents in 1846, 
spent three years in Columbia grammar school, New York, 
and three years more in the agricultural college at Gronin- 
gen, Holland.  In 1853 he returned to New York, and in 
1854 took up his residence in Passaic county, where he has 
been for 40 years an honored and useful citizen.  In 1859 he 
engaged in the manufacture of varnishes, and later was 
connected with his brother, John Rulgert Planten (for many 
years Consul of the New Netherlands, in New York), in the 
manufacture of drugs.  For some years past he has been 
interested in Paterson industries.   He lives on a handsome 
place near Haledon, and owns considerable property in Pat- 
erson.  As a successful business man, of superior intelli- 
gence, he has been frequently called upon by his fellow-cit- 
izens of Manchester township to fill various offices—as as- 
sessor and collector, school trustee, and Chosen Freehold- 
er, 1871, 1882-87 ; he was Director (presiding officer) of the 
Board of Chosen Freeholders of the county, 1884-87, per-

Page 174a 

forming the duties of that important office with marked abil- 
ity, and with the utmost fidelity to the public interest?.   In 
1886 he carried through the Board a project by which the 
county acquired the greater part of Colt’s Hill (90 city lots, 
and the extensive buildings) for court house purposes, for 
$115,000 ; but he was in advance of the times ; the action 
was criticised, and the bargain was relinquished. Five years 
later the county paid $70,000 for 20 lots on the same site, 
and the people who questioned Mr. Planten’s judgment in 
1886, regretted that his plan had not then been fully consum- 
mated.  Issue: 1. Herman, b. June l, l858; m. Matilda, 
dau. of James McNab, of Paterson, Oct. 12, 1881; 2. Mar- 
tha Ann, b. Aug. 13, 1859 ; 3. Peter, b. Jan. 19, 1862 ; m. 
Azelle Elder, of Bangor, Me., Feb. 12, 1894; 4. Petronella 
Rutgina, b. Jan. 8, 1864; m. Henry D. Withers, a prominent 
physician of Paterson, Sept. —, 1885; 5. Rachel, b. Feb. 
12, 1867; d. March l, 1873; 6. Ida; 7. Edward Sylvester, b. 
May 18,1878. 
iv.  Richard, m.  Sophia Berry.   He was a First Lieu- 
tenant in Serrell’s Engineers, in the Union army, and d. at 
Hilton Head, S. C., Feb., 1862, without issue. 
III. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 13, 1806; m. Thomas Blake, Oct. 
12, 1823.   He was a butcher, who lived at the southwest 
corner of Hamilton avenue and Washington street, in a 
frame house which was torn down in 1893.  He went to 
Georgia, and there fell a victim to the cholera in 1832. 
Children: l. James Henry; 2. Richard; 3. Elizabeth; 4. 
Alexander; 5. John William; 6. Thomas. 
IV. Andrew, b. April 15, 1809; m. Bridget Hennion, 
from the Ramapo Valley, March 28, 1832; d. April, 1886. 
i.  Richard, b.  March  19, 1834;  m. 1st, Margaret Som- 
erville; 2d, Julia Redner.  Issue: by his first wife—1. Mary; 
2.  Emma:  by his second wife—3.  Louisa;  4.  Andrew;  5. 
Ellen; 6. Richard; 7. Alexander; 8. Frank; 9. Frederick; 
10. George;  11. Julia; 12. Rosa; 13 and 14. Twins, who d. 
in a few days. 
ii.  Andrew, b.  Dec. 25,  1836;  m. Rachel Perrine, dau. 
of Peter Perrine; he lived on the Perrine place, on the 
former Hamburgh turnpike, at Upper Preakness, and d. 
Sept 17, 1882, being accidentally asphyxiated by gas, in the 
old Passaic Hotel.  Issue: 1. Elisabeth; 2. Peter; 3. Gerrit 
Planten; 4. Catharine; 5· Richard; 6. Margaret; 7. Annie; 
8. Bertha. 
iii. Elizabeth Jane, b. Nov. 25, 1837; m. Martin My- 
ers.   Issue: l. Jennie; 2. Tillie; 3. John; 4. Raymond; 5. 
Jacob; 6. Cornelius; 7. Angeline; 8. Lena; 9. Mamie. 
iv.  Sarah Matilda, b. Sept. 9, 1839; d. unm., young. 
v.  Martin Raymond, b. May 5, 1845. 
vi.  Thomas Henry, b. Aug. 14, 1846; d. Aug. 8, 1847. 
vii. John Henry,  b.  Oct.  10,  1850;  m.  Emily Roome 
(b. May 23, l853); killed at the Clay street crossing (Pater- 
son) of the Erie Railway, Oct 19, 1892.  Issue: l. Percy R., 
b. July 13, 1874; 2. Arthur E., b. Jan. 11, 1879; 3. Martin 
L., b. Feb. 27, 1888. 
V.,  Richard  b. Oct. 21, 1810. 
VI. A dau., b. Feb. 7, 1812; d. when but nine days old, 

Page 174b

VII. Jane, b. Jan. 14, 1813; m. Moses Roat, as his sec- 
ond wife.  Children: l. Richard; 2. Elizabeth, m. Henry 
Bennett (a noted scout in the war, known as ” Dead Shot 
Scott”; he d. March 29, 1894; aged 56yrs.), 3. John; 4. Ra- 
VIII. Margaret (Peggy), b. July 7, 1817; m. Willliam 
Oakley Roat (son of Moses Roat, husband of her sister 
Jane); she d. about 1870 ; William Oakley Roat was b. at 
Montgomery, Orange county, N. Y., but for nearly half a 
century lived at Upper Preakness, Wayne township, where 
he held the office of Justice of the Peace for many years ; 
he d. suddenly, Oct. 26, 1894, aged 75 yrs., — mos.  Issue; 
l. Richard;  2. Andrew D.;  3. Elizabeth; 4. Henry;  5. Nel- 
son D.; 6. Charity; 7. Ira; 8. Charles; 9. George. 

Adrian-Johannes-Jan-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and 
Cathelyntje Spier had children :

I.  John, b. Feb. 12, 1793;  d. in inf. 
II. Hendrick (Henry), b. .Sept. 8, 1795;  m. Jacemine- 
(dau. of Jurrie-Christophel) Van Riper, of the Bogt, Dec. 5, 
1813; removed to Flat Rock,Mich., where he d.  Issue: l. 
Catharina, b. May 9, 1814; 2. Eliza, b. Feb. 29, 1815. 
III. Gerrit, b. Jan. 25, 1798;  m. Antye, dau. of John 
Van Riper, of the Wesel road, March 25, 1820; removed to 
Waterloo, N. Y., where he d..  Issue: 
i.   John,  b.  at Waterloo,  N.  Y.,   Aug.  14,  1821;  he re- 
turned to Paterson some years ago, and resides with his sis- 
ter, Mrs. Christie, at No 62 Park avenue* ;  is unm ;  he is 
called John G. Van Riper. 
ii.  Adrian  G.  b.Feb.  17,  1823;  he  was  a miller by 
trade; went to Santiago, Chili, to superintend a mill; m. a 
Chilian lady; he met his death by being thrown from a 
horse.  He left four children. 
iii.  Peter            }  Triplets, b. Nov.  10, 1824;  they grew 
iv.  Richard H. {    to manhood,  all  three being men 
v.  Henry          } of  splendid physique, exactly the 
same in height-six feet-and so alike in appearance as 
scarcely to be distinguished apart; in their infancy, their own 
mother put different colored bead necklaces on the children, 
in order that she might not “mix those babies up.”  Henry 
d. Jan. 3,1863. 
vi.  Gitty Ann *, b. April 19, 1827 ;  m. Cornelius Chris- 
tie, of Paterson;  he d. Feb. 22, 1867.   Issue:  Anna, m. 
Thomas Cashman. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Garret A. Van 
Riper, d. in int.; 3. John G. Van Riper; 4. Ysabele, named 
after her Chilian aunt. 
vii.  Caroline Elizabeth, b. Oct 22, 1835; m. Lot Cook, 
of Waterloo, N. Y. 
IV. Johannes, b. Aug. 6, 1800; d. in inf. 
V. Johannis, b. May 8, 1802; m. Nancy Wyckoff, in 
New York State; removed to Flat Rock, Mich., where he d. 
VI. Uriah, b. Aug. 20, 1804; he was feeble-minded, and 
d. young, unm. 
VII. Catharina, b. April 8, 1807; m. Enoch Chamber- 
lain, and d. at Flat Rock, Mich. 
VIII. Adrian, b. July 18, 1810; m. Eliza Lamb, from 
Michigan, whither he removed and d. at Flat Rock.  It is 
said that the town of Adrian, Mich., was named after this, 
Adrian Van Riper. 


* In the 1873 Paterson city directory John G. Van Riper, 
machinist, and Gitty A. Christy, widow of Cornelius, 
home at 62 Willis St.

Page 175a

IX. Jacob, b. May 10, 1814; he was a carpenter by 
trade; d. young, unm. 

Jurrie-Simon-lsaac-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse had child- 
By his first wife, Antje Vreeland:

I.  Simeon,  b.  Dec.  2,   1789;  m.  Geertje Zabriskie, 
Nov. 17, 1818.  His will, dated Aug. 27, 1855, was proved 
May 11, 1859(1).  His homestead farm lay on the north side 
of the road leading from the Wesel bridge to Hackensack, 
his house being at the river’s edge, near the present Sus- 
quehanna railroad track.  The will of Gitty Van Riper, 
dated July 31, 1857, was proved Aug. 17, 1857(2). By these 
wills, and also by deed dated August 30, 1855, Simeon Van 
Riper and Gitty, his wife, gave to their daughter Rachel the 
above named homestead farm of 85 acres, lying north of 
George (Joris) Van Riper.   Issue: 
i.  Antje Vreeland, b.  Feb.  11,  1814;  m. Jacob G. Van 
Houten, near Hackensack.  Children: i. Gertrude, m. Pe- 
ter Ackerman; 2. Rachel Ann, m. John Demarest. 
ii.  Rachel, b.  March 16,  1817;  m.  Richard Alyea;  d. 
May 23, 1872; he d. April 20, 1873. Children: i. Jane, m. 
George Banta, of Slooterdam, afterwards of Passaic; d. Jan. 
20, 1889; he d. Dec. 9, 1891.  (Issue: (a) Rachel Jane, m. 
Rosevelt Van Buskirk; d. April -, 1893; (b) Gertrude, m. 
Peter Alyea; (c) Margaret, m. ist, Richard Van Wagoner, 
who d. 1889; 2nd, Robert Oldfield, 1892.) 2. Gertrude Ann, 
m. Wallingson Van Houten; 3. Simeon Van Riper, m. Ger- 
trude, daughter of Jacob G. Van Riper, of Rutherford; he 
d. July 3, 1879; she d. Feb. 21, 1878; 4. Elizabeth Sarah, 
m. Aaron V. H. Ryerson ; 5. Alvina, m. Charles A. Mill- 
ington; 6. David P., d. Dec. 25, 1889. 
iii.  Jane, b.  June 30,  1823; d. young. 
II.  Nicholas,  b.  Jan.  27,  1792; m.  Maria  Paulusse. 
Issue: 1. Antje, b. Aug. 12, 1814; m. Peter Alyea, of Cen- 
terville; ch., John, m. Matilda, dau. of Edward Van Hou- 
ten, of Riverside; 2. John, m. Eliza Alyea; (ch., i. Maria, 
b. Feb. 4, 1837;  2.  Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1849; m. —— 
Yereance; 4- Sarah, m. Cornelius Vreeland, and d. on the 
old Van Riper place recently) ; John had a distillery on the 
east side of the  Passaic  river, about half  way between 
the Wesel and  Broadway bridges, which was the most 
extensive and complete in this neighborhood; it was be- 
cause of this distillery that he was known far and wide as 
“Whiskey John”; 3. Jeremiah, b. July 3, 1823; m. Jane, 
dau. of Henry I. Van Blarcom; d. about 1860. 
III. Stephen, b. July 20, 1793; m. Sophia (b. Dec. 17, 
1800, dau. of Garret and Helena) Van Wagoner; d. Feb. 
11,  1870; she d. Dec.  16,  1868.   Issue: 1. Jerry, b. Nov. 
8,  1820; 2.  Ellen (Ellen Jane), b. Jan.  7,  1823; m.  Nich- 
olas-Stephen Vreeland, Oct. l, 1840; 3. Rachel Ann, b. 
April 17, 1826; m. John Banta (b. Jan. 27,  1821, son of 
Richard 1. Banta and Salome Goetschius, wid. of Johannes 
A. Post); she d. Jan. 14, 18$ l; he m. 2d, Mary Ann Cad- 
mus; d. March 27, 1857; 4. Stephen, b. Nov. 3, 1828; m. 
Jane Zabriskie, of Arcola, N. J.; 3. Garret, b. Sept 28, 

(1) Bergen County Wills, G, 692 
(2) Bergen County Wills, H, 1. 

Page 175b

1832; d. in inf.; 6. Benjamin, b. May 30, 1835; d. in inf.; 
7.  Cornelius, b. Nov.  22, 1837; spent two years in Rutgers 
College, studied medicine with Dr. A. W. Rogers, in Pater- 
son, graduated in 1859 from the College of Physicians and 
Surgeons, in New York, and has been one of the leading 
physicians of Paterson for many years; m. Sarah C. Hop- 
per, of Bergen county, June l, 1859; 8. Nicholas, b. Dec. 
1, 1840;  9.  Catharine Sophia, m. Jacob Ackerman. 
IV. Antje, b. Jan. 26, 1796; d. in inf. 
By his second wife, Rachel Meedt: 
V. Antje, b. Dec. 19, 1802. 
VI. Jenneke, b. Dec. 15, 1803. 

Casparus-Marynis-lsaac-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and 
Antje Ackerman had children: 
I.  Catharina, b. Jan. 24, 1790. 
II. Laurence, b. May 26, 1795. 
III. Annaatje, b. June 27, 1797. 
IV. Marynus,{b.Sept.4,1801twins– 
V. Rachel,  { b. Sept. 4, 1801.  Marynus had a grist- 
mill on the Goffle brook; it was turned into a cotton mill, 
and again into a grist-mill, which was operated by Andrew 
Snyder at one time.  By deed April 3, 1830, for $200, Ma- 
rinus Van Riper and Rachel, his wife, of Paterson, conveyed 
to Cornelius Benson, of  Saddle River, a tract of land at the 
Goffle,  adjoining Simeon Van Winkle and John Myers, 
which had been conveyed to Van Riper by William Van Ro- 
den and Gitty his wife, of New York city.(1) 
VI. Laurence, b. June 13, 1804. 

Isaac-Marynis-Isaac-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and Ma- 
ria Stagg had children: 
I.  Isaac, b. April 28, 1804. 
II.  Marian, b. Aug. 6, 1805. 
IV. Cornelius, b. June 21, 1807. 
(no three listed in book) 

Jacobus-Harpert-Jacob-Thomas-Juriaen Thomasse and 
Aaltje Vreeland had children: 
I.  Johannes, b. Aug. 11, 1789. 
II. Margrietje, b. July 4, 1793. 
III. Annaatje, b. Oct. 2, 1797. 
IV. John, b. Feb. 7, 1802. 
(l) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, U, 470. 
(to be continued) Page 175b contd’

Joris (George)-Garret-Juriaen~Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse 
and Clarissa Vreeland had children;

I.  Garret,  b.  Oct.  16,  1815;  m. 1st,  Martha Maria, 
dau. of Martin Romaine, of Rochelle Park, Bergen county; 
2d, about 1855 or 1856, Emeline, dau. of John Van Riper, 
on the Wesel road.  Garret lived in the brick-front house 
on the west bank of the Passaic river, opposite Cedar Lawn 
Cemetery, and had a farm of 60 or 80 acres, extending from 
the river westwardly to the Erie railroad, now occupied by 
the cemetery and Lake View; this farm was given to him 
when he was married, by his father.  He d. July 20, 1864. 
His wid. m. 2d, Cornelius B. Schoonmaker, of Paterson; on 
her death, April 14, 1890, her remains were taken for inter- 
ment to where her father was buried, near Waterloo, N. Y. 
Garret had issue by his first wife only : l. George, d. June 
8, 1844; 2. Daniel Romaine, an artist, in Paterson; 3. Leti-
(1) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, U, 470


tia, d. in inf.; 4. Richard, m. Charlotte, dau. of John Span- 
ton, of Paterson, formerly of Utica, N. Y. 
II. Jane, b. Oct. 9, 1817; m. Garret Newkirk (b. Sept. 
28, 1812), of Bergen, Nov. 5, 1840; d. Oct. 20, 1891; she d. 
Feb. 26, 1872.  Ch., George, b. Sept. 16, 1844; m. Catha- 
rine, dau. of George Seebach. 
III Cornelius, b. Nov. 6, 1819; m. Catharine Jane 
Merselis, dau. of Edo Merselis, of Willis street, near Madi- 
son avenue; d. June 3, 1877; she d. Nov. 14, 1875, aged 50 
yrs., 7 mos., 26 days.   Issue:  I. Edwin, d. Feb. 25, 1847; 
2. Hiley, d.June 12, 1850. 
IV. Helen, b. Oct. 5, 1821; unm. 
V. John, b. Jan. 7, 1824; m. Maria Ann, dau. of Lu- 
cas Romaine and Elizabeth Vreeland;(1) d. Jan. 14, 1883. 
He was known as John G. Van Riper ; his father bought 
him a farm when he was married, on the north side of Gar- 
rison’s lane,  opposite the eastern end of  the Broadway 
bridge, and there he lived; but for many years prior to his 
death he carried on a furniture store in New York.  Issue : 
1. Georgiana;  2.  Romaine Vreeland, b. Sept. 11, I853 ;  m. 
Etta Jenks, of Paterson ; d. Oct. 2, 1891; 3- Louis Phillip, 
b. Dec. 6,1855. 
VI. Hartman Vreeland, b. June 16, 1827; m. Jane, dau. 
of Lawrence Ackerman. 
VII George, b. Oct. 3, 1829;  m. Catharine, dau. of 
Henry Kip, of Rutherford. 
VIII. Eliza Ann, b. July 2, 1833; unm. 
IX. Henry, b. Aug. 5, 1835; m, Ellen Matilda Allen, 
dau. of Robert Allen, of Nyack.  On his marriage, Henry’s 
father bought him a farm in Bergen county near the pres- 
ent East Thirty-third street bridge.  His wife was mainly 
instrumental in establishing the Passaic Valley Union Sun- 
day school, gathering the children at her house on Sundays 
for four years before the chapel was built. 
X. Clarissa, b. Oct. 4, 1840; d. Sept. 3, 1841. 

Cornelis-Daniel-Cornelius-Gerrit-Juriaen Thomasse had 

By his first wife, Elizabeth Vreeland: 
I.  Daniel, b. March 7, 1788; m. Elizabeth Van Ripen 
(b. July 13,  1785;  dau. of Gerrit-Johannis-Gerrit-Juriaen 
Thomasse), Sept. 18, 1811; d. July 1, 1873.  Issue: i. 
Elizabeth Ann, b. April 3, 1822; d. Sept. 3, 1824; 2. Gar- 
ret D., b. Jan. 27, 1826; m. Caroline, dau. of Peter C. 
Westervelt, of T’ Neck, Bergen county; he writes his name 
Garret D. Van Reypen; he has been elected Mayor of Ber- 
gen, and in various other ways his fellow-citizens have at- 
tested the honor and esteem in which they hold him.

By his second wife, Vrouwetje Gerritse: 
II. Gerrebrant, b. Jan. 8,  1793; m,  Hannah, dau. of 
John and sister of Brant Van Blarcom, July 2, 1814.  Issue: 
i.  Elizabeth, b.  Aug.  28, 1815; m. John Vreeland, of  Ber- 
gen; 2. Anna, b. Oct. 8, 1817;  m. Henry-Richard Van 
Houten; 3. Letty, b. May 14, 1820; m. John Schoonmaker,(2) 

(1) See p. 121.
(2)  Children of Letty Van Riper and John Schoonmaker: 1. Hannah, 
b. Oct.  5, 1839 ; 2. Euphemia, b. Nov. 29, 1842; 3. Isaac, b. July 10, 
1844: 5. Lydia Ann, b, July 6, 1847. 

Page 176b

who for many years had a blacksmith shop in Washington 
street;  4. Cornelius, b. Aug. 22, 1819; m. Mary Ann Ryder, 
of New York; he was a clerk in New York; afterwards went 
to California; 5· John Henry, b. April 13, 1825; d. in in- 
fancy; 6. John, b. Aug. 4, 1828; he was a deaf mute; was 
educated in an asylum for the deaf and dumb, in New 
York, and married one of his fellow-pupils; d. about 1880. 
Gerrebrant lived on a farm on the east side of the Passaic 
river, and on the north side of the road leading from the 
Broad way bridge to Hackensack.  This farm (113.02 acres) 
and one adjoining (53 acres), formerly the property of his 
grandfather, Gerrebrant Gerritse, he sold by deed May 2, 
1833, to Brant Van Blarcom, for $8,200,(1) taking in exchange 
a plot on the northwest corner of Broadway and Washington 
(the deed erroneously says Fair) street, 45×120 feet.  For 
prudential reasons, the deed for the latter property was 
given by Brant Van Blarcom to Cornelius Van Riper, in 
trust for  the  maintenance  of  his  son  Gerrebrant,  for 
life,  and  then  to be conveyed to Gerrebrant’s children. (2) 
This transaction turned out better for the Van Ripers than 
for Brant Van Blarcom. 
III. Elizabeth, b. April 9, 1794; m, Stephen Vreeland, 
of Bergen, Oct. 14, 1817; d. Dec. 17, 1827.  She was the 
second of his six wives.  Issue: 1. Nicholas, b. Nov. 21, 
1818; m. Ellen Jane, dau. of Stephen Van Riper, Oct. 1, 
1840; 2. Fanny G., b. Feb. 27, 1821:3. Janet, b. Sept. 2, 
1823; d. Sept. il, 1823; 4- Stephen B., b. Dec. 21, 1824; 
m. Mary, dau. of Merselis J. Merselis, Dec. 25, 1845; 5. 
Helen, b. Aug. 11, 1826; d. Sept. —, 1826. 
IV, Garret, b. July 20, 1797; m, Eliza, dau. of Isaac 
Van Wart, April 28, 1819.  Issue: J. Frances, b, Oct. 3, 
1820; m. James Van Buskirk, May 18, 1839; 2, Henry, b. 
Aug. 4, 1823; m. Sarah C. Van Buskirk, June l, 1846; d. 
Jan. 16, 1860; 3. Cornelius, b. May 27, 1833; m. Mary A., 
dau. of William Dickinson, Jan. l, 1853; 4. Isaac Z., b. 
Nov. 30, 1836; m. Lucy, dau. of William Dickinson, in 
1856; d. Nov. —, 1868. 
V. Helena, b. Sept. 24, 1799; m. Peter Van Winkle, 
May 22, 1820; d. in New York, March —, 1891 ; he was a 
son of Theodore Van Winkle(3) and Hannah —, and was 
b. Aug. 21, 1801, at Peck-hoek, near Lodi, Bergen county; 
he spent many years in mercantile pursuits in New York, 
then came to Paterson and bought(4) the old stone house near 
Market and East Thirty-eighth streets, which he subse- 
quently sold to Peter A. Van Houten; he d, July 16, 1871, 
at the residence of his dau., Mrs. Abram R. Stagg, at Riv-
(1) Bergen County Transcribed Deeds, U, 549. 
(2) Essex County Transcribed Deeds, I, 520. 
(3) Theodore Van Winkle (prob. son of Tades-Arie-Simon Jacobse) 
was b. Aug. 26, 1761; d. June 1, 1809; his wife was b. May 8, 1763 ; d. 
June 19,1817.  Issue: 1. Elizabeth, b, Sept. 17, 1783; 2. Theodore, b. 
March 25, 1785; d. young; 3. Caty, b. May 21, 1787; m.—Van 
Eydestyn ; 4. Jane, b. May 1, 1789; 5. Rachel, b. Oct. 8, 1791 ; m. ist, 
Thomas Van Ripen: he d. June 21, 1849: 2nd, Stephen Vreeland (his 
fifth wife), and d. a week later, Jan. 29,1851 : 6. Hannah (Annaatje), b. 
March 8, 1794; m. 1st. — Romaine; 2d, —; 3d, the Rev. Mr. 
Demarest, of Waverley Place, N. Y.; 7. Tina, b. Sept. 30, 1796; m. 
—— Van Winkle; 8. Peter, b. Aug. 31,1801. 
(4) July 31, 1851.  See p. 131. 

Page 177a

erside.   Issue: l. Cornelius Van Riper, b. Aug. 1l, 1821; 
m. Martha Demarest; d. Sept. 3, 1894; she d. in 1893; 
2.  Ann  Eliza,  b.  Dec.  2,  1823;    d.  suddenly  in  New 
York, Aug. 16, l859, unm.,  3. Thomas Van Riper, b. 
May 12, 1826; m. Maria Devoe; d. Dec. 28, 1862, 4. 
Theodore, b. Jan. 20, 1829, d. Aug. 24, 1830; 5. Fanny 
Garrison, b. Jan. 12, 1832; m. Albert Z. Bogert, of Bogota, 
Bergen county; 6. Catharine Jane, b. Oct. l5, 1834 m. 
Abram R. Stagg; d. Jan. 14, 1860; 7. Letitia, b. June 30, 
1837; m, Abram R. Stagg; 8. Theodore, b. Oct. 23, 1839; 
m. Catherine E. Kip, of New York, dau. of James (son of 
Albert) Kip, formerly of Paramus, Bergen county. 
VI. Derrick (Richard), b. May 22, 1803; m. Margaret, 
dau. of Thomas Cadmus (who lived on the east side of the 
Passaic river, just south of the Wesel bridge), Oct. l5, 1825; 
d. June 9, 1842; she d. Oct. 19, 1874.  Derrick was a wheel- 
wright by trade, and in his early days carried on his business 
in a shop on the north side of Broad way, between Washing- 
ton and Church streets; he afterwards lived on the Notch 
road, his farm being of late years known as the Bannigan 
place.  Issue: 
i.  Margaret,  m.   ist,   Merselis   Doremus,   of  Centre- 
ville; 2. Cornelius I. Merselis, son of John Merselis, of the 
Wesel road; he d. 1894. 
ii.  Elizabeth, m. John-Pieter-Hartman-Hendrick-Hen- 
drik-Frans-Adrian Post(1) he was a carpenter at South Pat- 
iii.  Thomas  Cadmus, m.  Caroline,  dau.   of  Peter  G. 
Speer, on the Notch road, Montclair Heights.  Issue: i. 
Peter Speer, m. Ella, dau. of Cornelius Van Houten, near 
Brookdale; 2. Margaret, m. Garret H. Kinter, son of John 
Kinter, near Peru. 
iv.  Cornelius,  m.  Mary,  dau.  of John Garrison,  who 
lived on the old Garret H. Demarest place, now part of 
Cedar Lawn Cemetery.  Issue: i. Richard, d. at the age of 
17 years; 2. Jennie, m. John Van Iderstine; he lived at Wal- 
v.  Helen Ann, m. Cornelius McCleece, son of John J. 
McCleece, of Delawanna. 
vi.  Caroline, m.  Dr. William James Cadmus, of Pas- 
saic, son of Cornelius Cadmus and Delilah De Witt, of Sloot- 
erdam;(2) he now (1895) lives in Church street, Paterson, 
but practises his profession and has a drug-store, at Jersey 
VII. John, b. May 4, 1811; d. May 14, 1829. 
VIII. Cornelius, b. April 8, 1813; m, ist, Catharine Van 
Horn, May 5, 1832; 2d, Christina C., dau. of Evert Van 
Alen, Aug. 27, 1835.  Cornelius lives at Jersey City.  He 
has six children. 

(1) See p. 149. 
(2) See p. 170. 

Pages 177b, 178a, 178b

Gerrit-Gerrit-Juriaen-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and  Lea 
Simmons had children:

        Peter Simmon’s genealogy: see appendix

I.  Gerret, b. Sept. 4, 1777. 
II.  Pieter, h. Sept. 4, 1779. 
III. Rachel, b. Oct. 16, 1785. 
IV. Maragrietje, b. Oct. 8, I789 
V. Polly, b. Jan. 11, 1793. 

Jacobus-Gerrit-Juriaen-Aelt-Juriaen Thomasse and Jan- 
netje Van Winkle had children:

I.  Gerrit,  b.  Nov.  12, 1793; m,  —  Outwater,  at 

II. Geertje (Gitty),  b.  Sept.  3,  1795; m,  Brant Van 
Blarcom, April 6, 1817; d. March 5, I859; he d. June 3, 
1865.  Some account of her descendants will be found in 
the Van Blarcom Genealogy.

III. Elsje, b. Sept. 8, 1797; m, Edo E. Merselis, who 
lived in a stone house on the Little Falls road, near the Lin- 
coln bridge; she d. Feb. 3, 1828.  He owned property in 
various parts of the county, including a grist-mill on the 
Goffle brook, just above Rea avenue, North Paterson.  His 

will, dated June 7, 1851, proved June 13, 1853, devised his 
lands to his two sons. (1)  Issue; l. Edo, b. Nov. 4, 1819; 
m. Mary A. Cushier, April 23, 1863; he lived on his fath- 
er’s farm on the Little Falls road; afterwards removed to 
Paterson, and d. in Hamilton avenue, Feb.  18, l888; 2. 
Jane, b. Aug. 26, 1821; m. James Brinckerhoff; 3. Jacob, b. 
July 21, 1823; m. Jane, dau. of James Van Blarcom.

IV. Jacob, b. March 28, 1800; m. Sally, dau. of Dr. 
Benjamin R. Scudder and Sally Wade (of Connecticut 
Farms); Dr. Scudder was a prominent physician at Ac- 
quackanonk for many years; he lived below Passaic Bridge; 
Jacob d. Aug. 11, 1862.

V. Waling, b. March 16, 1804; m. Helen Brinckerhoff,
(1) Passaic Co. Wills, A, 695.


1 2 3 4 5 6


Richfield section of CLIFTON, New Jersey.

The Van Riper family Homestead (also known as the Abraham or The Philip Van
Riper House) began as a small unit built by Jurian Tomassen for his son, Thomas.
The oldest section of the house was built in 1693. Harmen Tomassen Van Riper, the
direct lineage ancestoral grandfather of Harry LeRue Van Riper, bought the house
from his older brother. Harmen’s son, Abraham Van Riper, inherited the house
upon Harmen’s death. Abraham enlarged the house but only lived there part-time,
having owned other properties with homes. At the age of 90,
Abraham divided his property among his children. His second child, Philip,
acquired the homestead and the surrounding farmlands. Harry LeRue Van Riper
was born in this house on April 21,1881. The home remained in The Van Riper
Family until Amy Elizabeth Post Van Riper sold the house in 1909. The house was
still standing in the 1960’s and was/is located on Broad Street in Richfield, New
Jersey. Richfield is a part of the City of Clifton (Passaic County). The facade of the
house was rennovated in the 1890’s with the porch and bay window being added.



Van Riper,1850 Federal Census, Livingston County ,New York

1850 Federal Census
Livingston County,New York State
Groveland, Livingston County, New York State
page 396a., image 1, Sept. 2

Isaac Van Riper-49-M-W-farmer-$2,500-b.N.Y..
Julia A. Van Riper-36-F-W-b.N.Y./.
Harriet C. Van Riper-12-F-W-b.N.Y..
Margaret T. Van Riper-10-F-W-b.N.Y..
Mary E. Van Riper-7-F-W-b.N.Y..
Groveland, Livingston County, New York State
page 414, image 37, Sept. 25
Society of Shakers, page 413at-to-415

Myron Van Riper-16-M-W-farmer-b.N.Y..
Mount Morris, Livingston County, New York State
page 116b, image 104, Aug. 19

Levi Van Riper-24-M-W-saddle and harness-$500-b.N.Y..
Mary Van Riper-19-F-W-b.N.Y..
Avon , Livingston County, New York State
page 324b, image 42, Aug 12

Patrick Graham-29-M-W-cooper-b.N.Y..
Adaline Graham-28-F-W-b.N.Y..
Hugh Graham-5mths.-M-W-b.N.Y..
Mathew Silley-27-M-W-cooper-b.Ireland
James Sheffington-26-M-W-cooper-b.Ireland
John Van Riper-35-M-W-cooper-b.Pa..
Patrick Farrell-18-M-W-cooper-b.N.Y..
William Mullen-18-M-W-cooper-b.Ireland
Sarah Davis-25-F-W-b.N.Y..
Nelson J. Davis-5-M-W-b.N.Y..
Portage , Livingston County, New York State
page 121b, image 2, Sept. 4

Garret J. Van Riper-56-M-W-merchant-b.N.J..
Sarah Van Riper-56-F-W-b.N.J..
Cornelius Van Riper-29-mercant-$500.-b.N.J..
Susan Van Riper-30-F-W-b.N.J..
Genesee, Livingston County, New York State
p371a, image 23, July 21

James H. Vail-38-M-W-public office-b.N.Y..
Harriet Vail-38-F-W-b.N.Y..
John S. Van Riper-33-M-W-cooper-$500.-b.N.J..





A. Nelson-foreman-h 102 Richards St.
Van Riper & A. Ward-pysician 607 Main St., tel. 2580-
home 171 Lafayette Ave.hours,1-2:30 & 7-8 p.m.

Adrianna-teller Peoples Bank-h 23 Church St.,Nutley
Amelia C.-widow of Peter-h 69 Howe Ave.
Edwin F. -clerk-h 69 Howe Ave.
Fred R.-clerk-h 70 Lindon St.
Ida F.-engr. -h 102 Richards St.
Jacob W.-h 42 River Dr.
Jon. E.-h 102 Richards St.
John. T.-Lawyer(Newark)-117 Laffayette Ave.
Leonie-teacher-h 343 Paulison Ave.
Mable R.-inspr.-h 102 Richards St.
Porter-auditor Anderson Lumber Co.-h Paterson
Walter-h 55 Blaine St.
Van Riper & Inc.,druggists,,605 Main Ave.tel.-2580-2581



Van Riper-1841-42 Newark,NJ,city directory

Van Riper-1841-42 Newark,NJ,city directory

Catherine-tailoress-home 196 Washington St.
John-sexton Cent. Church *-h 15 Court St.
John J.-carpenter-h Halsey Court

The only church listed that started with Cent.
was the Central Presbyterian Church, 129
Washington St.-Rev. Wm. Belden, Jr.




Van Riper-1861-62 Newark,NJ,city directory

Van Riper-1861-62 Newark,NJ,city directory

Alonzo-silver plater,202 Market St., Belleville,NJ
Andrew M.-ship carpenter 12 Cabinet St.
Anthony B.-blacksmith-13 Broad St.
Charles O.-mason 64 Academy St.
Garrabrant-jeweler 241 Walnut St.
Isaac-(colored)coachman 2 Nesbitt’s Court
Isaac M.-paper hanger second near R.R.
Jacob J.-carpenter 8 Cross St.
Jeremiah-shoemaker Roseville
John -Little Falls,NJ
John B.-carpenter-54 Bleeker St.
John J.-carpenter- 13 Broad St.
Peter-carpenter Second near Railroad St.
Peter M.-silver plater 202 Market St.-home Belleville,NJ
William H.-Belleville,NJ

The Pierson’s city directory did not always indicate
if the address after the name was place worked or
home address.




VAN RIPER-1894-95-Paterson City directory.

VAN RIPER-1894-95-Paterson City directory.

Adrian-baker,103 Broadway-h 244 Graham Ave.
Albert-hostler-h 21 High St.
Alfred-bookkeeper-h 137 Tyler St.
Alfred-laborer-h 21 Godwin St.
Alfred S.-(Van Riper & Sutton)-h 207 Market St.
Albert J.-(Lake View Ribbin Co.)-h 269 Graham Ave.
Andrew-painter-h 160 Madison St.
Annie-h 40 Elm St.
Anthony B.-(Frost & Van Riper)-h 273 Ellison St.
Bethany T.-widow of Jacob J.-h 269 Graham Ave.
Charles C.-carpenter-h 43 Benson St.
Cornelius-carpenter-h 26 N. Main St.
Cornelius-painter-h 29 Park Ave.
Cornelius S.-physician,h 77 Fair St.-
D.(Daniel) Romine-h 128 Hamilton Ave.
Frank-baker-h 51 N. 3rd St.
Frederick-clerk-h 336 Ellison St.
George-salesman-h 88 Park Ave.
George E.-clerk-h 336 Ellison St.
George P.-(Van Riper Mfg. Co.)-h 143 Hamilton Ave.
George S.-carpenter-h 95 Park Ave.
Helen-h 128 Hamilton Ave.
Isabella S.-widow of Jacob H.-h 23 Ryle Ave.
James-h 252 Hamilton Ave.
Jane-widow of Stephen S.-carpenter-h 95 Park Ave.
Jasper-carpenter-h 166 Ryerson Ave.
John-machinist-h 88 Essex St.
John-molder-h 12 Rip Van Winkle Ave.
John G.-planer-h 62 Park Ave.
Laura-teacher-h 77 Fair St.
Lawrence A.-collector-h 166 Paterson Ave.
Marinus-h 252 W. 26th St.
Mary A.-widow of Cornelius-h 252 Hamilton Ave.
Mortimer B.-beltmaker-h 339 Ellison St.
Paul-laborer-h 252 W. 26th St.
Percy-clerk-h 43 Holsman St.
Peter-mason-h 735 E. 28th St.
Peter-salesman-h 43 Benson St.
Philip H.-grocer,73 Broadway-h 336 Ellison St.
Rebecca-widow of George-h 19 High St.
Richard P.-(owner)feed,56 River St.& Clay St. corner of Railroad Ave.-
h-48 Benson St.
Sophia-h 77 Fair St.
Van Riper Mfg. Co.,belt mfg’s ,14 Van Houten St.
Van Riper & Sutton-(Alfred S. Van Riper and James F. Sutton)-
stables,207 Market St.
Walling-stenographer-h 236 Park Ave.
William-carpenter-h 48 Hamilton Ave.




VAN RIPER-1918 Paterson City directory

VAN RIPER-1918 Paterson City directory

Abraham-reporter,R.D. Dun and Co.-beds 630 E. 23rd St.
Alfred-beds 171 E. 21st St.
Alfred ,Jr.-Chauffeur-rooms 27 Main St.
Alfred J.-h 585 E. 29th St.
Anna-beds 652 E. 26th St.
Caroline-dressmaker-beds 630 E. 23rd St.
Catharine-widow of Albert-h 567 E. 18th St.
Charles C.-beds 271 Hamilton Ave.
Charles W.-bartender,44 West St.-h 33 Hamburgh Ave.
Daniel-porter E.R.R. Depot-h 22 Jefferson St.
Donald K.-sec Frost & Van Riper Inc.,(308) 152 Market St.-
beds 652 E. 26th St.
Elenor M. -widow of Henry-beds 336 Broadway
Eliza C.-widow of George- h 33 Hamburgh Ave
Emma-beds 652 E. 26th St.
Frederick G. -(P.H. Van Riper & Son)73 broadway-
h 336 Ellison St.
George-clerk E.R.R. -beds 44 River St.
George-motorman-h 55 N. 6th St.
George P.-pres. Van Riper Mfg. Co.,14 Van Houten,
h 572 E. 25th St.
George S.-carpenter-h 12 Madison Ter.
Harold A.-electrician-72 Matlock St.
Hattie-widow of John-h 88 Essex St.
Isabelle-nurse-beds 735 E. 28th St.
Jane E.-widow of Hartman-h 101 Ward St.
Jennie-beds 735 E. 28th St.
Jessie-widow of Peter-h 735 E. 28th St.
John- molder-h 44 River St.
John S.-shoemaker-beds 44 River St.
Lawrence A.-real estate-h 101 Ward St.
Lawrence A.,Jr.-clerk-beds 101 Ward St.
Lucy-beds 735 E. 28th St.
Marinus-lab-h 252 Dixon Ave.
Mary E,-widow of Adrian V.-h 630 E. 23rd St.
Matilda-widow of John-h 88 Essex St.
Mildred-nurse ,Paterson General Hosp.-beds at the hospital
Paul-h252 Dixon Ave.
Percy R.-carpenter-h 165 Pearl St.
Sarah H.,Mrs.-h 38 West St.
Seely-real estate-h 75 Chatham Ave.
Van Riper Mfg. Co.,George P. Van Riper pres.,Isaac Van Houten sec.,
Walter I.-mill supplies,14 Van Houten St.
Van Riper-P.H. & son,(Frederick Van Riper)grocers ,73 Broadway,
Tel. 3726 and 3727.
Walter I.-treas. Van Riper Mfg. Co.,14 Van Houten St.-
h 728 Market St.
Walter R.-dentist-h 64 17th Ave.
William B.-dentist,176 Market St.-h 712 E. 27th St.
William P.-building cont.-h 395 E. 32nd St.
W. Porter -bookeeper-beds 101 Ward St.




VAN RIPER-1944 Paterson, NJ city directory

VAN RIPER-1944 Paterson, NJ city directory

Alfred S.,Jr. (Margaret M.) auto mech.-home 301 Market St.
Anna B.-widow of Selah-h 19 Ridge Terr.
Caroline-seamstress-h 176 E.32nd St.
Carrie E.-widow of Lawrence A.(who died Mar. 31,1943 age 78).
Catherine-widow of George,housekeeper-h 34 E. Main St.
Charles-sander-r 34 E. Main St.
Claude W. (Bessie M.) lab -h 22 Temple St.
Ella E.,Mrs.-h 82 N. Main St.
Eugene H.(Adele A.) com. art.h 15 2nd Ave.
Frederick G.-r 466 Broadway.
George-salesman-h 55 N. 6th St.
George C.-emp. Wright Aero. Corp.-r 34 E. Main St.
Gertrude V.,Mrs.-moved to Vineyard Haven, Mass.
Harry A. (Minnie) elec- h 25 N. 5th St.
Jennie M.-h 729 E. 26th St.
John (Mary A.)mech.- h 398 21st Ave.
John S.-r 250 17th Ave.
Katherine M.-r 19 Ridge Ter.
Lawrence-furn. rooms 101 Ward St.-h at Nutley.
Lena M., Mrs. -r 301 12th. Ave.
Lucy-r 271 Totowa Ave.
Margaret-insp. Wright Aero. Corp.-r 301 Market St.
Marjorie H.-steno Wright Aero. Corp.-r 712 E. 27th St.
Van Riper Mfg. Co.(Walter I. Van Riper and George Robertson)
Wolesale electric equipment 318 Market St.
Paul (Catherine) lab-252 Dixon Ave.
Porter (Hazel M.) bkkpr. 634 Market St.-h 168 Paterson Ave.
Ruth -r 19 Ridge Ter.
Walter I. (Van Riper mfg. Co.) 318 Market St.-h at HoHoKus.
Walter J. Jr.-moved to Morris Plains.
Walter R. died April 18, 1943 age 60.
Willam (Augusta)mason and real est. 380 E. 35th St-.h same.
William B.( Anna D.) dentist 17 Church St.-h 712 E. 27th St.
Van Ripper, Fern (Lucy) guard Caldwell-h 499 11th Ave.



1850 Fed. Census, Manchester, Passaic Co. NJ

1850 Federal; Census
Manchester,Passaic Co. NJ.
(Totowa,Haledon,North Haledon,
Prospect Park,Hawthorne, all on the North
side of the Passaic River))

Aug. 21-page 378b-image514

Stephen Van Ryper-36-M-W-carpenter-b.N.J..
Elisa Van Ryper-30-F-W-b.N.Y..
Rebecca Van Ryper-13-F-W-attends school-b.N.J..

Aug. 22- page 389b-390a-image 536-537

Peter V.H.(Van Houten)Van Riper-32-M-W-Bobkin Tuner-b.N.J..
Ann (Brown)Van Riper-30-F-W-b.N.Y..
George P. (Percival)Van Riper-5-M-W-b.N.J..
Emma F.(Frances) Van Riper-2-F-W-b.N.J..
Elvira Jane Brown-27-F-W-b.N.J..
Margaret Fay-20-F-W-b.Ireland
Aug. 24,page 394b,image 546

Henry Van Riper-32 M-W-shoemaker-$500.-cannot read or write-b.N.J..
Catherine(Bennet) Van Riper-28-F-W-b.N.J..
Eliza Jane Van Riper-8-F-W-attending school-b.N.J..
Sarah Bennet-53-F-W-cannot read or write-b.N.J..
Catherine Van Houten-84-F-W-cannot read or write-b.N.J..
Aug.27-page 398b-image 554

Ruluf Romine-84-M-W-farmer-b.N.J..
Bridget Romine-72-F-W-b.N.Y..
John Romine-54-M-W-farmer-b.N.J..
Phebe Van Riper-55-F-B-slave-b-N.J..
Wright Morse-F-M-4-b.N.J..
Betsey Willis-21- F-B-b.N.J..
Aug. 28-page 402-image 561

Corn. Van Winkle-43-M-W-farmer-$100,000-b.N.J..
Catherine Van Winkle-41-F-W-b.N.J..
Simone P.Van Winkle-19-farmer-b.N.J..
Ann E. Van Winkle-10-at school-b.N.J..
John H. Van Winkle-3-M-W-b.N.J..
Diana Thompson-65-F-B-slave-b.N.J..-
BARNEY VAN RIPER-33-M-W-farm laborer-b.N.J..


$100,000 in 1850 would be equal to $2,077,725.25 today.



Winfields’History of Hudson County N.J.’ continued (5/7)

Winfields’History of Hudson County N.J.’ continued – Part Five
Sixth Generation -Van Riper

Jurrie had ch.:
89. 1. Antje, d. July 29, 1796.
90. 11.Garret (122), b. Oct. 16, 1791; m. Elizabeth Simon-
son, Jan. 14, 1815; d. Oct. 2, 1833.

Cornelius had ch.:
91. 1. Daniel (123), b. March 7, 1788, m. Elizabeth Van
Ripen (78), Sept. 18, 1811; d. July 1, 1873.
92. 11. Garrabrant, b. Jan. 8, 1793; m. Hannah dau. of
John Van Blarcom; removed to Bergen County.
93. 111. Elizabeth, b. April 9, 1794; m. Stephen Vreeland
(92), Oct. 14, 1817; d. Dec. 17, 1827.
94. 1V. Garret C. (125), b. July 20, 1797; m. Eliza, dau.of
Isaac Van Wart, April 28, 1819.
95. V. Helena, b. Sept. 21, 1799; m. Peter Van Winkle,
May 20, 1820.
96. V1. Derrick, b. May 22, 1803; m. Margaret, dau. of
Thomas Cadmus, Oct. 15, 1825; removed to Pas-
saic County.
97. V11.John, b. May 4, 1808; d. May 14, 1829.
98. V111.Cornelius C,(129), b. April 8, 1813; m. 1st, Catha-
rine Van Horn (46), May 5, 1882; 2d. Christina C.,
dau. of Evert Van Alen, Aug. 27, 1835.

Derick had ch.:
99. 1. Michael (135), b. Nov. 8, 1793; m. Cecilia Cadmus
(25), Dec. 21, 1816; d. April 22, 1868.
100. 11. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1795; d. Sept. 3, 1796.
101. 111.Annatje, b. June 23, 1797; m. Abraham Vreeland
(139), Nov. 30, 1816.
102. 1V. Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1800; V. Aegie, b. Dec. 19,
1801 d. unm.
103. V1. Daniel R. (144), b. Sept. 7, 1803; m. Jane, dau. of
Adrian M. Post, Sept. 7, 1826; d. April 22, 1873.
104. V111.Cornelius R. (150), b. March 27, 1805; m. Mary,
dau. of Abraham Sickles, Sept. 15, 1827.
105. V111. Catherine, b. Sept. 24, 1807; m. Albert Zabriskie,
Nov. 7, 1822, d. Dec. 31, 1868; he d. Sept.-1872.
106. 1X. Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1809; m. Egert Wauters, Jan.
17, 1828; d. June 14, 1872.
107. X. George, b. Sept. 23, 1811; m. Gitty, dau. of John
Outwater, Sept. 13, 1832; d. May 3, 1864, s.p.
108. X1. Helena, b. April 20, 1813; d. May 6, 1813.
109. X11. Aletta, b. Oct. 16, 1819; m. John S. Tuttle, Oct. 29.
1840; d. March 29, 1855.

Christophel had ch.:
110. 1. Annetje, b. April 10, 1803; m. Mindert Vreeland
(182), Nov. 24, 1836.
111. 11. Nancy, b. July 23, 1804; m. Martin Tise, Dec. 24,
112. 111.Henry, b. Sept. 12, 1806; m. Catharine, dau. of
Jacob Cubberly; d. April 14, 1849, s.p.
113. 1V. John, b. July 22, 1808; d. unm.
114. V. Thomas(157), b. Oct. 20, 1810; m. Nancy Parvine.
Nov. 30 1834; d. May 25, 1846.
115. V1. Alexander, b. Nov. 25, 1812; m. Julia Ann Acker,
Nov. 15, 1834; d. Dec. 29, 1845 had ch.: Henry
and Rosa.
116. V11. Aletta, m. Thomas Wilkes, May 3, 1849.
117. V111. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1817; d unm.
118. 1X. Gertude, b. Sept. 15, 1820; m. Havens Tuttle,
Oct. 6, 1836.
119. X. Jane, b. Dec. 28, 1823.
Garret had ch. :
120. 1. Ann Elizabeth. b. Feb. 19, 1818.; 11. Benjamin E..
b. May 9, 1820, d. Oct. 7, 1820; 111. Harriet E..
b. March 29, 1822.
121. 1V Benjamin (158), b. June 23, 1824; m. Nancy, dau. of
Benjamin Drake, July 27, 1847.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7







1900 Van Riper census,Minnesota, Hennepin County

Federal Census
Hennepin County
Minneapolis City, ward 4
T623-roll 767
district 44
page 147a-b, sheet 6, image 11, June 6-7
1113 Hawstron(?) Avenue

John Watman-23-M-W-head-advertiser-single-b.Dec.1876 N.Y..-Fa.b.Vermont-Mo.b.N.Y..
Alonzo Watman-19-M-W-brother-advertise-b.Oct.1880 Mn..-Fa.b.Vermont-Mo.b.N.Y..
Kate A. Watman-45-F-W-mother-music teacher-b.Dec.1864 N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
page 147b
Katerine J. Van Riper-71-F-W-aunt-single-b.Sept.1823 N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J..
Isabelle Jenkins-19-F-W-boarder-single-stenographer-b.June 1880 Canada-Fa.b.Canada-Mo.b.Canada
Nellie Nelson-28-F-W-servant-single-b.Feb.1872 Sweden-Fa.b.Sweden-Mo.b.Sweden
Alexander H. Dunlap-21-M-W-boarder-single-advertising Mgr.-b.1878 Mi..-Fa.b.Mi..Mo.b.Maine
Alfred Levy-33-M-W-boarder-single-novelties salesman-b.Aug.1866 England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England
Dec.18, 2005



1880 Van Riper census,Texas

Van Riper
Federal Census
Precinct 2
district 19
page 250c, sheet 3, image 3, June 2-3

W. H. Van Riper-33-M-W-head-stock raiser-divorced or widow-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
James T. Van Riper-13-M-W-son-at school-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Alabama
Clara F. Van Riper-10-F-W-daughter-at school-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Alabama
William H. Van Riper-5-M-W-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Alabama
Garey Van Riper-22-M-W-brother-carpenter-single-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.Alabama
Precinct 2
district 19
page 250d, sheet 4, image 4, June 3-4

James Van Riper-37-M-W-head-farmer-married-b-N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y..
Melinda Van Riper-27-F-W-wife-keeps house-married-b.Texas-Fa.b.Texas-Mo.b.S. Carolina
Charles Van Riper-9-M-W-son-at school-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y.-Mo.b.Texas
Hatty M. Van Riper-7-F-W-daughter-at school-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y.-Mo.b.Texas
Albert Van Riper-5-M-W-son-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y.-Mo.b.Texas
Harris Van Riper-3-M-W-son-b.Texas-Fa.b.N.Y.-Mo.b.Texas



1870 Van Riper census,ward 10,district7,N.Y.C.,New York Co.,N.Y.

New York State
New York County
Ward 10, District 7
M593-roll 984
P.O. New York City
page 270a, sheet 39, image 39, June 29
47-340(seventeen family building)
George Van Riper-52-M-W-works in gas works-b.N.Y..
Rachael Van Riper-50-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y..
Margaret Van Riper-31-F-W-b.N.Y..
Edward Van Riper-22-M-W-builder-b.N.Y..
Esther Van Riper-20-F-W-b.N.Y..



1870 Van Riper census, Kansas


Iola, Allen County
page 64a, sheet 8, image 8, July 21
54-57 (two family house)
John Van Riper-42-M-W-farmer-$2,500-$400-b.N.Y..
Joseph Van Riper-17-M-W-works on farm-b.Illinois
Abigal Van Riper-14-F-W-attending school-b.Illinois
Nancy Van Riper-12-F-W-attending school-b.Illinois



The descendants of Juriaen Tomassen Van Ripen

By Charles H. Winfield



This name with its present multitudinous orthography, is derived from the Latin ripa, and was the name of a city on the North bank of the river Nibbs, sometimes called Nipsick, or Gram. North Jutland ( so called to distinguish it from South Jutland or Schleswig), in Denmark was divided into four dioceses, the most southwesterly part of Cimbri, who, at one time, invaded the Roman Empire.
The city of Ripen, in the diocese of Ripen, is situated in lat. 55°36′ north, and lon. 9°10′ east. Next to Wibourg it is the most ancient town in North Jutland (1). It once had a commodious harbor and profitable commerce; but the one long since filled up and the other sought different channels. Its cathedral was imposing, built of hewn stone, with a steeple of great height, which served as a landmark for mariners.
In the Swedish war of 1645 the city was captured, but recovered by the Danes soon after. From this port, in April, 1663, a vessel named ” T’ Bonte Koe,” The Spotted Cow, sailed for the Netherland, with eightynine passengers, consisting of men, women and children. Among the number was Juriaen Tomassen, a young man of the city of Ripen. About four years after his arrival he m. Pryntje Hermans, May 25, 1667; d. Sept 12, 1695. Some of his descendants took the name Jurianse – now Yereance and Auryansen – while others, taking the name of the city from which their ancestor sailed, became Van Ripen.

(1) Fenning’s Geography ii, 123. In Winfield’s Land Titles, the name is written Rypen. It is thus laid down on a map of Denmark in old geographical work, published in London during the reign of Queen Anne, the title page of which, of the copy I have ,is destroyed. I am now satisfied, from the origin of the word, that the name should be written Ripen, and it is thus written in the text and on a map in Fenning. Every other way of writing it is clearly wrong, though sanctioned by generations.
Second Generation

Juriaen Tomassen had ch,:

2. I. Tomas (III), bap. June 10, 1668; m. Jannetje, dau. of Jan Straatmaker, June 2, 1691
3. II.Gerrit (21), bap. June 27, 1670; m. Beetlitje, dau. of Dircl Janse Oosten and Elizabeth Cornelis, of Hoboken June 6, 1693; d. Sept, 4 1748; she d. May 20, 1745.
4. III. Aelje, bap. Dec. 21, 1672.
5. IV. Chrystyntje, bap. Nov. 24, 1677; m. Pieter Gerbrantse (2) Aug. 1 1698.
6. V. Maritje, bap. April 28, 1680; m. Claas Gerbrantse (3) April 11, 1704.
7. VI. Harman, bap. Oct 21, 1682; d. in inf.
8. VII. Jan (29), m. Neeltje Gerbrantse (5), April 7, 1702.
9. VIII. Harman (33), b Dec 6, 1686; m. 1st, Maritje Freericks, June 20, 1709; 2d, Judith, dau. of Christopher Steinmets, in 1721; removed to Aquackanonck his will, dated June 17, 1754, was proved May14,1736.
10. IX. Grietje, b. Oct. 5, 1691.

Third Generation

Tomas(2) had ch;
11. I. Gerrit(41), b. Feb. 6, 1692; m.Jannetje Vreeland (31), June 19, 1718; his will, dated Feb.17,1761 was proved Nov. 23, 1761.
12. II. Juriaen (44), b.June 12, 1693; m. Aeltje Van Winkle (28), June 12, 1714.
13. III. Jan,b Oct. 8, 1694.
14. IV. Abraham (51), b. April 4, 1696; m. 1st, Elizabeth Hesselse; 2d, Catrintje Andriese, Sept. 13, 1729.
15. V. Isaac, b. Oct. 28 1697.
16. VI. Jacob (52) b. Oct 9, 1699; m. Maritje Gerbrant (12), Dec. 21, 1728.
17. VII. Geesje, b. Oct. 4 1702.
18. VIII. Maritje, b. Oct. 3, 1704; m. Jacob Vreeland, of Belleville, Dec. 21, 1726.
19. IX. Elisabet, b. April 4, 1707.
20. X. Dirck, b Jan. 25, 1709; m. Pietertje Post, Sept. 28, 1732.

Gerrit (3) had ch;
21. I.Elizabeth, b. May29, 1694; m. Michael H. Vreeland (32), May 30, 1719; d. Nov. 18 1767.
22. II. Lea, b. Sept. 11, 1697; m. Jacob Van Wagenen May 2, 1719; d. Dec 19, 1775.
23. III. Juriaen (53). b. Aug. 15, 1699; m. Grietje d. July 29, 1739.
24. IV. Garret, b. Dec 4, 1701; m. Martje Gerbrandse, and had ch.: 1. Metje, b. March 2, 1732.
25. V. Dirck, b. Jan. 17, 1704.
26. VI. Aeltje, b. March 29, 1705; d. Sept 30, 1710.
27. VII.Cornelius (55) b. Oct. 6, 1707 m. Aeltje Van Winkle (34), June 29, 1728; d. Jan. 17, 1771.
28. VIII. Johannis (60), b.June 3, 1710; m. 1st, Sarah, dau. of Henricus Kuyper, Dec. 2, 1740; she d. July 2, 1741; 2d, Margrietje Van Winkle (36), Sept. 5, 1742; d. Aug. 24, 1776.

Jan (8) had ch:
29. I. Jurrie, b. Jan 22, 1703; m. Elizabeth Steinmets, Nov. 13, 1730.
30. II. Maritje, b. March 16, 1706.
31. III.Metje, b. July 22, 1711; m. John Vreeland.
32. IV.Gerrebrand (61), b. June 1, 1719; m. Fitje Van Vorst (23) , Jan 6, 1742.

Harman (9) had ch;
33. I. Juriaen ,b.Sept 12, 1710; m. Helena Van Houten.
34. II. Frederick, b. Feb 22, 1713; m. 1 st.Catrintje Hopper Oct 19, 1738; 2d Annetje Van Vorst (24), Dec. 2, 1742.
35. III. Abraham, b. Jan. 25, 1716;
IV. Johannis, b.July 21, 1718.
36. V. Christophel (62) b. Sept 1722; m. Metje Brouwer, Sept 28, 1746.
37. VI. Maritje, b. Sept 14, 1724;
VII. Jacob, b. Feb. 8, 1728.
38. VIII. Isaac,b. Sept. 30, 1729 m. Annatje Egbertse; had ch: Petrus, bap. Nov. 19 1752.
39. IX. Sarah;
X. Jannetje, b. June 11, 1732;
XI. Gerrit, b. Nov. 3, 1734.
40. XII. Thomas;
XIII. Christina.

Fourth Generation

Gerrit< 11> Had ch.:
41. I. Maritje; m. Henry Van Winkle.
42. II.Jannetje; m. Jacob Van Winkle.
43. III. Lea; m. Peter Jacobusse.

Juriaen <12> had ch.:
44. I. Thomas, b. Jan 7, 1715: m. Lena Van Wagenen, Jan. -1741.
45. II. Antje, b Nov. 4, 1716: m. Martin Ryersen, of N.Y. in 1737.
46. III. Simeon, b Feb. 8, 1719.
47. IV. Jenneke, b. Dec. 25, 1720 ; m. Jacob Van Houten Sept. 6, 1745.
48. V. Abraham, b. Sept. 27 1722; d. in inf.;
VI. Johannis b. May 7, 1725.
49. VII. Rachel, b. Sept 4, 1727;
VIII. Lea, b. June 14, 1729.
50. IX. Abraham, b. Feb. 12, 1731.

Abraham <14> had ch.:
51. I. Jannetje, b. April 17, 1723;
II. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1726.

Jacob <16> had ch.
52. I. Catrina, b. Sept. 28, 1729;
II. Herpert, b. April 16, 1731; m. Margrietje Berry; had ch.: 1. Jacobus, b. Feb.
25, 1765.

Juriaen <23> had ch.:
53. I. Garret(70), m. 1st, Jannetje Diedricks; she d. Oct 13, 1784; 2d Lena Vreeland (63)
54. II. Aeltje, m. Daniel Van Winkle (43);
III. Beelitje.

Cornelius <27> had ch.:
55. I. Garret, d.s.p. His will was proved May 4, 1795.
56. II. Daniel (72), b. June 26, 1736; m. Elizabeth Terhune. Oct. 13, 1761 ; d. July 23, 1818; she b. July 15,
1738; d. June 1, 1811.

He was a blacksmith by trade, of little education, but of good sterling sense. During the Revolutionary War he was an unyielding patriot. For a short time he was lieutenaut in the militia. He was taken prisoner by a tory named Van Wart, and locked up in the old sugar house. When brought before the British officer
for examination, his captor and William Bayard. of Hoboken, were present. Van Wart asked him where his rebel coat was. Van Ripen replied. “The coat does not make the man.” The officer asked “What then does? Putting his hand over his heart, the old patriot replied, This, Sir. Colonel Bayard desired to have him held a prisoner but the officer was so pleased with the assurance that he would do the same as often as he was arrested. He was Judge of the Bergen Common Pleas for a number of years after the war. His name appears on many papers and records of his day.

57. III. Beelitje, b. Oct. 10, 1741; m. Johannis Van Horn (10), May 6, 1762; d. Feb. 13, 1826; “Who as it ware fell asleep.”
58. IV. Jannetje, bap. April 16, 1745; m. Nicholas Tuers, May 15, 1766.
59. V. Aeltje, b. June 7, 1748;
VI. Cornelius, b. Dec. 8, 1750, d. Aug. 13, 1767.

Johannis <28> had ch.:
60. I. Garret (75), b. Feb. 4 1749; m. 1st, Catlyntje Van Wagenen (47); 2d, Catlyntje Van Ripen (72), March 2, 1779; d. Aug. 31, 1837.

Gerrebrand <32> had ch.:
61. I. Neeltje, b. Oct. 26, 1747;
II. Garret, b. April 6, 1753, d. in inf.;
III. Garrett, b. Jan 27, 1754;
IV. Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1757.

Christophel <36> had ch.:
62. I. Alexander (82) , m. Anneke Brower; d. Aug. 30, 1817.
63. II. Harman, bap. Nov. 25 1753; d. Aug. 23 1828.
64. III. Arriantje, b. Jan. 31, 1762 ;
IV. Gerrit, b. Sept. 4, 1764, d. in inf.
65. V. Jurrie (88) , b. Feb. 8, 1767; m. Antje Vreeland.
66. VI. Hessel, b. April 12, 1769 ;
VII. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1770.
67. VIII.Gerrit, b. Nov. 27, 1772, d. in inf.;
IX. Neeltje, b. March 13, 1775.
68. X. Jan, b. Oct. 29, 1778;
XI. Annatje, b. Dec. 12, 1781.
69. XII.Gerrit, b. Sept. 28, 1786.

Fifth Generation

Garrett <53> had ch.
70. I. Jurrie (89), b. July 20, 1769: m. 1st, Neeltje Van Horn (17), Dec. 18, 1790; 2d, Aegie Diedricks, wid. of Jacob Collard, Sept. 13, 1807; d. April 4, 1826.
71. II. Joris, b. June 3, 1787; m. Clara Vreeland (172), July 23, 1814; removed to Saddle River; had ch. :I. Jane, m. Garret Newkirk (51), Nov. 5, 1840: II. Cornelius; III. John ; IV. George; V.Hartman ; Eliza ; IX. Clarissa, b. Oct. 4, 1840.

Daniel <56> had ch.:
72. I.Catlyntje, b. Sept. 2, 1762; m. Garret Van Ripen(60) May 2, 1779; d. Nov. 14, 1833.
73. II.Cornelius (91), b. May 23, 1767; m. 1st., Elizabeth Vreeland (88); marriage bond dated Jan. 20, 1787: 2d, Vronwtje, dau. of Garrebrant Gerritsen, of Slotterdam ; she d. Sept. 19, 1806; 3d, Aeltje Van Horn (16), wid. of Michael Van Houten, May 31, 1807; d. Jan. 6, 1842.
74. III.Derrick (99), b. Aug 28, 1772; m. Jenneke Vreeland (100), Oct.-, 1792; d. July 3, 1851.

Garret <60> had ch.:
75. I. Margrietje, b. Oct. 10, 1775; d. July 26, 1776.
76. II.Margrietje, b. Dec. 30, 1780; d. May 31, 1781.
77. III.Catlyntje, b. Nov. 29, 1782; m. Helmich Van Houten, Dec. 7, 1799.
78. IV. Elizabeth, b. July 13, 1785; m. Daniel Van Ripen (91) , Sept. 18, 1811; d. Sept. 18, 1852.
79. V. Margrietje, b. Oct. 30, 1788; m. Cornelius Van Winkle (82), Aug. 16, 1807; d. Feb. 23, 1866.
80. VI. Annatje, b. July 12, 1794; m. John G. Van Horn (24), Dec. 19, 1812; d. Dec. 6, 1872.
81. VII.Beelitje, b. Dec. 27, 1797; m. John Van Buskirk (47), Nov. 20, 1814.

Alexander <62> had ch. :
82. I. Christophel (110), m. Gertrude, dau. of John Van Houten, Dec. 27, 1802; d. March 8, 1840, aet. 60 yrs, 1 mo.; she d. Aug. 8, 1860.
83. II. Aeltje, m. John E. Smith, March 27, 1811; d. Oct. 5, 1851.
84. III. Adriana, m. Phillip R. Earle, March 6, 1812.
85. IV. Garret (120) m. Hannah Evans, May 28, 1817; she d. Oct. 9, 1824
86. V. Thomas, m. Rachel Van Winkle, of Aquackanonck: d. June 1, 1849, aet. 69 years.
87. VI.John, d. Sept. 3, 1836,unm.

Jurrie <65> had ch.:
88. I. Simeon, b. Dec. 2, 1789;
II. Nicholas, b. Jan. 27, 1792:
III. Stephen, b. July 20, 1793;
IV. Antje, b. Jan. 26, 1796.

Sixth Generation

Jurrie<70> had ch.:
89. I. Antje, d. July 29, 1796.
90. II.Garret (122), b. Oct. 16, 1791; m. Elizabeth Simonson, Jan. 14, 1815; d. Oct. 2, 1833.

Cornelius <73> had ch.:
91. I. Daniel (123), b. March 7, 1788, m. Elizabeth Van Ripen (78), Sept. 18, 1811; d. July 1, 1873.
92. II. Garrabrant, b. Jan. 8, 1793; m. Hannah dau. of John Van Blarcom; removed to Bergen County.
93. III. Elizabeth, b. April 9, 1794; m. Stephen Vreeland (92), Oct. 14, 1817; d. Dec. 17, 1827.
94. IV. Garret C. (125), b. July 20, 1797; m. Eliza, dau.of Isaac Van Wart, April 28, 1819.
95. V. Helena, b. Sept. 21, 1799; m. Peter Van Winkle, May 20, 1820.
96. VI. Derrick, b. May 22, 1803; m. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Cadmus, Oct. 15, 1825; removed to Passaic County.
97. VII.John, b. May 4, 1808; d. May 14, 1829.
98. VIII.Cornelius C,(129), b. April 8, 1813; m. 1st, Catharine Van Horn (46), May 5, 1882; 2d. Christina C., dau. of Evert Van Alen, Aug. 27, 1835.

Derick <74> had ch.:
99. I. Michael (135), b. Nov. 8, 1793; m. Cecilia Cadmus (25), Dec. 21, 1816; d. April 22, 1868.
100. II. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 23, 1795; d. Sept. 3, 1796.
101. III.Annatje, b. June 23, 1797; m. Abraham Vreeland (139), Nov. 30, 1816.
102. IV. Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1800; V. Aegie, b. Dec. 19, 1801 d. unm.
103. VI. Daniel R. (144), b. Sept. 7, 1803; m. Jane, dau. of Adrian M. Post, Sept. 7, 1826; d. April 22, 1873.
104. VII.Cornelius R. (150), b. March 27, 1805; m. Mary, dau. of Abraham Sickles, Sept. 15, 1827.
105. VIII. Catherine, b. Sept. 24, 1807; m. Albert Zabriskie, Nov. 7, 1822, d. Dec. 31, 1868; he d. Sept.-1872.
106. IX. Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1809; m. Egert Wauters, Jan. 17, 1828; d. June 14, 1872.
107. X. George, b. Sept. 23, 1811; m. Gitty, dau. of John Outwater, Sept. 13, 1832; d. May 3, 1864, s.p.
108. XI. Helena, b. April 20, 1813; d. May 6, 1813.
109. XII. Aletta, b. Oct. 16, 1819; m. John S. Tuttle, Oct. 29. 1840; d. March 29, 1855.

Christophel <82> had ch.:
110. I. Annetje, b. April 10, 1803; m. Mindert Vreeland (182), Nov. 24, 1836.
111. II. Nancy, b. July 23, 1804; m. Martin Tise, Dec. 24, 1829.
112. III.Henry, b. Sept. 12, 1806; m. Catharine, dau. of Jacob Cubberly; d. April 14, 1849, s.p.
113. IV. John, b. July 22, 1808; d. unm.
114. V. Thomas(157), b. Oct. 20, 1810; m. Nancy Parvine. Nov. 30 1834; d. May 25, 1846.
115. VI. Alexander, b. Nov. 25, 1812; m. Julia Ann Acker, Nov. 15, 1834; d. Dec. 29, 1845 had ch.: Henry and Rosa.
116. VII. Aletta, m. Thomas Wilkes, May 3, 1849.
117. VIII. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1817; d unm.
118. IX. Gertude, b. Sept. 15, 1820; m. Havens Tuttle, Oct. 6, 1836.
119. X. Jane, b. Dec. 28, 1823.

Garret<85> had ch. :
120. I. Ann Elizabeth. b. Feb. 19, 1818.;
II. Benjamin E., b. May 9, 1820, d. Oct. 7, 1820;
III. Harriet E., b. March 29, 1822.
121. 1V Benjamin (158), b. June 23, 1824; m. Nancy, dau. of Benjamin Drake, July 27, 1847.

Seventh Generation

Garret J. <90> had ch.:
122. I.Eleanor V. H., b. March 10, 1819; m. Edgar R. Harrison, Feb. 4, 1840.

Daniel <91> had ch.:
123. I. Elizabeth Ann, b. April 3, 1822; Sept. 3, 1824.
124. II.Garret D. (160), b. Jan. 27, 1826; m. Caroline, dau. of Peter C. Westervelt, of T’Neck.

Garret C. <94> had ch.:
125. I. Frances G., b. Oct. 3 1820; m. James Van Buskirk (72), May 18, 1839.
126. II. Henry G. (162), b. Aug. 4, 1823; m. Sarah C. Van Buskirk (76), June 1, 1846; d. Jan. 16, 1860.
127. III. Cornelius (163), b. May 27, 1833; m. Mary A., dau of William Dickinson, Jan. 1, 1853.
128. IV. Issac Z., b. Nov. 30, 1836; m. Lucy, dau. of William Dickinson, in 1856; d. in Nov., 1868.

Cornelius C. <98> had ch.:
129. I. John V. H. (164), b. Feb. 27, 1833; m. Margaret Ann, dau. of Jacob Van Ripen, of N.Y., July 2, 1855.
130. II. Catharine V. H., b. Jan. 23, 1836; m. Albert Bogert, Oct. 24, 1867.
131. III. Herman V. A., b. Nov. 2, 1838; d. June 1, 1855.
132. IV. William K., b. Nov. 14, 1840.
133. V. Aletta, b. May 31, 1844; m. Edward P. Buffet, M. D., June 12, 1872; d. Sept. 26, 1873.
134. VI. Anna Deria, b. April 24, 1847;
VII. Cornelius, b. March 10, 1852.

Michael <99> had ch.:
135. I. Catharine, b. Sept. 22, 1817; d. Sept 10, 1819.
136. II. Richard, b. Sept. 25, 1818; d. March 9, 1819.
137. III. Jasper (165), b. Sept. 28, 1820; m. Lucinda Garrabrant; d. Oct. 25, 1849.
138. IV. Jane, b. Jan.4, 1823; m. John V. H. Clendenny, Oct. 31, 1839.
139. V. Catharine, b. April 25, 1825; m. Adam Rapp, May 13, 1848.
140. VI. Hannah, b. Oct. 22, 1827; m. John J. Rapp, Sept. 9, 1846.
141. VII.Elizabeth, m. James G. Tallman, April 16, 1851.
142. VIII.Sarah, m. Jesse D. Abrams, March 26, 1851.
143. IX. Richard (166), b. Nov. 18, 1839; m. Helen, dau. of Moses Copley, July 10, 1862.

Daniel R. <103> had ch.:
144. I. Eliza, b. July 1, 1826; m. Henry B. Beaty, the eighth sheriff of Hudson County.
145. II. Richard (167), b. Dec. 3, 1829; m. Sarah G., dau. of James Tallman, April 16, 1851.
146. III. Adrian (168), b. Nov. 7, 1832; m. Sarah Jane, dau. of John Van Pelt, of Millstone.
147. IV. John M., b. July 25, 1835; m. Louisa, dau. of John Gurney, March 27, 1860; d. April 27, 1868; had ch.: 1. Albert.
148. V. Hannah Jane, b. Aug. 21, 1839; m. Walter Gurney, Jan. 15, 1869.
149. VI. Clara P., b. April 3, 1842, m. John Wallace, Jr., April 13, 1869;
VII. Daniel, b. Oct. 21, 1844:
VIII. Catharine Euphemia, b. Aug. 22, 1847, d. Aug. 10, 1858; IX. Aletta, b. April 1, 1850.

Cornelius R. <104> had ch.:
150. I. Richard C. (169), b. Dec. 19, 1827; m. Rachel Catharine Vreeland (253), May 27, 1852.
151. II. Abraham, b. March 25, 1829; m. Cornelia, dau.of Jacob Ackerman; removed to Illinois.
152. III. Michael C., b. Dec. 31, 1832; m. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Jacob Thomas, July6, 1858; d. Dec. 10, 1870.
153. IV. Matilda Jane, b. May 22, 1836; d. Oct. 23, 1838.
154. V. Cornelius, b. Sept. 19, 1838; d. March 17, 1857.
155. VI. Mary Anna, b. April 6, 1841; m. Garret Vreeland (122), March 5, 1869.
156. VII. Matilda Jane, b. Oct. 14, 1845.

Thomas <114> had ch.:
157. I. Silas;
II. John;
III. Christopher, b. in 1835;
IV. Aletta Jane, b. March 18, 1843, d. Jan. 18, 1847.
V. Margaret.

Benjamin <121> had ch.:
158. I. Ann Eliza, b. Nov. 27, 1848; m. Peter B. Steele, Nov. 27, 1866.
159. II. Garret, b. Aug. 1, 1850, d. in inf.:
III. Nancy, b. June 5, 1851, d. in inf.:
IV. Diedrick, b. July 4, 1852, d. in inf.;
V. Archibald P., b. May 3, 1853, d. April 14, 1956;
VI. Ida, b. Oct. 1 1856, d. Nov. 11, 1860;
VII. Ansel J., b. April 3, 1858.
VIII. Hattie B., b. April 3, 1861, d. July 17, 1862;
IX. Edwin A. H., b. Dec. 24, 1866;
X. Benjamin, b. May 3, 1869.

Eighth Generation

Garret D.<124> had ch.:
160. I. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 23, 1849; m. John Henry Bedell, May 26, 1869.
161. II. Peter W., b. Jan. 24, 1852;
III. Clarissa, b. June 19, 1854.

Henry G. <126> had ch.:
162. I. Jane, b. March 16, 1848;
II. Eliza, m. Florence Griswold;
III. Fanny, b. Feb. 23, 1852;
IV. Gilbert.

Cornelius <127> had ch.:
163. I. Cornelius, b. Oct.,1855, d. in inf.;
II. Fanny G., b. Dec. 17, 1857;
III. Lucy Maud, b. Jan. 13, 1860.

John V. H. <129> had ch.:
164. I. John V. H., b. July 14, 1856;
II. Edwin, b. June 18, 1859;
III. Anna Catherine, b. July 1, 1862.

Jasper <137> had ch.:
165. I. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Dec. 17, 1843;
II. Abraham.

Richard <143> had ch.:
166. I. Ira, b. April 13, 1863, d. Sept. 23, 1864;
II. William J., b. Sept. 23, 1864, d. Aug. 13, 1865;
III. John C., b. Jan. 23, 1866;
IV. Edward J., b. July 5, 1868;
V. Nellie, b. Sept. 7, 1870;
VI. Richard V. and VII. Jennie L., twins, b. July 4, 1873.

Richard <145> had ch.:
167. I. Jennie, b. April 5, 1852;
II. Sarah E., b. Dec. 10, 1854, m. John A. Bumsted, May 8, 1873;
III. Daniel, b. June 10, 1857;
IV. Clara, b. Dec. 5, 1860;
V. Mary, b. March 5, 1865 ;
VI. Richard, b. Aug. 20, 1866.

Adrian <146> had ch.:
168. I. Jane, b. Jan. 21, 1861;
II. George M., b. Nov. 8, 1864;
III. John, b. Jan. 15, 1867;
IV. Isabella, b. Feb. 27, 1869.

Richard C. <150> had ch. :
169. I. Cornelius, b. July 12, 1853;
II. Maria Jane, b. Oct. 12, 1857.

This concludes the Van Riper genealogy section of Winfields book.
Thanks to my friend Terri Perico for typing this for me.
On line 168, George M. was my Grandfather who married Maud Kitson.
I was the last Van Riper of George M.’s generation to be born in Jersey City, Hudson County (also called Bergen City, when it was in Bergen County).
My Father Raymond, Mother Mazie (Seaman) and two Brothers, Raymond Jr.,Andrew, and I moved out of Jersey City when I was 2 years old. Another brother Daniel was born later.

George Van Riper
Fair Lawn,N.J.