John Terhune Van Riper

By William J Pape and William W. Scott-page 205

John Terhune Van Riper , the subject of this sketch, is the son of Dr. Cornelius Van Riper and Adrianna Terhune Van Riper (died December 9, 1893), and a grandson of the late ex-Judge John N. Terhune, and was born on the 20th day of April, 1872, in the city of Passaic, where he has resided since birth. He received his early education in the Passaic public schools, but in 1886 entered Dr. MacChes- ney’s Paterson Classical Institute, and began a course of classical study preparatory to entering college. In September, 1890, he entered the class of ’94 at Yale University, but short- ly after the beginning of the term was compelled to return home on account of sickness, and in October of the same year entered the University of the City of New York (now New York University) , and after pursuing a four years’ course received the degree of A. B. from that institution in June, 1894. By combining the last year’s work of the collegi- ate course with the first year’s work of the New York Uni- versity Law School course, he received the degree of L.L. B. in June , 1895, from the New York University Law School. While at college he held the offices of president and vice- president of the New York University Athletic Association, class vice-president (two years), class treasurer and secretary Psi fraternity, Theta Nu Epsilon Society , Passaic Club and Young Men’s Christian Association of Passaic. In June ,1897, he entered the law office of Thomas M. Moore, Esq., of Pas- saic, and in June , 1897, was admitted to the Bar of the State of New Jersey as an Attorney-at-Law and a Solicitor in Chancery. In his political preferences he is a Republican. He is also a member of the North Reformed Church of Pas- saic. On June 6, 1899, he was married to Edith Hope Hart, daughter of Colonel Benjamin F. and Emeline A. McDowell Hart, of Hoboken. For family history see sketch of life of Dr. C. Van Riper. 04/14/2001
1900 Passaic- city directory,Passaic County,NJ
John T. Van Riper-lawyer 185 Main Ave.-home 130 Pennington Ave.