1870 Van Riper New York State Madison County —————————- Casenovia M593-roll 967 P.O. Casenovia page 82a, sheet 6, image 77, June 21 63-64 G. Van Riper-64-M-W-retired-$3,000-$1,000-b.N.Y.. ======================================= 10/3/2004 |
1870 Van Riper New York State Madison County —————————- Casenovia M593-roll 967 P.O. Casenovia page 82a, sheet 6, image 77, June 21 63-64 G. Van Riper-64-M-W-retired-$3,000-$1,000-b.N.Y.. ======================================= 10/3/2004 |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State New York County Manhatan —————————————– Ward 10, District 7 M593-roll 984 P.O. New York City page 270a, sheet 39, image 39, June 29 47-340(seventeen family building) George Van Riper-52-M-W-works in gas works-b.N.Y.. Rachael Van Riper-50-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y.. Margaret Van Riper-31-F-W-b.N.Y.. Edward Van Riper-22-M-W-builder-b.N.Y.. Esther Van Riper-20-F-W-b.N.Y.. ——————————- 10/16/2004 |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State New York County Manhatan ================== Ward 18, District M593-roll 1001 P.O. New York City page 244b, sheet 18, image 18, June 23 45-175 (many family building) J.W.T. Van Riper-54-M-W-clerk in market-b.N.Y.. Eliza J. Van Riper-53-F-W-keeps house-b.P.A.. page 245a Mary Van Riper-23-F-W-saleswoman-b.N.Y.. =================================== 10/22/2004 |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State New York County New York City Manhatan ==================== Ward 21, District 19 M593-roll 1010 P.O. New York City page 153b, sheet 12, image 12, July 7 57-56 A. Van Riper-73-F-W-boarding home-$40,000-b.N.Y.. Cordelia Van Riper-40-F-W-boarding home-b.N.Y.. Elise Van Riper-45-F-W-boarding home-b.N.Y.. (and Williams,Hammond,Phoenix, Farmer,and Coe families probably not related.) ——————————————————- Ward 21, District 19, 2nd Enum M593-roll 1050 P.O. New York City page 580b, sheet 14, image 14, Dec. 19 17 East 37th St. |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State Onondaga County =================== Pompey M593-roll 1061 P.O. Fayettville page 588a, sheet 29, image 29, July 23 257-260 William Van Riper-44-M-W-cooper-$250-b.N.Y.. Zilphia Van Riper-40-F-W-keeps house-N.Y.. Eliza Van Riper-18-F-W-teaches school-b.N.Y.. Laura Van Riper-16-F-W-b.N.Y.. ——————————————- Lafayette M593-roll P.O. Cardiff page 303a, sheet 37, image 37, June 20 343-343 |
1870 Van Riper New York State Ontario County ==================== Gorham M593-roll 1065 P.O. Rushville, Yates County page 188b, sheet 21, image 21, July 28-29 179-186 Peter P. Fien-60-M-W-farmer-$10,000-$2,500-b.N.Y.. page 22 Rachael Fien-54-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y.. Janette Fien-20-F-W-b.N.Y.. John H. Van Riper-22-M-W-farmer-b.Mi. ===================== 10/27/2004 |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State Orange County =================== Wallkill M593-roll 1070 P.O. Middletown page 495b, sheet 6, image 6, July 16 40-41 Sarah McQuoia-68-F-W-keeps house-$1,100-b.N.Y.. John McQuoia-40-M-W-farmer-b.N.Y.. Robert E. McQuoia-34-M-W-farmer-b.N.Y.. Mary Jackson-19-F-W-b.N.Y.. Jane Bounty-17-F-B-servant-b.N.Y.. Henry Van Riper-56-M-W-farm laborer-b.N.Y.. =================================== 10/27/2004 |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State Richmond County Staten Island =================== Middletown M593-roll 1086 P.O. New Dorp page 168a, sheet 99, image 99, June 13 635-844 Henry Van Riper-38-M-W-Commision grocer-b.N.Y.. Mary Van Riper-36-F-W-b.N.Y.. Louisa Van Riper-18-F-W-b.N.Y.. Jeannette Van Riper-16-F-W-b.N.Y.. Lucy Van Riper-14-F-W-at school-b.N.Y.. Henry Van Riper-11-M-W-at school-b.N.Y.. Clara Van Riper-8-F-W-at school-b.N.Y.. ========================= 10/28/2004 |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State Wayne =================== Wolcott M593-roll 1113 P.O. Red Creek page 590b, sheet 40, image 40, June 30 310-320 Henry Shaft-87-M-W-farmer-$800-b.N.Y.. Sarah Shaft-88-F-W-b.Conn. Harriet Shaft-35-F-W-keeps house-cannot read or write-b.N.Y.. Philip Van Riper-28-M-W-cannot read or write-b.N.Y.. Edwin Shaft-18-M-W-farmhand-cannot read or write-b.N.Y.. ————————————————— 11/4/2004 |
1870 VAN RIPER New York State Westchester County =================== Morrisania M593-roll 1117 P.O. Morrisania, page 287a, sheet 227, image 470,June 30 1475-1887 (two family house) Chas Van Riper-29-M-W-hardware-b.N.Y.. Augusta Van Riper-18-F-W-.keeps house-b.N.Y.. Emily Van Riper-1-F-W-b.N.Y.. ———————————————————– 1475-1888 Josiah Van Riper-25-M-W-works in store-b.N.Y.. Annie Van Riper-23-F-W-keeps house b.England Elizabeth Van Riper-2-F-W-b.N.Y.. ================================= 11/5/2004 |
1870 Van Riper New York State Yates County ==================== Italy P.O. Italy Hill M593-roll page 444a, sheet 19, image 19, July 2 160-165 James E. Van Riper-22-M-W-farm laborer-$300-married July-b.N.Y.. Francina M. Van Riper-20-F-W-keeps house-married July-b.N.Y.. Henry Van Riper-3mths.-M-W-b.April N.Y.. ————————————————— Italy M593-roll 1120 P.O. Italy Hill page 445b, sheet 22, image 22, July 5 187-195 |
1870 Van Riper Oregon Douglas County ===================== Calapooia M593-roll 1285 P.O. Oakland page 300a , sheet 1, image 1, Aug. 5 6-6 G. B. Van Riper-42-M-W-farmer-$4.000-$1,242-b.N.Y.. Sarah Van Riper-36-F-W-keeps house-b.Illinois Ann Van Riper-14-F-W-at school-b.Oregon Sarah Van Riper-10-F-W-b.Oregon Garrett Van Riper-7-M-W-b.Oregon Ida Van Riper-3-F-W-b.Oregon George Farm-17-M-W-b.California ———————————————————————————- 11/8/2004 |
1880 VAN RIPER CALIFORNIA ———————- Shasta County district 87, Shasta page 17b, sheet 33, image 34, June 18 374-380 Joseph Frutas-45-M-W-miner-single-b-Portugal-Fa.b.Portugal-Mo.b.Portugal Wm. E. Van Riper-64-M-W-miner-b.NY..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y.. widower- unimployed six months this year-disabled Anna Dobelon-F-W-55-farming-widow-b.Germany-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany John Dobelon-25-M-W-son-single-miner-b.Cal..-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germany Caroline Dobelon-19-F-W-daughter-single-keeps house-b.Cal..-Fa.b.Germ..-Mo.b.Germ.. Mary Dobelon-16-F-W-daughter-at school-b.Cal..-Fa.b.Germany-Mo.b.Germ.. ============================= Fa.-father Mo.-mother 11/14/2004 |
1880 Van Riper Colorado ================ Boulder County T9-roll 89 District 25, Boulder Page 515b, sheet 30, image 30, June 11 12-12 Cornelius Van Riper-59-M-W-R.R.agent-b.N.J..-Fa. b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.. Susan A. Van Riper-60-F-W-keeps house-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y.. ——————————————— Custer County T9-roll District: 28, Silver Cliff page 271a, sheet 37, image 37, June 18 4—————–Grape Creek |
1880 VAN RIPER Connecticut New Haven County ================= district 65, Derby T9-roll 104 page 99d, sheet 4, image 4, June 1 28-34 Louisa Van Riper-48-F-W-widow-keeps house-b.England-Fa.b.England-Mo.b.England Attea L. Van Riper-17-F-W-clerk-daughter-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.. Edwin Van Riper-15-M-W-son-office boy-single-b.N.J..-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.. Charles Van Riper-7-M-W-office boy-b.Connecticut-Fa.b.N.J..-Mo.b.N.J.. Nelley Dent-20-F-W-niece-clock shop-single-b.Eng..-Fa.b.Eng..-Mo.b.Eng.. ============================ 11/23/2004 |
1880 Van Riper Georgia Crawford County =============== district 46, Tabors T9-roll 142 page 672b, sheet 6, image 6, June 14 39-39 D. W. Van Riper-54-M-W-artist-b.N.Y..-Fa. N.Y..-Mo.b. N.Y.. Mary Van Riper-55-F.W-wife-keeps house-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b. N.Y.. William W. Van Riper-32-M-W-son-farmer-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y.. George M. Van Riper-25-M-W-son-farmer-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y.. Charles E. Van Riper-22-M-W-son-farmer-single-b.N.Y..-Fa.b.N.Y..-Mo.b.N.Y.. =========================================================== 11/23/2004 |
1880 (Some Van Riper combinations) VAN RIPER-VAN REIPER-VAN RYPER-VAN REYPEN- VAN REYPER-VAN REIPEN (all Van Riper) New Jersey Hudson County ===================== 292-471 (two family house) 86-125 |
1880 Van Riper Federal Census TEXAS ======================= Bexar Precinct 2 T9-1291 district 19 page 250c, sheet 3, image 3, June 2-3 19-21 26-28 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Arkansas ============================== Hempstead County Ozan T623-roll 60 district 50 page 269a, sheet 9, image 17, June 18 161-161 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Connecticut =========================== Fairfield County Buthel T623-roll 131 district 2 page 28a, sheet 20, image 40, June 12 Elizabeth Street 439-510 10-12 75-90 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Georgia =================================== Sumter County Americus , ward 3 789 G.M.(Georgia Malitia) T623-roll 221 district 64 page 180b, sheet 11, image 20, June 6 803 (can’t read street name) 192-212 151-763 |
1900 Van Riper Federal Census Kentucky ======================== Jefferson County Louisville, ward 5 6th Magesterial District page 169b, sheet 3, image 6, June 4 104 South Side East — Street 33-59 |
1900 Van Riper Federal Census Louisiana =================== Richland County Delhi, ward 1 district 97 page 129b-sheet 3, image 6- June 5 67-67 |
1900 Van Riper Federal Census Massachusetts ====================== Hampshire County North Hampton district 1991 page 65a, sheet 7, image 13, June 11-12 North Hampton Insane Hospital Hospital Hill, West Street 1-1 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ======================================= Gratiot County Saint Louis City, ward 4 T623-roll 713 district 58 page 243b, sheet 19, image 35, June 27 Fynell Street 436-443 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ======================================= Houghton County Franklin Township T623-roll 714 district 181 page 50a, sheet 50, image 98, June 3 802-847 672-715 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ======================================= Kent County Grand Rapids Township T623-roll 723 district 148 page 57a, sheet 4, image Soldiers Home Adrian Van Riper-73-M-W-inmate-farm laborer-widow- |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ======================================= Livingston County Handy Township Fowlerville T623-roll 726 district 69 page 87b, sheet 9, image 18, June 21 236-239 257-257 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ============================== Missaukee County Riverside Township T623-roll 732 district 117 page 257a, sheet 6a, image 11, June 6 112-114 170-170 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ======================================= Saginaw County ward 15, Saginaw City T623-roll 740 district 71 page 166a, sheet 8, image 15, June 7 1411 Fayette Street 160-164 19-19 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ======================================= Van Buren County Antwerp Township Lawton Villiage T623-roll 745 district 130 page 2b, sheet 2, image 4, June 4 58-61 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan ======================================= Wexford County Boon Township Harrietta T623-roll 755 district 117 page 104b, sheet 6, image 11, June 12 Campbell Avenue 111-112 |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Michigan Military ———————————————– T623-roll 1838 district 116 Company G, 10th Regiment, Infantry page 284b, sheet 11, image 10, June 7 Santa Cristina Barracks, Cuba Pvt. Charles Van Riper-19-M-W-Private-single- |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Minnesota —————————————————— Hennepin County Minneapolis City, ward 4 T623-roll 767 district 44 page 147a-b, sheet 6, image 11, June 6-7 1113 Hawstron(?) Avenue 94-141 |
Van Riper Federal Census 1900 Nebraska ======================== Gage County Blue Springs Village Roll T623-928 district 47 page127a, sheet 1, image 1, June 4 1st Street 12-12 90-123 |
From the book Biographical and Genealogical History of the City Of Newark and Essex County, New Jersey by Frederick W. Ricord 1898 EDWIN J. VAN REYPER, a florist of Belleville, was born June 18, 1859, in Jersey City, New Jersey, and is a son of John Van Horn and Margaret A. (Van Riper) Van Reyper. |
1900 VAN RIPER Federal Census Oklahoma ================================== Kay County Newkirk T623-roll 1338 district 95 page 137b, sheet 3, image 6, June 5 54-61 |
1900 Van Riper Federal Census ARIZONA ================ Cochisie County Whitewater District, precinct 19 Roll T623-45 district 7 page —,sheet 9, June 17,image 1 196-206 |
Van Riper 1894-95 New York State Seneca County Waterloo Villiage Business Directory —————————————- Miss Eliza J. Van Riper-b.1841-woolen weaver-bds. Swift near Williams St.. John D. Van Riper-b.1844-(wife, Margaret)-stone mason and Miss Mary A. Van Riper-woolen finisher- bds. Swift near Williams St.. Miss Nannie Van Riper–housework for her father John D.-Swift and Williams St.. Peter G. Van Riper-b.1824-(wife Catherine), carpenter and joiner- Miss Rose M. Van Riper-cloth finisher- Daughter of William H.- lives E.Main.. Sarah Ann Van Riper-widow of Henry -resident , owns home Inslee St. near R.R. Silvers Van Riper-b.1859-(wife Emma J.)-mechanic- owns home 70 Elisha St. Theodore Van Riper-b.1851-(wife Emma)-tinsmith, Main St.-owns home Fayette St.. William A. Van Riper-b1873-stone mason- bds. Swift near Williams St.. William H. Van Riper-b.1850-(wife Mary)-stationary engineer, lives E. Main facing woolen mills.. |
1910 Van Riper Federal Census Georgia =========================== Sumter County Americus City Roll T624-213 district 111 military district 789 page 232b, sheet 1, image 2, date April 20 16-17 146-153 |
1910 Van Riper Federal Census Idaho ================================= Latah County White Pine Roll T624-225 district 183 page 28b, sheet 11, image 14, May 11 201-206 302-308 —-141 |
VAN RIPER 1910 Federal Census IOWA =================================== Iowa State Butler County Bennezette Township Roll T624-394 District 74 page 37a, sheet 7, image 13, May 6 141-142 103-103 25-25 139-139 95-96 48-49 465-492 70-70 |
1910 Federal Census Van Riper Somerset County New Jersey ================ Somerset County Bernards Roll T624-907 District 108 page 149b, sheet 18, image 36, Eugene Van Riper-50-M-W-head-dealer Fruits & Vegtables-widow (of Emma L.) 113-122 |
1910 Van Riper Federal Sensus Sussex County New Jersey ————————————- Sussex Borough Roll T624-909 District185 page 255b, sheet 4, image 8, April 22 Unionville Avenue 75-99 (two family house) 124-166 |
1910 Van Riper Federal Sensus New Jersey UNION COUNTY =================== Westfield Township, Ward 1 Roll T624-911 district 116 page 206b, sheet 3, image 6, April 6 408 Prospect Street 60-62 |
1910 Van Riper Federal Census New Jersey UNION COUNTY =================== Westfield Township, Ward 1 Roll T624-911 district 116 page 206b, sheet 3, image 6, April 6 408 Prospect Street 60-62 |
![]() |
Yearbook of the Holland Society of New York: 1915.
Yearbook of the Holland Society of New Name: Abram Zeek Van Riper Name: William Knickerbocker Van Reypen Name: Alfred Jacob Van Riper Name: Anthony Bowden Van Riper Name: Arthur Ward Van Riper Name: Cornelius Van Riper Name: John Terhune Van Riper |
Yearbook of the Holland Society of New York: 1913.
Chapter: List of Members, 01 Feb 1913 Name: Cornelius Van Riper Yearbook of the Holland Society of New Chapter: List of Members, 01 Feb 1913 Name: John Terhune Van Riper Yearbook of the Holland Society of New Chapter: List of Members, 01 Feb 1913 Name: Julius Fernando Van Riper List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: William Knickerbocker Van Reypen List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: Abram Zeek Van Riper List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: Alfred Jacob Van Riper List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: Anthony Bowden Van Riper List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: Arthur Ward Van Riper List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: Cornelius Van Riper List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: John Terhune Van Riper List of Members, 01 Feb 1914 Name: Julius Fernando Van Riper |
Winfields’History of Hudson County N.J.’ continued – Part Five Sixth Generation -Van Riper Jurrie had ch.: Cornelius had ch.: Derick had ch.: Christophel had ch.: |
Winfields History of Hudson County Continued
Third Generation Gerrit (3) had ch; Jan (8) had ch: Harman (9) had ch; |
Winfields “History of Hudson County”-Continued-Part Three
Fourth Generation. Juriaen had ch.: Abraham < 14> had ch.: Cornelius had ch.: During the Revolutionary War he was an unyielding with the assurance that he would do the same as often Johannis had ch.: Aug. 31, 1837. Gerrebrand had ch.: 111. Garrett, b. Jan 27, 1754; 1V. Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1757. Christophel had ch.: |
Winfields ‘History of Hudson County,NJ’ -Continued-part four
Fifth Generation-Van Riper Garret had ch.: Alexander had h. : Jurrie had ch.: |
Winfield’s ‘History of Hudson County,N.J.’ continued-part six
Seventh Generation-Van Riper (7th of 8) Garret J. had ch.: Daniel had ch.: Garret C. had ch.: Cornelius C. had ch.: Michael had ch.: Daniel R. had ch.: Cornelius R. had ch.: Thomas had ch.: Benjamin had ch.: 12/02/2000 |
Winfield’s ‘History of Hudson County,N.J.’ continued part 7 Eighth Generation -Van Riper (8 of 8) Garret D. had ch.: Henry G. had ch.: Cornelius had ch.: John V. H. had ch.: Jasper had ch.: Richard had ch.: Richard had ch.: Adrian had ch.: Richard C. had ch. : This concludes the Van Riper genealogy section of Winfields book. |
WEB SITES of Interest
Bergen County Historical Society Another Bergen County(Chris Goff) Bergen County Genealogy Society Hudson County(Bob Murgittroyd) Essex County(Glenn Geisheimer) Rockland County,Genealogy Society,NY(Bruce A. Hamilton) Orange County NY(Jose Rivera Nieves) Passaic County Genealogy Society(Maryjane Proctor) Paterson Historic Commission Passaic Co. Historical Society (Annita Zalenski) Another Passaic County(Brianne Kelly-Bly) New York Pennsylvania Sussex County(Nancy Pascal) New Jersey New Jersey Vital Records Information New Jersey State Library New Jersey Crossroads of the Revolution Genealogy: New Jersey New Jersey Genealogy Service New Jersey Local Town Names New England Archivists New England Historic Geneology Club Library of Congress Home Page Dutch Door Genealogy The New Jersey Homepage of the American Local |
WAYNE COUNTY-Brownstone P.O. Brownstone page 920-sheet 88-image 2 749-709 Adrian Van Riper-49-M-W-farmer-$3000.-$890-b.NJ Nicholas W. Van Riper-42-M-W-farmer-$6300-$1600.-b.NY Henry Van Riper-42-M-W-farmer-$4800-$1200-b.NJ P.O.Dearbornville Martin Vrooman?-54-M-W-master carpenter-$1800.-$400,-b.NY CASS COUNTY.,La Grange Twp., June 5,page 230,sheet20,image20 Geo. Van Riper-23-M-W-manufacture-$500.-$150.-b.N.J. Abram Van Riper-73-M-W-$5000.-$2000.-b.NJ Tunis Van Riper-31-M-W-farmer-$2000.-$300.-b.NJ Chas. Van Riper-35-M-W-manufacturer-$5000.-$500.-b.NJ John A. Van Riper-48-M-W-manufacturer-$10,000.-$1000.-bNJ J.J. Van Riper-22-M-W-manufacturer-b.NY BERRIEN COUNTY,Benton Twp.,P.O. Millburgh Aug 20, page 231,image 22 John Van Riper-70-M-W-carpenter-b.N.J. GENESEE COUNTY,Town of Argentine,P.O. Argentine. July 27,page 370,image20 Myron Van Riper-26-M-W-carpenter-$200.-b.NY June 12,page 244,sheet 48,image 20 Reform School June 12,page 581-sheet 7, image 8 Jasper Van Riper-25-M-W-Miner-b.Ireland June 14,page 379-sheet 31,image 31 Wm. Wells?-45-M-W-farmer-$200-b.NY June 7,page 593,sheet 121- image 12 John Van Riper-33-M-W-farmer-$3000.-$800.-NY July 10,page 134,sheet 134, image John J. Van Riper-46-M-W-farmer-$9000.-$1275.-b.NY July 13,page 159,sheet 158,image 21 Robert Jones-40-M-W-farmer-$6000.-$520.-b.England July 18,page 881,sheet 199,image 14 Jeremiah Van Riper-32-M-W-farmer-2400.-$800.-b.NY. Andrew J. Van Riper-55-M-W-farmer-$6000.-$1000.-b.NJ. Aug.29,page 1025,sheet 163,image 7 Garret B.Van Riper-39-M-W-farmer-$4000.-$600-b.NJ. Aug. 29-page 451- sheet 159-image 36 Andrew Van Riper-28-M-W-clerk-b.NY. J. (James) M. Van Riper-34-M-W-Hardware Merchant-$1000.- b.NY. July 23,p760-sheet 158-image 22 H. (Harman) Van Riper-55-M-W-farmer-$900.-$300.-b.NJ. July 14,p126-image 10 Jonathan Thomas-27-M-W-farmer-$5000.-$700.-b.NY |
Washington Twp, P.O. Hohokus M653-roll 683 ———————————————————– Washington Twp, P.O. Hohokus p667, sheet 7, image 365, July 5 41-57 44-54 75-90 216-251 233-270 233-271 (two family house) 236-275 (two family house) 244-284 244-285 (two family house) ———————————————————- 222-258 350-412 385-446 385-447 (Two family house) 388-450 393-455 413-476 |
VAN RIPERS BURIED AT CEDAR LAWN CEMETERY PATERSON, NEW JERSEY Part 2 Section 5 36. 37. 38. 39. 46. 47. 51. |
VAN RIPER 1900 Federal Census NEW YORK STATE Kings County New York City ========================================= New York City BROOKLYN,Ward 7 T623-roll 1046 district 75 page 133a, sheet 1, image 1, June 1 475 Dekalb Avenue 7-11 (two family house) 127-198 103-233 16-91 17-92 (apartment bld.) 138-412 5-8 199-403 (three family house) 69-153 (apartment house) 138-230 90-227 (five family house) 101-243 (four family house) 30-52 75-106 172-316 (two family house) 168-256 86-483 (three family house) 77-148 (7 family apartment) 159-353 (two family house) 1-1 26-27 9-9 (apartment building) 160-193 166-199 219-261 |
VAN RIPER 1850 Federal; Census Manchester,Passaic Co. NJ. (Totowa,Haledon,North Haledon, Prospect Park,Hawthorne, all on the North side of the Passaic River)) Aug. 21-page 378b-image514 103-144 Aug. 22- page 389b-390a-image 536-537 231-337 296-413 333-459 382-518 4/6/2004 $100,000 in 1850 would be equal to $2,077,725.25 today. |
VAN RIPER-The Aquackanonk Reformed Church,Passaic,NJ-G
GARRET (GERRIT,GERRET) 56.585-p.28-Gerrit Van Rype-w,Hellena Post-c,Marytje-b.July 8,1755. JURRIE-(Jurry-George) 77.1805-p.83-Jurry V. Rypen-w,Antje Vreland-c,Simeon-b.Dec.2,1789 |
VAN RIPER-The Acquackanonk Reformed Church, Passaic,NJ
Caspar (Casparus) Christopher (Christophel,Christoffel) Cornelius Sp:none listed. Sp:Jurrie Van Riper,Marretje Vreland. |
VAN RIPER-The Acquackanonk Reformed Church Births (Passaic and Clifton NJ,areas). VAN RIPER,VAN REYPER,VAN RYPEN,VAN RYPER Abraham-wife,Elizabeth Van Rype-child,John- born. Apr. 6,1753. Adrian-w,Rachel Koejeman-c,Cornelius-b.Oct.27,1765. Anthony(Tunis)-w,——c,Sara-b.Nov.30,1749. |
VAN RIPER-The Acquackanonk Reformed Church (Births only unless noted otherwise) (Passaic and Clifton NJ,areas). VAN RIPER,VAN REYPER,VAN RYPEN,VAN RYPER 9.848-p.40-Adriaan Van Rypen-w,Rachel Koejeman-c,Cornelius-b.Oct.27,1765. Anthony(Tunis)-w,——c,Sara-b.Nov.30,1749. ——————————————————- |
VAN RIPER-Richard Van Riper-of Preakness,Wayne,NJ- as mentioned in Vol 160-1938-page 42-#159121-DAR and entered on the list Oct. 5,2000… FROM ” The History of Preakness Church”. The first Derrick or Dirk (Richard) Van Riper,or Van Reypen,was born 1. Uriah, b. March 26, 1763; d. June 10, 1840 ; m. Febuary 12, 1786, VAN RIPER-Daniel Van Reypen (Ripen)-of Bergen (Jersey City),NJ FROM-” The History of Jersey City”by Charles Winfield. Daniel ,2nd child of (Cornelius,7th child of Gerrit, 2nd child of Juriaen Daniel and Elizabeth Terhune had children: 1. Catlyntje, b. Sept. 2, 1762; m. Garret Van Ripen, May 2, 1779; d. Nov.14, Jan. 20, 1787; 2nd, Vrouwtje, daughter of Garrebrant |
VAN RIPER-Paterson,Passaic County,New Jersey, 1870 Census from microfilm. Micro copy #593-Roll 885 1st Ward-Page34-(179-323) page #282-NJ30324256 Van Riper,THOMAS-W-56yr-Retail Grocer–b. N.J.-$2000-$400-(*N.Main St.) Van Riper, Mary—-W-56yr—-b.N.J. Van Riper, Ellen—–W-18yr-at home-b.N.J. Van Riper,Garret—-W-17yr-clerk in store-b.N.J. 1st Ward-Page38-(195-357) page #284 1st Ward-Page45-(227-410) page#288 1st Ward-Page-50-(254-467) page #290 1st Ward-Page-57-(297-533) page#294 1st Ward-Page 69-(363-645) page#300 ———————————————— 3rd Ward-Page 26 (141-226) page#358 3rd. Ward Page 62 (345-531) page#376 3rd Ward Page 67 (379-590) page#379 3rd Ward Page 90 (535-786) page#390 3rd Ward Page 93 (558-810) page#392 3rd Ward- Page 93-(550-808) page#392 3rd Ward- Page 93 (552-811) page#392 3rd Ward-Page110 (664-934) page#400 4rth Ward-Page 9 (55-63) page#406 4rth Ward-Page12 (79-83) page#407 4rth Ward-Page 18 (113-121) page#410 4rth Ward-Page 49 (305-401) page#426 4rth Ward-Page 58 (355-482) page#430 5th Ward-Page 97 (491-827) page#497 5th Ward-Page 105 (541-885) page#501 5th Ward-Page112 (591-950) page#504 5th Ward-page 133 (701-1116) page#515 5th Ward-Page-144- (761-1226) page#520 5th Ward-Page-161-(857-1376) page#529 8th Ward-Page 24-(106-210) page#644 ————————————————————————– (173-229)-173 dwelling houses numbered in order of visitation. |
VAN RIPER-Paterson,New Jersey, 1870 Census from microfilm.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ———————————————— 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. McCleese,Cornelius-W-32yr-carpenter-b.N.J. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ————————————————————————– page-page # in Ward 10/13/2003 |
VAN RIPER-from the Daughters of the Revolution- Lineage Book.
———————————————————————————— From Ancestry.com—— Search Results Search Terms: RIPER (1), VAN (33), HARMON (1) Search Terms: RIPER (20), HARMON (513), VAN (5006) Database: Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.) Combined Matches: 3 The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 29 page 80 Mrs. Sarah Frederick Cadoo. DAR ID Number: 28218 Born in New York, N. Y. Wife of Alexander Cadoo. Descendant of Sergt. Harmon Van Riper, of New Jersey. Daughter of Peter J. Frederick and Mary Van Riper, his wife. Granddaughter of Jacob Van Riper and Elizabeth Van Droff, his wife. Jacobusse, his wife. Harmon Van Riper, (1761-1845), entered the army at sixteen, served several enlistments under different commands; was in the battles of Monmouth, Connecticut Farms and Springfield. He was placed on the pension roll of Essex county, 1831, for service of corporal and sergeant in the New Jersey militia. He died in Fairfield, N. J. ———————————————– The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Harmon Van Riper, (1761-1845), entered the army at sixteen; served |
Van Riper-English Neighborhood Reformed Church Cemetery Burial Records 1779-1985 N.J. State Society NSDAR page 119-Abraham Van Riper-d. Jan. 8,1882-38 yrs. page 120-Annie A. Van Riper-d. Sept. 28,1910-56 yrs. Grace D. Van Riper-d. July 19,1920-67 yrs. Eugene S. Van Riper-d.Sept. 24,1932-58 yrs. |
VAN RIPER-DAR of the American Revolution
Volume 160 -page 42-1938-159121 Miss Anna Louisa Roat Richard Van Riper (1734-1807) commanded a company of New Jersey Volume 130 -page 2-1933-129005 Mrs. Fanny Garretson Van Reypen Shepard 1. Henry G. Van Reypen (1823-60) m. 1846 Sarah Van Buskirk (1826-1908). Daniel Van Reypen (1736-1818) served as lieutenant in the New Jersey |
VAN RIPER-Aquackanonck Reformed Church ,Passaic,NJ – D
DIRCK (Richard) 47.676-p32 -Dirrick Van Rype-w,Claasje Vreeland-c,Pietertje-b.Nov.16,1758. 55.-name entered so far. |
VAN RIPER-Acquackanonk Church,Passaic,and Clifton N.J.,area. Alpahbet Male names so far-a-(no b)-c-d-(no e or f)- g-h. The name Acquackanonk has been spelled 19 different ways in the past. 95-545-p.26 Isaac Van Rype-wife,Catrina Van Rype-child,Harme-born June 17,1754. — |
VAN RIPER-1962 Paterson ,NJ,City Directory
Anna D.-widow of William B.-(h Was 712 E. 27th St.) |
VAN RIPER-1960 Paterson ,NJ,City Directory
Anna-widow of William B-home 712 E. 27th St. 12/10/2000 |
VAN RIPER-1954 Paterson ,NJ, city directory
Albert S.,Jr.-mech. 95 16th Ave.-home 301 Market St. |
VAN RIPER-1944 Paterson, NJ city directory
Alfred S.,Jr. (Margaret M.) auto mech.-home 301 Market St. |
VAN RIPER-1939 Paterson ,NJ,city directory
A.Harvey,Jr.-Vic. pres.-supt.,J.C. Atkinson Inc.,460 Totowa Ave.- 12/17/2000 |
Van Riper-1938 Paterson,NJ,city directory
A.Harvey,Jr.-v. pres. and supt.,J.C. Atkinson Inc.460 Totowa Ave.- 12/14/2000 |
Van Riper-1937 Paterson city directory
A.H.,Jr.-pres. supt.,J.C. Akinson Inc. 460 Totowa Ave.- 12/14/2000 |
VAN RIPER-1936 Paterson ,NJ city directory
A.H.,Jr.*-vice pres. and supt. J.C. Atkinson Inc. 460 Totowa Ave.- 01/20/2001 |
VAN RIPER-1935 Paterson ,NJ city directory
A.H.,Jr.-vice pres. and supt. J.C. Atkinson Inc. 460 Totowa Ave.- |
VAN RIPER-1934 Paterson,NJ,city directory
A.H.,Jr.-pres. & supt. J.C. Atkinson Inc.,460 Totowa Ave. |
HAWTHORNE,NJ,Passaic County George W.-Moved to Midland Park HALEDON,NJ,Passaic County. Andrew-mayor, Borough of Haledon,16 Kossuth St.-home 14 Kossuth St. PROSPECT PARK,NJ,Passaic County. Richard-clerk,NY-home 204 Haledon Ave.(lived in same building MIDLAND PARK,NJ,Bergen County George W.(Katherine)-home 182 Godwin Ave. GLEN ROCK,NJ,Bergen County. Clare M.-widow of George S.-home 108 Rock Rd. RIDGEWOOD,NJ,Bergen County Charles C.(M. Lousie)carpenter- died Feb. 6,1932- FAIR LAWN,NJ,Bergen County. E. Harold (Adele A.)-com. artist-home 2 Katherine Ave. Jan. 16,2001 |
VAN RIPER-1933 Paterson,NJ,city directory
A.H.,Jr.-supt. J.C. Ackinson Inc.,460 Totowa Ave. |
VAN RIPER-1932 Paterson,NJ,city directory
A.H.,Jr.-supt. J.C. Ackinson Inc.,460 Totowa Ave. |
VAN RIPER-1928 Paterson,NJ,city directory
Abraham Z.-clerk-home 174 17th Ave. 12/13/2000 |
VAN RIPER-1927 Paterson,NJ,city directory
Abraham Z.-clerk-home 174 17th Ave. 01/17/2001 |
VAN RIPER-1927 Passaic ,NJ,city directory
A. Ward*-physician,hours Monday,Wednesday,Friday 1 to 2:30pm,evenings 7to 8pm. |
VAN RIPER-1925 Paterson,NJ city dir.
Abram Z.-reporter (308) 175 Market St.-home 47 17th Ave. |
VAN RIPER-1922 Paterson,NJ,city directory
Abram Z.-reporter,R.G.Dunn & Co.-resides 630 E. 23rd St. |
VAN RIPER-1919 Paterson N.J.,city directory
Abram Z.-reporter R.G. Dun and Co.-beds 630 E. 23rd St. 12/10/2000 |
VAN RIPER-1918 Paterson City directory
Abraham-reporter,R.D. Dun and Co.-beds 630 E. 23rd St. 12/10/2000 |
VAN RIPER-1917 Paterson ,NJ,city directory
Abraham-beds 394 E. 30th St. 01/04/2001 |
Van Riper-1916 Paterson,N.J.,city directory
Van Riper- |