VAN RIPER-1880-81 New York City city directory

VAN RIPER-1880-81 New York City city directory

Van Reyper
Daniel-express,90 William St.-home 22 Jewett Ave,Jersey City.
Van Riper
Benjamin-insp.,6 State St.-h N.J.
Bernard-clothing,445 W. 43rd St.-h 110 W. 43rd St.
Charles-actor-h 33 Crosby St.
Charles-hardware,Thierd Ave near 144th St.-
h College Ave near 145th St.
Christopher-engineer-h 220 E.56th St.
Cornelius-baker-h 114 Goerck St.
Eliza-widow of Adrianh 245 E. 61st St.
Jacob S.-police-h 30 Horatio St.
James H.-engineer-h 339 E. 120th St.
Jeramiah-builder-h 435 E. 85th St.
John G.-furniture,438 Canal St.-h N.J.
John W.T.-clerk-h 102 Greenwich Ave.
Peter E.-merchant, 5 Front St.-h N.J.
Peter H.-merchant 5 Front St.-h N.J.
P.H. & Co. merchants, 5 Front St.
Thomas D.-engineer- h 99 Perry St.
Romaine V.-furniture,436 Canal St.-h 226 W. 4th St.
Van Riper & Paulison,furniture,436 Canal St.
Van Ryper
Adrian-carpenter,59 Warren St.-h N.J.
Van Ryper and Hallick , carpenters ,59 Warren St.
Van Rypel
Charles -kasominer-h r (rear) 68 Grove St.
Cornelius Van Riper Van Roden-undertaker-h 115 E. 51st. St.
