GARRETT DANIEL VAN REIPEN was born in Bergen, now Jersey City, January 26, 1826. He comes of the old Dutch stock. When a boy, Mr. Van Reipen attended the old Columbia Academy of Bergen, and afterwards finished his education in a private school. Most of his early life was spent on the farm. In 1855 he engaged in the grocery trade. After following that business for three years he gave it up. In 1855 he was elected one of the first aldermen Hudson City ever had. He served one year. In 1856 he was elected mayor of that city, succeeding E. R. V. Wright, who was the first mayor. In 1863 Mr. Van Reipen was re-elected,and filled that position continuously until 1871. When Hudson City was annexed to Jersey City he was elected to the office of alderman, and was president of that body for two years. At the breaking out of the war Mr. Van Reipen was among the first who responded to President Lincoln’s call for volunteers in the three months’ service. He went out as a lieutenant and was made captain of Company A, Second Regiment, on the field. At the close of the war the regiment was reorganized as the Fourth Regiment, N. G., N.J., with Col. Hiram Van Buskirk in command, and Mr. Van Reipen was made reg-imental paymaster. In 1862 Gov. Olden appointed Mr. Van Reipen quartermaster at Camp Olden, located at Hudson City. He held that position until the end of hostilities. In 1868, when the Hudson City Savings Bank was incorporated, Mr. Van Reipen was elected treasurer of that institution, and in 1870 he was made president and treasurer and has presided in that capacity ever since, to the entire satisfaction of stockholders and others interested in the bank. Mr. Van Reipen has been a director in the Hudson County National Bank for a number of years. He is also a member of the American Institute and the Holland Society, of New York City. He is a trustee of the Hudson City Savings Bank,a member of the county board for equalization of taxes, He has filled almost every local position of honor and trust, and commands the universal respect of the entire community. Source: “History of Jersey City, N.J.” by Alexander McLean -1895 Jan. 26,2006 |