Van Riper House, Passaic, NJ 2/4

Part 2
From the William Winfield Scott scrapbook at the
Passaic County Historical Society-
Taken from the Passaic Daily News March 25,1924.

by William Winfield Scott, Passaic Historian.

FOR SALE AD. in 1757

“To be sold in Aquenouka upon
Passaick River, four miles from
Second River in The Eastern divis-
ion of New Jersey a plantation that
formerly belonged to Herman Zuri-
anse, deceased, containing 200 acres
of good land, 130 of which is cleared
and in good fence. (Note by the
writer-This was the land from the
river to Reid Avenue) and 70 acres
good wood land, scattered. There
is on said plantation a good stone
dwelling- house (the same now de-
stroyed.-Scott) 45 foot wide, two
stories high, with a kitchen adjoin-
ing to the same, brew house with
abrewing kettle that will hold six
barrels, and all the utensils belong-
ing to a brew house; also a large
barrack near it, and barns. The
house fronts the river where there
is a good landlng; orchard of 220
apple trees (extending from Spring
to High Street.-Scott.) and forty-
five young trees ready to be set out,
besides other small ones in the nurs-
ery. twenty-five peach trees and
thirty-nine pear trees, with five
acres of excellent mowing ground.
There are likewise two other lots
of woodland two miles from the
river, each containing forty acres
and another lot near them of seven
acres. All the lots have exceeding
fine growing timber upon them.
Enquire of Abraham and Jacob Van
Reipen executors, living upon the
premises, who will agree for the
same on reasonable terms, the title
being indisputable.”