Abram-49 N. Main St. Adrian-baker,112 Broadway-home 112 Broadway Anthony-farmer-Burhans Lane Carrie-widow of Forrest-resides 15 Straight St. Catharine-Widow of Abraham-h 48 Division St. Clarrisa-h 128 Divison St. Cornelius-carpenter-h 84 Eillis St. Cornelius-painter-h 12 1/2 Tyler St. Cornelius S.-(Van Riper & Van Gieson),physician-h 33 Fair St. Demarest-painter-h 16 Redwood Ave. Eliza-widow of Stephen-45 Arch St. Eiza A.-128 Divison St. Elizabeth-h 18 Warren’s Al Fannie-widow of Garret M.-h 387 Main St. Frank E.-baker-112 Boadway George E.-Boadway corner of E. 24th St. George I.-cigarmaker-h 40 Elm St. George P.-pres. Van Riper Mfg. Co.-h 143 Division St. Hartman V.-101 Broadway Hattie-242 Straight St. Helen-h 128 Division St. Hester A.-widow of Henry-h 394 Ellison St. Jacob-carpenter-h 30 Close St. John-h 144 Oliver St. John-boiler maker-h 276 Grand St. John-blacksmith-h 88 Essex St. John -crpenter-h Haledon Ave near N. 5th St. John G.-planer-h 62 Willis St. Lawrence A.-framemaker-h 101 Broadway Mortimer-beltmaker-h 28 Holsman St. Paul-lab.-h 252 W.26th St. Philip H. -grocer, 73 Broadway-h E 24th Corner Broadway Peter-Mason-h 332 Tyler St. Rebecca-widow of George-h 19 High St. Romaine-artist-h 128 Division St. Van Riper & Van Gieson(Cornelius S. Van Riper and Henry C. Van Gieson),druggists an physicians 81 Broadway Van Riper Mfg. Co., George P. Van Riper pres.,W.J. Atkinson sec., machinery ,13 Van Houten St. William-cutter-h 48 Division St.